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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Hitsugya rushed towards the till when he felt a sudden pain in his shoulder and remembered that he was supposed to take it easy for a while. He walked his normal pace and spoke to the chef "Yes hello can I get an order of steak, fries, pork ribs, a root beer, honey dill sauce, and a ceaser salad?"
Empty handed, Amelia sat one seat away from Hitsugya. She never liked being to close to people. When he ordered all the food, Amelia looked at him in a slightly confused way. Not shocked, just confused.
Suddenly realizing that one of his goals had been to stay away from other undead, and that as long as Levvy was nearby he'd be unable to have his usual self-control, Jasper decided to sprint towards the library first. Sadly, he was out of breath before he even got there, which was even disappointing to himself since it was very close according to the school map. Remembering that he was in his magical form, Jasper opened up a nearby window, climbed out to a ledge closing it behind him, and jumped. The pain being sent up his legs hurt like hell, but they healed back to normal easily. Checking the school map one last time, Jasper memorized a route back to the main office and from there to where the dorms were, before taking off with the map folded in his pocket. @Stamper
Mia glanced up when she heard the door open and scrutinized the person before her. He seemed normal enough to her and after a few more moments of awkward silence, she sat up normally with a shrug. "No, I assure you, I am very much alive," She told him with a stretch. Why would he want to know if she was dead? That question kind of answered itself didn't it? She was moving and breathing and clearly not a cold corpse, as far as she knew anyway. Unless of course, there were zombies here which she highly doubted. It probably wasn't smart to chalk something down knowing that stranger things could happen and that this school was full of mythical and magical creatures but her thought process had already moved onto something else at that point.

"I didn't think the dorms would be co-ed but it's all the same to me. Change in front of me, don't change in front of me, I don't really care what you do so long as you don't...." Mia paused mid sentence and looked up at him.

Her brows were furrowed and she stood up walking over to the boy. What the...? Being as she constantly sapped just a little bit of people's life force by being around them in her state, she realized she felt no energy coming off from him. Mia circled around him as if looking for an answer and stopped. She may not be dead be he certainly appeared to be. "Woooah, are you dead? Cause you don't feel very alive to me."

Honeywing had gotten his room key and was now looking for his room. 'Wow, this place is really, really big!' He thought to himself. Honeywing should kinda be used to big places, since he did used to live in the woods. But this place was not the woods! He should have asked someone to go with him. He sighed and turned around again and continued to look for his room.

Honeywing had finally found his room! He unlocked the door and walked in and saw two beds. He picked the bed closest to the window, it had a lot of sunlight coming in through it. He set the little flower down and set his stuff on the bed, he opened the bag and took out a flower pot, he set the tiny flower in it. Honeywing used his powers and shrunk himself so taht he was only 5 inches. He flew around the plant until it grew a vine, he guided the vine all the way down the window sill and to the floor. He flew around the room, he kinda liked it! It was nice and cozy.
'Childs play' Slawter thought to himself before he brought his hand up to his nose, wriggling his fingers before saying with a big smirk and a slight chuckle "sucker!" His head then swiveled to Minzhe, a little annoyed at being interrupted his fun who had just stepped up, his voice creepy, like a knife trying to cut through stone "and who are you little fox?"

@Cryobionic time zones, what can ya do

Danny inhaled sharply as the hand was suddenly drawn back, his eyebrows rising in surprise at the taller male's actions, not really understanding the meaning behind it at all. With a small, inaudible sigh he retracted his hand, letting it fall down to his side. Minzhe's sudden appearance made him jump slightly, and he whirred around to reply to his question, but before he could, Slawter spoke up again.

The sudden change in his tone of voice, and the sheer heat behind the strangers words caused Danny to take a hurried step back, his back pressing up against the wall as he watched the two taller teens with a cautious curiosity.

@Iak Destler

"No, I'm undead. If you don't know the difference, then that's truly disappointing, but because I didn't die very long ago I still have my human instincts. Or I am still mentally human, depending on who you ask." Jasper quickly answered, walking into the room and putting his luggage in a corner. "I don't care if your naked, but I care if I see you naked or others think so, since that would make things more complicated then they are." Jasper retorted, secretly happy that he could act normally, although something bothered him about Mia. Although it wasn't fear like with most other creatures, or the want to be friendly like with fellow undead, it did seem to come from his human instincts. "What are you anyway? You don't seem powerful like others, but I'd highly doubt your weaker then me." He asked, showing slight curiosity at her, but thankfully the feeling coming from his human instincts wasn't stronger then his usual self-control. @Stamper
"Well that's disappointing" Slawter replied glumly as he looked over at the fox around Minzhe's neck before turning his attention to Minzhe with a smirk that seemed to never leave his face and a stance that pretty much shouted I'm better than you"What about this fox mmm? You really think you can hide yourself from death... well the closest thing to it anyway"


