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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Hitsugya slowly walked down the hallway as him and his (assumed) new friends tried to find the cafeteria. His stomach growled loudly as Hitsugya walked, he had bately eaten for the past 2 days and was starving. He didn't like the idea of walking slowly, he was in dire need of food.
"I'm usually pretty good with directions," Danny admitted, walking through the door way while flashing a smile of gratitude over his shoulder towards the taller male, "Well, when there's trees around, anyway. I'm pants at it inside." The troll shrugged his shoulders, making his book bag rattle and walked up to the reception desk, plastering a pleasant smile on his face as he leaned against the counter, waiting for someone to notice them.

@Marlow (You draw? :o )
Minzhe's subtle cough had seemed to do the trick, and in no time they had both gotten signed up and handed their own keys. A detailed explanation to as to where the dorms could be found followed, to which Danny payed rapt attention, keeping his green eyes nearly unblinking, glued to the kind-faced, old lady explaining it all. She had seemed to get rather uncomfortable by his intense stare, but Danny didn't want to miss a thing, knowing that if he did, he would most likely get lost in five minutes.

@Marlow (Oh? That's neat! ^^)
Left first, then right... past the plastic decoration bushes and then straight forward... then left, or was it right? No, it was definitely left, 'cause she pointed with ringfinger, and there was a ring on it and-

Danny started as something white came into view, blinking a couple of times as he focused back into the real world. He hadn't even realized the woman had gone, he had been so intent of memorizing the directions. Tilting his head downwards, he took in the schedule held out in front of him, before tilting his head back up to stare at Minzhe, his eyes filled with slight confusion.

"Eh?" He stammered, brows drawing together in a slight frown, before a look of realization washed away his confused expression entirely. "Oh! The schedule!" Danny gently took it, hurriedly placing it into his book bag before looking up again, his lips pulling back into the first real grin he had had since arriving at the school, his entire face brightening up with the smile, "Thanks!"

"That sounds like a good idea," Danny nodded, his fingers tightening around his key as he began to make his way towards the door. Once outside, he looked down at his hand, at the key, studying it. A plastic tag was attached to a key-ring threat through the hole in the metal, reading the numbers '23'. So that was his room number, then. As he waited for Minzhe to exit the offices, he wondered who else in the academy possessed a key with that number, and sent out a silent hope to whatever deity might be listening that the student would turn out to be nice.

"This place is pretty cool. no? Much bigger than my old school...and much more grand," Edgar said, making sure to walk a little slower.
Mia stared at the crowd of people bustling people,s scrutinizing each and every one of their faces. There was someone in particular she was looking for, someone that probably couldn't be found by just looking at people's faces but by talking to them though she didn't bother to do so. She had taken on her succubus appearance, a more comfortable one she would admit but it came with no power, no strength. It was just nice to stretch her wings and let her tail flip here and there. The person she's looking for ypu ask? Some person she was supposed to room with named Jasper. Judging by the name, she wasn't sure what the gender of her new roommate was but people were all the same to her. What did it matter?
Slawter walked through the front gates, a creepy feeling about him, and anyone who looked at him got the instant impression that he wasn't going to be the nicest person at school. He made his way towards the main office and spotted Danny out the front and with a smirk strolled up to the small troll thinking to himself 'this should be interesting'. As he walked up he held a hand out, ready to move it the second Danny held his own hand out "Hey shorty, the name's Slawter, what's yours?".

@Cryobionic @Marlow
Hitsugya was in his normal mood today, which wasn't much a suprise. He was walking behind Amelia and Edgar when he stopped and thought about something "Aren't we supposed to go to the office or something?" he asked slightly seeming to care.
Honeywing was excited to go to his new school! There would finally be people who were kinda like him to hang out with. He pulled on the starp of his big backpack, smiling as he walked through the front gate. 'Hmm, I guess I should go find the office.' He thought. But then he was kinda distracted by one tiny little flower all alone in the grass. He went over to it a touched it, making it grow a little bigger, "Hello there, you looked like you needed some help!" He smiled. He decided to take the flower with him! Honeywing dug out a tiny bit of dirt around the flower. He stood up and held the flower in front of him, he smiled and continued to make his way in to the school.

Mia really wasn't sure where she was supposed to be going. The campus was large and there were many students. Aside from the occasional tiny plaque outside of a door, there was no sense of direction as if everyone who entered the school was supposed to suddenly know where everything was and where everyone was supposed to go. Lucky for her, she'd "convinced" someone to give her their map and now stared at the paper like they were written in ancient hieroglyphics.Other people seemed like they had a destination in mind, a destination unknown to Mia, but a destination for sure.

"Where the hell do they already have to go? It's day one! They act like there's some sorta' special meeting just for them," Mia grumbled to herself, rather displeased with the current situation. Mia also wasn't any closer to finding Jasper either. She did a double take all around as if he would suddenly appear out of thin air with a big neon sign that said 'I am Jasper' but instead saw what appeared to be a boy speaking to a flower. It seemed to be a pretty friendly conversation too. More out of curiosity than anything else, she walked over to him and tapped him on the arm.

"Were you speaking to a flower?"

@Chris Montaview​
A voice rings out on the intercom (or the equivalent in this school) "Greetings students, and welcome to Ellesdale Academy. There will be no classes today, so feel free to explore the school and introduce yourself to your classmates. You will be sleeping in two-person dormitories, if you go to the main office then they will provide you with a key. There is no lights-out time, but it is advised that you get some sleep as you will not function well in classes without it. Thank you and please enjoy your stay."
Honeywing was too busy looking at the flower instead of those around him. He felt someone tap his arm, he turned around and saw a girl, probably older than him. Honeywing blushed when he realized he was caught talking to plants, "um, hello, I was just saying hi to the flower. It looked like she needed some help growing!" He said as he looked up at the girl and held the flower close to his heart. "I was just giving her all the stuff she needs."

