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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Venus' skin slightly sizzled when she bumped into the girl. She looked around until she noticed that girl was on the floor. Oh, she has flame abilities?That's pretty cool. She looked down at the girl with the fire escaping her lips. "Sorry I bumped into you. My height makes me not aware of a lot of things." Venus explained while offering a cold hand to help the girl up.
Crystal looked up t the girl as she explained why she ran into her, then sweing her outstretched hand Crystal reached forwards but hesitated her hand almost touching the other girls...it was cold, she supresse a shudder and took her hand standing up. Now back on her feet she dusted herself off and fixed her skirt, tail swishing behind her. " Its OK it was an accident " she smiled and she looked up at the girls face, she was right...she was tall and Crystal was more than a few inches shorted than her
The sound of his sneakers hitting the blank, tiled floor echoed throughout the hallways in tune with the rattling of his teeth as Danny slowly made his way towards the main entrance of the academy. He had woken up a little while previous, the fight he had witnessed, and the power he had used in an effort to help stop it, seeming to have taken a toll on both the young trolls mind and body, resulting in him literally falling asleep in the middle of the hallway.

The teen's shoulders rose as he hugged his arms around himself in an effort to preserve heat. The fact that his beloved scarf, still wrapped around the chest of the teen he had tried to help, was missing from his throat didn't help the situation in the least either. But at least everyone seemed safe as it were, and when he had last seen the unconscious teen, he was breathing steadily and his pulse was throbbing.

A small, trembling sigh escaped the brown haired boys chapped lips as he briefly thought about changing forms just to avoid the chill of the cold autumn air seeping in through the crack in every window along the hallway, but he quickly dismissed it. He hated changing forms, and he disliked his troll form in general. because while it was certainly more comfortable to move around, and the form generally provided a shield against the cold, it still just felt too unnatural for him.

Danny turned the corner into hallway leading into the main entrance, intending on speaking to the first teacher or person of power he could find, when his forehead suddenly bumped into something, and he jumped back in surprise. "I'm s-so sorry!" He exclaimed, lifting his hands up in a sign of surrender, still a little jittery from the action from before, "I didn't see you there, no harm meant, honestly!"


(I noticed people didn't know how to enter, so I figured I'd give someone an opening. ^__^)
Amelia stepped a single foot on the grounds and simply looked at it, soaking it in. All she had was her ash colored backpack, smoky grey hoody, old black jeans and worn out sneakers. She, not intentionally of course, looked like the aftermath of a fire, and if one were to know her, perhaps they'd see that's exactly what she was. the orange tips of her hair seemed to be the only color that could be seen on her, like barely glowing embers among ash, smoke and despair. She simply stared at the school.
It was only when the other spoke Danny's green gaze actually lifted to study the taller male, and as if on instinct, his head tilted to the side in confusion at the sight of him. Narrowed, yellow eyes upon a pale complexion, framed by an array of lightly colored locks which hung over the teens eyes, shadowing his handsome face. Though the most notable feature of his appearance, to the trolls eyes at least, had to be the darkly colored mask strapped over the lower part of his face, and Danny reveled at the fact that his voice, when waving away his apology hadn't sounded muffled or obscured at all.

It wasn't until the male spoke again, that the troll saw the reason for that, and as the animal on his shoulder inquired about his well being, it was all Danny could so not to gape in astonishment. He had never, not even during his life in the forest, encountered a talking fox before.

Danny snapped out of his stupor as he realized with a start he had completely neglected answering the others question in favor of staring, and mentally scolded himself for being so easily awed. "I-I'm fine," He murmured, his voice still a little shaky from the cold, "Just had a... less than f-favorable encounter with another student is all."

He head meant the reply to sound joking, carefree even, but it came out more nonplussed as Danny had no idea to whom he should direct his reply, his eyes flying between the teen and his pet. "I'm Dantalion, by the way. Or Danny, if you'd prefer." Manners and politeness not escaping him, he reached out a hand in greeting, offering a weak but genuine smile.

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After many long minutes of staring at the outside of the school, she sighed and walked, to the door of the school. Immediately when she entered, she saw to boys conversing, standing in her path she walked until she was about 2 yards away from them and stared at them for a few moments, before clearing her throat to get their attention.

@Marlow @Cryobionic
She looked at the boy with a straight face. No emotion was shown on her face. "Would you please move? I need to get by." she said. There was no hostility or anger or any other negative emotion. But it didn't sound polite or optimistic either. Her voice, not unlike her face, showed no emotion.
His hand was warm.

That was the first thing Danny noticed as the taller male finally clasped his hand, and the young troll couldn't help but draw some comfort from the heat. He was sure his own fingers must have felt as cold as icicles, and he half expected the other to flinch away instantly, but he didn't. In fact, the blonde didn't let go at all, or say anything for that matter and Danny was about to inquire about that particular fact when he noticed that the others attention was directed elsewhere, and he soon turned his head to follow his golden gaze.

