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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Maria slowly walked to the school, her eyes darting around, catching onto every little feature. She tried to avoid the people around her, her nose catching their scents and almost driving her crazy. She tried covering her nose with her bright red scarf, muffling the loud smells that taunted her. Her mouth watered a bit but she shook her head, trying to ignore the lust of biting into the soft flesh, the taste of the bloo-.....she shouldn't think about that. It would only drive her mad. She sighed and turned around, hearing a weird noise but kept walking. She tripped and fell on her face, her nose bleeding.
Ashley sighed, waiting for Danny to come back. There were new people arriving all the time and she felt the familiar nervousness coming back. She looked down, fidgeting her fingers and trying to keep herself calm.

She heard a thump behind her, and swivelled round quickly. She was still on edge, and prepared herself for the worst. It took her a moment to realise what had caused the sound, and looked down to see a girl lying on the floor, her nose bleeding. She was still a bit nervous, but reasoned that she couldn't really harm her in this state, so she went over and crouched beside her. "Are you alright?"
"Sì chica...." She muttered. Maria looked up and saw the girl. Her scarf had fallen off her face and blood trailed down her face from her nose. "Soy Maria..." She said, her mind automatically switching to Spanish. A bit of blood entered her mouth but she reminded herself it was her own, don't eat anyone.
Ashley frowned. She didn't recognize the language the girl was speaking, but she had seemed to understand when Ashley had talked to her. She just hoped that the girl spoke English and just wasn't speaking in it for some reason. "Can... can you understand me?" There was a look on the girl's face that made her uneasy, it looked slightly animalistic. She tried to stay calm.
"Sì.. I mean, yes, I can.." She said softly, wincing. Her voice was sweet and soft, yet had a spicy Mexican accent. "I'm Maria...and you are?" She asked, getting up and standing at her full height off 5'11".
"I'm Ashley." She paused. "What were saying before? It sounded like another language but I don't really know that many. Well, any, to be honest. I know tree-speak and stuff but that's not really the same... " she broke off, realizing she was rambling a bit.
River just sighed a little as he stood there at the gates of the school and looked around a dark and sinister aura radiating off of him as he walked in the gates with his hands in his pockets every one there quickly moving out of his way at the feeling of the aura
Ashley looked up and shivered. She couldn't see anyone else enter the entrance hall but she felt a kind of foreboding, like something evil was approaching. She shook her head. It was probably nothing, she thought to herself.
"Oh....it was Spanish. I'm Mexican you see.." She chuckled, smelling and feeling another presence but not getting or feeling any aggression from them. They smelled different but she shrugged, although her mouth watered a bit. "So...what's your creature...or um..what are you.." She tried to fix her rudeness but she really was never good around people....unless it was taco night. She did loves some tacos...

Maria kinda felt slightly pulled towards the feeling of evil, being El Diablo, or otherwise known as the Chupacabra. Maybe the aura was just wanting to be left alone, hence the feeling....or maybe it was trying to act tough or something
Jasper turned to the sound of the voice, of which came from the male kid, although upon closer look the guy seemed older than his height would tell. "Most likely." Jasper answered, snatching the pencil and putting it back in his bag. He was about to ask why the kid would bother with helping out a stranger, however a strong dark feeling in his heart told him to run. It wasn't from his mind, which told him to run away many times, but from his human instincts. Although he moved to the side, Jasper had to grab the pencil back out and stab his arm to calm his body enough to stay where he was.

Sighing, he looked to where the feeling said to run from, and noticed a boy about his age, just now walking through the gates of the school. Looking down, Jasper noticed his hands were shaking, so he took a moment to breath until they stopped. Pushing the pencil deeper in his arm while his body began to heal, Jasper slowly walked back to where he was originally and shouted at the boy. "HEY! ARE YOU TRYING TO SCARE ME OR ARE YOU JUST A COCKY SHOW-OFF?" He asked, guessing that the guy might be some kind of dangerous creature trying to prove itself.

@Cryobionic @Daniel reaving
Silvey said:
Jasper turned to the sound of the voice, of which came from the male kid, although upon closer look the guy seemed older than his height would tell. "Most likely." Jasper answered, snatching the pencil and putting it back in his bag. He was about to ask why the kid would bother with helping out a stranger, however a strong dark feeling in his heart told him to run. It wasn't from his mind, which told him to run away many times, but from his human instincts. Although he moved to the side, Jasper had to grab the pencil back out and stab his arm to calm his body enough to stay where he was.
Sighing, he looked to where the feeling said to run from, and noticed a boy about his age, just now walking through the gates of the school. Looking down, Jasper noticed his hands were shaking, so he took a moment to breath until they stopped. Pushing the pencil deeper in his arm while his body began to heal, Jasper slowly walked back to where he was originally and shouted at the boy. "HEY! ARE YOU TRYING TO SCARE ME OR ARE YOU JUST A COCKY SHOW-OFF?" He asked, guessing that the guy might be some kind of dangerous creature trying to prove itself.

