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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Jasper was about to retort back, however stopped as an image of him killing everyone and everything he knew flashed in his mind for a moment. Just about to run and try to kill the guy, he managed to stop himself before he turned around. Simply sighing, Jasper heard a girl's voice say something in spanish, only to correct herself in english. "I'm Jasper Demitri." He responded to Maria's introduction, and then turned his head back to the guy. "I'd rather be a weakling who knows what he is, then strong and lose control of my own strength. Besides, the more powerful you are, the more you will lose in exchange for that power. I haven't lost this game were playing against anyone in my life, so at least make it fun for me." He remarked back, and then turned his attention to the two kids talking about something regarding the schedules.

"If you need one, most likely they will have yours at the main office. It kinda depends on school-to-school to be honest, but usually they keep the records of students." Jasper said, thinking he might be coming across as rude. It wasn't that he hated these people, but he tended to poke at whoever seemed the strongest since those are often the people who don't notice their own weakness. Walking down the hall a bit, he saw that it split into three directions, which he drew out on the map he had started from before using one of the pencils from his arm. It made the paper bloody, but blood didn't bother him much, considering his family often drank blood. "I was in a number of human schools before I died, so it's possible I'm more experienced then you guys at being new somewhere. Not saying I am, but that it's a possibility." He spoke up, raising his voice in case they couldn't hear him. @Daniel reaving @SenpaiMagnum @Cryobionic @Becauseroleplay
Ashley looked up towards the voice, but saw it was the weird guy who'd been sticking pencils in his arm earlier. She tried not to let her feelings show, as she was already a bit afraid of this guy, and nodded. "Umm thanks. That's a good idea."
Feeling a little discomfited at being overheard, Danny gave the taller boy what he hoped came across as a sheepish smile, scratching the tip of his ear nervously, "That's good I s'pose," He murmured, silently berating himself over the fact that his voice sounded so muffled and faint. After a second of contemplation, he reached up and tugged at his scarf, making the knitted material pull down, exposing the rest of his face. At any rate, it would make him more easy to understand.

He stole a glance down at the other teens arm, wondering if he should say anything about the blood that was pooling around the puncture wounds from the pencils previously shoved into his flesh, but decided against it. The guy was probably aware of it already. He hoped. Turning his green gaze back up at the boy's face, he gave him a nod, figuring he might as well explain his lack of knowledge, less he come across stupid. "I've never been in a school setting before, you understand. 'Ts all very... fresh."
Silvey said:
Jasper was about to retort back, however stopped as an image of him killing everyone and everything he knew flashed in his mind for a moment. Just about to run and try to kill the guy, he managed to stop himself before he turned around. Simply sighing, Jasper heard a girl's voice say something in spanish, only to correct herself in english. "I'm Jasper Demitri." He responded to Maria's introduction, and then turned his head back to the guy. "I'd rather be a weakling who knows what he is, then strong and lose control of my own strength. Besides, the more powerful you are, the more you will lose in exchange for that power. I haven't lost this game were playing against anyone in my life, so at least make it fun for me." He remarked back, and then turned his attention to the two kids talking about something regarding the schedules.
"If you need one, most likely they will have yours at the main office. It kinda depends on school-to-school to be honest, but usually they keep the records of students." Jasper said, thinking he might be coming across as rude. It wasn't that he hated these people, but he tended to poke at whoever seemed the strongest since those are often the people who don't notice their own weakness. Walking down the hall a bit, he saw that it split into three directions, which he drew out on the map he had started from before using one of the pencils from his arm. It made the paper bloody, but blood didn't bother him much, considering his family often drank blood. "I was in a number of human schools before I died, so it's possible I'm more experienced then you guys at being new somewhere. Not saying I am, but that it's a possibility." He spoke up, raising his voice in case they couldn't hear him. @Daniel reaving @SenpaiMagnum @Cryobionic @Becauseroleplay
Rivers face went a sinister cold as he glared at the boy and his words knowing he knew nothing about what River felt. "At least you where born normal, born with a family and some one that would love you.... You go try being born from nothing but darkness and fear then come talk to me about losing in exchange for power, I never lost anything because I was born with nothing but the power." He said rage in his voice before he practiacly turned into black smoke and dissapered altogether quickly appearing alone on the roof of the school a angered look on his face as he sat down there and stared up at the sky. "Jerk." Was all he said after a little bit of silence as the shadows around him danced from there casters in unatural ways but there was still a beauty to there movments as they moved around him
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Rose giggled more as more and more butter flues collected around her before she looked around then quickly floated to a sort of standing position and hovered there just over the ground her wings just dimly appearing from her back but not enough for any one to truly see at a glance. "Maybe I can go make new friends." She said happiky to the butterflies that followed her as she leaned forward with her arms reached behind her and out to the sides a little bit making her move forward quickly a happy look on her face as she flew heading to the court yard
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Maria saw what had happened and looked up at the boy, seeing him on the roof. "I never had a real family too...." She sighed and remembered the kind man that cared for her. He was a father to her but to have a family, a mother is needed, right?. Oh what did she now...she was an animal for the first few years of her life. She sighed and sat on a bench, her yellow eyes glancing up at the boy every once in a while. She sighed and leaned back, deciding to smell what he was. She could smell anger, loneliness and...darkness. All those smells reminded her of Mexico, especially at night..

