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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Rose looked around soon landing in a grassy part of the court yard and looking around curiously flowers automatcly sprouting from the ground around her as she looked for some one to talk to happily the butterflies flutter around her
River eventualy looked around from his spot on the roof and sifhed a little. "I'm hungry." He said quietly as he looked for some one to feed off of as he made a dove out of shadow and made it come off the ground and take a phisical form then fly around him a trail of black smoke streaking from the tip of its wings and tail as it circled him before going off and Landimg on the shoulder of some random person
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After the guy had left in a black smoke, Jasper went to work as he drew out a map of the school as he walked through it. Quickly, people began to flood the school likes moths to a flame, however by this time Jasper had pulled out all the pencils out of his arm, healed and returned to his human form. Giving the guy from before the nickname of Fearly, because he seemed to control fear, something about what the guy had said before turning into smoke bothered him. Jasper's train-of-thought broke when he noticed people had been moving out of the way of someone.

This person was a girl, however almost instantly seeing her gave him a familiar feeling, however he couldn't tell what it was. It was only when he was just a couple of feet away and his body almost heading straight toward her did he realize what is was. "Death." Jasper whispered, just before quickly turning around and chose to get away from whoever this was. Unlike with most people, being around other undead since he died caused him to be very relaxed with them, and Jasper hated that he couldn't act the same towards them as everyone else. Deep down he knew why, because he had the same feelings towards humans before he died, but refused to accept it. @kurol
Someone then walked into Max. "Did you...? You didn't...did you?" Max couldn't believe that he was touched by...that. "You idiot! How dare you touch me. Are you insane?" He tried his best to control his anger. "Walk away before I, Max of the Cowie family, will tear you to shreds." Breathing heavily, he turned away from her. First off, he got sent to this prison, and now someone touched him! This was...terrible! He was gonna start fighting people, unless he could get his comfort drink. But who would offer up blood?

"Who's the Cowie family?" Was all Maria said, not bothered y the brats rage. She actually found it quite amusing. "You're a funny guy" she chuckled, smiling down at him. Her height gave her the advantage on him, able to look down on him. "Besides, how can a half blood say things like that? Oh yes, I know your a halfie. You smell like it" she chuckled, not moving from her spot.

@Ethan Hart
"The Cowie family is something your family isn't...rich. Actually, a better comparison would be the Cowie family is not something your family members are, peasants." He turned back around to look at her in the face. "I'm not scared of you." He listened to her half blood comment. "You imbecile. I could still kick your ass. And I could do because of my blood." He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "Want me to prove it?"

"Mmmmm..oh...you think I have a family? That's funny! See you are very funny!" She laughed, not minding being alone. "Besides, I don't want to be rich or famous. That's stupid. So....you want to kick a girls ass, in the middle of a schools hallway, surrounded by people? I'd eat you first, pequeño chico" she smirked her eyes flashing dangerously, the beast taking over a bit. She bit her bottom lip. "You'd make an eccelent first course.." She muttered hungrily, looking him up and down.

@Ethan Hart
"Well, I guess the reason why you don't have a family is because they left you on a bench somewhere. Or something like that. Do you expect me to feel sorry for you?" Max cracked his neck and stepped back. "I wouldn't be beating up a girl though would I. I'd be beating you up. Different." His eyes went the colour of blood and stayed that way as she said he was a little boy. "Just you try it."

"Oh no..you don't understand. I wasn't left on a bench..I was left in a desert. There is a difference Chico. I am a girl though. Also, I just wanted to rough someone up. You are fun to mess with though..I might even keep you as a pet, but....oh dear...the other girl is coming back, sorry to end the lovely conversation though.." She said before her eyes grew bright again and her pupils went to normal. "....Lo siento..." She said softly, pulling her scarf up and nodding to him, walking away without another word, bumping into his shoulder but continuing to walk.

@Ethan Hart
"Well, you should have stayed isolated..." He shut his mouth, not feeling the need to continue the argument. He was going to be the bigger man and walk away. But, then she said something that angered him. That, was followed by something that intrigued him. "Other girl?" Max was confused. No one else was coming. "What do you me-hey! Don't walk away!" Max turned as she left and said something in Spanish. He knew some, like when she called him a little boy. But, he didn't understand what she said when she walked away. "Looks like I have a new topic."

"Que chico? " she muttered and turned around, looking at him. It looked like a whole new girl. Cute, bright eyes, soft flesh, a gentle atmosphere. Seemed good. (Sorry, having writers block right now)

@Ethan Hart
(It's all good. We can move on if you want)

"Uh..." She seemed...different now. Max found it funny. She was chatting like she was some super strong person, and now she looked like that. "O...kay then." He had nothing to say. What could he say? The whole argument had ended.

