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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

"A forest troll," Danny replied automatically, his eyes widening a little at her sudden close proximity to him. Honestly, what was it with this school and personal space? The changeling bit his lip and fought the familiar urge to take a step back, which would look absolutely ridiculous considering she wasn't even-

Was she sniffing him?!

"Well... I didn't really know that 'till I was twelve," He hurriedly continued, dismissing the idea rather quickly as he decided this was just another thing to add to the list of things he did not want to know anything about, "Was one of those troll-swapped children, I was. Gave my folks a right scare." He attempted giving what could be construed as an amused laugh in an effort to make light of the situation, but it ended up just sounding like a pathetic, shaky exhale.

@KiKi Kitsune
Golden eyes widened in realisation. "Ah-" Kefira took a hurried step back. "Um... sorry." She mumbled, deciding to keep her eyes on her feet. Not only did she not think before speaking, but before acting now as well? She breathed out a sigh at her own stupidity and lack of restraint. "That was rude of me...sorry again." She gave a mumbled apology. "I, uh..." Her eyes darted around. Eventually, she held out a hand in greeting. "I'm Kefira." She introduced herself, still unable to look the male in the eye due to her embarrassment at the situation she had caused. At least he had answered her question instead of freaking out. It made it slightly less weird for her. She could keep a little of her dignity... a little.

When the girl said she was a 'life fairy', it made perfect sense for her to seem nice. Jasper decided to forget about it for now, as he was starting to struggle to keep up with her flying. "Couldn't you slow down a bit? I....I'm not that....fast" He asked, breathing heavily. It had only been a few minutes, and Jasper was already nearly out of breath. Once he gathered it back, he got out his unfinished map, and one of the pencils he had stabbed in his arm from his bag. "Could you just draw out where to go from here? I'd much rather walk on my own pace there, since physically I'm pretty weak even compared to humans." Jasper asked, not realizing the dried blood still on the pencil. @Daniel reaving
Silvey said:
When the girl said she was a 'life fairy', it made perfect sense for her to seem nice. Jasper decided to forget about it for now, as he was starting to struggle to keep up with her flying. "Couldn't you slow down a bit? I....I'm not that....fast" He asked, breathing heavily. It had only been a few minutes, and Jasper was already nearly out of breath. Once he gathered it back, he got out his unfinished map, and one of the pencils he had stabbed in his arm from his bag. "Could you just draw out where to go from here? I'd much rather walk on my own pace there, since physically I'm pretty weak even compared to humans." Jasper asked, not realizing the dried blood still on the pencil. @Daniel reaving
Rose stopped and looked at him before she giggked and flew over. "I can help with that." She said happilt before she hugged him tightly and vines sprouted from the ground and curled them selfes around his legs so he could go faster. "These should help.... And what is that?" She said pointing to the map having never seen one before
After that...interesting encounter, Max went to the classrooms to see what type of equipment that had. When he walked past them before, he looked inside only to be disappointed. Now, he was going to actually take one giant step for vampire kind. He took a deep breath and poked his head through the door. "Just as I thought..." Max brought his head back out and shook it. "Terrible..." Even though he thought that, he walked in to take a better look. What he found was not what he expected.

He expected so much worse then what it actually was. Now that he was inside, he could see why everything was the way it was. There was a lot of things he would still change, but not as much. The colour of the wall contrasted perfectly the sky outside. The desks formed a certain pattern if looked down upon. The floor didn't even creak! That surprised him. "Hmm..." Max didn't know what to say. Instead, he just sat on the desk and closed his eyes, trying to picture how the school would look if he had made it.
Maria was sitting up in one of the rafters, poking a spiders web. She chuckled, seeing the spider scurry around its web. She bit her lip as the little fiend bit her. "Don't be rude..." She muttered and grabbed it in her hand, letting it crawl around. Luckily, the spider was a simple brown spider.