It was a girl, a rather short brunette, and she was asking them to move. Not wanting to be rude, the troll quickly nodded his head, "Yes, sorry," he murmured softly, beginning to move away, before remembering that his hand was still clasped in the others grip. With a rather awkward cough, promptly followed by a slight blush, he looked back up at the teen who had yet to give his name and gave a short, breathy laugh. "Could I... could I have my hand back, please?"

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"Minzhe," The unfamiliar name felt strange on his tongue as he tried to repeat it, and even though Danny thought his attempt sounded rather good, he was under no illusion that it was perfect. Briefly, the troll's eyes swept to the fox resting lazily on the others shoulder, wondering if the animal had a name, but he soon dismissed the idea, thinking it would be overly bold of him to ask. A small smile stole over his lips then, as stepped to the side to let the brunette girl pass. "It's nice to meet you."

For whatever reason, the chill that had crept into his body earlier was starting to subside slightly, and Danny hesitantly lowered his shoulders and adopted a more relaxed pose, letting his arms fall down by his sides instead of clinging around his form. He looked back at the girl and bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement. "Sorry for the inconvenience."


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As soon as boys made room for her to pass, both speaking apologies which she ignored, Amelia continued down the hall. She didn't think she deserved apologies from anyone. After what she'd done, she didn't think she deserved anything good. After walking down the hall for a while, she walked up to a wall and leaned against it, trying to blend in.
Danny frowned at the girl, his light brown brows knitting together as he stared after her retreating form. That had certainly been... rude. Danny figured he couldn't fault her, though, as he didn't know what might be going through her mind to make her act in the way she did. Besides, it wasn't as if everyone was obligated to act politely anyway.

Turning back to face his Minzhe, Danny caught the small smile, and, after a small pause, flashed one back. "Time? I'm not sure, I don't own a watch but..." The troll shuffled over to the window, leaning over the windowsill to stare out at the autumn sun, noting it's position with a slight tilt of his head. "It's looks like it's somewhere around ten am."

The troll suddenly disappeared from his spot by the window, his form shimmering out of sight in an instant, re-appearing a split second later next to Minzhe again, "As for classes, I'm not too sure. I have a schedule here somewhere..." Danny began rummaging through his bag, pushing aside herbs and other miscellaneous stuff, not really realizing he had spontaneously teleported at all.

Ehh?" Danny looked up, eyes widening and head tilting to the side in an almost child-like display of confusion for a moment, hands stopping their movement in the bag. Minzhe's statement threw him off guard for a moment, as the troll tried to figure out just how the other would know such a fact about him, before a look of realization flashed over his eyes and the corners of his lips tugged up into a slightly embarrassed smile as he gave a sharp nod.

"Right bothersome that is, sometimes," He murmured as he went back to rummaging through his bag, pushing aside the pouch of... meat, to grab the paper he could see just at the bottom, "I usually just call it flashing, really. But yes..." Danny trailed off as he finally pulled out the schedule, a look of triumph overcoming his features as he held it out to Minzeh, "There you go."

Edgar happily walked up to the school. Unlike others who may hate school, he took every opportunity to learn and expand his horizons. His parents also wanted him out the house because he accidentally destroyed their fountain. The boy looked around the place and tried to find his bearings. He was ready to make some new friends and liked the look of this place.

In his daze he bumped into a white-haired boy with a fox, "Oops, sorry! Didn't see you there!"
Jasper gave Levvy a slightly worried look, after hearing her say she 'liked' stitches. Seeing Levvy eat part of a pretzel, and then go look for more food made him slightly confused, as she had said she didn't eat much. Jasper's curiosity took over quickly, however the sound of someone throwing up where Levvy had went, just as quickly answered his curious mind for the moment. As she came back however, Jasper instantly pretended to not notice, as he wasn't entirely sure if she had tried to hide it or not.

When Levvy picked him up by the collar of his shirt, albeit it wasn't the slight constriction his mind went to, but rather that she was close-up to him again. Jasper quickly shut his eyes, however his cheeks flushed slightly as although she was several screws lose and didn't seem to play nice, he himself knew his body treated her as a female of his fellow species and that put him at a disadvantage. Of which, Jasper pretended he was was almost choking, to hide as it was one of the few things that caused him to stray from his so-called path of self-control not to mention was something he never had gotten used to.

Thankfully Levy put him down, and found a place to sit, and afterwards he rubbed his neck, as Jasper noticed it actually hurt slightly now that his body was calming down once again. "Compared to my family, I'm about the second tallest, or third if you ask my brother Gale but that is only when he isn't in human form.....also, you kinda broke your promise cause you grabbed me, but there isn't exactly anything I can do, so I'll just pretend it didn't happen." Jasper paused to look around at the empty space surround them. "So I'm guessing you live with those...humans? I guess they aren't really human if they made you into..well you, but species-wise they still are." Jasper asked, referring to the 'scientists' Levvy called family as humans, hoping that even if she lived nearby that he could find a place that wasn't for his sake. @kurol
"Hehehe! I'm sorry, I did break the promise, didn't I? Ah, just keep it secret!" Levvy laughed as she sat back in her seat. Her throat felt sticky and sick from her food making a reappearance before in the sink. She hoped he didn't hear, but if he did, Jasper was keeping it a very good secret. Good boy. "Second tallest... Third tallest? This Gale must be very... scary!" Levvy exclaimed as she cupped her pale face with thin hands.

