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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Although he knew quite well bullying wasn't the reason people hit him, and that it would be awkward for him if she didn't change in the bathroom, this was instantly forgotten the second Mia tossed him some lollipops. The second they landed in his hands, Jasper tore the wrapping apart like an animal, and after putting them in his mouth smiled like a kid in a toy store. "Mmmm!" Was his only response to her saying something about traveling, but after a few minutes his brain finally stopped being flooded with the taste of candy, and what she said had caught back up to his brain. Sighing for a moment, Jasper couldn't really say no in the face of getting free candy. "Fine, but make sure to tell me before you change so I can turn the other way. Also, it's kind of surprising you don't have some kind of partner, my sister Rose is kind of like you but she...well she is alot more perverted, but doesn't have to be. By true form, you mean magical form? Like this?" Jasper said, before his stitches appeared on his body, along with the odd symbol in his eyes and needles sticking out of his head.

Looking down, Jasper gave his left palm an annoyed look as new stitching appeared on it. "I really hope I don't grow them on my hands. It makes it harder to eat food without having to clean the stitches supposedly." Putting his attention back to Mia, Jasper remembered her saying he was 'mysterious dead and not dead', and guessed it was better to explain then to leave things out. "The reason I'm un-dead, is because technically I am living, but only partially. I guess because of the necromancy used, people can't tell unless I do this. I'm not sure about magic and stuff, but I guess my life energy or whatever is just that small." Jasper got out a small knife, lightly cutting along his left arm, but the wound was quickly healing back up. "I pretty much won't die unless it's extremely serious, or my head is destroyed, so I guess that is something good about it." @Stamper

((Really really sorry, my mom turned the heat up really high and I fell asleep Q~Q))
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Hitsugya ignored Slawter for a moment as he got up off his bed and ripped his black coat off revealing his black wings as he ripped two holes in the back of his coat and slipped it back on, making sure he didn't hurt his wings while putting them through the holes on the back of his coat like nothing. He jumped back onto his bed as he slightly stretched his wings out underneath him.
Honeywing perked up as he reached out and pet the fox, "your really soft!" He looked over at Minzhe, "good, cause I want you to keep your arm." He stopped petting the fox and sat back. "Oh, also I have a dollhouse that I used to live in, it's being shipped here. Just so you know."

He got up and went back to his own bed and sorted through his suitcase. "Do you have a favorite fruit?"

Honeywing pulled some packets of fruit seeds out of his suitcase. "Just cause I have some stuff here in case I wanted a snack, cause i dont really know what they will have to eat here. I was gonna share it with you! Sorry I don't have any meat seeds." Honeywing also ate a lot of meat. People usually think it's weird cause he says he loves animals, but he also loves meat! A meat tree would be a wonderful thing right now.

"So Minzhe, what did you do before you came to the school?"

Well that was short and sweet. Honeywing could kinda tell Minzhe did not want to talk about it, so he didnt linger on it. "I lived in a forest with my family but then some of us were separated when the humans got rid of the forest." He sighed, "I was found by a human girl and she took care of me." Honeywing smiled at the thought of the little girl who had helped him, "she was old enough to know that she could have gotten a lot of money if she just sold me. But she was kind and helped me instead!"

"Nah, don't worry," Mia told him. "I won't change out here. I just love giving people a hard time." It was the truth though saying it out loud kind of made her sound like a jerk. It wasn't that she enjoyed people's unhappiness, just the freedom and satisfaction of doing what she wanted to. Though, Mia decided she would make an exception for her roommate. If he was upset with her, it wasn't like they could just avoid each other when they slept a few feet from each other. "A partner? Eh, I don't know about that..."

When Jasper changed, her eyes got wide. "Wooah... So you are a zombie. Dang dude, you look pretty cool." For a moment, Mia forgot the concept of personal space and edged closer to get a better look at him. Really, she wanted to reach out and touch one of his stitches but was at least courteous enough to not do that. "When I'm closer, I can feel the life in you. Or maybe it's your form. Or maybe it's concentration. It's just a little different than other types of life if you know what I mean," Mia shrugged and returned her attention to the stitches. "So I guess it'd be bad if they were pulled out? ... Don't worry I'd never do that."