Maria sighed boredly, letting the spider crawl back up into its web. She dropped down from the rafters into the classroom below. She didn't see or think that anyone else was in the room, so she hopped from desk to desk, smiling to herself. She laughed and jumped back up to the rafters, hanging on by her legs and dropped down again, landing on her hands and flipping onto her feet. She stretched and smiled, glad she had gotten a bit of excersise done. Only then did she notice her audience, the same guy from before. "Hola pequeño Chico!" She laughed

@Ethan Hart
Connor stood on the very tips of her bare toes, her head swinging left and right rapidly, as if she was looking for someone. Very few people seemed to notice her, those that did were the unfortunate victims are of her unblinking stare. Though it was hard to tell if she was staring at a specific person, having no pupils and all, but nevertheless it was quite unnerving for newer or younger kids, and annoying for others. At one point someone knocked into her, and she let out a startled yelp and appeared to fall through the floor. No one noticed her sudden absence, and she floated back up, looking quite sullen and very much see through.

She turned wandered down the hall, absentmindedly floating through people and not acknowledging anyone who noticed. She had no destination in mind, only going to where the crowd thinned. An anxious smile crossed her lips and she wrapped her arms around herself in a cheap attempt to mimic a hug, before walking through a closed door and entering an empty bathroom. The flickering lights soothed her frayed nerves, and she listened to the hum in her mind. Soon she was relaxed, yet stared at the door uncertainly. "Perhaps another attempt... The halls should be a little emptier." She said, nodded to herself firmly, and threw the door open. It banged against the wall and promptly slammed shut, all while she watched with a bewildered expression. "Minor setback. Or maybe a sign..?" The courage she possessed her moments earlier evaporated and she shrunk back against a stall. "It isn't so bad in here." The second she finished speaking the lights abruptly burnt out and the room was bathed in darkness. All she could do was sigh and morph into her ghostly form, a dim blue glow emanated from her, lighting up her scowling face.
"What the hell are you doing?" He asked the annoying girl. Max assumed she didn't hear or see him as she left quickly. "Good." He went back to thinking about something pointless. Max sighed and closed his eyes, only to be called little boy. "Don't call me little boy. I could still kick your ass. Heck, I wouldn't even have to be in a blood rage for...you." Why did he have to run into her everywhere he went? Seriously. He went in an abandoned class and she found him somehow. It was stupid. "Why do you insist on pursuing me?"

"Why do you persist on being a brat? So many questions yet no one will have an answer...except I like to hunt my prey." She chuckled and sat in a desk, crossing her slim legs. "So why do you keep letting yourself be followed? And also, why do you think you can beat me? You haven't even met my other side....yet" she purred, obviously teasing him.

@Ethan Hart
"Well, because I have one ability you don't. A really powerful one mind that. I can simply tell yourself to beat hurt yourself and you will do my bidding. And this isn't me being a rich bastard." He stomach grumbled as he finished that off. "I haven't ate for days now. The whole journey here was one straight line with no breaks." He sighed. His hunger was affecting his attitude. He wasn't as sharp as he was before. Max didn't feel the need to go in guns blazing.

"I let you follow me because you aren't a threat to me. A savage is nothing compared to me." His fangs grew longer as he longed for blood more. Luckily, he was half human and he could survive off of normal food. But he loved the taste of the blood that went through the veins of every living creature. "I need to sink my teeth into something." He growled through his teeth and turned back the Maria. "I'm sure your over side is even less likeable then this one..."

"....well I suppose a monster is pretty unlike able...hmm..hey why don't you like me? All I did was bump into you. I even apologised but you just acted like a giant asshole.." She muttered, still a bit pissed about that and sat up straight. "Well....I would say you could sink your teeth into me and I wouldn't be affected and or turned into a vampire...but then again, I'm just a peasant right? You wouldn't want my filthy blood, right mr. I'm better than you.." She growled, her eyes darkening a bit. Damn this kid was fun to mess with and talk too, but he was a brat. She hated brats.

