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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

"Bok-ni?" Danny repeated, snapping out of his own thoughts as this new word registered within his mind, "Maybe, I'm not really sure what you're thinking of now, I've just always called it woods ear, because look," The troll reached into the pouch and pulled out two of the mushrooms, holding them up on each side of his head with a small laugh as he tilted his head to the side, "They look like ears, no?" The realization of what he was doing hit him then, and how ridiculous that must have surely looked to the fox spirit. Danny dropped the mushrooms back in the pouch, his cheeks tinting.

Though the embarrassment of his action was still painfully clear, Danny couldn't help but privately feel a little amazed that the silent teen had actually expressed some type of emotion. It had been brief, hardly noticeable, but he had caught it and the corners of his lips pulled upwards at the thought. But then it was gone and the fox was back speaking for his silent companion. "They do make for good seasoning," He finally said agreeably, nodding his head, "I use them sometimes too, but they are not the best mushrooms to cook with, I don't' think. I much prefer chanterelles, actually."

The teen then pursed his lips in thought, curiosity overcoming him once more. "Your family," He murmured, "Live they far from here?"

A couple minutes later Hitsugya awoke Wha--where the hell am I? He thought as he attempted to get out of bed but felt a slight pain in his chest, flinching he stopped himself and looked up at a lady in front of him "Hai there mister. ...Udaza. You're currently in the recuperation center of the academy's little hospital. I'm sorry to tell you that you have suffered from a major heart attack yet only recieved minimal damage. I'm actualy surprised that you didn't even take that much damage from it, anyways you will need to take it easy for at least a few days to a week" explained the nurse as she walked away. Hitsugya thought to himself *sigh* I really need to take it easy when I train. . . He got up seeing he was still wearing the pants he came to the school in except he wore a black coat that wasn't buttoned up and he couldn't help but notice the white wrapping around his chest and wrapped around his left shoulder. He shook himself out of his daze and got up trying to find the exit.
Amelia looked to the boy from earlier leaving the nurse's room. She raised her hand and gave a small wave. "Hi." was all that she said.
"Hya. . .umm what are you all doing here?" asked Hitsugya wondering why people were looking his way.
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"Hya. . .umm what are you all doing here?" asked Hitsugya wondering why people were looking his way.

"Well see you kind of were on the floor and Amelia here was calling for help and I heard her, so I ran to get the nurse. We were kind of worried so we wanted to make sure you were ok."
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"Ya I know, I had a massive heart attack and only had minimal damage. . .I really should stop pushing myself so much. Anyways thank you. . .for waiting, may I ask your names?" said Hitsugya feeling a bit of pain in his upper body as he moved.
Danny's eyes widened as his lips parted in slight surprise, a twinge of guilt shooting through his chest at the sight of the others obviously tense reaction to his question, "I'm sorry," He said hurriedly, ducking his head slightly, "I didn't mean to... I mean, it wasn't my intention..." He gave a slight sigh, giving up on his attempted explanation as he found he really had no idea what to say, "I'm sorry."

Copperkirin21 said:
"My name Is Edgar. Edgar Riken."
"That's a nice name, I'm Hitsugya Udaza" said Hitsugya as he looked over at amelia "Well I hope I wasn't drawing that much attention to myself"
Jasper started to reply back at her crazed logic, but instantly froze when Levvy suddenly touched him. Realizing he had lost control of himself and switched to his magical form, Jasper flinched slightly when she pricked at his stitches. He tried to switch back to his human form, however felt that he oddly couldn't. Jasper backed up away from Levvy again, slightly worried, despite trying not to reveal it. "A-ah. My favorite is bears. Did those...your family teach you anything?" Jasper asked, deciding it was better to just not mention his problem.

He was genuinely surprised at that Levvy hadn't ever seen an animal before, as Jasper hadn't met anyone like so. "If those scientists ask you to kill anyone here, I'd suggest at least doing some research. I know a bit about different creatures, but quite many are animal-like or are animals, and I'm no expert. You are strong, but certainly not the most powerful person at this place." Jasper suggested, thinking back to the other people he had met today, but also to the many people that had tried to kill him after getting upset because of him. If it were not for his near immortality and his family, Jasper would have permanently died a long time ago. "I am in no way saying your cocky, but it doesn't seem like you care if you die or not." He added, although his actions often made it seem as though that was true for him as well. ((Repost for @kurol owo))
Copperkirin21 said:
"Weeelllllll....everyone we passed kinda noticed. And others came out into the hall to see what was happening."
"Heh heh sorry about that. . .Say do you know where I could get something to eat?" he asked starting to get really hungry now.
Danny nodded slowly, his face still slightly twisted in apprehension as he struggled to think of what to say. Perhaps he should share some of his own misfortune, for wasn't that what one did in such a conversation? Danny didn't know, but maybe it would at least take Minzhe's mind off whatever was troubling him about his family.