"Humans? They're my family!" Levvy corrected, slightly angered by how he had referred to her dearest 'family'. "There's the two scientists, and then there's many, many big brothers, but they always sleep. We live in cells. I'm not sure where the scientists sleep. Hehehe! I'm the only girl, and the smallest and youngest. Maybe that's why it worked, huh..." Levvy drifted off at the end, consumed by her own thought. She looked back up at Jasper with those crimson red eyes of hers. "Are you scared of me?"

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Jasper laughed inside at her comment about his brother Gale, however kept his outside appearance the same, which with him unable to tell if she was being sarcastic or not made it hard. His thoughts quickly changed, when it seemed Levvy had gotten upset by how he had refer her family. Hearing her lose herself in thought for a moment, he wondered why she didn't hate humans as well, but his own thoughts were cut off as Levvy looked at him with odd eyes and asked him a question. Jasper sighed for a moment, and then sat down a couple of feet away.

"Not...exactly. If you were not a zombie, then I'd be trying to make you upset as much as possible, but otherwise yes....I think." He answered, although it sounded more better in his head then saying it out loud. Glancing over at Levvy, he decided to add something to his answer. "I hate to admit it, but I was the same way around humans before I became a zombie. Regardless if you like humans or not though, I still hate them." Jasper continued hesitantly, starting to get up. "Do you drink? As in, do you drink tea, soda, coffee or anything like that?" He asked, attempting to change the subject, as he rapidly scratched where his stitches would normally be if not for his human form. @kurol
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"Good! Wonderful!" Levvy laughed, a little insanely. She clapped her hands. "I don't like humans. They're annoying, like ants, you know? But easy to squash. But I like my family," Levvy said as she made a squashing motion with her fingers. Humans are like ants, to her, at least. Wasn't she human? Wasn't she? Wasn't she?! Wasn't she?! Wasn't she?! Levvy argued with herself inside her head, gripping her head with fingers to rid the voice. She looked at Jasper, and laughed, letting go of her messy white hair. She was thankful that he also needed to change the subject. "Water... I, uh, don't like other drinks. Haha! ~" she answered. "Do you drink, and eat?" she asked.
The troll took the schedule, his fingers tightening around the thin sheet of paper as he stared up at the taller male, his face showing hints of confusion, and disbelief, "You couldn't possibly have memorized the whole thing that quickly, could you?" He asked in a slightly amazed murmur, tilting his head to the side. Minzhe hadn't looked at the schedule for more than half a minute, he didn't think, and Danny himself had had the thing since he arrived, and he could barely remember what time lunch was. Danny held the schedule out again, offering it to the silent guy, "You can keep it if you wish, it's not troublesome at all. I'll just pick up a new one later, I already know where the main offices are."

"Completely!" Danny flashed him what he hoped was a reassuring smile, pushing the paper into his hands before pointing at the first line, "See, first class is biology, which I'll remember anyway. And after that I'll just grab another one from the main office. No worries!"

Though, remembering to pick up a schedule afterwards might be. Danny didn't have the best of memories, but he was quite certain he'd at least remember biology. Besides, the taller male didn't have one, and having already experienced how easily one could get lost within the school, Danny only thought it appropriate to help out. And Minzhe, while a little strange, had been nothing but nice to him anyway.

wolfborn4 said:
Crystal looked up t the girl as she explained why she ran into her, then sweing her outstretched hand Crystal reached forwards but hesitated her hand almost touching the other girls...it was cold, she supresse a shudder and took her hand standing up. Now back on her feet she dusted herself off and fixed her skirt, tail swishing behind her. " Its OK it was an accident " she smiled and she looked up at the girls face, she was right...she was tall and Crystal was more than a few inches shorted than her
Repost for @Moonflight
Venus nodded at the girl's comment. 'My height gets me into trouble all the time. I mean it's not like every thing was built for a frost jotun." She smiled to the girl. Maybe I should just wear gloves all the time to help with my hands being so cold. She thought as she listened to the girl. "Oh my name's Venus. Well I"m glad you're okay. " She told the girl. Venus noticed the swishing tail and wondered what kind of creature she could be.

Danny's eyes averted as a light blush of embarrassment spread over his cheeks, and he let out a small laugh, "It would," He admitted quietly, shrugging his shoulders a little sheepishly, "But I only just got that one, and I don't really want to go back for another one so soon. I recon the staff might think me irresponsible, should I do that."

Which was something he really did not want. He was pretty sure the staff already thought him a bad fit for the prestigious academy, because after all, he had grown up within the forest. He wouldn't be surprised if they expected him to skin squirrels and make fires on campus grounds. That thought nearly made the young troll giggle, and he shook his head to clear it before glancing back up at Minzhe, a look of curiosity overtaking his features.

"If you don't mind me asking, though," He began a little hesitantly, unsure if his question would be perceived as to bold for the conversation or not, "I was wondering what... well, what you are, exactly?"


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