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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Honeywing flew over to his own bed and went back to his human form. He sat on the bed and crossed his legs, smiling over at his roommate. "It's nice to meet you Minzhe!" He was curious about his roommate, but he didn't want to ask too many questions. "So what are you?" He asked as he observed him, "I am a fairy, if you didn't know already."

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Hitsugya rushed towards the till when he felt a sudden pain in his shoulder and remembered that he was supposed to take it easy for a while. He walked his normal pace and spoke to the chef "Yes hello can I get an order of steak, fries, pork ribs, a root beer, honey dill sauce, and a ceaser salad?"

"Jeez you must have a big stomach. How long has it been since you've eaten a year?"
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"2 days. I trained a bit too much the other night heh heh" said Hitsugya starting to stuff his face.

"That's not a good combination..."
"Just don't eat my snacks or tease me, and we won't have an issue." Jasper responded, wondering why she was being passive. Closing the room's door, Jasper went over to his luggage, but only got out a large bag. Opening it revealed several small bags of different snacks and foods, however Jasper simply got a bag of spicy potato-chips, before sitting on the bed that hadn't been disturbed by Mia. "They help me think without putting effort into it, plus I just really like them." Jasper explained, before opening the bag of chips and began eating them slowly, yet simply stared at the wall as if there was something interesting about it.

"Since we are roommates, I'll at least ask, exactly who are you?" He asked nonchalantly, however in no way friendly, as if reading from a script. Jasper didn't really mind if the girl disliked him or not, but advice from his parents had told him the best way to deal with having a roommate, was at least getting along with them. Despite not being friendly, it wasn't as though he'd disliked her, more of not seeing a reason to become friends with her nor feeling like he needed to just yet.

@Stamper ((Sorry, got writer's block today and had to goto the library ^^''))
"I've.....been...in worse" he said with his mouth full of food. He finished all of the plates of food in a matter of 2 minutes. His stomach still grumbled in a disatisfied way, he didn't feel full at all "2 days of not eating, and a heart attack…and I don't even get a filling meal" he said displeased.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"I've.....been...in worse" he said with his mouth full of food. He finished all of the plates of food in a matter of 2 minutes. His stomach still grumbled in a disatisfied way, he didn't feel full at all "2 days of not eating, and a heart attack…and I don't even get a filling meal" he said displeased.

He pushed over his other slice of pizza, he had gotten two.

"Here. You can have mine."
He looked at the small piece of pizza "Nah I'm good…I think I'm just gonna go find my dorm" he said getting in a painful manner "Don't worry about me I'll be fine" he said as he slowly walked away with his hands in his pockets.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]He looked at the small piece of pizza "Nah I'm good…I think I'm just gonna go find my dorm" he said getting in a painful manner "Don't worry about me I'll be fine" he said as he slowly walked away with his hands in his pockets.

"Alright. See ya later!" he said, munching on the pizza.
"Don't worry, I won't touch your food but as for teasing you... Kidding!" Mia replied, glancing over at the boy perched on his bed eating chips. She would admit his lack of... emotions was kind of uncomfortable. She was used to emotional freedom and saying whatever the heck was on someone's mind. He couldn't feel the way he looked inside too, could he? If that was the case, she'd go sleep in a wolf den. At least they would show their anger about her invading their home by ripping her to pieces. Okay, maybe that was a little excessive, but she wished he'd crack a smile, joke around, something!

"Who am I?" Mia asked in fake surprise as if she was deeply offended. "I'm the famous succubus, Mia Marie Lovittz of course!" Famous for being a failure, but she didn't say that part out loud. "I'm joshing ya, but yeah that's my name. I'm seventeen... I like long walks on the beach...." She trailed off with a snicker and looked over at Jasper. "What about you? Tell me more about the mysterious dead and not dead Jasper!" She tried for a smile but it was more playful than friendly. As for unpacking, she was too lazy now, so she just relaxed on her bed and waited for an answer.

@Silvey (It's alright o: Sorry I'm a little late on a response too)
Hitsugya finally found the office after walking a bit, he hated being slow but he knew that if he didn't go easy on himself he'd never recover. When he walked into the office she took one look at him and noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and that underneath his black coat, that wasn't buttoned up, were white wrapping around his chest and left arm "Good god what happened to you!?" asked the secretary quite concerned. Hitsugya walked up to the desk not seeming to care "Had a heart attack. Would there be chance I could find out where my dorm is?" asked Hitsugya. The secretary looked at him wondering why the heck he seemed so… fine. She passed him the key "Thanks" he said as he walked out of the office and began looking for his dorm.
"Um, I don't think I have any rules." Honeywing thought for a second, "I don't know, don't hurt anything in front of me. It could get bad." He didn't like to see anything get harmed. He couldn't really think of any rules, he didn't really have any.

He looked over at Minzhe,
"what about you? Do you have any rules?"

Slawter, already having asked for his dorm, had set up what he brought inside his dorm and was lying down, staring at the ceiling, feeling bored. He took the keys that he had taken from Danny earlier and held them up above his face thinking to himself with a annoyed look 'Father would kill me if he found out, guess it can't be helped though, maybe I should go check on him... nah these keys might come in handy'. Slawter gave a smirk to himself thinking about it before turning his head to the dorm door as he heard it open.

@Veyd Sahvoz

@Cryobionic :3
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Hitsugya jammed the key into the door as it swung open. He walked in throwing his backpack onto the floor next to a bed when he noticed another person was already in the dorm "Oh. Hey, guess we're roommates" said Hitsugya setting his electric guitar down beside a dresser and sitting on a bed.