"I understand the sensitive part," The troll told him earnestly, nodding his head slowly, "I don't have a family." There was no traces of self pity in his words, no whining tone behind his voice. He simply stated it as a fact, because that's what it was, and it wasn't as though it was going to ever change regardless of what he did anyway.

"Have you signed up for a dorm?" He then asked, changing the subject abruptly.

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"Heh heh sorry about that. . .Say do you know where I could get something to eat?" he asked starting to get really hungry now.

He looked a bit surprised, "Oh yeah that's TOTALLY what you say after something like that..." he thought. , "Actually I have no idea. I'm new here..."
"What, I just had a heart attack of course I'm going to be hungry. I didn't even sleep last night" explained Hitsugya as he started towards the hallway, flinching and hurting a bit from the pain in his upper body that still hurt excruciatingly every time he moved. "Well I suppose we should probably both go and find it" suggested Hitsugya.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"What, I just had a heart attack of course I'm going to be hungry. I didn't even sleep last night" explained Hitsugya as he started towards the hallway, flinching and hurting a bit from the pain in his upper body that still hurt excruciatingly every time he moved. "Well I suppose we should probably both go and find it" suggested Hitsugya.

"You sure you're good enough to walk around? You look like you're hurting..."
"I haven't," Danny replied, shaking his head, causing his light brown hair to scatter about his face. With a small frown, he blew at his fringe, before batting it away from hsi eyes with his hand. "But I do plan to, later." It was something he had thought about, and while the prospect of sharing a room with someone else, possibly a complete stranger, did not sit well with him at all, it was probably better than sleeping outside. As it were, the young troll was not a stranger to sleeping under the stars, for he had done so, up until the previous night, but that required him to change forms, something he was not particularly fond of doing at all. So the when the opportunity of having a room presented himself, it had been a swift decision.

Danny's shoulders rose as a shiver ran through his body, the previous chill now returning once more. A quick glance out the window soon told him why, for while the sin had been positioned to shine its rays through the windows before, it had now risen higher, the wall itself blocking the warm light. Hugging his arms around himself, he looked back at Minzhe, giving a small smile.

"If you're not opposed to it," He murmured, "We could go to the main offices now, and inquire about it."

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"What, I just had a heart attack of course I'm going to be hungry. I didn't even sleep last night" explained Hitsugya as he started towards the hallway, flinching and hurting a bit from the pain in his upper body that still hurt excruciatingly every time he moved. "Well I suppose we should probably both go and find it" suggested Hitsugya.

Both...not all three...both...figures... She thought before closing her eyes and turning her music up all the way. Miss halfway, by good old Anya Marina...I love this song... She thought.
Hitsugya glanced back at Amelia "Hey. . .you want to come? I don't know this place at all so I figured that you all might want to eat" said Hitsugya
Amelia always had a knack for hearing people's words with her music on high. She stood up, walked to the spot beside him and mumbled, "I guess..." she shoved her hands in her pockets.
Levvy retreated her hand, still fumbling curiously with invisible stitches. She settled to fumble her own stitches, the ones that spiraled around her arm. "Bear?" Levvy repeated. She wasn't sure what it was. Was it small, or big? Scary or cute? "Like a teddy bear?" she asked, remembering one she'd seen before, somewhere. "Hm.."

Levvy grinned as Jasper told her she's probably not the strongest one here.
"If I was, it wouldn't be fun, would it?" she giggled. "I don't. I don't mind if I die or not, you know? It's hard to die, sometimes, for me, with the chemicals and zombie stuff... But if I did, I'd.. Well, I'm not sure what'd I'd do! Last time I 'died', it didn't turn out normal, so... Yeah! Wait, if you're a real zombie, you died before, right?" she explained and asked. He would have died, right? Which meant he was human, probably... right?

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"Yep!" Danny chirped, happy to get away from the drawfty windows, before following after the taller male, soon finding that he had to take two steps for every one step Minzhe took. He didn't mind though, and as they walked, he got the feeling that he had forgotten something important, but whatever that was, seemed to want to stay forgotten. With a small internal shrug, he decided that it probably wasn't that important anyway.

"The offices are just over here," He told his new friend, raising a hand to point down the hallway, "I went there earlier today, but I got lost."

@Marlow (It's fine. I've been drawing. ^^)

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