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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia looked at her key, then at Edgar, then back at the key. "But...this is...my dorm...and your a guy...I though this school had...gender specific dorms..." she said with a frown. She then sat on the bed which Edgar didn't occupy. She then looked at him, as if she was evaluating him. She seemed focused and concentrated.
He shrugged, "I honestly have no idea. Maybe some other people are in this situation..."
Willow listed to Hitsugya's instructions and slowly gained control of her wings. They flapped here and there and she was able to stabilize herself. She grabbed his arms and slowly removed them from her sides and with one deep breath she let him go.
Amelia continued staring at him intently for a several moments before giving a quick nod. "From now on, If you are talking to much, I will tell you to be quiet. In exchange, I will not make your life a living hell. Understand?" she said with a frown.

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Hitsugya watched her fly, it was quite fun teaching someone how to fly but as she let go he felt 5 rapid pains in his heart as he had his breath knocked out of him momentarily but shook it off Damn. . .at this rate I'm going to take longer than I should to recover, he thought as he flapped his wings once more.
UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia continued staring at him intently for a several moments before giving a quick nod. "From now on, If you are talking to much, I will tell you to be quiet. In exchange, I will not make your life a living hell. Understand?" she said with a frown.
He blinked, who did this girl think she is? Edgar's eyes narrowed a bit, he didn't want to cause trouble on his first day. "Fine. Whatever.""
She gave another quick nod. "Good." she said before bringing her iPod out and plugging the earplugs into her ears. Immediately, Candles from Daughter started playing. She enjoyed this type of music, with its soothing yet melancholy melody and hypnotic acoustic instruments. Definitely something someone could drift away with. This was actually the only type of music she did like. If one were to take her iPod and look through it, they wouldn't find any death metal, rock and roll, pop. Just these somberly wonderful tunes.
Willow flew in circles around Hitsugya and laughed. She noticed he was in physical pain and she looked at him concerned. She flew next to him and grabbed him to give him support. "You need to stop before you hurt yourself further." She smiled kindly at him and they eventually reached the ground.
When Hitsugya landed it felt as though gravity was ten times stronger as he felt his heart race a bit and a bit of pain in his shoulder "I'm fine" he said standing back up after the pain went away, he forgot once more what he'd agreed to do when he glanced at Willow once more "…So where were we headed again" he asked with a slight chuckle.
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He growled to himself a bit and his fingertips sparked. He got up and left the room, trying to find the music room. Playing something would help him get his mind off things. He walked through the halls until he found it. After looking around the empty room he sat down and began to play the piano.
Willow was having so much fun that it slipped her mind. "Ha, you know I don't remember." She looked at the school before them to see if she could remember. "Oh yea duh! I need to figure out my dorm but I was never assigned one." She raised her eyebrow in and bit her lip. "You know its weird I can feel...Like everything right now. I feel everyone's emotions. I can hear a lot better as well." She closed her eyes and relaxed as she listened to the sound of a piano being played. 'How beautiful' she thought.
Ale13 said:
Willow was having so much fun that it slipped her mind. "Ha, you know I don't remember." She looked at the school before them to see if she could remember. "Oh yea duh! I need to figure out my dorm but I was never assigned one." She raised her eyebrow in and bit her lip. "You know its weird I can feel...Like everything right now. I feel everyone's emotions. I can hear a lot better as well." She closed her eyes and relaxed as she listened to the sound of a piano being played. 'How beautiful' she thought.
She heard a voice singing a song with the piano as well.
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Willow began to feel dizzy. "Hitsugya I don't feel so well." Black spots started to fill her vision and before she knew it she fell to the ground unconscious.
Ale13 said:
Willow began to feel dizzy. "Hitsugya I don't feel so well." Black spots started to fill her vision and before she knew it she fell to the ground unconscious.
Hitsugya was about to ask her something when he turned to see she was on the ground. His eyes eyes grew as he rushed to her catching her in his arms "Willow. Willow!!" he yelled trying to wake her. He lift her up as he rushed into the school running to the infirmary "Hang in there Willow"
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Why are you doing this? I didn't do anything I promise. Please don't hurt me, please. I promise I will never disappoint you again. No stop... Don't come any closer! I beg of you... NO!'

Willow shot open her eyes and let a blood curdling scream escape her lips. She felt as if she couldn't breath and clenched her chest tightly. She felt warm liquid flow down her cheeks. She didn't even notice that she was crying and shaking like a leaf. She composed herself and noticed she was in someone's arms. She looked up at Hitsugya,
"What happened." Her wings have long gone away and her hair and eyes changed to their original color.

