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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Senna looked around, as she hadn’t noticed Atrio leaning against when she had stormed out of the office. ‘Come on Atrio, we’re going’ she said. That woman had annoyed her to no end and she was really irritated right now. As she didn’t have complete control over her other form yet, upon exiting the office her eyes were pitch-black and her voice sounded harsher than usual. Al she wanted to right now was to get away from here and just find and find someone to react her anger of on. So she just started walking in a random direction again, wanting to get away from there.

@Daniel reaving
"Obviously, absolutely mental," Danny deadpanned, turning to face the white haired girl, his button nose scrunching up just a little when he saw she had her needle out again. After taking a instinctual step back, making sure to really be out of arms reach this time, he looked up at Levvy again.

"Though if you were referring to your... ah, race, I would guess something undead." He shrugged halfheartedly, his fingers tightening nervously around the strap of his bag, "You know, 'cause you've already displayed that you can't really feel anything."

TheDarkOwl said:
Senna looked around, as she hadn’t noticed Atrio leaning against when she had stormed out of the office. ‘Come on Atrio, we’re going’ she said. That woman had annoyed her to no end and she was really irritated right now. As she didn’t have complete control over her other form yet, upon exiting the office her eyes were pitch-black and her voice sounded harsher than usual. Al she wanted to right now was to get away from here and just find and find someone to react her anger of on. So she just started walking in a random direction again, wanting to get away from there.
@Daniel reaving
Atrio had looked up at her when she spoke a little suprised by her tone before he turned to shadow quickly appearing in front of her facing her with his hand out for her to take. "Come on." He said to her knowing she needed to blow off steam
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She just looked at Atrio, when he appeared before her and reached out his hand. She didn’t know how to react at first, but then grabbed his hand anyway. ‘Well, let’s go then’ she said still irritated, but glad he tried to help.

@Daniel reaving
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TheDarkOwl said:
She just looked at Atrio, when he appeared before her and reached out his hand. She didn’t know how to react at first, but then grabbed his hand anyway. ‘Well, let’s go then’ she said still irritated, but glad he tried to help.
@Daniel reaving
Right as she touched his hand they both disapered into shadows soon appearing in the woods near the city away from every one. "Here." He said soflt to her
She only just managed to keep her balance, when she landed on the ground. ‘you could have warned me about that’ she said, revering to the impact with whom they landed on the ground. She then looked around noticing she was in a forest, it seemed to be far away from any civilization.

She then realized how stupid she had actually been. She had just let a boy, who she just met take her to a place that could be in the middle of nowhere. Even though he hadn’t shown any bad intentions yet, she had felt what he could be like and that made her even more suspicious. Watching his every move to make sure he didn’t try any “funny business”, she changed into her other form. She was still mad and now her anger was only being fed by her suspicions towards him. So to try and relieve her stress she started running towards a tree and jumped high up in it and then proceeded to climb. She did make sure she was able to keep an eye on Atrio at all times though.

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
She only just managed to keep her balance, when she landed on the ground. ‘you could have warned me about that’ she said, revering to the impact with whom they landed on the ground. She then looked around noticing she was in a forest, it seemed to be far away from any civilization.
She then realized how stupid she had actually been. She had just let a boy, who she just met take her to a place that could be in the middle of nowhere. Even though he hadn’t shown any bad intentions yet, she had felt what he could be like and that made her even more suspicious. Watching his every move to make sure he didn’t try any “funny business”, she changed into her other form. She was still mad and now her anger was only being fed by her suspicions towards him. So to try and relieve her stress she started running towards a tree and jumped high up in it and then proceeded to climb. She did make sure she was able to keep an eye on Atrio at all times though.

@Daniel reaving
Atrio just leaned against another tree and took out a lollipop from one of his pockets and opened it then stick it in his mouth and just stood there with one leg crossed over the other as he waited for her to be done
Max Cowie

"I rather wouldn't. There is no need for me to go all out." He said to her, catching on to her scheme. "Plus, I really like these clothes. They change when I change...it sucks. But, I guess I could show you one of my other abilities." Max then pulled up his left sleeve. "Pull it off. Break it. Just severely damage me." He closed his eyes, getting ready to feel pain. Yes, he still felt pain. Just because he can heal fast doesn't mean he is completely pain intolerant.

"Are you sure....well okay" she shrugged and held onto his hand with a seemingly warm, gentle touch. Then her grip became like iron and she brought her foot up and stamped on his arm. There was a loud crack and Maria let go of his hand, no emotion running through her face as she did all this. "Okay, I broke your arm, now what?" She said curiously, looking at Max.

@Ethan Hart
Max Cowie

"Yes, just do it. I've done it bef-"
Crack. Max gritted his teeth as he tried to hold in the pain. "See, all good. Nothing at all...OW!" Well, he did ask her to do so. Max brought up his broken arm and examined it. "Could have maybe bent it a bit more, but it'll do." A few seconds of silence passed. Suddenly, his arm flung up, as if someone was pushing the end of a ruler over the table and then let it go. Max grabbed his arm with his right hand. "Fixed." He rotated his left arm in a circle to show her. "Good enough? I pretty much can't die. The things that kill vampires hurt me, but don't kill me. And because of my healing factor, I heal from things that would kill a human. See?" Max stretched and then laid back on the desk with his head resting on his arms.