Darkness. Max only saw darkness as he realised his head was hurting. Why? He had no idea. All he knew was that is was killing him. Well, not literally, but it was a pain indeed. With his eyes closed, he let out a moan and rolled over. Suddenly, his eyes jerked open as he heard something over the intercom. With a yawn, he looked around and began to listen. "A dorm? With another person? Who do they think I am? I will not settle with anything disgusting." With a small sigh, he scratched his head and began to get up. He brushed down his trousers and stretched as he made his way towards main office.

"What actually happened? I don't remember anything other then me being sent here. Was there something about a girl? Mexico seems to ring a bell." But he couldn't put his finger on it. Maximillion pondered as he made his way to collect his key. After a good few minutes, he arrived. "Maximillion Cowie. May I have my key please." He took his key and looked at the room number. "So, I'm in..."
"Sort of like teddy bears..and yes, I have died once remember? I said I died of a gunshot wound when I was human, then was resurrected by my mom as a zombie.." Jasper answered, slightly hoping he wouldn't have to repeat the entire story. As he gave her a confused look, a phone went crashing through the window of one of the double doors leading outside from the cafeteria. Hitting his head slightly, Jasper fumbled, but caught it as it bounced off, realized it was his. Glancing out the broken window, however with nobody in sight he guessed at who it might be. Quickly going through his contacts, Jasper called the one titled 'Bloody Chicken', however held the phone away from him and Levvy.

The reason behind this was quickly given, as when the call was answered, a female voice was yelling through his phone about having to carry his bags. After the voice stopped yelling, Jasper brought the phone to his ear and spoke back. "Sorry, I don't have perfect memory....yes, I have a map of the school, and no she isn't my friend....that is your own fault for listening to Rose......okay, just leave them at my dorm room. Alright, I'm heading there Ruby, love you." Jasper ended the call, put his phone in his pocket, and started his way out of the cafeteria. "I have to go head to my dorm, because apparently I am a walking toothpick ready to break." Jasper explained before abruptly getting the map of the school back out, and studied it, choosing which route to take. "You can come with if you want Levvy, though Ruby doesn't like you, and is pretty much hiding from you." He said, purposefully disobeying his oldest sister's advice, as revenge for yelling at him. @kurol

Mia thought for a moment? He talks to lots of plants? And how does he know that's a her? Mia didn't see any difference in the flower compared to others. Perhaps it had to do with his powers. Though, to what he said, she wasn't sure what to say back, so she scratched her arm awkwardly and shrugged.

"I'm sure there will be flower history books that have your name in them and little flower bards will sing songs about your heroic acts for many years," She joked, looking at the flower he held protectively. To her, it didn't seem like anything special. Once you picked it, it died like anything else. Wilted into ugly colors and crumbled to dust. That sort of happened to everything when it died didn't it? It was only a matter of time before the flower the boy held so dearly did the same. But Mia didn't say any of that. She just gave him an awkward half smile.

"You wouldn't happen to know where the dorms are, would'a?"

@Chris Montaview​
Though Danny had seen the other teen approaching, for how could he have not, with such an imposing presence, he still did not quite manage to hold back a jump as the tall brunette's hand shot out. Danny fidgeted under his stare, glancing back briefly to see if Minzhe was anywhere in sight, before his green eyes rose to pin the teen who had introduced himself as Slawter with a confused look.

Not seeing any reason he should be rude, however insulting the nickname had been, the troll forced a small smile, reaching up to shake his hand. "Dantalion Frost," He murmured, "Though most people call me Danny."

@Iak Destler (Sorry for the delay!)

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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Hitsugya alerted when he found the cafeteria "Finally!" he muttured as he tried to find the till.

"Jeez look at him go..." he thought.
Honeywing giggled at the girls little joke. "It may not be flower history books, but it would be fairy history books!" He looked down at the little flower, "I just like helping others." He fixed his backpack, it wa starting to get heavy. "Um, I think we need to go to the front office to get our keys and then they will tell us there." He started to make his way towards the office. Honeywing would have to get a pot for the flower and he would also have to wait for his dollhouse to be shipped here. "I wonder what my roommate will be like."

Amelia, hands still crammed into her pockets, watched as the hungry hungry heart-attack boy excitedly went towards the food. She made no such movement towards the food, but felt a small wave of triumph over their victory. They had found the cafeteria and slain the beast of famine! She chuckled to herself and gave a small smile.
Mia wasn't exactly sure what the boy was or what kind of magic he had but he was nice enough. "Well, see ya..." Mia mumbled to him as he walked away. She already had her key and the name of the person, she just wasn't listening to well when the people told her where to go. That paired with her horrible sense of direction usually got her lost. And then she was often too stubborn to ask anyone for directions. It was sort of strange that she had even spoken to the boy about it. Staff however? She wouldn't even dream of asking them. They were too stiff and serious for her. The atmosphere was uncomfortable.

Working up a bit of determination, and clearing away some of the laziness, she made her way around and picked the first big building she saw to go exploring. How lucky that it just so happened to be where she needed to be! Now the room numbers. A lot of moving people aside and grumbling to herself later, she stood at the doorway to her new room, fumbling with the stupid key to get in. Once the door was open, she picked the bed farthest from the window and laid down upon it, her limbs and wings splayed carelessly on the comforter.

"Jasper... Jasper... Who are you, Jasper?" She murmured to herself, rolling over and looking at the empty room. If they happened to be annoying, so help her god her roommate was going headfirst through that window.

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