@Ethan Hart
"Yeah. Forget about licking me. That's all good. You better not have given me a disease. Knowing you though, I probably have one now. Don't worry, I'll heal before it can kill me." Max turned as she said that she would let him take her blood. "You do realise that me drinking someone's blood is like me...never mind, that's just me. Because I ain't a savage who drinks anyone's blood." Maximillion looked her up and down. "I've had worse. Do you have any normal food at least? It can pull me over until I find a nearby blood bank. Mother is all like 'cut down on drinking humans blood' blah blah blah. She's so annoying. Especially since she sent me...here."

"I have a few burritos..wanna try some? Made them myself" she said, smiling and pulled two tinfoil wrapped burritos out of her bag. She held one out to him kindly. "Careful, they're extra spicy..." She warned, wondering if he would take the kind offer. She shrugged and tossed it to him, unwrapping her own. The mouth watering scent of rare steak, cheese, sour cream, jalapeños, peppers, lettuce and tomato with tortilla wafted around. She smiled and bit into it, smiling as she chewed.

@Ethan Hart
Danny hummed under his breath, nodding his head agreeably to the redheads apology. He wasn't stupid, though he felt rather dumb at that moment. The pamphlet for the Academy had clearly stated that this was an educational facility designed for mythical beasts, and the more he thought about it, he realized his mistakes.

Maria had been a Mexican monster, she had told him, and Levvy was obviously not only mentally disturbed, but probably something that was much more dangerous than her disturbed mind. And this girl... the young troll couldn't even begin to fathom what sort of 'beast' this girl could be. Him flitting around and talking to everyone in his weak state had just been another piece of evidence about his absolute lack of self preservation. Danny was under no impression that some of these people would hesitate to kill him if he got to close, and the part about it that bothered him the most was the fact that he couldn't even begin to try and fight back should they decide to actually do so.

Danny was weak.

His green eyes glanced down at the girls hand as she introduced herself, and he lifted his to shake it. Only to hesitate for a few seconds, his previous thoughts still ringing in his mind. A frown stole over his pale features then, as he gingerly grasped her hand, his eyebrows shooting up when he realized how warm she was. To her, his hand must have felt like an icicle.

"Dantalion." He said, offering a small, troubled smile, the corners of his lips pulling upwards for only a moment before dropping again. "'Ts nice to meet you." Danny gave her hand a small shake, before dropping his arm to the side again.

@KiKi Kitsune
"I guess..." He put his hand out towards her. "Spicy hu?" Maximillion caught it and unwrapped it. Before he took a bite, he smelt it. "No poison..." He took a small bite from it and his face lit up. "These are delicious! You couldn't have made these yourself. You probably got them from tacobell or something." He took another bite and then another. The third bite finally got something spicy. "Holy mother of jesus! Why so spicy? Could have warned me! I mean, you did, but I mean properly!"

Although he hadn't ever actually met any fairy face-to-face before, his older sister Rose, adored them. This fact had came back to Jasper's mind, when the fairy-girl had hugged him. His thoughts went away however, as vines grew on his legs. At first nothing seemed different, however the instant Jasper moved, he could feel his legs 3x stronger which was about the average for a human. It took him a moment to take it in, of which pure surprise took over his face like a little kid, however afterwards his calm expression came back. "Thanks." Jasper said right after regaining his composure, then showed the unfinished map to the fairy-girl. "This is something that helps to prevent people from getting lost by giving you directions as to where to go. According to human history, humans invented most forms of navigation, but it's likely that they just claimed credit for it. It's called a map, but mine is unfinished which is partly why I got lost." Jasper explained, very used to explaining things to others.

