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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

TheDarkOwl said:
‘Oh’ she said with a smirk on her face ‘so Mr. 100% evil thinks I am pretty.’ She had seen they were on the school roof, so now they were back here she could at least have some fun. ‘well, you may be a 100% evil, but at least you have a good taste. She flirted with him, while slowly taking a few steps closer, still with that smile upon her face.
@Daniel reaving
"Yup, prettier than a sun rise rising over a freshly snow covered forest In the middle Of a cold but peacful winter." He

Said to her as he glanced up at her then looked away slightly sort of hopping that came out as well as it sounded in his head
She smiled at his comment, he didn’t seem to have had much practice with this kind of things. So she smiled and said jokingly ‘Come on Romeo, let’s go downstairs’. She didn’t want to put him in more of an awkward position by continuing to flirt, so she just gave him a friendly punch on his arm. She walked to the door leading downstairs and turned around waiting for him.

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
She smiled at his comment, he didn’t seem to have had much practice with this kind of things. So she smiled and said jokingly ‘Come on Romeo, let’s go downstairs’. She didn’t want to put him in more of an awkward position by continuing to flirt, so she just gave him a friendly punch on his arm. She walked to the door leading downstairs and turned around waiting for him.
@Daniel reaving
"Romeo?" He said quetly to himself not knowing who Romeo was as he got up and stretched before walking after her soon walking past before glancing at her not paying attention to where he was going and tripping with a yell and falling down the stairs with a thud before he landed on the bottom

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Max Cowie

Max heard someone shout. "Yup, something has happened." Maximillion began to walk towards the person. It sounded like a girl, so it could just be something stupid. She could have arachnophobia or something. See a spider and wham! Yelling for help over a little critter. Perhaps it was something else. Afraid of the dark? See the tree's shadows and think that they are monster. That would make him laugh. Everyone who attended this school was meant to be a mythical creature. How would they be scared of a shadow? Anything could happen, he knew that. Heck, that probably did happen. Knowing his luck, this would be a waste of time. Maximillion continued his steady approach, going at a rather slow pace.

On the way, he had a few minutes to think. So, he decided to look back at the events that just happened. The sheepsquatch. The Mexican monster. That guy who trolled them by not helping, not a lot anyway. It all went so fast. At first, he was just flirting with Maria, trying to win there little match. Then, he was in the hall, biting into her and trying to free the white thing. How did that happen? Was that really what Maria was like? Max was sure he could still win in a fight, but only because of his healing. He could last longer then her. But, if he was caught off guard, he could and would be severely hurt. Max smirked as a thought entered his head. "Well, gather my forces. Eventually, I could rule the school. Or leave it in ruins. Maybe even take over a country. Transylvania? Maybe. It is a cool place." As he finished speaking to himself, Maria and a blonde girl came into view. "Idiot."

The Dhampir walked over to the bleeding girl and shook his head. "You're telling me a tree can beat you in a fight, but not me? I'm truly offended." He turned to the other girl watching. "Name and how useful you are in this situation. If you can't help, feel free to walk away." Max's attention went back to Maria. He put his hand over the wound to put pressure on it. He then pulled it away to see how bad the bleeding actually was. The hand he used was now covered in blood. Max looked the red hand up and down, debating whether to take the blood or not. He couldn't help himself. Max licked the blood off his hand and stood up. "So, branch went through her. Can't yank it out, too dangerous. Could try and break part of the branch off, but that can lead to her moving about and getting infected. Urgh...think Maximillion think!"

@TheDarkOwl @SenpaiMagnum

Shaye Ryan

Shaye listened to the conversation going on around him. He felt the scarf on his chest, trying to stop the bleeding.

‘Tal’ she said. ‘I guess you two are from that academy nearby aren’t you?’ While traveling from forest to forest, she had decided to stay in this place for a few days, so she could rest and gather more supplies. That was when she had discovered the academy. She had investigated it a bit and found out there were all kinds of shape shifters there. She had guessed he was from there as she had seen him lick the blood of his hands.

‘Don’t you have a nurse there or something? Well I’ll send Ave ahead with a message, so they atleast know where she is.’ She whistled a three toned tune as a sign to Ave. She took a piece of paper and a bit of charcoal out of her backpack and started writing a short message for the school.

Just when she had finished the message, Ave landed on her shoulder. Even though they weren’t able to communicate verbally, when Tal was in her human form, they understood each other pretty well. She pointed at the girl on the ground then at the letter and lastly in the direction of the school. Ave took the folded piece of paper in her beak and flew away with it.

‘I am not an expert in this kind of situations, but I do know we should move her as less as possible, otherwise she will lose even more blood’ She told the guy, then she mumbled more to herself, then to him ‘but we can’t leave her here either’. She put her hands in hair, not caring if the blood from her hands would get in it, as she didn’t know what to do next.

