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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Would sleeping in his other form be possible? Was that against the rules? He hardly wanted to wake up with ten needles in his head. Danny's thoughts raced as he tried to figure out just how he was going to survive the night, and, if such a feat was accomplished, the rest of the school year. Levvy was obviously unstable, and the young troll nervously eyed her as she paced back and forth across the room. Some rules would have to be set in place, he decided, and hopefully, she wouldn't bite his head off for suggesting such a thing.

Because the room was so methodically and symmetrically set up, establishing a border of sorts wouldn't be very difficult. From what he had come to understand, Levvy had claimed the bed pushed up against the right hand side wall, underneath the large, curtained window. That was fine with him, he didn't much care for drafts anyway. Other than that, two identical bookshelves and desks were sat up on either side of the room, and the door Danny could only assume lead to the bathroom was positioned on 'his' side.

The troll was so lost in thought, that he nearly missed Levvy's warning, and as he looked up to answer, he tilted his head to the side. He hadn't even thought of that. "That won't be a problem," He reassured her in a quiet murmur, "I'm not attracted to girls."

@kurol (Yeah, no problem mate.)
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"Heehee!" Levvy laughed in reply. She lay down fully on her bed, positioned on the right wall beside a large, curtained window. The room was neat and symmetrical, the only thing out of place was the bathroom, placed on Danny's side of the room where he slept. She stared at the ceiling for a while, playing with her stitches. She got out her needle and poked little holes in her wrist, causing trickles of black blood to drip out. It's not like it hurt. The only things that hurt were real injuries, and bruises. Bruises. Levvy had a whole lot of those, concealed, thankfully.

Levvy looked at Danny, who still seemed uneasy.
"You know, this room reminds me of back home," Levvy stated out of the blue. It did, a little. Symmetrical, neat, aligned. A major difference was that there was no blood on the floor and walls. And flesh, tears and crimson blood didn't make pools on the ground. And no chair, with those straps on it, where the 'tools' sat beside it. Tools, lovely tools, ones that made people scream. Levvy remembered her own scream. Like music to her ears! And the scientists loved her screams as well, they never ended them! Levvy smiled strangely, thinking of her 'family' and home.

Danny seemed a little uneasy in her presence, which made Levvy laugh a little. She guessed... she'd have to make sure he's okay, right? Because that's what normal people do. And it'll help her charade, won't it?
"You're not that scared of me, are you?" Levvy asked, a faint giggle hidden inside her words. Her scarlet eyes glittered in the light, with menacing beauty. Beauty? Hm... debatable subject.

"Scared?" Danny repeated, sitting himself down on his own bed, his left leg reaching out to push his book bag under the frame. If he were to be honest, Levvy's unpredictable mannerisms and strange fondness for pain did frighten him to an extent, made him nervous and cautious around her. But he didn't think he could classify his feelings of anxiousness as downright scared. He had been scared when the tree he had been sleeping in had started to crack and buckle under the weight of the massive machines, and he had been scared when he had nearly been captured by the humans responsible for it.

Those feelings of fright didn't seem to compare to the anxiousness he felt in the insane girls presence. And Danny very much doubted his white haired roommate would even know how to operate a bulldozer. The thought of her, behind the wheel of such a mechanic beast, pulling levers left and right nearly made him snort.

"N... Nervous." He finally said after a few seconds of internal contemplation, nodding his head in agreement of his words. "I'm nervous of you."

"Nervous?" Levvy repeated. She thought to herself for a little. Nervous? What would that mean? She didn't have very good understanding of people, supernatural or not. None at all, actually. Nervous? Does that mean scared of her, or not? Something told her he was more anxious than frightened of her. Levvy smiled, a little crazily but not as much as usual, as she flipped around and hung from her bed upside down, white hair brushing the ground. "Hahaha, I will try not to kill you. Well, not in your sleep, at least," Levvy assured, though it still sounded quite scary. She grinned. Her teeth were actually straight and white, perfect, unlike her wild white hair, pale skin, deathly red eyes and overall creepiness. If she was perfect, though, it'd be no fun.

"What now? Don't be boring! Hmm.... Oh, let's make rules!" Levvy said. "Rule One: No being boring. Rule Two: Even if I'm a zombie, I'm a girl too. Rule Three: .... Hm, your turn!" Levvy said, counting on her fingers. Not sure how she had counted seven rules so far, but oh well.

