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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

" So your a...Frost Jotun? Cool...I'm Crystal...Oh ya and in case your wondering what I am, I'm a Kirin " Crystal said cheerfully before adding " its kind of like a unicorn and and dragon put together, but its a spirit of the two...though its, its own species its actually really cool, oh! Sorry I'm rambling " she blushed a bit and fixed her hair, her horn gave off a faint glow that was hardly noticeable, she half wagged her tail

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"Fox spirit?" Danny repeated, his tone sounding a little nonplussed. He hadn't ever met a fox spirit before, and quite frankly, he had no idea such a thing existed up until now. But then again, he hadn't been aware of half the population of the academy either, so he supposed that couldn't be helped. With a soft laugh he shook his head, "I don't know anything about your species, I'm afraid." He said apologetically, "So I'm not going to make any guesses as to what that means."

"Yeah, my mom thinks it is silly because I don't need to, but my dad usually says it's just a habit." Jasper answered, however gave her an annoyed look quickly afterwards. "The only reason you think they are like ants, is because you have more power then they do. Humans are the creature that when given power, will abuse it in the worst possible ways. It's only a matter of time till someone who is more powerful then you squashes you as well." He warned, not caring if Levvy took offense or laughed at him. Jasper knew he was weak, and was glad of it, because anyone he had seen eventually lost control of their strength.

Turning his back to her, Jasper sighed before making his way towards the doors out of the cafeteria. Almost instantly after he walked out, Jasper walked back in, his face in his palm with regret. "Can we agree not to talk about humans from now on? If we don't, one of us is going to be dead permanently....and by one of us, I mean me." He asked, taking a moment to breath, before thinking of a new subject to talk about. "What about animals? Do you have a favorite animal?" Jasper questioned, not noticing that in his nervousness his body had switched to his magical form, making his stitches visible and the odd symbol in his eyes appear. @kurol
"That would explain it, then. But to be fair, I am kind of clueless to other species." Danny admitted honestly, shrugging his shoulders. To him, it didn't really matter much what kind of species Minzhe was. He had been nice to him, so in Danny's mind, he could have been a three story tall mountain troll and he would have still liked him. The young teen's head tilted to look up at the taller boy when he uttered his next question, and a small, wry smile stole over his features.

"I'm a changeling," He told him softly, one hand reaching up to push his fringe out of his eyes, "Or a forest troll. It really depends on how you would like to classify it, I guess." He shrugged, and after a few seconds of silence, he decided to elaborate a bit more. "I was swapped out for a human baby when I was young, which is where the 'changeling' thing comes from."

@Marlow (Sorry for the delay! ^^")
"It's not really unique," Danny said, laughing a little behind his hand, "There are a lot of trolls around, only, only a very few unlucky ones ever get swapped." As he said that, his smile fell for a second, his previously amused expression exchanged for a much more downcast one. The troll averted his eyes, giving a silent sigh.

Then his eyes rose once more, and the expression disappeared as quickly as it had come, as if it hadn't been there at all. "Well, I've never met a fox spirit before now, so I guess it's new to both of us, huh?" He smiled happily, shrugging his shoulders, "Kind of exciting, really."

"When a more powerful person rises and kills me?" Levvy repeated, dumbstruck as a child. A creepy grin crossed her pale face. "Just kill them too! Ahaha. Please do not think ill of me," she answered, giggling maniacally. She calmed down. She noticed a strange symbol appearing in his eyes, and the stitches appearing on his body. "Yay!" she exclaimed as her fingers brushed along a row of stitches. She picked at them curiously. They weren't like hers. Jasper's stitches were real zombie stitches. Hers were something she did to herself, proving her inability to feel the pain. "Favorite animal..." Levvy repeated. She cocked her head. "I've never seen one before," she answered. The only living beings she'd seen until this school were the scientists. And her family, but they weren't exactly living.

"Which is why both of us have found ourselves at this academy, I'd imagi-" Danny's reply was instantly cut short and replaced with a startled yelp as the taller teens companion suddenly leapt at him. Danny flinched harshly, his hands instantly shooting up to shield his face as his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to fight the instinctual urge to teleport out of sight.

About five seconds later, however, one leaf green eye cracked open as he realized the only thing which had changed aside from his initial startle was a distinct weight upon his right shoulder. Feeling rather stupid for assuming the worst, Danny relaxed his posture slowly, giving an awkward laugh in an attempt to alleviate the tense situation. "I don't... I don't know what to do now." He told the other lamely, glancing from the animal now perched on his shoulder, and over to Minzhe again.

Despite the awkward situation, and the most certainly tense atmosphere between the taller male and his companion, Danny couldn't help but lift his hand to his mouth, a soft giggle bubbling up within his chest. It was all so strange, so unlike anything he had experienced before, talking foxes and tickling silent guys. The situation in which he now found himself in just seemed weird to the point of almost being... cute.

Usually, it was him who was the one apologizing for situations out of his control, but it seemed as though the roles had been reversed, and Danny was left at a loss for what to do. "It's okay," He murmured, his tone sounding rather amused but sincere, "It just gave me a right fright is all. No harm done." Danny then stepped closer to Minzhe, his right shoulder nearly brushing up against the others arm, intending on giving the fox a better means of taking his original spot on the taller males shoulder.