@Ethan Hart @SenpaiMagnum
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Senna watched as he passed her while looking at her, not noticing the stairs ‘look out for the…’ but she was already too late, as he took another step and instead of floor his foot found the air and he tumbled down. ‘…stairs’ she finished her now unnecessary sentence. She face palmed herself, because of his stupidity and quickly walked downstairs, checking if he was alright. ‘Atrio, are you alright?’

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
Senna watched as he passed her while looking at her, not noticing the stairs ‘look out for the…’ but she was already too late, as he took another step and instead of floor his foot found the air and he tumbled down. ‘…stairs’ she finished her now unnecessary sentence. She face palmed herself, because of his stupidity and quickly walked downstairs, checking if he was alright. ‘Atrio, are you alright?’
@Daniel reaving
Atrio groaned as he sat up and rubbed his head. "Did I do something stupid again?" He asked her softly as he looked at her and chuckled a little before he went back to running his fourhead
‘oh nooo, of course not’ she said smiling. ‘It was really smart of you to fall down the stairs.’ She replied with the sarcasm clear in her voice. ‘Come let’s get you on your feet again’ she said smiling. She held out her hand for him, to help him stand up.

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
‘oh nooo, of course not’ she said smiling. ‘It was really smart of you to fall down the stairs.’ She replied with the sarcasm clear in her voice. ‘Come let’s get you on your feet again’ she said smiling. She held out her hand for him, to help him stand up.
@Daniel reaving
Atrio just have her a sarcastic laugh as he took her hand then stood up and sighed. "You suck sometimes you know that." He said to her
@TheDarkOwl[/URL] @SenpaiMagnum

Shaye Ryan

Shaye listened to the conversation going on around him. He felt the scarf on his chest, trying to stop the bleeding.

TheDarkOwl said:
‘Tal’ she said. ‘I guess you two are from that academy nearby aren’t you?’ While traveling from forest to forest, she had decided to stay in this place for a few days, so she could rest and gather more supplies. That was when she had discovered the academy. She had investigated it a bit and found out there were all kinds of shape shifters there. She had guessed he was from there as she had seen him lick the blood of his hands.
‘Don’t you have a nurse there or something? Well I’ll send Ave ahead with a message, so they atleast know where she is.’ She whistled a three toned tune as a sign to Ave. She took a piece of paper and a bit of charcoal out of her backpack and started writing a short message for the school.

Just when she had finished the message, Ave landed on her shoulder. Even though they weren’t able to communicate verbally, when Tal was in her human form, they understood each other pretty well. She pointed at the girl on the ground then at the letter and lastly in the direction of the school. Ave took the folded piece of paper in her beak and flew away with it.

‘I am not an expert in this kind of situations, but I do know we should move her as less as possible, otherwise she will lose even more blood’ She told the guy, then she mumbled more to herself, then to him ‘but we can’t leave her here either’. She put her hands in hair, not caring if the blood from her hands would get in it, as she didn’t know what to do next.

@Ethan Hart @SenpaiMagnum
Maria groaned and opened her eyes slowly. "Huh...que? Oh..shit.." She groaned and tried to sit up, but she yelped and fell back over. "Fucken..trees.." She muttered, coughing up a bit of blood. She saw Max and a girl beside her and glared at max. "I told you to keep me in the room!" She growled angrily
'Yes, I know' she said, while smiling widely. ‘and just like I have already told you before, I am not a sweety either, Ya know’ she patted his head, as a sign that he would catch up to her someday and also to try to irritate him, as she didn’t know what to do and irritating people was always fun.

@Daniel reaving
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TheDarkOwl said:
'Yes, I know' she said, while smiling widely. ‘and just like I have already told you before, I am not a sweety either, Ya know’ she patted his head, as a sign that he would catch up to her someday and also to try to irritate him, as she didn’t know what to do and irritating people was always fun.
@Daniel reaving
Atrio smiled at his chance to eritate her back and put one of his hands to her cheek and softly Rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "Oh but you are a sweety." He said before he

Pulled away from her and started down the next flight of stairs
Talea saw the girl open her eyes slowly and try to sit up, only to fall back on the ground with a groan of pain. ‘Gosh, stop moving’ she ordered the girl. ‘you’ll only make it worse’. She frowned as she didn’t understand what the girl was talking about, but decided not to pay too much attention to it as she seemed to have spoken to the boy and not her. ‘I am going to take a closer look at it alright?’ It wasn’t really a question, more like a warning so she wouldn’t move more than necessary, but just to be sure she waited for her answer. ‘I am Tal, by the way’ she added, hoping the girl would agree more easily, when she knew her name.