Hitsugya stopped as he kneeled down by a bench "Don't worry, it's me. Your okay" explained Hitsugya as he sat her down at the bench, he was worried about her and wondered about what had just happened "Do you have any idea of what happened? You seem pretty skaken up" he said.
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Willow looked away, "Yea im fine. Maybe it was because I've never done that before...I'm a little tired. I don't know where to go. I was told I was going to be assigned a dorm but never received one." She sniffled and wiped away the remaining tears from her face.
Hitsugya got up as he lifted her up as well "Don't worry, it's not like they forgot about you" he said as he carried her to the office in his arms letting her down once they arrived. "I'm sure they'll have your dorm key" said Hitsugya as he rubbed his shoulder.
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Willow's cheeks flushed red, "thank you for that." She walked into the office and was given a key for her dorm. "Thank you," she said to the office lady. Walking out of the office she looked up at Hitsugya and smiled. "Im a bit tired. I think im gonna head to my dorm room. I'll see you tomorrow alright?"
"Alright…wait Willow. Would you want to. . . go out for lunch sometime?" asked Hitsugya a tad bit nervously. Never had he asked someone out yet here he was asking a girl he just met out for lunch. He wondered if she was going to say yes or no but then realized he was overthinking and that it was probably a horrible time to ask her when she just blacked out "If you're busy that's fine. . . I understand"
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She smiled softly, "Yes of course." She chuckled softly to herself and kept herself calm. "Alright bye Hitsugya." She gave him one last glanced and waved bye. As soon as she turned around and walked away she felt heat on her cheeks. Willow began to walk abnormally fast to reach her dorm. Once she reached it she swung open the door and practically threw herself into it. Setting her keys by a nearby table, she sighs and takes off her shoes.

Grabbing a pair of jamies, she strolled to the bathroom and changed out of her clothes. Rinsing her face and cleaning herself up she then walks to her bed and flops onto it. Diving under the sheets, she holds the blankets tightly around her body so that the cold air wouldn't reach her. She smiles at thw eventful day and dozed off into a peaceful sleep.

(I'll be back tomorrow im so tired ^0^ -Ale13)
Levvy sighed, deciding that just walking around the hallways was boring if nobody was going to come find her. Let's see... Oh! Haha, this is a school, right? And she'll be staying here, so she must have a dorm room! She wondered which little ant she'd share it with. How fun! How fun! Levvy skipped towards the dorm rooms, remembering something about which one was hers when she enrolled. She opened the door and entered. She didn't come with many clothes, just the things she wore. She lay down on a bed, smiling madly at the ceiling, hoping her dorm mate might arrive soon. Hahaha...

The sound of worn sneakers hitting tiled floors resonated down the hallway as Danny defeatedly made his way back to his dorm. He hadn't managed to find the fox spirit, or any sign of his mushroom pouch. There had of course been a few doors that looked promising, but the young troll didn't dare knock on them, or even approach them as it were. Because from what he had seen so far within the academy, even the smallest of things could warrant a fight should the person be aggressive enough.

The troll sighed softly under his breath as he reached out to open door number twenty three, realizing with a small smile that despite his failure in retrieving his mushrooms, the feeling that he now had somewhere to return to despite it was a welcomed one.

That was, of course, until the door slid open completely, and he realized his dorm mate had arrived. Green eyes widened comically as he stiffened, shoulders drawing up in apprehension as he remembered just who the shock white mass of hair he could spot just behind the right side bed-frame belonged to.

"This... There is a mistake, right?"

Levvy's red eyes darted to the door as she heard it creak open. A boy walked in. Familiar face... "Wow!! Hahaha, I remember you!~" Levvy laughed as she jumped up and raced to Danny, the troll boy she'd met earlier before. She laughed maniacally. Judging by the look on Danny's face, he remembered her too. And that probably wasn't a good thing for him. But it was definitely exciting for Levvy... insanely exciting! "So you're my dorm mate, huh? Wow! This is not boring, now, yay!" Levvy exclaimed loudly. She traced the stitches on her neck, a habit. "So you remember me? Danny? Wow, yay! I'm glad I've stuck there," Levvy said, poking his forehead with a skinny finger. She laughed.

Danny didn't know what to do. Or what he could do for that matter. He settled for standing frozen in the doorway, and only flinched a little bit when Levvy made a beeline for him. "Fancy... that." He muttered, trying to sound optimistic, which he found was a rather complicated feat, seeing as he well remembered Levvy, and her affinity for poking needles into things.

A startled frown stole over his features as he felt the girls finger connect with his forehead, and he swatted her hand away, "Please don't do that." He murmured, before walking past her over to his bed.

Levvy laughed as she retracted her hand from his face. "Better than a needle, right? Heehee," she said. Her red eyes gleamed with some sort of vicious excitement, that was childish at the same time. Nonetheless, it was scary. What did you expect from an artificial zombie? Brought back from the dead because of torture. It wasn't like she could be normal. Plus, that wouldn't be any fun, now, would it?

"I didn't know they would put opposite genders in the same dorm," she thought to herself as she paced around the room. She laughed. "Try anything, and I'll stab your eyes out," she giggled. But the always-existent tone in her voice suggested it wasn't as joking as most other girls would joke. Sharing a room with this guy? A challenge. Challenges are fun, though! So... accepted!!

@Cryobionic (( Can you please describe the dorm room briefly? Thanks ))

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