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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Silvey said:
In his mind Jasper was laughing, however at how the boy had done the same mistake he had, but remained calm on the outside. "I'll just walk around and re-trace my steps, it's fine Danny, just get to class before you are late." Jasper said, before getting his map out and began to walk back towards the way he came. Once he looked up from the map, Jasper found himself lost again. "Well.....I can do great on tests, but navigation is CLEARLY not something I'm good at." He said, whispering to himself.
Taking off the several bags he was carrying and propping them up against the wall, Jasper tried to think about what to do. With some of the kids already heading to their classes or in them, it wasn't likely they would stop to help a lost stranger. Maria might, but he wasn't sure if she was nearby. The guy who Jasper had angered this morning would likely laugh and trick him into being more lost. The other people besides Danny seemed almost scared of him since this morning. It was a last resort, but the girl from before might help him if she really was undead as well. Seeing as he was desperate, Jasper chose to just yell for help, but stay near his stuff. "Hello! Anyone! HELP! Kinda lost....again..."

@Cryobionic @anyone
Rose looked around at the sound of a boy calling for help before her face lit up. "I can help." She said childishky to her self before she hovered into the air and launched for where the voice was coming from the butterflies quickly flying after her before she neared the boy a happy smile on her face. "I can help!" Rose shouted cheerfully as she stopped inches from him and just hovered there a happy smile on her face
Levvy was wandering aimlessly through the halls, arms stretched out wide. She was very late for her first year here, but she didn't seem to care. She giggled insanely as she traced steps across the floor. "If I bring the scientists back a body will they let me go? Can the body be dead?" she giggled madly. She bumped into someone and looked up with surprise.


(P.S I can't post to frequently every day because of school, but I should be able to most hours in afternoons, nights and mornings)
A small gasp of surprise left his lips as he was Danny stumbled forward slightly, managing to catch himself on the wall. Turning around to see who it was that had bumped into him this time, and half expecting to see the redhead again, the changeling was quite surprised to see a rather skinny looking person, white haired and with a look in her eye that made him want to take another step back.

"T-Terribly sorry," He stammered, his hands reaching up to tangle themselves in his scarf, "I musn't have been paying attention. I can be qui-"

His sentence was cut off as Danny noticed the many stitches thread through the girls skin. Over her neck and hands, even some on her ashen face, making the changeling briefly run his fingers over his own face, as his overactive imagination made him think of how painful that must have been.

Levvy laughed. "Ahaha! Clumsy me! Forgive me," she laughed madly, in a childish and playful voice that at the same time struck fear into hearts. She watched with content as fear reflected in his eyes. She watched as his eyes traced her stitches, touching his face to make sure there weren't any on his own. Levvy grinned. "Want some?" she said, then leapt forward with agility and stuck a pin before his skin. It was as if she was about to stitch him, when she pulled away. "But you'd feel the pain, wouldn't you? Oh well," she said, almost sadly, because she'd missed her moment of fun.

The girl was obviously completely mental, Danny decided as he tried to collect himself from the scare induced by her sporadic behavior. When she had shoved the needle, which she had procured from nowhere making the changeling feel even more wary, in his face, Danny had been quite ready to flee. Only the fact that he had been frozen in absolute shock had prohibited him from actually doing so.

Danny reached up, his fingers shaking slightly, and hurriedly pulled his scarf up over his nose just in case the girl suddenly decided to actually push the needle through his skin, while trying to think of an acceptable excuse for leaving. Which was quite hard to do considering he didn't even know where he was in the first place.

Levvy could see he was trying to leave. She waved her hands near his face. Her hands were pale and skinny... and had no pulse. "Don't go! That would be no fun! Can you show me where to go? I don't knooow..." she said. She clasped her hands around her face and grinned with mischief. But her asking of him to show her the way was genuine and true.

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"I... I should really go," He stammered out, gesturing stiffly at a random direction, nodding his head quickly up and down to wade off her hands, "R-Really important things to do, you see. Can't be late for them! Terribly important I'm not, y-you understand, and I-"

Danny cut himself off and sighed as he caught her request for help in the middle of his perfect excuse. Brilliant. Now there was no way he could just leave politely. For he couldn't very well just let her roam around the Academy all by herself, could he? The changeling paused to consider it. Before blinking, scolding himself internally for even having thought of something like that. Besides, if she started pulling out her needle again, he could always just flee.

Because that had worked wonderfully the first time, of course.

"I- I don't really know what direction we're s'posed to go," Danny admitted while reaching down into his book-bag to retrieve his new schedule, smoothing it out against his palm as he got it out, "But it says here that the first class 's biology, in classroom 8F." He held the paper up for her to see, his hands still trembling a little.