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She smirked devilishly, showing that she had played him. With inhuman speed she was leaning close to his face. "I win" she chuckled and licked his nose. After that she stood up and ran off, gone in a flash. She was insanely fast, even in human form. Her other side had no human morals. She was acting, of course. Her other side was pure animal, but this side was unpredictable, scary, flirty and devilish. She could do what she wanted, and right now, she wanted to wind up that vampire. She found it incredibly funny.

She slowed down and stopped by a classroom, a good ways away from the boy. Of course she could still smell him and savoured the taste she had gotten when she licked his nose. "Sweet...yet tangy" she chuckled, licking her lips.

@Ethan Hart
Well, the main office of the building had been less than sympathetic to his plights. Danny frowned and stuffed the new schedule into his book bag, having folded it neatly first. It had been quite the hassle, with him having to explain why he didn't have one, where he had come form and who he was all in one go. A quick search of their files had cleared it all up, though, but it hadn't saved the teen from the embarrassment.

Danny sighed, pulling his jacked a little tighter around himself as he began walking in what he assumed to be the direction of the entrance. From there, he should be able to just follow behind the crowds to his first lesson of the day. He mostly went unnoticed anyway, and it would be a foolish of him not to use that particular aspect of himself to his advantage sometimes.

The changeling walked until he reached the row of windows, his shoes clacking against the tiled floors of the hallway, echoing off the empty corridor walls. It was all going well so far, he realized with a small, private smile. There had been no incidents, no panicking and certainly no deaths. Well, yet, he relented, thinking of the display of power between the guys from earlier, and of Maria's sudden change of appearance. Giving a small, exasperated sigh, the teen turned and left the windows deep in his own thoughts, not even noticing that he was walking in the wrong direction.
Max was caught of guard. The girl licked him. Licked HIM! "That's it! How dare YOU!" He chased after her using his own speed. He wasn't as fast as a full vampire, but he was still pretty fast. "I swear you're dead!" Up ahead, he could see the girl waiting for him. "Think you're so cool don't you." He sped up unexpectedly. Once he was close enough, he went to grab her neck. If he did manage to grab her, which was slightly in her favour, he would hold her up. "Why'd you lick me? You a dog or something? Was that your form of a kiss?"

She grabbed his hand before he even got close to her neck. She had an iron like grip and smiled devilishly, her teeth sharpened. "Kiss? No, you'd have to take me on a date first. Dog? Pretty close but no. You see, I'm the Mexican form of the monster under the bed, the one that eats naughty children...like yourself." She chuckled, letting go of his hand. "Besides, I love messing with brats!" She laughed, standing straight up and looking down at him, biting her bottom lip with dark yellow eyes

@Ethan Hart
Seeing as he got a fair distance from the girl, Jasper hoped she didn't notice him. Although he was a zombie, as a human he was physically weak and slow, so it would be fair to assume she would be quicker then him. Turning the corner, he saw the boy from before. Upon closer inspection the boy seemed to be lost in his thoughts, so Jasper decided it might be better to snap him out of it. "Hey kid! I don't remember your name, but if you see anyone who has stitches tell me, so I have time to run away." He could feel something dangerous nearby, but since it didn't seem to come from the direction he came, Jasper ignored it. @Cryobionic
"Well, you'll be waiting a long time before anyone asks you out. And I'm pretty sure you are a dog. A dog that isn't house broken. Aw, how cute." He pulled his hand back. This chick was fast. Even Max had to admit that. She had a strong grip too. "Wait, you're calling me naughty. You haven't even told me your name yet." He smirked as she stood up to her full height. "How about we continue this tomorrow. I need to represent my family you see. If I am seen like this on the first day, it will make me look bad. Second day? Not so much." He stopped to think. "Maybe we could do it today. Just, outside of school. Like, break out and then fight. How about that?"

Danny spun around wide-eyed as a startled yelp escaped his lips, having not expected the sudden voice at all. He did manage to avoid teleporting across the room, though, something he was decidedly grateful for, considering they were in a narrow corridor, and there was a very real chance he might have ended up stuck in the wall.

"Stitches?" The changeling repeated faintly, the other boys words registering in his mind. Danny tilted his head forward, glancing up at the dark haired teen through his eyelashes as he noticed the many markings marring the others skin, the thread seeming to have been sown right through his flesh, looking rather painful to the young troll.

Danny gave a sharp nod then, deciding he might as well go along with it, even if it sounded rather ridiculous. "Okay."