@Iak Destler
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"Well, I guess..I am Jasper Demitri, 16 years old, a former human raised by non-humans until an accident and finally my resurrection almost two years ago. I'm mostly known for getting the strongest person in the room to hit me." He replied, before thinking for a moment of anything else. "I hate humans, I hate losing self-control, and I have issues with other undead along with ...more or less." Jasper added, realizing he sounded both like a very negative person, very cocky in his own introduction of himself, and somewhat boring.

"Um...I like horror movies, almost perfectly honest about whatever I'm asked, and I'll do nearly anything for a sweet snack. The only things I won't do is be naked in front of someone, hurt my family, and try to hug a mountain lion...it isn't worth waiting forever just to heal back your limbs, and the pain of being mauled in the process." He continued, cringing at the memory, although Jasper didn't know if that just made him sound weird. Crumbling the bag up to save it for later, he wondered what to talk about next. "So...I guess what your family is like? Boyfriend or girlfriend? I don't know, what can you do besides steal life? You have any rules?" Jasper realized in his attempt to not seem boring, he had gotten overly nervous, which caused his stitches to appear for a few seconds. Taking a moment to breath, he wondered where and why the question of sexuality had came out of his mouth after calming down. "Ignore that second question, I'm not sure where that came from..." @Stamper
Slawter rolled his eyes and let out a big groan "why an angel, of all the bloody things to room with" He let his arms drop to his sides "An angel". Slawter clearly wasn't pleased and didn't care who knew it.
Hitsugya was slightly agitated by Slawter's comment "Save your complaining. I'm not an angel, I'm a fallen angel. What are you supposed to be?" he asked a bit annoyed.
Slawter turned over to look at Hitsugya, still not liking an angel, fallen or otherwise "you still smell like one, and as for what I'm 'supposed' to be, nothing, I am however a child of death so ya know, that's fun" Slawter turned over onto his side, facing Hitsugya "so what's your name angel?"
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Slawter rolled his eyes at Hitsugya "why angel, you are an angel, fallen or not, and you were once a celestial being so I will not stop calling you what you are. Also is a reminder of what im rooming with" Slawter's words were as cold as he looked before turning back over, his attention on the key again "it's Slawter by the way"
[QUOTE="Iak Destler]Slawter rolled his eyes at Hitsugya "why angel, you are an angel, fallen or not, and you were once a celestial being so I will not stop calling you what you are. Also is a reminder of what im rooming with" Slawter's words were as cold as he looked before turning back over, his attention on the key again "it's Slawter by the way"

Hitsugya looked at Slawter with a cold stare before sitting down on his bed "Alright…So Death, you play guitar?"
"Woah, woah, slow down there, kiddo," Mia said with her palms raised. "If you go that quickly, how am I supposed to take notes?" It was a small joke, but he was dishing out a lot of information pretty hastily. Even if she was pretty laid back, there was the potential of them possibly being friends one day. And she treated her friends well, cared about their interests even if she wouldn't admit it out loud. She laid back on her bad at the point, hand behind her head and legs crossed, staring up at the ceiling. "Jasper Demitri. Sixteen. Once human. Gets bullied... Well, if anyone bullies my roommate when I'm around, I'll give them a black eye." She wasn't too fond of the bigger guys picking on the litter guys and really, she liked an excuse to punch someone and put them in their place.

"Horror movies, sweet snacks... Wait a mountain lion? I'm not even going to ask. I guess they do look pretty cute at first, huh?" When he started asking her questions, she had to think for a moment. "My family doesn't like me, most succubus families don't work out too well if you can guess why, but I'm not bothered." Since she didn't care about answering the second question, she did anyway. "Both but I have neither right now. People, creatures, whatever... gender doesn't matter like species doesn't matter. Or at least to me," She told him with a shrug. "Besides stealing life... Well when I steal enough life, I can take on a true succubus form, with wings, horns, tail, leather... the whole nine yards. I also get a long stronger and stuff. Since I'm not now, I can be very persuasive and pretty quick without that form. It's so much easier to talk people into giving me their life energy than taking it, right? By that I mean kisses, etc., etc...."

Her eyes caught something on his skin for a fraction of a second but it quickly disappeared from sight. She raised an eyebrow at him but didn't say anything more about it. Tattoo maybe? Who knew? "My rules? Just don't upset me and we are good. So far, you're pretty cool. Oh, except that whole keep to yourself rule is kind of a drag. It such a hassle to go all the way to the bathroom to change," She pouted, though their bathroom was literally connected to their room. Anything out of the way for Mia was too much work. Or perhaps it was that she loved to complain. Remembering that'd he'd just said he liked sweets, she reached into one of her bags, a small backpack devoted entirely to candy, and tossed him a couple lollipops.

"I found these when I was traveling here and, oh my goodness, they are to die for."

Slawter's face twitched slightly as he looked back over at his roommate, agitated by the mention of him being death "I am not death, death is my father, and no, I don't play any instrument, why would that help me in any way shape or form"
"Passes the time I guess..." said Hitsugya as he thought to himself "So you got any ideas rule wise?" Asked Hitsugya laying down on his bed looking up at the ceiling.
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'Oh darn it! Now I'm curious! But I won't touch it.' He thought to himself. His kind are very curious.

He was kinda surprised when he saw the little animal summon the suitcase. He gasped and stood up and went over to the others bed, he knelt down in front of the fox and smiled shyly,
"can I pet you?" The tiny fox was definitely different, Honeywing had never met one like this one. It kinda made him happy, the fox had a very different aura.

"Oh wait! I have a rule. I have a sword in my suitcase, I am the only one who can touch it. If you touch it, then it will take your arm off." He warned his roommate. Sadly that had actually happened before.


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