"Tha- That's not very reassuring, Levvy." Danny deadpanned, leaning back against the wall while bringing his legs up to his chest, oddly enough feeling more comfortable in the awkward position. Though, he relented in his head, the girl had said she'd try, and he supposed that would have to do.

When she started speaking about rules, however, his ears sharpened and he found himself nodding along to her words, even though he wasn't really sure what her being a zombie had to do with her being a girl. Or how he was supposed to not be boring. When she inquired about his rules, though, he had to take a moment to think.

"I suppose asking you to stay on that side of the room would be pointless," He hummed, tilting his head at her in thought, "But I would like you to at least... refrain from touching my things, if that's okay. There's a lot of herbs and plants I don't want damaged." He didn't think telling the unstable girl that some of them would have violent reactions should they come in contact with others, and left it at that.

"And please don't... poke me." His nose scrunched up slightly in distaste. Whether it be with a needle or her fingers, Danny didn't want any part of her touching him at all.

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Levvy nodded as Danny listed few rules. "No touching those plants you got... and no poking...? But it's fun..." Levvy whined, but restrained herself. "Okay then." Levvy decided she wanted to change clothes. She hadn't brought much, just an old suitcase with a few rags and bit and pieces in it. On the way here to this school, Levvy had stopped by a store and stolen some extra clothes she liked. "I'm going to change," she said as she darted into the bathroom with a bundle of clothes and locked the door behind her. To be honest, she thought Danny would make some sort of rule where they had their own 'sides' of the room. She was happy he didn't; it meant that he knew she wouldn't follow a rule like that, ever. She grinned widely as she changed.


Levvy walked back out and sat back down on her bed. Finding a comfortable position to sit in, she coped Danny's odd way of curling himself up against the wall. Levvy laughed a little.
"Why can't I touch the plant-plants? Special?" she asked, curious and grinning with some sort of devilish, childish mischief.

A small, shaky breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding escaped his lips as he heard the door click shut behind Levvy as she ran into the bathroom. Why she felt the need to change her clothes, he didn't know, but it bought him some time to think. So far, sharing the room with Levvy hadn't been half bad. Besides poking him in the forehead and jamming a needle into her arm she really hadn't done anything overly strange, for which he was both happy for, and a little puzzled. He had figured she'd be more... wild.

Perhaps he was jinxing himself, though. Danny hummed under his breath letting his head tilt back to rest against the wall, his green eyes darting over the various cracks in the roof. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad after all. As the door to the bathroom opened again and Levvy paraded out in her new outfit, one of which coloring greatly confused the troll, he couldn't help the small, wry smile that curled itself over his lips. At least she wasn't that Slawter guy.

"Because I need them," Danny replied almost instantly as he was snapped out of his reverie by her question, glancing down at his book bag. "And if they get ruined, I wont be able to get more."

@kurol (In about an hour, I'll have to leave. ^^)
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"Need them?" Levvy repeated, questioning it. What would he need plants for? "Plants are the supplies for ants, I suppose. Ants, easy to squash. Squash, squash, squash!" Levvy laughed, making squashing motions with her thumb and index finger. "Like people," she murmured quietly and scarily in afterthought.

"What is your favorite color?" Levvy asked. It was random and off topic, sure. But that was Levvy for ya. She rocked from side to side, humming a tune which was off beat and had no sense making rhythm.

Danny just nodded, not feeling the need to elaborate on the topic of his herb collection. She wouldn't have been able to understand it anyway, he didn't think. "Ants?" He said instead, tilting his head to the side in inquiry, "Ants are... annoying. And when they bite, it stings real bad depending on what types of ants you meet." His shoulders shrugged almost on their own accord, but his eyes widened a little as he caught her 'people' comment. A small shudder went down his spine.

"Powder blue." Was the automatic answer to her next question, "Like how the sky is on a foggy, summer morning, when it can't really decide if it's about to cry or not." A small smile stole over his lips. It had been way to long since he had experiences a foggy morning. "What's yours?"

