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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Her cheeks redened and she suddenly became embarrassed. "Well ya see I don't really know. My parents never liked talking about who I am. I always felt very connected with our planet and all...And my mom always called me little angel." Her cheeks flushed darker than crimson. "I think im an angel, but I've never used my powers...I haven't found a reason to." She shuffled uncomfortably under his gaze. "Enough about me! You're and angel right? You have very beautiful wings."
Hitsugya laughed at her comment about his wings, if anything they were more of a curse but hell since when did he care. "Well can you fly?" he asked seeming curious, and idea popping into mind.
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"Uhh, I dont know. Never tried." She tikted her head back and twisted her body in an awkward position. She looked at her back for a couple of second then fixed her posture. "Would you by any chance know how to?" She felt slightly embarrassed for asking.
Hitsugya smirked as he began to flap his wings that were sticking out of the holes he'd put in the back of his shirt. He was flying in mid air in front of Willow "Well perhaps we should go outside, when I'm flying it doesn't hurt much when I move but when I fly it takes off a bit of the strain" explained Hitsugya as he landed in front of willow.
She looked at him in awe and a sudden burst of excitement exploded through her body. "Ahhh! Are you gonna be like my mentor. Little lessons on how to fly!" She giggled and closed her mouth with her hands and mentally calmed herself down. "I'm so sorry. I get excited every now and then. Its almost impossible to avoid these sudden bursts of excitement." She cleared she throat and stood up straight but couldn't hide the huge grin her face wore.
Hitsugya looked at her then to a window nearby "Well first you need a running start since it's your first time, so. . .I guess that window will be a good starting point" Said Hitsugya with a smirk on his face as he puts his hand out for Willow to hold onto.
Willow glanced out the window and noticed it was quite high off the ground. "Are you sure? I-it's quite high off the ground" She hesitantly reached out her hand to grasp his. She could feel her heart race and felt as if it's going to pop out of her chest. "I'm trusting you. Don't let me go ok?" She looked at him straight in the eye and forced her hand to make contact with his. 'I really hope I don't regret this.'
Hisugya backed up a bit as he held onto her hand firmly and dashed at the window using his wings to break right through it. He immediately spread them out as he held Willow on her side making sure not to let go of her as he flapped his wings pushing them upwards.
She yelped and closed her eyes. Slowly opening them she smiled and laughed at the view before her. She looked warmly down on all the students that were walking by and couldn't help but wish them to have a good day. "This is so cool! I wish I had wings." Willow flinged her arms to her sides and imagined herself flying.
Hitsugya couldn't help but smile but he suddenly got a sharp pain in his chest again as he continued to flap his wings faster, once they reached a decent height he started to glide as he looked down at everything "Well in my current condition I don't know how long I can go without putting a huge strain on my muscles and heart, but I think I can manage this if I just glide" explained Hitsugya as he twirled a bit in the air to psych Willow out.
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Willow gasped and clenched tighly around his arm. "If this is hurting you stop. I don't want you to have further injuries." Willow's anxiety was increasing with every second that went by. "Hitsugya, I think we should stop now."
Amelia had received the key to her dorm and the location of said dorm. She walked to her dorm room, slid the key in, and turned the nob, pushing it open. When she took a step in, she noticed the guy from earlier. Not the heart attack one, but the loud one who talked to much. She stepped backward out of the dorm, looked at the number wondering she had gotten the wrong room. Nope. Right number. She stepped back in and looked at the boy. "Why are you in my dorm?" she asked.
"You sure?" asked Hitsugya quizically but he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable so he began to make his way down to the academy "If you don't feel comfortable I understand but can I ask you to try at least one last thing?"
Hitsugya looked at her eyes staring at her for a brief moment showing his trust "Okay. . .hold on" he instructed as he grabbed her left arm and turned her so that it looked as though he was falling as they slowly decended. He stared into her eyes with his "What do you feel right now?" he asked.
UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia had received the key to her dorm and the location of said dorm. She walked to her dorm room, slid the key in, and turned the nob, pushing it open. When she took a step in, she noticed the guy from earlier. Not the heart attack one, but the loud one who talked to much. She stepped backward out of the dorm, looked at the number wondering she had gotten the wrong room. Nope. Right number. She stepped back in and looked at the boy. "Why are you in my dorm?" she asked.
He turned around and looked at the person in the doorway. It was the girl who barely said a word, "This is my...our. Room."
Willow widened her eyes in surprise. She was absolutely terrified but then realized something. She wasn't scared and felt surprisingly calm. "I feel fine...Uh, I don't know what im suppose to feel." She slightly smiled and her body felt light like a feather. She felt free for the first time in her life.
Ale13 said:
Willow widened her eyes in surprise. She was absolutely terrified but then realized something. She wasn't scared and felt surprisingly calm. "I feel fine...Uh, I don't know what im suppose to feel." She slightly smiled and her body felt light like a feather. She felt free for the first time in her life.
Hitsugya looked up slightly to see if they were closer to the school but they still had quite a ways, he looked back at Willow "It's freedom. . .I remembered the first time I felt it. That's what flying is" explained Hitsugya as they continued to decend down to the academy.
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Copperkirin21 said:
He turned around and looked at the person in the doorway. It was the girl who barely said a word, "This is my...our. Room."
Amelia looked at her key, then at Edgar, then back at the key. "But...this is...my dorm...and your a guy...I though this school had...gender specific dorms..." she said with a frown. She then sat on the bed which Edgar didn't occupy. She then looked at him, as if she was evaluating him. She seemed focused and concentrated.
Willow grined widely showing her pearly white teeth and felt something within her. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and gapsed. She felt a dull pain in her and and noticed her hair was starting ti change from its original color. "What's going on?".
Hitsugya was surprised as well but had an incling of what was happening "I think you're about to fly" he said with a slight smile.
Before she knew it, two white wings sprouted from her back and her hair had completely changed to a light pink. She couldn't notice but her eyes were two orbs of gold. "Do I have wings?!" Suddenly her wings caught drag from the air and she was flinged backwards. Willow yelped in surprise and was spinning out of control due to the fact that she doesn't know how to fly. "HELP!"
Hitsugya flapped his wings as he quickly flew up towards Willow, grabbing her arm as he pulled her close to him tilting to his side trying to stabalize her spinning "You think you're ready?" he asked laughing a bit while he carried her once more.
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She looked at him in disbelief, "No! Do I look ready to you?!" Her breathing was uneven and regretted speaking to him like that. She held his arm tightly and calmed herself, "Can you please just help me?I have no freakin clue what im doing." She laughed slightly trying to calm herself down.
Hitsugya laughed as well "Okay, first pretend that your moving your shoulders but instead replace that feeling with your wings as if they are two extensional arms with minds of their own that you can control anytime you want" explained Hitsugya while holding here by her sides preparing her so that she was ready.

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