@Daniel reaving
Deciding to take the dark haired teen's advice, Danny tightened the grip on his book bag, his fingers rubbing tightly against the rough material of the shoulder strap, before giving Ashley a small smile. "I'm going to go see if I can't find this main office. Procure myself a schedule, you know." He told her, giving her a nod before turning away to leave.

Only to stop three steps away, looking around in exasperation as he realized he had absolutely no idea where to go. A quick scan of the entrance hall showed him no map, and it was quickly getting much to crowded in here for his liking. Biting his lip, he began walking slowly over the floor, being careful not to bump into anyone on the way.

Danny's green eyes flew over the crowd again, his fingernails nearly digging themselves through the shoulder strap of his bag with anxiety. He could feel his shoulders begin to tense up, and he sternly told himself to stop acting such a fool. He was just about to head for the main doors, thinking some fresh air might help clear his head, when he spotted a rather tall girl, sitting completely by herself on a bench a little ways away from the crowds.

It seemed a better option than staying where he was at least. Plus, it was bone chillingly cold outside to boot.

"Excuse me," He called out when he got close enough for the girl to hear him, giving an awkward little wave as a greeting, "You wouldn't happen to know where the main offices are, would you?"

"Oh...sì señor. I mean, yes I do..I'm Maria.." She said softly, looking at him with bright yellow eyes. She stood up to almost 6feet and looked at him. "Who are you?" She asked, her nose catching his scent which made her mouth water a bit. She shook her head at that thought and gave a weak smile, not realising her teeth were sharpened.

"Maria," Danny repeated, letting the name roll off his tongue, in hopes that he would actually manage to remember it in the future. He cocked his head back to look at her, his cheeks reddening just a little when he realized the severe height difference between them. Deciding to just not think about it, he pulled his scarf down once more, giving the girl a small smile before reaching out his hand.

"Dantalion Frost," He told her, nodding his head agreeably for not particular reason, "Or just Danny. 'Ts easier to say, that is, I've come to find." The changeling shrugged his shoulders, feeling the tension that had been building up in them start to ebb away.
"I like Dantalion..." She said softly, shaking his hand gently. She let go and looked down at him. "You need to find the main office? Come with me" she said kindly, her spicy Mexican accent letting her seem cute in a way. Maria starting walk there, easy to see above the crowd. The people parted around her like water, wanting to give her space. She turned around and smiled at Dantalion. "Cmon chico!" She chuckled

Danny watched in wide-eyed amazement as the girl parted the crowds like a knife through butter, having seemingly no problems with getting through at all. His nose scrunched up in slight envy at the sight, as he remembered how hard it had been for him to even make his way to the Academy. He had nearly been shoved to the ground. Twice. The teen blinked as she called back for him, and soon hurried after her, his green eyes staring unabashedly at the people who appeared to move to the side as if out of some inbuilt reflex.

"Thanks," He murmured as he caught up to her, having to quicken his pace a little to keep up, "I really do 'preciate this. It's awfully kind of you and-" Danny cut himself off, tilting his head back to look up at her again, a sudden look of suspicious curiosity coming over his pale features, "Hey, what does 'chico' mean, anyway?"
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"It's Spanish for boy." She chuckled, continuing to walk but slowed her pace for him. She found him adorable in a way. Small things always seemed adorable to her, especially birds. "So, what are you? Sorry, if I'm being out right about that, it's just...umm...I've never been near another creature before.." She said softly, blushing a bit. She hoped he didn't find offence for that comment in any way. He was kinda like her first friend here, that actually talked to her without being clumsy or loud.

"Spanish?" Danny blinked confusedly, slowing his pace with an appreciative look, re-arranging his book bag to a more comfortable position before catching her question. The chewed on his lower lip for a second, not really sure how to go about explaining the concept of a changeling to her, before waving his hand with a smile.