Seeing as he had caught his breath, and his legs were much better then normal, Jasper gestured for the fairy-girl to continue leading the way. After thinking about it, since she was helping him out, it might be seen rude to not tell her his name. "My name is Jasper by the way. Jasper Demitri, if you need to know anything then ask away, since people tend to say I'm smart and your helping me out." @Daniel reaving
"Nope! Made these myself. And I did warn you. I'm from Mexico, this isn't even mildly spicy to me!" She laughed, swallowing and taking a few more bites. "So, how would you have wanted me to warn you? With a big sign that says SPICY?" She chuckled and quickly finished off her burrito. "Oh...question. What's a Taco Bell?" She asked curiously, pulling out two napkins for them. She wiped off her hands and face which had a bit of grease on them from the food and tossed him the clean napkin.

@Ethan Hart
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"Well, what you should have done was but the ingredients on the back or something." He stuck his tongue out to let it cool down. Then he took another bite before catching the napkin. "Mexican restaurant. I've never actually had it because, you know, blood. But, I hear it's alright." He sat down and continued eating in silence. Max felt really awkward sitting there. "So why'd you give this to me?"

"Cause you wanted some food and I had some. I've learned from personal suffering its good to just share your food" she chuckled and leaned back, her arms giving her leverage. She tilted her head and looked at him. "You're so much nicer now that you've eaten" she smirked, raising an eyebrow.

@Ethan Hart
"I'm nicer because I'm hungry. Plus, have you heard of someone being rude while eating? That, is truly unheard of." He took the last bite of his food and wiped his mouth. Of course, he done it 'proper', just as his family would do so. "I guess you're good at one thing then. I've decided, You are my chief. You'll cook for me so that I don't end up killing everyone here. Or would you like every to die here? I just wish I wasn't here."

"Okay! I'm happy to cook! Well...I'm not the worlds greatest chef...i can make almost every type of Mexican food or Spanish food but it dont really know any English or American food...besides, if everyone here died, I wouldn't have to attend classes and it would be a free buffet!" She grinned. Either way for her it was a win win. "So....any hobbies mr.posh?" She asked, smirking at him.

@Ethan Hart
"Okay. I was hoping you were going to put up more of a fight. But that works in my favour." Max didn't really know what to say next. "Hobbies..." Max took his time to think about the answer. "Well, drinking blood, obviously. Umm...correcting people and being a stuck up snob. I can't really think of anything else then that." He shut his mouth to think again. "Oh! Basketball! I almost forgot about that. I love that sport. So fun to watch your opponents get crushed at your hands without actually hurting them. And then after the game, you kill them. It's fun to play with your food. What about you?"

"Well the sports thing we have in common, but I'm more for soccer and American football." She smiled, glad they had something in common. "Um...I love being outside, doing any type of activity, gymnastics.....um cooking...I can't think of much else" she said, thinking hard. You could almost hear the gear whirring inside her head as she thought about that question.

@Ethan Hart
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Kefira had to stop herself from jerking her hand away when it touched Dantalion's colder skin. Her parents were like her, so it was more a surprise than anything else. She made sure to grasp Dantalion's hand in a firm handshake before releasing, just as she was taught to do. Her head tilted to the side slightly as she noticed the changeling's grip to be far weaker. Perhaps his culture taught him differently, Kefira decided. She had read about it during her research before attending the school. Some cultures saw a firm handshake as an act of aggression.

Her train of thought abruptly changed as he told her his name. "Dantalion. That's a nice name." Kefira said before quickly slapping her hand over her mouth. Again, she had spoken without thinking. She had done so today far more than she would have liked. "Sorry." She gave yet another mumbled apology, muffled slightly by her hand.

Her whole body froze as she heard the white haired girl speak. Kefira had mostly forgotten about the girl as she conversed with Dantalion. The smell from before invaded her nostrils. It was the scent of death and rotting flesh. Kefira's nose usually wouldn't have been able to pick it up, but her senses were heightened from the prickling sense of danger. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end and she had goosebumps despite being perfectly warm. The girl was not someone Kefira wanted to be around. "I only learnt his name now." She said carefully. She didn't want to respond in a way that would set the other girl off. Kefira didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but being cautious wouldn't hurt.

@Cryobionic @kurol

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