Edgar walked past the boy into the entrance hall and looked around.

"This place is niiiice..." he thought, "A lot of new faces too..."

Not knowing who to talk to first, he just stared to wander around the hall, evaluating all the students and trying to find who looked the nicest. Again in a daze, he tripped and fell flat on his face.
Danny looked up with a smile, nodding in acknowledgement before his eyes widened slightly as he realized he was standing much to close. With a sharp intake of breath, the shorter male hurriedly stumbled back, reclaiming his spot at an arm length away from the other.

As Minzhe's question registered within his mind, he mulled it over for all about five seconds before shaking his head with a small smile. "Don't worry about it, it was really no big deal," He murmured sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. He really didn't feel as though him sharing his schedule with the taller male had been anything worthy of 'repayment', and he was sure he would feel rather guilty for requesting anything. But then again, had he not been the one to make boons with the local hunters of the forest? That had been all about repayment, so Danny sort of understood where Minzhe was coming from.

His teeth clamped down on his lower lip as he racked hi brain for something, and for a few seconds a heavy silence fell over the two teens and the fox. Then, Danny help up a finger with a small smile, nodding his head, "But, if you really feel as though you owe me something, there is one thing you could do for me." He told him, his tone almost bordering on sly.

Hitsugya was looking around for a while, the directions to this academy were impossible to read. I wonder if this is worth it. . . Thought Hitsugya as he continued to walk. After a walking for another 15 mins he was starting to think he'd never find it, he ripped off his jacket revealing his wings, black and dark like the night. He bent his knees a bit as he flapped them once and took off straight into the air.

After flying for 5 more mins he finally found the academy, he landed ever so lightly and quiet as he put on his black night coat and walked up to the academy's entrance.
Amelia was leaning against the wall, eyes closed, earplugs in and iPod Nano out. She had gotten it when she was 13 at a garage sale for a very good price and since then it has been her musical companion. she slowly opened her eyes and glanced over to a guy entering the building. She didn't say anything, but simply stared at him as he walked.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia was leaning against the wall, eyes closed, earplugs in and iPod Nano out. She had gotten it when she was 13 at a garage sale for a very good price and since then it has been her musical companion. she slowly opened her eyes and glanced over to a guy entering the building. She didn't say anything, but simply stared at him as he walked.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Hitsugya was walking down the hall with his hands in his pockets wearing a black coat, he glanced over at the girl slightly as he stopped for a moment to think if he should approach her. He sighed and walked over to where the girl was "Hai. You new here as well?" he asked not seeming to be worried if it seemed awkward that he randomly just walked up to someone.
Amelia only nodded in respond to his question. She then pressed a button on her old fashion iPod and took the earplugs out, wrapping them around iPod and putting both the earplugs and the device away.
Hitsugya looked at her for a moment before speaking ". . .umm heh heh. Do you know where I could get something to eat?" he said rubbing the back of his head.
Again, she responded without words. She shook her head with a frown. She then lifted her head up as if she'd thought of something. She took her backpack off, unzipped it and took out a box of mints she had bought from a gas station on her way to the school. She held them out to him.
Hitsugya looked at them for a moment, he waited before taking some and swallowing them whole "Thanks. May I ask what your name is?"
Amelia closed the box of mints, put them back in her backpack and put the backpack back on. She looked at the ground and hesitated. "Amelia." she said with a frown.
"Hey what's wrong?" asked Hitsugya with his hands in his pocket again. His stomach was starting to growl at him as he tried to suppress the thought of food.
She wasn't about to tell this guy her whole life story, but she thought that one word wouldn't hurt. "Everything." she mumbled, just audible enough to understand.
Danny's expression broke into a small smile, his hand automatically reaching up to hide it. So far, his plan had worked perfectly. Or, he couldn't really call it a plan, could he? He had only thought it up three minutes ago, but still. He looked up at Minzhe, and had to suppress another smile. The taller teen looked rather curious, Danny thought. Even though he couldn't see any distinct changes in the guys face, but there was a slight tilt of his head, and something distinct in his yellow eyes that reminded the troll of a curious squirrel.

With a slight exhale, Danny opened his mouth to ask his 'favor'. "Please be my friend!"

He chuckled a bit, he remembered back to his past and all the things that happened to him "I know what you mean…" and just then when he was talking to Amelia he stopped right there. As he went to move towards Amelia he dropped to the ground and everything went blurry.
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Amelia's eyes grew large as he fell to the ground. She fell to her knees but didn't touch him. "Are you okay?" she asked panicked.
He fell feeling a pain in his chest letting out a loud yell, it felt as if someone was stabbing his heart repeatedly. The pain grew and grew as he tried to get up but couldn't he just continued to yell in excruciating pain.
Amelia looked around for anyone. "Someone get help! We need some sort of medic!" she shouted. "He needs help!" she then looked at him. "I-If you can hear me, w-what's happening to you?!"

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