"I'm a changeling. That just means I'm really an ordinary forest troll who got swapped for a human baby as a child. I don't remember it, though." Danny pursed his lips and thought a little more on the matter, feeling his explanation hardly sufficient enough, she was showing him to the main offices, after all. "Hm... I'm not really all that powerful in the magical sense, I don't think," He admitted, wringing his fingers together awkwardly, "I know that most of the people here could probably beat me into a bloody pulp with their hands tied behind their backs but..." The teen shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head a little as he decided to change his sentence at the last second, "I can make a mean mushroom stew. How about you?"
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"Oh...I don't think I would let anyone beat you to a pulp" she chuckled softly. "I'm the Chupacabra or El Diablo..." She said, then thought since he didn't really understand Spanish like she did she decided to explain a bit more. "I guess you could say I'm the Mexican monster that will kill your livestock and will occasionally attack a man.." She said, not knowing how to explain it in English. "so..any hobbies?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and looked down at him

"Chupa... Chu..." As his tongue continued to twist itself around the unfamiliar word, the tips of his pointed ears began to redden, not only at the fact that he had quite clearly failed at pronouncing the name of her species, but also at her exclamation to protect him. Which in all honesty made him feel quite uneasy. Danny shut his mouth with a snap, choosing to just nod in acknowledgement instead, before tugging his scarf up over his mouth to hide his growing embarrassment at the butchering of the word. "Mexican Monster," He finally said after a few seconds of tense silence, "Got it. I don't have any livestock, though, unfortunately. Or I don't have any anymore. Had some squirrels once, nasty little buggers they were, but good nut finders, though."

The changeling almost sighed with relief over her next question. It was such a normal thing to ask, and he didn't think he would have any problems conveying that his most treasured hobby was, "Sketching. I like to draw things. It's quite calming, in fact. Do you have any yourself?"
"Running, excersising, reading, painting, mostly doing things outside though" she said happily, remembering the days back in her home country. Persecuted, yes, but the food and the land was amazing. She sighed and shook her head, realising she was staring off into space. "Huh, sorry...so where do you come from? As you had already guessed, I'm from Mexico" she said lightly, smiling a bit.

"I like the outside too. When it's not so bloody cold, of course." Danny replied, his shoulders automatically lifting a little as they turned down a narrow hallway, passing a row of windows which were thankfully not open. He turned his head to look outside, watching as the chilly autumn wind rustled the dying leaves, pulling them off their respective trees and into a whirlwind of warm colors. A color that stood in an almost ironic contrast to the cold, in Danny's opinion.

"I'm from somewhere in England, I think," He told her after thinking over her last question for a while, "Truth be told, I'm not really sure. I'm just going on what people have said 'bout my accent, honestly." Which was true, and while he knew that his manner of speaking was slightly different from other people he had talked to, Maria specifically, he really didn't know where it had originated from in the first place.

"Is Mexico a nice place?" He asked rather hurriedly, not really wanting the attention of the conversation to linger on him for longer than necessary.
"Oh yes, always warm, sunny, and when it rains it's still warm and wonderful. It always smells of food too! Mmmm....torillas on the grill, enchiladas stuffed with cheese...oh I love Mexico...they just didn't love me back" she chuckled, accidentally feeding her other side with the words about food. She felt her teeth grow sharper and her eyes became darker but she held back. "Hmmm...you sound Scottish actually, not really British" she muttered, thinking about his accent. "If you like warmth I should take you to Mexico. It's warm there even in winter" she laughed, thinking about some gringos that stayed there and thought that for winter they should wear heavy clothing but instead they just sweat a lot.

"I don't know what half of the things you just say mean," Danny admitted with a sheepish smile, which was partially hidden behind his scarf, "But from the way you're speaking of it, it sounds like a brilliant place." The changeling let out a soft laugh, muffled and faint, but there. "As for my origins, I don't know. Frankly, I don't much care, what does it matter anyway. It's not like I'm about to-" The teen had turned his head to look at her again, and his green eyes widened as he noticed her face.

"Hey... are you all right?" Danny stopped walking, taking in the girls startling change of appearance with slight trepidation, his head tilting ever so slightly to the side in an hesitant hesitant display of curiosity.
"Him? No. I'm fine Chico..." She said with a slight growl, slapping a hand over her mouth. "Lo siento..sorry bout that.." She said softly, blushing a bit. She mentally slapped herself for thinking about food or anything like that....it only made the beast want to feed..Dammit. She softly cursed herself in Spanish, her mouth moving quickly as the words came out. She blushed after she had realised what she had said and shook her head. " sorry again...its just that..well..my other side starts to appear if I start talking or thinking about food or eating. It's something I gotta learn to control..." She chuckled, looking away nervously. "Also sorry if I'm being awkward..." She aPolonaises again. It seemed that by how she talked, apologising was something she had to be taught to do and that she had to apologise for everything. Her eyes grew darker and her pupils contracted into slits.