@SenpaiMagnum @Ethan Hart
Max Cowie

"Not as far as I know...Tal" Max waited to see what this Tal would do. "A bird? Of all the useless powers, you have talking to birds? Wow. Thanks a lot. We already have an injured student at the academy. A certain someone almost killed him." Max glared at Maria before continuing his rant on how pointless sending a bird was. "Is that really all you can do. No healing magic or something? Teleportation?" He gritted his teeth due to the feeling of being useless. Maximillion may have told Tal that she was useless, but everyone was in this situation. No one had the power or the knowledge to help Maria out. That bought up another question. Did the people who made the school expect there to be no fights? It's a school for mythical creatures. Things to powerful and weird for humans to understand. How stupid were they? The most idiotic people to ever step foot in that school were the school owners. "Stupid school."

The scent of blood interrupted his thoughts of hate. It was getting stronger. Was...someone moving it slightly? That would be a bad thing. He couldn't stop himself from licking blood off his hand. If someone was moving it, spreading the scent and making it stronger, how would he cope? The dhampir looked around for the source of this. His solution, the bird talker. "Can...you...please not? Actually, just don't do that! Have you not figured out what I am now? Sure, I don't need it, but the smell is still tempting!" Max clenched his fists as he struggled to keep himself in check. He told himself not now. There is a time and a place for everything. After all this, he would simply ask Maria. "Understand me?"

A certain angry growl snatched Max's attention away form the new girl. "Well, sorry. I didn't know I would be trying to confine Speedy Gonzales! Do you know how hard it was for me to finally get you to stop attacking that guy. I mean, you almost killed him! Sure, he almost gave you brain damage which could kill you in the long run but still! I thought you were stronger then that! Well, I still won in our fight." Max smirked, trying to act like everything was fine. "Looks like we share a weakness now. Wood. However, my weakness to wood is being attacked by it, not running into it." He smiled this time. He hoped this would reassure Maria that she could, and would, make it out in time.

Then he smelt it again. "Listen to the bird woman. Don't move. Or this time I'll loose control."

@TheDarkOwl @SenpaiMagnum
Senna was dumbfound by his actions. She definitely did not expect him to do that. She had thought she would be the one to irritate him, but now she was the one who was irritated as she didn’t liked to be called a sweety at all. ‘So, he wanted to play a game? Well you asked for it. The game is on now Atrio’ She thought. The staircase they took ended in a big hallway. As Atrio seemed to know where he was going she started walking next to him. ‘so, do you have any other hobby’s?’ she asked Atrio. When he just wanted to give his answer she let her tail grow and made him trip and fall. Quickly she retreated her tail, so he wouldn’t see it and said ‘tsk, tsk, Atrio, are you always this clumsy or is it just, because you are so blinded by my fabulousness?’

@Daniel reaving
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TheDarkOwl said:
Senna was dumbfound by his actions. She definitely did not expect him to do that. She had thought she would be the one to irritate him, but now she was the one who was irritated as she didn’t liked to be called a sweety at all. ‘So, he wanted to play a game? Well you asked for it. The game is on now Atrio’ She thought. The staircase they took ended in a big hallway. As Atrio seemed to know where he was going she started walking next to him. ‘so, do you have any other hobby’s?’ she asked Atrio. When he just wanted to give his answer she let her tail grow and made him trip and fall. Quickly she retreated her tail, so he wouldn’t see it and said ‘tsk, tsk, Atrio, are you always this clumsy or is it just, because you are so blinded by my fabulousness?’
@Daniel reaving
As she triped him he turned to shadow and appeared walking close to her with his arm around her waist. "I don't get why you find me clumsy after all i didn't even trip." He said calmy to Her A small smile slipping on to his face as he walked enjoying there little game as he held his arm around her waist
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‘wow this is great’ Talea thought to herself sarcastically. ‘I am stuck with two people I don’t even know the names of and one of them is wounded and one of them is a vampire. How absolutely fantastic.’

Even though she didn’t like the vampire guy, he did have a point. ‘I can teleport, but I can’t carry her on my own and the only way we can get her to the academy is if you help me.’ She said, but then she added ‘even though I don’t think that is such a good idea with your… uhm’ she didn’t know how to tell him in a friendly way she hated bloodsucking monsters like him, so she just said ‘... condition, unless you think you are able to suppress it’

@SenpaiMagnum @Ethan Hart
Maria sighed and smirked at Max. "Don't be rude, I'm in pain and might possibly die from blood loss. Revel in the knowledge that you won" she growled playfully and leaned her head back. "Well...at least this isn't the worst way to go..burning..that's the worst way to go...well that and drowning.." She said, thinking no about it now, trying to ignore the pain in her chest and the neck bite. "Hey..if you could just drag me back that would be fine." She said, not moving her head to see the severity of her wound.