Levvy exhaled as he ran off with barely any notice, something reminding him in his head he shouldn't be here. "Running away is no fun..." she whined. "So most people are like that, huh...." Levvy glanced at a clock as she fingered the stitches below her eye. "Oh! I better go, hehehe!" she laughed as she jumped up and went out of the cafeteria door. She played with her suspenders, which were bright red with yellow polka dots on them, very childish, like the rest of her clothing and personality. Or at least, the part that wasn't violent.

She wondered who'd she bump into next. This school was full of ants, it was! Levvy loved it. She walked down the hallway, on tip toes, arms spread out wide as if on a tight rope. She wobbled around and laughed madly, not even having a clue where she was supposed to be right now.
A small frown stole over Danny's features as he pinned the brunette with a green stare, his lips mouthing the word 'death' confusedly as he tried to figure out just what the other had meant by that. He certainly didn't look like something that could be related to dying, though his attitude did seem rather... dark. The troll fingered the dorm key in his hand as he continued to watch the two, not really sure if he should say anything.

Which proved to be a bad idea, considering Danny was rather clumsy as it was. The key dropped out of his hand, and the troll let out a soft yelp as he watched the metal piece connect with the floor and slide over to a still next to Slawter's left shoe. "Sorry, sorry!" He exclaimed, feeling rather mortified as his hand instinctively reaching out to summon the pesky thing back.

@Iak Destler


(...I was at a loss for what to write.)
Slawter chuckled to himself "interesting name, then again so is mine, Slawter, not something to pleasant." Slawter eyed the keys on the ground and waved his hand as they vanished from the floor and came to rest in his right hand in a cloud of shadows, his eyes going from the keys to Danny before holding them by the tag in front of Danny's face"I'm assuming this is your dorm key, you want it back little one?"

@Cryobionic look at my replies, erg

Danny stepped forward, turning his head to send Minzhe a short nod and a smile, "I'm fine, I just have a tendency to be a little to clumsy for my own good sometimes." He shrugged, before turning back to retrieve his key, only to fund it missing from the floor. Green eyes widened and looked up, nearly crossing as they came to rest on the dangling keys suddenly very close to his face. Feeling a little more then affronted at being referred to as 'little', the troll grabbed for them with a slightly irritated huff, "I would appreciate it!"

@Iak Destler

Slawter's smirk widened and brought his hand back tangling a bit further back from Danny, teasing him as though he was a puppy "What do I get for giving it to you mmm? You don't really seem to have anything to offer me other than plants, and they wilt and die so easily" The area around Slawter seem to become barron, any plants near him seemed to wilt and die an immense rate, and the stones beneath his feat cracked out from underneath him.
"J-just give'em back!" Danny insisted, his tone a little weak, reaching for the keys again, only to find that they were out of reach. He absolutely refused to jump for them, finding even the thought of doing so much too embarrassing. Instead he stopped trying, taking a stumbling step back as he saw the effect the taller teen was beginning to have on their surroundings. A shiver ran down his spine. "Look, I don't want any trouble, I don't have anything to give you."

@Iak Destler
Slawter gave a fake look of sympathy before clutching the keys tightly in his hand and he started to stroll off, swinging them around his finger "awwww... well isn't that too bad, you'll have to figure out something if you want these keys back, maybe your foxy friend can help you." As slawter walked off he turned around and yelled back "You never know what can happen in a place like this dear troll, keep your wits about you"


Danny stared after Slawter, his fists clenching and unclenching in frustration. He needed those! Briefly, he thought about flashing over to the taller brunette, and just snatch the keys away from him, but he dismissed that thought almost as quickly as it had come. The other teen was much bigger than him, and from his little display of power earlier, there was no doubt in the young trolls mind that while he might be able to outrun him for a little while, he wouldn't be able to do so for long. And then who knew what would happen.

So instead, he gave a defeated huff, his shoulders drooping as he turned back to face Minzhe, his cheeks puffed out in annoyance and the start of a childish pout made itself known on his lips. He heard an unknown voice then, and he looked around for the source, but as he saw nobody, he dismissed it. "Don't bother," He murmured to the fox, forcing a small smile, "It's not... That is, I don't think you should. I'll figure out a way to get them back myself."