Light brown brows drew together in a frown of confusion as he stared at her, his arms automatically going up to tangle into the comforting warmth of his scarf. It was sort of difficult to make out anything the girl was saying clearly, her jumbled Spanish and English words shooting out of her mouth at a speed that could have brought his previously mentioned squirrels to shame.

The changeling waved a hand at her apology, shaking his head with a faint smile and opened his mouth to answer, when her eyes changed again. Danny's mouth snapped shut, and he instinctively took a quick step back, his fingers tightening around his scarf. "M-Maybe we should talk about something else, don't you think?"

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Levvy skipped up to the school, a slightly crazy grin on her face. She looked up at it once inside the gates. "Wow, so big!" she said, holding her hands up to her cheeks. She held her suitcase bag in one hand, the other picking at the stitches that marked her bottom lip. As she walked through the hallways, she noticed many people looking at her, with strange looks. She knew everyone here was different. Very different, not human. Levvy was a zombie. But she was also called the 'disturbing problem child'. Could these people detect that? She smiled ditsy, her smile wide and even psychotic in a way. It was unnatural and a little to bright to be normal. She saw many eyes staring at her stitches with looks of disapproval and disgust, even.
As i approach the school and get to the entrance i let out a small sigh. And think to myself why did mom make me come hear i would be better off staying with her and helping out the best i can instead of wasting time on school and socializing. After shaking the thought off i examine the sight before me and see a girl with stitches standing a few feet in front of me a boy sitting on top of the school and several others just inside the door. So deciding to not stand their all day like an idiot i walk past the girl in front of me which as i glanced back at her saw she had a grin on her face and wondered why she was happy to start school.And as i get to the front doors and go in i was shocked at how many kids where in the entrance hall so i go to pull my schedule out and see what my first class is.
"Why?" That's all could say as he watched the school come into view. "Got to school they said. You'll make friends they said. Why on earth would I want to be friends with these peasants?" He clenched his fists and approached the school, getting a better look at it. "They call this a school? They expect me to go hear? They expect me to like it?!" Annoyed, he punched a tree, causing it to fall down. The sound of it hitting the ground echoed through the air and into the school. After a few minuets of waiting, he sighed and walked in. "Well, I am representing the wealthy Cowie family. I will be treated like a king here...or I should."

Once he was inside, he realised it was worse then he thought. The hallways, to him, were so small. He had bigger hallways in his summer home! Parts of the walls had moss growing on it and the wallpaper was beginning to peal off. The floor boards creaked as he walked further inside. He passed a few classrooms.
"My bedroom is bigger then that poor excuse of a room." The desks were scattered around the room, not organized at all. Some weren't even straight. The chairs were this blue plastic and looked really uncomfortable. And the blinds were shut. "Did they shut it because of me? That's....unacceptable! Just because I'm part vampire? I can eat garlic. I can walk in the sun. Sure, it irritates me sometimes, but it could never kill me! This is discrimination!" Then he saw a gathering of. "Peasants." So far, this school made him want to burn it down.
Cryobionic said:
Light brown brows drew together in a frown of confusion as he stared at her, his arms automatically going up to tangle into the comforting warmth of his scarf. It was sort of difficult to make out anything the girl was saying clearly, her jumbled Spanish and English words shooting out of her mouth at a speed that could have brought his previously mentioned squirrels to shame.
The changeling waved a hand at her apology, shaking his head with a faint smile and opened his mouth to answer, when her eyes changed again. Danny's mouth snapped shut, and he instinctively took a quick step back, his fingers tightening around his scarf. "M-Maybe we should talk about something else, don't you think?"

Maria nodded and sighed. "Yeah...uh...the main office is to your left. You can't miss it. Big sign you see.....I should probably go..." She said softly, beginning to walk away from Danny. The crowd parted away from her again, almost as if it were that she was royalty, but it wasn't that. It was like sheep around a wolf or dog. They move around to not cause trouble, therefore, she didn't get into trouble.

Maria wasn't looking where she was walking and accidentally bumped into someone who looked new. "Sorry..." She said softly, looking at the boy. He looked...regal. Like he was higher up than everyone else. He also smelled different, human and monster. She tilted her head and eyed him up, her nostrils flaring at the scent. {He looks pretty tasty and weak..we can finish him off easily. Just let me out Maria...} the other side of her chuckled, wanting freedom. She shook her head a bit and looked down at the new guy. "Hey, I'm Maria.."

@Ethan Hart

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