"Foggy morning..?" Levvy said to herself. "I've never seen one before," she said. She never saw any daylight in the cells. She didn't mind, though, because she had enough color in the cells to be happy. "I like... white. Like the kind that marble floor tiles are made of," Levvy answered. She thought of her home, the white tiles lining the floor of the special 'room'. "Actually, I liked the red better. A crimson type. It looked nice on top of the white," she re answered, images if blood spilling onto the tiles flooding her head. She smiled. That was my blood, wasn't it? But now it isn't red anymore, huh? Hahahaha! An eerie smile stretched onto Levvy's pale face.

"Where did you live? With the plants?" Levvy asked as she played with her stitches.

"You have to be up really early to see it," Danny told her with a shrug, not really minding one way or the other. "White and crimson?" He repeated after a few seconds, his eyes rising to study the girl curiously. "Kind of like your hair, then, and your barrettes." He observed, before leaning his head back again, but keeping his eyes pinned on Levvy, just in case.

At her next question, a sinking feeling of sadness settled into his stomach, and the troll swallowed harshly to get rid of the small lump that had somehow made itself known in his throat. "Shimmerlake Forest," He mumbled, eyes averting for the first time, "'Ts gone now."

"Hahaha, yeah!" Levvy laughed as she touched the dark red barrettes that kept her fringe out of her face. It looked like the roman numerals for '13', like XIII.

Levvy watched as a small wave of sadness washed over Danny's face as he mentioned his home. Gone?
"Gone? Gone? Gone? Gone where? Where? Gone?" Levvy replied, repeating the same words over and over like a crazed psychopath. Well... "What do you mean gone? Tell me..? Don't be... boring," Levvy pleaded. Interesting, how the world of the people around her worked.

Ale13 said:
She smiled softly, "Yes of course." She chuckled softly to herself and kept herself calm. "Alright bye Hitsugya." She gave him one last glanced and waved bye. As soon as she turned around and walked away she felt heat on her cheeks. Willow began to walk abnormally fast to reach her dorm. Once she reached it she swung open the door and practically threw herself into it. Setting her keys by a nearby table, she sighs and takes off her shoes.
(I'll be back tomorrow im so tired ^0^ -Ale13)
Hitsugya smiled a bit and walked back to his dorm, he thought about tomorrow and wondered what would happen. He ignored his thoughts and once he made it to the dorm room, gently putting the key into the key hold as he turned it. It swung open and Hitsugya walked over to his bed taking off his jacket/coat and throwing it at his dresser he plopped himself down on his bed. He glanced over to the other bed to see that Slawter was sleeping (I 'm going to assume he's asleep), he turned onto his side and wrapped his wings around himself slowly beginning to relax.
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Yukari hummed to herself as she carried Kazuichi on her back. "Hey Kazu." Kazuichi popped his head up waking up from his nap. "What?" Yukari pointed at the school. "We're at the school." Kazuichi yawned and nodded. "Good now take me to my dorm I'm tired." Yukari nodded walking to his dorm and letting him down Kazuichi opened the door and stepped in. He turned to Yukari who was standing in the doorway about to walk in as well. "Hey this isn't your room go find yours I already told you the way here where it is." He shut the door and Yukari dropped to her knees. "But I'm bad with directions!" Kazuichi didn't answer back. Yukari got up and wandered finding and door. "This one must be it!" Yukari flung the door open seeing a white haired girl and a boy sitting in the room talking. "Opps wrong room sorry!" She apologized then smelt the air covering her nose she looked at the girl she stunk like a dead body or something.


Danny's head tilted forward to stare at the white haired girl as his feelings of longing and sadness for his lost home was all but chased away, washed out, drained from his system as a new feeling took a hold of his chest with such an iron grip that Danny himself became a little startled. Leaf green eyes narrowed into a hot glare and his hands clenched into fists on the duvet next to him. Frustration and annoyance were both emotions the young troll was well familiar with, but anger, however mild or raging, was not.

So why was it then, that Danny suddenly felt so seethingly angry at his demented roommate? The troll didn't know, but right at that moment, he didn't care. As his eyes flashed white for a split second, he opened his mouth to tell her off in the most angry tone he knew how. Which of course, wasn't a very angry tone at all.

"I beg your pardon, but I would rather appreciate it you wouldn't-"

His scratching 'hurtful' words were interrupted mid sentence as the door suddenly flew open. Danny jumped, his fists unclenching as all distorted thoughts of rage fled his system. He blinked at the girl in the doorway, a his brows drawing together in a confused frown.