@Ethan Hart @TheDarkOwl
She growled when hearing his reply and was disappointed and angry that her plan didn’t work. ‘Don’t get all cocky now’ she said, as she saw the satisfied smile upon his face ‘This isn’t over yet’. Even though she was angry she had lost for now, she didn’t remove his hand yet, as she secretly enjoyed it. @Daniel reaving
"You can? Why didn't you use it right away! You could have saved so much time!" This was hopeless. A dumb blonde. Amazing. Just what he ordered. "Condition? You realise I wasn't bit to get these powers. No. I'm half vamp, half human. So yes, I can control myself for a short period of time." Max didn't like this chick at all. She barley knew him, yet she was talking trash about his kind. It really pissed him off.

With a sigh, he walked over to Maria. "You're getting picked up. And for the record, eating garlic is the worst way to die." Max picked Maria up with a huff. Max then turned to Tal. "Teleport?" The smell of fresh blood was starting to get to Max. If he couldn't get away from Maria soon, he would snap from the amount of blood she was loosing. To make matters worse, it didn't help that he was annoyed at the girl who talked to birds.

@TheDarkOwl @SenpaiMagnum
TheDarkOwl said:
She growled when hearing his reply and was disappointed and angry that her plan didn’t work. ‘Don’t get all cocky now’ she said, as she saw the satisfied smile upon his face ‘This isn’t over yet’. Even though she was angry she had lost for now, she didn’t remove his hand yet, as she secretly enjoyed it. @Daniel reaving
Atrio smiled more at how she didn't know how to get back at him but was a little suprised about how she didn't seem to try and remove his arm from her waist but didn't make a move to remove it as they went outside. "So..." He said sodtly to her looking for something to talk about with her
"I like garlic.. It's good to keep demons and spirits away...wait..are there two of you?" She said, smiling weakly and poking his face. Her eyes had gone dazed and out of focus. Probably from losing too much blood. She looked at the girl and raised an eyebrow. "I'm Marrrrrrrrrrrriiia...and this.. Is Max" she giggled, loopily.

@Ethan Hart @TheDarkOwl
‘oh yeah, you seemed to be perfectly, able to control yourself when you bit her’ Talea said sarcastically to the vampire, referring to the bite mark on her neck. Without wasting any more time, as the girls condition started to get critical, she quickly grabbed Max’s and Maria’s arm. She found it harder than usual, as she was teleporting multiple people at a time and it still was quite a distance from their location to the academy. So it took her a few second before she managed to transport them from the forest and make them appear in the academy again.

They had appeared in some kind of hallway, close to the main entrance. It had taken a lot more energy than Talea had expected. So she took a couple of deep breaths to make the dizziness she felt go away. ‘oh and to answer your question’ she said to Max. ‘I didn’t know who you were, You could even have had healing powers’ She then took a couple of breaths and stopped for a few seconds, before continuing. ‘but when I figured you weren’t of any use, I was going to teleport her, you only beat me to saying it’. Talea expression then changed to angry and said, while pointing at him ‘and never call me bird woman ever again.’

Groaning she pressed her hands against her forehead and said ‘we should find someone who can help her, and quickly’.

Mia Marie

"Stupid, stupid..." Mia muttered to herself as she flew a few feet above the ground along the path to the school. Her fingers were clenched around a clunky looking bag in her right hand and, judging by the look on her face, she seemed like she would probably chuck it at the first unsuspecting person she saw. Mia had only been able to change into her succubus form after sapping life energy from the poor taxi driver who had transported her half the way. So what if he wasn't exactly happy with what she did? He'd wake up in an hour and assume it was some silly dream anyway.

"Why does it have to be so far? Can't they have travel trams? Or maybe not build their school in the middle of fricking nowhere?" She continued, shaking her head in disgust. Really, the answer was clear for anyone to see; the school was a secret. But she was too agitated to admit that. As far as she was concerned there were "stupid" trees, "stupid" bugs, and "stupid" dirt everywhere and she disliked all of it. If her glare could do physical damage, most of the plants around her would have erupted in flames long ago.

Finally seeing the school, she quickened her pace until she entered the grounds. "'Bout time..." A student who had heard her voice, looked up at her curiously and she mistook it for something most judgmental or hostile. "Hey, are you... AH!" The male cried out. A few seconds later, the student was groaning in pain on the ground with a suitcase protruding from his head. "I just was wondering if you needed help..." He said. She picked up her suitcase and gave a small apologetic chuckle. "Ah, woopsy... no thanks. Take care."

Feeling a small amount of guilt, she quickly headed into the nearest building and saw three people in the hallway. Correction... She did NOT see three people in the hallway because she was looking back at the doors and wondering if the other student was okay. She only saw them seconds before she bumped into them and went sprawling into the wall with an amount of grace that would have any dancer cringing. "Ouch, ouch, ouch... Watch where you're going!"

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