Shaye Ryan

So far, Shaye had found no one else in the school. Typical. When he wants to hide, people find him. But when he wants to speak to people, they are nowhere to be found. Annoyed, he done what he was used to at the forest. He head butted the wall once. Twice. Three times. Each time, the sound of his head hitting the brick echoed throughout the school. If that didn't attract people, he didn't know what would.
Maria nodded and heard a noise through the school. Then the smell hit her. Sheep or goat. Her mouth immediantly began to water and her eyes grew dark. Her nails sharpened into claws but she held back. "Cool...max..if I run out of the room, tell me you'll stop me before I kill someone..you can hit me or anything for free but only if I run out of the room okay?" She said softly, her body shaking with adrenaline, the urge to chase, kill, and eat her prey. She bit her lip to keep from doing anything drastic but her teeth were so sharp she accidentally made her lip bleed. It was obvious to see she was getting more and more animalistic as the smell taunted her, the noise echoing around in her head.

@Ethan Hart
Danny almost jumped out of his skin when the first bang rung out through the hallways, his eyes widening dramatically at the sound. It almost sounded as if someone was punching a rock as hard as they could. The young changeling looked up at both girls, his expression a perfect representation of wary confusion.

"What- What do you recon that is?" He asked softly, gesturing to the general space between them as the sound shook the walls a second time.

Instead of waiting for an answer, the curious troll walked over to the bend in the corridor, wrapping his fingers around the edges of the brick wall before peeking his head around to look. He knew this probably wasn't the safest way to find out, but it couldn't be helped, he was too intrigued.

The sight that met him on the other side of the corner, however, only brought up more questions than answers. It was a boy, dark haired and standing taller than himself, rhythmically smashing his head against the wall, causing the sickeningly loud sound. As Danny continued to watch him in amazement, his mind raced to find even one good reason for him to try give himself a concussion. As his forehead made contact with the wall for the third time, the changeling couldn't help the small gasp that escaped his lips.

@Ethan Hart
Max Cowie

"Strange noise. Is this school getting demolished! That would be amazing news!" But, he then smelt what Maria had smelt. "Yuck. A mixture of animals. Like, Opossum, Raccoon, Sheep and Dog. Disgusting." (That is apparently what it's body looks like. A mixture of those animals.) He turned to Maria and felt a small bit of worry crawl up his spine. "Are...you alright? You have a fever?" Reluctantly, he went to check her forehead. Then, she told him he could hit her if she ran out of the room. "Sweet! I won't hold back of course."

He stepped back, looking her up down for a cause of her acting strange. Then he realised her nails. No, not nails, claws. And her teeth. Razor sharp. Maria's teeth caused her mouth to bleed. Max sniffed the air again, this time being treated to the sweet aroma of blood. "I may just bite you if you run out." Then, Maximillion put his arms on her shoulders. "Relax. You're not killing anyone before me, got that? I'm the world wide one. I'm the one that gets films made about. Some better then others, but still. I am like the king of monsters. I am entitled the to the first kill." He smirked, hoping this would change her attention a bit.


Shaye Ryan

Shaye continued to bang his head against the wall. It felt nice. Relaxing. Comforting. He bet that other people thought he looked crazy. The sheepsquatch continued to smash his skull against the brick wall until her heard a gasp. Immediately, the monster turned to see who was there. More hunters? He had enough of people trying to kill him. People trying to hunt him. People trying to catch him. Luckily, it wasn't a human. It was another student.

Shaye tilted his head and looked at the boy who was watching. Why was he there? Did he do something wrong? If he did, he didn't know what. No one had even spoke to him before today. Instead, it was all guns and traps. The other student was shorter then himself and was just staring at him in awe. Shaye turned back towards the wall and began to smash his head against it again. The one area he was hitting began to crack. If he continued, he would destroy the wall.

Maria relaxed a bit as the banging stopped for a moment, her mind totally walled off. The smell still teased her tongue, her mouth watering still. She looked at Max and nodded, feeling a bit better, but then it started again, this time, a little crack was heard. That sent her off the edge. She automatically pushed Max away and zipped out of the room, faster than ever. Adrenaline coursed through her body, her eyes wild and distant. She ran around the corner and saw the beast. All she saw was her prey, not a student.

Maria grinned devilishly, her teeth fangs now. She ran at the boy, the smell pulling her in like a fishing rods hook. She jumped onto its back and bit its neck, the blood, oh so sweet, filling her mouth and dripping down her chin.

(Had to do it) @Ethan Hart @Cryobionic
Was every being in this school disturbed somehow? Danny had the mind to check his pamphlet, to see if he had confused the words 'academy' and 'asylum' again. The changeling let out a squeak of surprise when the other suddenly stopped to look at him, clasping his hand over his mouth before withdrawing his head from around the corner.