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"Let's go!" she said with energy, a little too much to be sane. She grabbed his collar tightly, before realizing it might be choking him. She laughed. "You feel pain? I forgot," she laughed. She brought her pale face close to his, eyes reflecting much more violence than her childish attitude. "Changeling... That's what you are, isn't it? Haha... You see, these eyes of mine..." she grinned with insanity, as she touched her eyelids with her fingers, "Aren't mine.." Then she snapped back out of it and laughed. She wasn't going to explain that it was because of the experiments and the fact she was a semi-artificial zombie.

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Danny yelped in surprise, her face suddenly way to close, and this time he didn't stop his mind for going to the most logical and instinctual reaction. The changeling smoothed out his scarf to occupy his hands, looking up at her from where he was now standing a good five feet away from her. A comfortable distance to be sure. She was still standing as she had been, leaning over where he had just been a few seconds prior, though he couldn't spot any obvious reaction from her pale face alone.

"A changeling, yes," He confirmed, tilting his head forward to make his light brown fringe hide the redness that had spread over his cheeks, "And this changeling doesn't like people invading his personal space, t-thank you very much." He had meant for his tone of voice to come across as aloof, to further get his point across, but to his disappointment, it came out as more of a pleading request.

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"Ahahaha, don't be so boring," she laughed. "So, where is this class? I don't even know, haha!" she said. So he was a changeling. That was new. The only creatures she'd ever known before now where failed experiments that came before her. And they were just dead corpses.

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"I told you I don't know," Danny sighed, walking over to her again, but being sure to keep out of arms reach this time. He brought up the schedule again, pointing at a particular spot, "It says that the class is in classroom 8F, but I have no idea where that is. I've been trying to find it, you understand, and I got quite lost." The teen placed the piece of paper back into his book-bag with a small huff.

"I'd recon it's close by though. And surely there's bound to be a map of the school grounds hung up somewhere, don't you think?"

"Let's go find it then! But don't get lost and die. It be a shame to have to eat somebody like you," she laughed. "Maybe I could trade your body for my freedom? But they always favored screams of agony.." Levvy picked at the stitches on her arms with a grin. "Let's go this way," she said as she began to walk left, motioning for the boy to follow her. Beneath her childish red eyes that gleamed with oddness lied violence, no morals, and a thirst for blood and flesh.

"I'm not about to die," Danny muttered, following after the girl with a perplexed expression plastered on his face, "I've survived this long. No reason to resort to cannibalism, really!" He half joked, managing to give a weak laugh, but a laugh none the less. He decided not to ask about her second comment, figuring some things he was better off not knowing about. Besides, he wasn't really sure he would want know anyway.

"Do you by any chance have any idea where we're going?" He asked instead, hurrying to keep up with her, his fingers curling themselves around the shoulder strap of his bag, his green eyes glancing up at the girl every few seconds to make sure she wasn't planning on stabbing him with her needle, "Because it would be terribly inconvenient for both of us if we got ourselves lost, I think."

Levvy stopped, and slowly turned around, a grin on her face. "I have no idea!" she exclaimed. "Would be inconvenient, wouldn't it, huh?" She tapped her chin and thought about it, then smiled her usual not so sane smile again. They reached an intersection between hallways. "Left or right?" she said, as if it was a sickly game.

Danny hummed under his breath, looking first in one direction, which only contained another hallway stretching out to the left of them, a rows of large windows placed adjacent to each other all the way down the hall. Then he looked right, only to see that the corridor on that side looked almost identical to the other one. A small frown formed on his brow as he thought about it, before finally lifting his hand to point down the left corridor.

"It doesn't really matter, does it?" He shrugged, glancing up at her again, "There would be a fifty-fifty chance of us going the wrong way regardless of which path we choose. And by the way," He paused, biting the inside of his cheek to try and fend off the awkwardness of his question, "What's your name?"

Levvy laughed. "I am Levvy Black, underling of the Scientists! Haha, who are you, then?" she asked. But she already knew, her eyes could see through his name and species, though unfortunately not through his past and person.

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"Dantalion Frost," Danny repeated for what surely must have been the fifth time or so that day. It was rather funny, but he hadn't really thought about how many times he would be saying his name at the Academy. A small smile appeared on his lips at that, and he looked up to meet Levvy's crimson stare, "But I usually go by Danny. It's easier to pronounce and all that."
"Right! Ahaha," she laughed, then turned right. They continued to walk, or at least, Levvy skipped. Her eyes were pale red, with a childish and playful demeanor that suited her personality. Sure, she looked like a disturbing problem child on the outside. But the monster inside had no morals,no understanding, no emotion, and no mercy.

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When the strange girl suddenly appeared and said she would help, but her niceness almost made him sick. It wasn't that Jasper was usually hated by people, but few where just outright nice to him, and those who had been were his family. "S-sure, thanks. Do you know where the main office is? I meant to go there since my dad forgot to give me one before I left my house. I'm pretty much lost." He asked, explaining his situation. Jasper saw the butterflies and realized the reason why she must be so nice and positive might be because of her species. "U-um...what kind of creature are you?" He said, holding his hands over his mouth.