"Sorry," He spoke up, tilting his head to the side as he noticed her strange posture, "Is something the matter?


@Nenma Takashi
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After an hour or so, Amelia heard footsteps coming to her bed, then a voice. "Amelia," she heard. She opened her eyes and looked to the one causing the noise. A tall girl with long brown curls falling behind her shoulders, tucked behind her ear. She wore a long, elegant, blue dress. Amelia smiled. "Hello, Gracie." she whispered. "Long time no see." Gracie always had been the beautiful one of the two sisters. Gracie gave soft smile, then frowned. "I came here for a reason. There's no reason to be a dick to that boy." She said. Amelia then frowned. "But he's obnoxious and he talks to much." "He talks as much as I used to talk." Gracie said. She then sat down on Amelia's bed. "Just because you're guilty and blame yourself for our deaths doesn't mean you can be an asshole to everyone else." Amelia gave a small nod and reached out to take Gracie's hand. As soon as she touched it, Gracie, starting from the hand and spreading through her whole body, turned to ashes.
Willow fumbled in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. Yawning, she stretched her arms and legs apart lightly. Practically rolling off the bed, she lazily walks to her dresser and takes out a pastel blue jumper and a pair of washed out jeans.

For what seemed like forever, she finally made it to the bathroom and changed clothes. Walking back out, Willow heads to her closet and takes out a plain grey oversized hoodie and throws it over her head. She scratches her head and strolls over to the front door slipping on her black combat boots. Opening the door she heads out into the hallway and decides to look around school for a bit.
Willow walked out of the building into an open area of land and shivered. "Curse you cold weather..." She pulled her hood on figuring it would give her some kind of warmth. She calmly walked around the outside campus in peace. She began to whistle to a lullaby she remembered when she was a toddler. Every now and then she would kick a nearby rock to keep her entertained.
"A-ah yeah..it freaks my parents out when I'm sleeping, because they think I died every single time." Jasper replied, backing up slightly when Mia got close, but recognized the look in her eyes as many had when first actually seeing him change. Hearing Mia talk about pulling out his stitches brought back memories of his little sister Jade, having the time of her life pulling them out. "The stitches aren't for keeping my limbs or fixing my body, they are just something that appear on zombies, kinda like hair. You don't really feel hair grow, but you can see it appear after awhile." Jasper said, slightly happy Mia just liked to mess with people, but not at the extent of the clearly insane Levvy.

Returning his attention to Mia, Jasper was slightly caught off-guard at her thinking he looked 'cool', which showed on his face. Putting a lollipop back in his mouth and adverting his eyes, Jasper could tell she wanted to touch his stitches as it was another thing people tended to do sometimes, but he usually didn't allow anyone other then family to do so. "You can touch them I guess, but don't tell anyone. I don't like being in this form all the time to be honest, and it feels weird when people poke at my stitches."

@Stamper ((repost for her because notification-kun hates everyone))
After playing the piano and singing songs for about an hour, he stood up and walked outside. He wondered if he should go back to his room, but quickly pushed away the thought. He walked down the hallway humming "Giant Woman", maybe he could go flying or find someone who actually liked him.
Daggora looked around as she walked into the school. There were a few other people already there but she didn't recognize anyone. Deciding to explore, she took out a jar of Nutella and a spoon, to eat as she walked.
Edgar passed her in the hall and almost stopped when he saw the jar of Nutella, one of his favorite spreads EVER. He forcefully tore his gaze away from the jar.
"That's pretty interesting. But it hurts when people pull hair out right? Does that mean it hurts when people pull your stitches out?" Mia asked him thoughtfully. Pulling hair was the worst, sort of like paper cuts. Because of that, Mia never understood the expression "pull my hair out". Actually, now that she thought of it, any sort of stitch pulling was painful, or at least she heard it was. In retrospect it was probably a stupid question. But when Jasper said she could touch the stitches? All of that was pushed aside for the wonders of stitch touching! Well, really, Mia was just really curious about them. "Don't worry, I won't stitch touch and tell," She told him with a snicker. She slowly reach down and gently brushed a couple fingers over one of the lines of thread on his arm. It was certainly a strange texture and she would have loved to explore further, however, she was reminded that Jasper said he didn't particularly liked when they were touched so she pulled away.. "Neat."

@Silvey (Sorry for the late response! >~<)

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