Just as he was trying to decide between saying something to the taller male, getting a teacher to help him or just plain out ignore him, the banging started up again. Danny cringed as he heard the dull thud of the boys forehead collide with the bricks, and let out a small yelp as he heard a distinct cracking sound following close behind.

Mistaking this for the boys skull caving in after his continuous banging, Danny made up his mind rather quickly and hurried around the corner and down the hall.

"S-Sorry!" He called out as he drew closer, "but that's really not the most safest thing to do , is it? You're going to give yourself brain damage!"

His words didn't seem to have any effect on the other teen. Danny reached out to maybe try tapping him on the shoulder or something, but something else interfered before he could. It went to fast for his eyes to catch, but he felt himself being pushed backwards, out of the way. The troll landed on the floor with a thump, his breath knocked out of him in an instant.

He looked up quickly as his vision started to clear, to make out distorted images of something or someone perched atop of the male student.
Max Cowie

"Good." He sighed as he stepped back from her. Max wasn't sure he could take her in a fight. She was really strong. "Now how about you- God damn it!" He tried to grab Maria before she could run off, but he failed. "Seriously." After a facepalm, he chased after. The way he could follow her was the smell of her blood. It was an amazing smell. This was his chance to drink some. With a slight grin, he sped up slightly to hurry up and get their.

Once he arrived, what he saw shocked him. "What the heck? That is a goat opossum raccoon dog mixture? He looks normal. Rather tall but, you know." He then looked down and saw a person on the floor. "One in a million alright. Get up and help!" Maximillion then jumped at Maria, only to be hit by the guy she was biting into. "Hey!" He said as he noticed where she was biting. "That's my trademark! I'm going to enjoy drinking your blood."

Shaye Ryan

Shaye roared with pain as Maria jumped onto his back and gnawed on his neck. "Get...off...me!" He tried to pull her off and throw her. Unfortunately, she was locked in. So, instead, he changed into his true form. Slowly, he grew even taller. Shaye's head hit the ceiling as he grew to his full height. Then, horns shot out of the side of his head. White hairs sprouted all around his body. A tail somewhat similar to an opossum shot out from behind. In place of nails, he had long nails. His hooves clopped on the floor as he struggled to get Maria off.

The 9 ft beast slammed his back into the wall which was cracked, causing it to give way. Shaye fell backwards, falling on his back. Quickly, he got up and swung his tail towards the attacker with full force. A strange roar like none other escaped from the sheepsquatches mouth. Then, he attempted to head butt the attacker with his horns. His hands went to his neck and felt the injury. He let out another roar, this time full of pain.

Max Cowie

Maximillion used the monster fighting back as a distraction to bite Maria. Swiftly, he dashed to Maria and sunk his teeth into her neck. The blood was so fulfilling. It was so good. He had to have more. But maybe another day. He let go of her, leaving himself wide open for Maria or the sheepsquatch to attack.

@Cryobionic @SenpaiMagnum
Maria felt her body flung into a wall, hit down and bitten. She grinned, her pupils dilated, a grin on her face. The blood was amazing, a mixture of both sheep and goat. Delish! She saw the creature change and she laughed. "My turn" she said menacingly. Her body went blue purple and she turned into the monster of legends. A red frill on her neck, a body bigger than a truck, teeth sharp enough to cut iron, and a truly bloodthirsty mind.

She leapt at the creature again, swiping her claws at its chest. He may have tough leathery skin, but Maria's claws could easily cut through iron. Blood splashed her and she dropped back down to all fours, circling her prey. She hissed and watched it, completely ignoring everything else.

@Ethan Hart @Cryobionic
Her monster form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.7ba147609a59a7403f6ad80a4437e973.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.7ba147609a59a7403f6ad80a4437e973.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I know. And another new picture. It's like each time I come on, I'm on a game show.
"R-Right!" Danny nodded quickly, scrambling to his feet. He had no idea who this new white haired boy was, but he was pretty sure he recognized the girl as being Maria, the Mexican monster from before. The changeling bit his lip as he watched her, a strange sense of frightful pity resonating in his chest.

He was about to rush forward,-to try and maybe... well, he wasn't exactly sure what he was going to try and do, it wasn't as if he could just jump in and break up the fight with his own fists. He would get squashed before he could say 'pumpkin' if he did, when he spotted the white haired guy, on top of Maria, his mouth attached to her neck.

And then Maria changed into what he could only explain as being a true Mexican Monster.

With a small yelp of panic, he thrust his arms out, fingers spread out, and concentrated. He he could just get a grip on one of them... It took a few tries, and a lot of focus, but after a few seconds he managed to 'push' all three of them away from one another, sending each of them crashing into their own wall.

Danny dropped his arms by his sides, breathing heavily as a couple beads of sweat made their way down his brow. "Honestly," He gasped, clutching his book-bag to his chest, "Can't we all just get along?"


@Ethan Hart

(sorry about the delay)
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