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"Your comebacks cease to burn me...too bad I was born in hell. Now, if I fight you, are you willing to die and be eaten? Cause when I fight, and whether I like it or not, it usually ends up like that....also, I don't want a boyfriend. Then there's no one to cheat on me...but I'm considering you kinda suitable. I mean, really. You have a huge ass ego, high superiority disorder and your a rich brat! Who wouldn't want that as their man" she said sarcastically, smirking at him. "If you need me, just yell El Diablo or something along those lines.." She smirked, patting his head and walking away. "Oh, by the way. I'm Maria" she chuckled, walking through the crowd with elegance and a look that said : go on, fuck with me.

@Ethan Hart
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Jasper breathing a sigh of relief and let it show on his face, before quickly returning back to his usual calmness. "Do you know where the main office is from here? When I ran away from this girl I forgot about drawing where I went on my map, so..." Jasper paused to look away, slightly embarrassed by his simple mistake. "...I'm basically lost." He finished, glancing back from the way he came just to make sure the girl hadn't followed him. As far as he could tell she hadn't, so Jasper put her out of his mind for a moment. Returning his attention back to the boy, he remembered he hadn't introduced himself. "Oh sorry, I'm Jasper, what's your name?" Not sure entirely if the boy had heard him tell Maria his name, Jasper guessed maybe not. @Cryobionic
Danny blinked at him in confusion, trying to make sense of everything the other teen had just blurted out. But no matter how hard he twisted it around in his mind, the words girl, drawing and map just didn't want to connect to form a possible scenario in which the boy could be looking for the main office.

The changeling wisely decided to let it go and just not ask about it.

"I'm Dantalion," He told him, holding out his hand in the customary form of greeting he had become used to, "But Danny's easier to say, so that's okay too." He hid a smile behind his scarf, lifting his gaze from the floor to meet Jasper's eyes, his head automatically nodding in response to his question regarding the main office. "I was just there, actually, it's right down-" Danny looked up and around, a frown stealing over his pale features as he realized he hadn't the faintest clue of where it was. Or where he was, for that matter. Lips parted slightly in surprise, he looked back at Jasper, wide eyed, dropping his hand to the side, "What? ...Darn it! I was just there! ... Not even five minutes ago, I don't think. How... No, this isn't right at all. Not at all."

Levvy walked around aimlessly, spinning, skipping and leaping through the crowds that looked at her weirdly. She laughed, a little insanely. "This school doesn't seem boring, how delightful!" she said in her childish yet menacing voice. Once, she watched as a boy stared her intently, with no hatred. She smiled widely as then took off. She walked around, a little lost now, but it didn't matter too much.
In his mind Jasper was laughing, however at how the boy had done the same mistake he had, but remained calm on the outside. "I'll just walk around and re-trace my steps, it's fine Danny, just get to class before you are late." Jasper said, before getting his map out and began to walk back towards the way he came. Once he looked up from the map, Jasper found himself lost again. "Well.....I can do great on tests, but navigation is CLEARLY not something I'm good at." He said, whispering to himself.

Taking off the several bags he was carrying and propping them up against the wall, Jasper tried to think about what to do. With some of the kids already heading to their classes or in them, it wasn't likely they would stop to help a lost stranger. Maria might, but he wasn't sure if she was nearby. The guy who Jasper had angered this morning would likely laugh and trick him into being more lost. The other people besides Danny seemed almost scared of him since this morning. It was a last resort, but the girl from before might help him if she really was undead as well. Seeing as he was desperate, Jasper chose to just yell for help, but stay near his stuff. "Hello! Anyone! HELP! Kinda lost....again..."

@Cryobionic @anyone
"Just because I'm a little lost doesn't mean I don't-" Danny looked up from his hands at the sound of footsteps, thinking maybe it was a teacher or someone in an authority position coming to fetch the two of them. He faltered when caught sight of Jasper's dark locks, just then disappearing from sight around the corner, quickly followed by one of his many bags. The changeling frowned, his light brown brows drawing together in clear displeasure. "-Know how to find my way around." He finished lamely, making a face and knowing that nobody was around to hear or see him.

"Absolutely fantastic." He muttered, more sarcastically than he would have liked, crossing his arms over his chest before turning around to try and find his way out of this mess. He had not lived his entire life in a forest and not come away with any path finding tricks, that was for sure. Danny walked up to the wall, placing his hand on the rough material as he walked, letting his fingers glide over the stone bricks in hopes of picking up on something. Anything.

It didn't work.

The changeling dropped his hand with a huff, giving the wall a displeased stare as though it was to blame for all of this. Which was a silly notion, of course, but right at that moment Danny didn't very much care. His green eyes rose to stare out the window, their wide shape narrowing a little as he spotted the entrance door he had first come int through. It was on the very other side of the courtyard, nearly obscured by a couple of trees blocking his field of vision.

Danny pursed his lips in contemplation.

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