@Cryobionic @Daniel reaving
River looked over at a voice that called out to him in an insulting and cocky way his face going cold as he glared at the boy puting nothing but fear in his mind. "Don't try it boy." A voice whispered into his head as River walked over to him the shadows around them seeming to darken at his aproach the aura just growing stronger as he needed the boy with a pencils in his arm. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you." He said in a cold tone wanting him to say it again even though he fully heard it the first time
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Maria felt like something bad was going to happen so she ran to where the feeling was emanating from and saw two boys conversing together. She tilted her head as a low growl managed to escape her lips. She bit her lip to stop but did t notice that her teeth began to sharpen, her nose picking up the scent of blood, the scent of fear or the need to feed off of it. It was driving her crazy. She wanted to change and rip out their throats and feast on their-....she really needed to stop feeding the beast with those thoughts. She shook her head and pulled her bright red scarf up over her nose, trying to mask their scent from herself. Her bright yellow eyes watched them from a distance.

If they saw her, she didn't care. Maybe she wanted to be noticed, or maybe not. Either way, something animalistic inside her, not the beast she kept hidden, but something else, wanted to.... no. She shouldn't finish that thought.
Jasper almost went to turn at the sound of a growl, however the boy spoke in his mind and filled it with fear. Losing control of himself, when Jasper was calm again he realized his entire right arm was now covered in pencils, most of them jammed deep inside. The pain was just enough for him to notice his body was shaking and move it, but fear was still in the back of his mind. Jasper didn't catch what the boy had asked at first, but the intense feeling to run growing as the boy got closer reminded him. "Wow, really? First, it's kind of sad if you can't intimidate me without your powers. Second, I said 'Are you trying to scare me or are you a cocky show-off'. Finally Third, the second you kill me is the moment when I win this little game, or did you not catch the drift? If you didn't then here's some help:" Jasper answered, pausing to sigh and meet the gaze of the boy despite his old human instincts starting to over again.

"If I can manage to get you to directly hurt me, then it shows that you are too weak to even have self-control....however if you can get me to hit you on purpose, then you win, and it proves I am just a cocky weakling who doesn't know his place." Jasper continued, however switched to his magical form during his explanation, which showed the several stitches on his face and neck. Combined with the almost mysterious symbol and needles sticking out of his head, it was almost obvious to some what Jasper was. Glancing down at the right arm, it had almost healed completely despite the pencils still being in it, so Jasper returned his attention to the boy. "Sorry, I write with my right hand so I need to make sure I can at least use it. Regardless if you care about the game, I'm weaker then most humans so it's basically useless to kill me." Jasper said, before closing the near-empty bag where the pencils came from, and starting to casually walk away.

@Daniel reaving @SenpaiMagnum
Etheri let out a slight smile, and pretended not to notice how nervous the girl seemed as she talked. "Hello" He said to her "Not to embarrass you, but I couldn't help but hear your stomach growling. Are you, by chance, hungry?" He continued studying her behavior, she had begun to shift her weight around, as if being cautious enough to run away at any moment. "Also, if I may ask, what is it in that bag on your back? It's very oddly shaped"
Silvey said:
Jasper almost went to turn at the sound of a growl, however the boy spoke in his mind and filled it with fear. Losing control of himself, when Jasper was calm again he realized his entire right arm was now covered in pencils, most of them jammed deep inside. The pain was just enough for him to notice his body was shaking and move it, but fear was still in the back of his mind. Jasper didn't catch what the boy had asked at first, but the intense feeling to run growing as the boy got closer reminded him. "Wow, really? First, it's kind of sad if you can't intimidate me without your powers. Second, I said 'Are you trying to scare me or are you a cocky show-off'. Finally Third, the second you kill me is the moment when I win this little game, or did you not catch the drift? If you didn't then here's some help:" Jasper answered, pausing to sigh and meet the gaze of the boy despite his old human instincts starting to over again.
"If I can manage to get you to directly hurt me, then it shows that you are too weak to even have self-control....however if you can get me to hit you on purpose, then you win, and it proves I am just a cocky weakling who doesn't know his place." Jasper continued, however switched to his magical form during his explanation, which showed the several stitches on his face and neck. Combined with the almost mysterious symbol and needles sticking out of his head, it was almost obvious to some what Jasper was. Glancing down at the right arm, it had almost healed completely despite the pencils still being in it, so Jasper returned his attention to the boy. "Sorry, I write with my right hand so I need to make sure I can at least use it. Regardless if you care about the game, I'm weaker then most humans so it's basically useless to kill me." Jasper said, before closing the near-empty bag where the pencils came from, and starting to casually walk away.