"I am a forest fairy, so all of my powers are more growing and healing plants." Honeywing said as he looked out the window. "I kinda have a connection to them! Do you have a connection with anything?" He said. He looked over at Minzhe and the little fox. "Does the fox talk alot?"

"A-ah yeah..it freaks my parents out when I'm sleeping, because they think I died every single time." Jasper replied, backing up slightly when Mia got close, but recognized the look in her eyes as many had when first actually seeing him change. Hearing Mia talk about pulling out his stitches brought back memories of his little sister Jade, having the time of her life pulling them out. "The stitches aren't for keeping my limbs or fixing my body, they are just something that appear on zombies, kinda like hair. You don't really feel hair grow, but you can see it appear after awhile." Jasper said, slightly happy Mia just liked to mess with people, but not at the extent of the clearly insane Levvy.

Returning his attention to Mia, Jasper was slightly caught off-guard at her thinking he looked 'cool', which showed on his face. Putting a lollipop back in his mouth and adverting his eyes, Jasper could tell she wanted to touch his stitches as it was another thing people tended to do sometimes, but he usually didn't allow anyone other then family to do so. "You can touch them I guess, but don't tell anyone. I don't like being in this form all the time to be honest, and it feels weird when people poke at my stitches."

After eating Edgar went to his room. He opened the door and stepped inside his dorm room.

"Hmm...quaint. I like it...." she put his stuff down and crashed onto the bed.
Willow walked with her head down towards the entrance of the school. Wiping her moist palms against her skirt she nervously looks up at the unbelievably enormous school. Her eyes widened in surprise and she couldn't help but fidget as her anxiety increased.

Eventually she got herself to walk into the school and looked around in awe. She was very impressed how the interior was well kept and clean. She smiled as she watched other creatures walk around, analysing each individual thoroughly. She stood there and looked around for assistance.
After a long while of silence (like 5 mins) in Slawter and Hitsugya's dorm Hitsugya got off his bed flapping his large wings a bit (he has a black coat on right now and it's buttoned up but his wings are sticking out through the back) He glanced over at Slawter "I'll be back in a bit…I'm just going to see what this school has to offer" he said with a smirk as he opened the dorm room and walked out with his hands in his pockets leaving the dorm door open a bit.
Willow sighed and decided it would be best to look around instead of standing around like a weirdo. She walked for what seemed like hours to find herself lost. " Gosh darn it. Where am I." Taking out her map of the school she tried to navigate herself to the office or anywhere but there. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Who the heck designed this building. It's like a freakin maze!"
Hitsugya walked around at a casual pace, he remembered he'd left the map on his bes but he didn't feel he needed it. He looked around wondering where a band room or training/fighting room would be when he bumped right into a lady.

Willow finally had some clue as to where she was going and made a sharp turn around a corner. She bumped into an unknow object and stumbled a few feet back. Looking she gazed at the man in front of her. "I'm so sorry, I should really look up when im walking...Hehehe..." She shifted her eyes away from his gaze due to nervousness and tapped her feet uncomfortably. She hesitantly looked back up and aksed, "Um, do you know where I can get some assistance. I have no idea where im going."
Hitsugya looked at her "Oh no that's my fault don't apoligize" he said wih his hands still in his pockets. His wings flapped a bit as they folded themselves on his back, he looked up at her "Umm…I could help you. I was just looking around myself, but I think I remember where the office is" said Hitsugya trying to recall his memory.
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"Wow! You are really interesting!" Honeywing smiled at Minzhe. He was glad he could go to a school where he could meet alot of different beings! "Well, I am glad we are roommates!"