@Iak Destler
The troll's expression brightened, and he nodded his head quickly, making his brown locks dance about his face, "It was twenty three," He told him happily, clasping his hands together, "Though..." He murmured as a thought came over him, "Isn't there a chance we would get in trouble for something like that? I don't think picking locks is allowed?" At least, he didn't think it were. From what little experience he had with other people, humans in particular, he knew that they valued their privacy. Which could only lead the troll to the conclusion that perhaps picking locks wasn't such a good idea after all.

Danny's lips formed a small 'o' in surprise as he stared up at the taller teen, his head tilting slightly to the side as he listened. The saying sounded wise enough, and the troll found himself nodding along in agreement, smiling a little at the fox-shaped hands. "Well, I suppose that's reasonable enough," He replied when the other was done speaking, shrugging his shoulders, "But it's my fault we have to do this whole thing. So I don't mind it if I get in trouble for it to. Let's go."

"Convenient!" Danny replied with a smile, following after Minzhe. And it was convenient, because with the map at hand, it took no more than ten minutes for the two teens to arrive at dorm number twenty three, and with Danny only wandering off to inspect the plants decorating the hallways four times, the troll thought that to be quite the achievement.

"I don't get why they use plastic plants," Danny told his friend in a slight huff, twirling a shiny, fake leaf around in his fingers as he stared at the dorm door, "It has absolutely no uses what so ever." The troll stepped forward and tried the doorknob, on the off chance that his dorm-mate might have arrived already, but the door was unyielding, and the Danny let his hand drop to the side.

Danny tilted his head to the side and walked cautiously into the dark room, noting at once that the crimson red hanging in front of the windows curtains were drawn shut. A flick of the light switch next to the door frame revealed the room in its entirety, however, and his eyes widened comically at the sight. It was much larger than he had expected, and contained more furnishing than he had thought it would too. Two beds stood opposite of each other, pushed against the far walls and generally just looking comfy. Two identical bookshelves and desks were also provided, and Danny couldn't help but think that he would most likely get a good use out of those.

The troll walked over to the left bed, letting his book bag drop off his shoulder for the first time since he arrived. The bag rattled as it hit the floor, but at that moment, Danny didn't much care, he was just happy to be situated. A feeling of peace overcame him then, as he realized he would probably spend the next year in this room. No more ants crawling up his trousers, no more wet moss, no more birds picking at his hair...

Danny spun around then, pinning Minzhe with a bright grin, bouncing happily on the balls of his feet, "Thank you so much!"

"Okay, I'll see you later!" Danny called after him, closing the door a moment later before turning around to take in the room again. It felt rather nice, not only to be out of the forest, for while he loved the woods, there was just something about never staying in one place and always moving about that never appealed to him, but also to have a place that he knew he could come back to whenever he pleased. Well, when he got his key back anyway.

At the thought of his key, and how it had become lost in the first place, Danny let out an annoyed huff, walking over to his new bed. As he ran his fingers over the soft material of the duvet, he wondered if he would actually have to go back to the main offices and inquire about a new key, and how much trouble he would be in for losing the original one not only an hour after he had received it. And even though there was a small chance that he might convince Slawter to give him his key back, he very much doubted that he could accomplish such a thing.

As Danny sat down on the bed, silently amazed at the confyness of it, his thoughts wandered to his unknown room mate. He hoped whoever it was would be a nice, decent person. Hopefully, he thought, they wouldn't have any trouble leaving the door unlocked sometimes.
Honeywing heard the door open, so he quickly flew to the window sill next to his plant. He looked up at the strange guy, he had an animal on his shoulder! Honeywing waved his arms at the kid, "Hello! You must be my roommate. My name is Honeywing or you can just call me Honey if you want!" He smiled up at the tall being. Honeywing could tell that be was something.... Different, something he has never met before, but he had an animal and animals make him happy!

A male who didn't want to see a naked female? How interesting. And how bland. Mia could have thought up a few ways to mix things up had it been different. Perhaps there were other ways to be mischievous. As for his answer, it didn't really help her much with figuring out what exactly he was, just confusing her further. So he's not dead... but he is dead? Perhaps his power is having his cake and eating it too, she thought comically. Well, he checked out alright so far, an acceptable roommate under her standards, which weren't very high anyway.

When he asked about what she has, she let out a light laugh. "I..., good boy, I am a succubus. We sap life energy one way or another," Mia told him with a playful wink. "I'm probably weaker than you right now but if I had the proper energy later.... Well, I don't know." Her smile soon fell and she sighed. Thinking about such a thing started to bring her down, so she banished such thoughts from her mind and returned to her bed to sit on the edge of it. "Well while we're here and all, do you have any rules since we will be living together after all?"


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