@Daniel reaving @SenpaiMagnum
River just smiled at his cocky responses before he spoke. "At least I'm not some undead weakling that needs to stab himself to calm down, I at least game living and no matter what you say I could hurt you without any phisical contact or even being near you for that matter so I wouldn't be speaking if I where you." He said coldly as he entered the boys mind and started to make him hallucinate and see his worst fears for a sec before they. Went away
Ashley sighed. Everything had been going so well, she'd talked to two people who were really nice to her and now they'd both gone off to do other things. She could here voices outside, but from the tone of them she thought she didn't want to hear what they were saying. Besides, everyone here seemed to be older than her. She sat down in a corner and looked at the beautiful painting, hoping that it would remind her of home and happiness.
Kafira's jaw moved but no sound came. She had been found out and it was both embarrassing and nerve-racking. Her brain was still having trouble fully processing the situation of having to talk to someone new. "Uh... Yeah." She finally answered lamely. Kafira sighed and hung her head. It wasn't a great start, to say the least. "Oh, this?" She pointed to her bag. 'Of course he meant that. He just asked about the thing on your back. Do you have anything else on your back? No. No you don't.' Despite mentally berating herself, the girl kept her neutral expression. "It's a guitar bag. Nothing particularly fancy though..." The bag itself was a basic black with no extra details or decorations, so her words weren't her trying to be modest.

Maria had been listening and watching. She finally decided to walk over and say hello. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad...or possibly worse. She shook her head and walked over to the two boys, raising an eyebrow. "Hola. Como estas? Soy Maria....I mean, hi I'm Maria...." She said softly, mentally slapping herself for speaking in Spanish instead of English. She put up some mental barriers to protect them from her other sides craving for blood and tried to act normal....well as normal as she could ever be.

@Daniel reaving @Silvey
Danny, who had watched the entire spectacle, standing frozen in place, his green eyes as wide as dinner plates, began to slowly back away from the two males, his head shaking slowly back and forth on it's own accord in a display of disbelieving anxiety. He had been quite startled the moment the owner of the pencil had decided to quite abruptly snatch it from him, but even more so when said owner had apparently lost his mind and jammed the writing tool into his arm.

It had all been quite startling, really. The changeling swallowed the lump which had for some reason formed in his throat and fought the urge to flee, instead choosing to retreat rather quickly back to the painting, feeling decidedly more at ease in front of the large oil painted forest. "This place is absolutely bonkers." He muttered softly under his breath, wringing his hands together as he watched the taller boy leave, his arm riddled with pencils at this point, "Mad, completely barmy and certainly insane."
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Ashley smiled slightly as Danny came back inside. At least everyone hadn't completely abandoned her. He was probably the one she most liked out of all the people she had met, maybe because she didn't have to look up to talk to him like she had to with everyone else in this place. She smiled a bit more as she saw he was still wearing all his winter clothes and not overheating.

She nodded in agreement at Danny's statement, even though she knew he probably wouldn't see her. Speaking more to herself than anyone else, but not caring if they overheard, she said "Yep, totally and utterly insane. Most people here are." She sighed again, hoping that the bell for class would ring soon, just so she could get away from this awkwardness.
Annabel say there in the middle of a small grass area that sat in the middle of the track feild a happy look on her face as flowers sprouted up around her making her giggle as she watched them while birds and other small animals came to her landing on her shoulders of sitting around her happily making her giggle more. "Your all funny." Annabel said jappily to the birds that landed on her shoulders and knees while a couple butterfly's fluttered around her one even landing on her nose
Playing off his slight jump at the unexpected answer as a twitch, Danny turned to face the girl from earlier, nodding his head slowly in acknowledgement. "Agreed." He shrugged, reaching up to tighten his thick, woolen scarf around his neck, finding it much too loose and the room much too cold for his liking. Though maybe his shaking hands and trembling fingers had nothing to do with the temperature at all, now that he thought about it.

An idea occurred to him then, and he tilted his head to the side, studying the small girl with a contemplating stare for a few seconds before reaching back into his book bag, fishing out the pamphlet, humming softly under his breath.

"M'Sorry, but you wouldn't perhaps happen to know the schedule?" He asked her in a slightly quiet murmur, holding up the pamphlet and giving her a sheepish smile, partially hidden beneath the knitted material, "Or where I could get one? It... doesn't say."
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She blinked a little as Danny turned to face her, but the fact someone had noticed her made her feel a bit better. "The schedule? Is that the thing with your classes on?" She sighed. "If it was, I don't have one, sorry. My family really aren't all that keen on other species' reckless use of paper and forbade me from having one. You know, because of where it comes from... I'm really not sure how I'm going to manage her, to be honest, because from what I've heard most things we need paper for, or pencils or something..." She shook her head at herself, stopping herself from rambling. "Anyway, I don't have one but we could ask around maybe?"
"Your family?" Danny repeated, a little intrigued as to why ones caretakers would care about ones use of something as trivial as paper. Sure, he knew very well what paper was made from, though it's use was hardly a threat to the population of trees. Or at least he didn't think so. And the more he began to think about it, the heavier his book bag felt weighing on his shoulder. Danny bit his lower lips as his light brown brows drew together in a small frown, but he decided to shrug it off for now, choosing instead to re-adjust the bag.

"Sounds good," He finally said after a few seconds of awkward silence, nodding sharply as was his habit in situations like these, "Fantastic. Who do you recon would know such a thing?" The changeling looked up and around, taking in the crowd, his green eyes jumping from person to person, before giving a nervous laugh, "Or... who would be less likely to bite our head off, should we ask?"

It really was meant as a joke, to lighten the dreary mood which had settled over them after the incident with the pencil guy, though as the words left his mouth, Danny wasn't sure how much of that sentence could actually be taken as such.

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