She sighed in relief knowing she will live another day thanks to his good graces. She smiled warmly at him, "Are you new as well? If you are you don't have to bother yourself with me." She couldn't help but notice his wings and her grin widened. Mentally face palming herself she abruptly raised her hand to shake his, "Uhh, hi my name is Willow. And your name is?"
Ale13 said:
She sighed in relief knowing she will live another day thanks to his good graces. She smiled warmly at him, "Are you new as well? If you are you don't have to bother yourself with me." She couldn't help but notice his wings and her grin widened. Mentally face palming herself she abruptly raised her hand to shake his, "Uhh, hi my name is Willow. And your name is?"
He turned around looking back at her "Hitsugya, and yes I'm new but it's not like I got anything important to do. Nursr said I gotta take it easy for a while" he explained as he started walking "You coming?"
"Huh? Oh yea." She quickened her pace to match the stride of Hitsugya. She kept herself a few feet behind him and looked at the passing pictures as they walked.
Hitsugya noticed that she seemed shy due to her walking a few feet behind him, he turned his head slightly to look back at her "What's wrong?" he asked stopping in the middle of the hallway waiting for her to catch up.
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She looked up at him startled, "Nothing, I am fine." She smiled for reassurance and fiddled her fingers. "Earlier you mentioned that the nurse told you to take it easy. Do you mind me asking why that is?"
Ale13 said:
She looked up at him startled, "Nothing, I am fine." She smiled for reassurance and fiddled her fingers. "Earlier you mentioned that the nurse told you to take it easy. Do you mind me asking why that is?"
"Oh nothing. . .let's just say I trained a bit too much and had a heart attack" explained Hitsugya rubbing the back of his neck chuckling a bit "But I'll be fine. I'm here to help you find your way around" Said Hitsugya as he continued walking.
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The door handle rattled as Danny gripped it, pushed it down and swung the door open. A wave of cool air, no doubt emitting from the many rows of faulty, drafty windows adjacent to his dorm door, hit him in the face the moment the door swung open fully. Danny's shoulders rose, because even if he still had his trusty winter coat securely clinging around his small frame, the fact of the matter was that his scarf was still missing. He very much doubted he would get that back, or, if he even wanted that back for that matter. It was most likely ruined by now. Lost.

A heavy dose of realization had settled into the pit of the young trolls stomach only half an hour after Minzhe had left to find his own dorm. It was something he had completely forgotten about, a memory of which had only been jarred back to the forefront of his mind as he had rummaged through his book bag, intending on sorting through the different varieties of herbs he had managed to scrape with him when he had fled the forest. His leather pouch of Woods Ear was still in the possession of the fox spirit.

Danny stepped out into the cool hallway, his green eyes darting first to the left, and then to the right. A nervous habit he had been forced to pick up the moment he had first nearly been flattened by a steamroller. It wasn't so much that he desperately needed the bag of fungi at that very moment, but finding it missing had flung his thoughts back to the earlier hours of the day, to the fight he had witnessed, and in some ways, taken part in, and to the sudden heart attack experienced by the unlucky boy in the main entrance. It would be foolish of him to neglect having the pouch around, he was sure of it, and he had grown restless on his bed as he thought more about it.

Which was why the troll found himself tentatively shuffling down the hallway, only now coming to the rather obvious conclusion that he had no idea which of the dorms belonged to Minzhe. His teeth clamped themselves around his lower lip as his eyes began to dart from door to door as he walked, hoping that maybe the fox spirit might have left his door open, or left any sign of his ownership outside.

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She looked at him bewildered, "You know heart attacks are not to be taken lightly Hitsugya. Doesn't matter how tough you are, you should really be more careful." She looked at him with concern but decided not to nag him about it. She locked her hands together and looked ahead. She wanted to talk more to him but decided against it. 'Stop being so shy...' she thought to herself. 'This is why you never make any friends.'
Ale13 said:
She looked at him bewildered, "You know heart attacks are not to be taken lightly Hitsugya. Doesn't matter how tough you are, you should really be more careful." She looked at him with concern but decided not to nag him about it. She locked her hands together and looked ahead. She wanted to talk more to him but decided against it. 'Stop being so shy...' she thought to herself. 'This is why you never make any friends.'
"Ah it wasn't that bad, she said something about a massive heart attack and only taking minimal damage. But I feel fine" Said Hitsugya continuing to walk, he wondered what race she was but was thinking if he should ask her or not "Hey. . .Willow what race are you exactly?"
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