@Daniel reaver
Silvey said:
When the strange girl suddenly appeared and said she would help, but her niceness almost made him sick. It wasn't that Jasper was usually hated by people, but few where just outright nice to him, and those who had been were his family. "S-sure, thanks. Do you know where the main office is? I meant to go there since my dad forgot to give me one before I left my house. I'm pretty much lost." He asked, explaining his situation. Jasper saw the butterflies and realized the reason why she must be so nice and positive might be because of her species. "U-um...what kind of creature are you?" He said, holding his hands over his mouth.
@Daniel reaver
Rose gave him a puzzled look before knowing what he wanted to know and smiling happily at him as she floared there in front of him. "I'm a life fairy... See." She said as her wings fully materialized and she smiled happily at him before grabing his arm and pulling on it a little before letting go. And starting to fly for the main office like he wanted
Kefira's head swivelled as she tried to filter out the direction of footsteps. With so many students, it was difficult to tell. She was following the largest amount after she heard they were going to the same place she was. However, not wanting to answer questions that dealt with her following them, she stayed well out of sight. A rancid smell hit her nose, causing her to reel backwards. "What the hell? It smells like something died and was left in the sun for a few weeks." She muttered to herself, putting her arm over her nose to shield it. She began walking again. She was forced to stop as she bumped into someone yet again. She looked around a little before she saw a smaller boy and a white haired girl.

The boy seemed familiar but the girl... Kefira knew that if they had met before, she would have remembered. "Oh, uh... sorry about that." She apologised quickly, tearing her gaze away from the female. The boy was a couple inches shorter than her, making her have to look down slightly. The redhead was used to being one of the shortest people, so it was a nice change.

@Cryobionic @kurol
More people were beginning to show up, to which Danny gave a small, private sigh of relief. If he was being honest with himself he had feared he and the Levvy girl had been heading in the completely wrong direction, and he had started to feel rather uncomfortable being alone with the insane girl. With there now being people around, he let his shoulders fall slightly, the tension that had been building in them slowly ebbing away, his instinct to flee also draining little by little from him with each step closer to the others they got.

Well, that was until he felt something walk into his back, and the urge to run away started up again at once, like an angry, scared kitten scratching at the very edges of his subconscious, begging to be let out. A quick look over his shoulder fixed that right up, though, as he realized with some amusement that it was the very same girl who had bumped into him before, her hair still the same shocking red as he remembered.

"No worries!" He chirped happily, waving a hand back and forth to accentuate his words, "No harm done, really."

@KiKi Kitsune
Kefira's eyes narrowed slightly as she studied the male in front of her. When she noticed the scarf, she remembered where she had met him before. It was brief and she hadn't gotten his name or anything, but her question from back then popped back into her mind. "Why are you wearing such warm clothes?" It had piqued her curiosity enough for her to ask the question, which meant a fair bit. Kefira was quite warm and she had very light clothes. Even though her hoodie was a long sleeve, it was thin and did little to keep in heat.

Danny startled a little, slightly taken aback by the sudden boldness of her question. It wasn't that he minded by far, but he had sort of become accustomed to people giving their name before asking sudden questions about his being. Shrugging it off as the redhead simply being bold by nature, he went to answer her question as best he knew how. It wasn't anything fancy, really.

"Ah, well, you see..." He began, before trailing off awkwardly, not really know how to properly explain the situation. The changeling cleared his throat, and tried again with a little more confidence in his voice, "I'm not particularly used to this state of being," He told her, gesturing to himself as a whole, "I spent a good couple of years in another form all together, right, so I got sort of used to the having a slightly... um, higher body temperature, I believe it's called." Danny gave the redhead a small, wry smile, re-adjusting his scarf, "This form's temperature is lower, so I'm prone to chilling easily."

There was more truth behind that statement than Danny would have liked, and his cheeks reddened a little as he recalled what had happened when he had first changed back to his human form. It hadn't been pretty.

@KiKi Kitsune
Kefira nodded slowly. "That's like me then. Your other form, that is. I have a high temperature as well, even though I'm not sick." She suddenly clamped her mouth shut so hard her teeth made an audible sound. She realised she had been rambling. It was a bad habit that she needed to get out of. She had little restraint over those types of things. Especially considering the next things she was going to say if she hadn't shut herself up.

Wait... was the boy... He was slightly red in the face, Kefira noticed. He was blushing. Had he read her thoughts somehow? Impossible! Right? The school was filled with strange creatures, so she shouldn't be too surprised if one of them could read minds. Speaking of which, what was the boy's other form that he spoke about? Her curiosity got the better of her once again, allowing her to forget her previous worry. "So, what creature are you?" She leant slightly closer to him subconsciously, looking for any tell-tale signs or even if she could decipher it by scent.


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