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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Seeing as the ghost girl had noticed him, Jasper was about to answer her back, however something caused his human instincts to overwhelm him. Opening his eyes, Jasper found himself laid out on the ground on his stomach, his vision blurred and his body sore. It was obvious that when he ran away from whatever is was, his body had been pushed too far. Taking a moment to breath and calm himself, Jasper could make out of the blurred world he saw there was someone coming. Something about them seemed familiar yet also concerning. His body said to trust them, while somewhere in the back of his mind, something told him to flee. Still recovering mentally, Jasper walked towards them, but they bumped into him instead of stopping.

His vision was starting to come back, but there was an odd smell. Something that knew him, and welcomed him. Jasper realized that it was the smell of death, and whoever it belonged to was about to be hugged by him. Instantly drawing his arms back, the rush caused Jasper to lose his balance and fall back. Looking up with his vision almost back to normal, he could tell it was a pale girl, however it seemed as though they had met before. Assuming it was just another undead, he spoke up. "Sorry, I still have my human instincts and got spooked. My vision is still a bit foggy, mind helping me up?" Jasper held out his hand to her, now seeing she could be shorter then him. What Jasper hadn't realized however, was that he was in his magical form, which with the stitches on his cheek made clear what he was. Although he didn't want to be, the feeling of death caused Jasper to be friendly towards the girl. "Who are you anyway? You seem sort of familiar, but my eyes can't place your face yet.."

Levvy grinned widely with insanity. She reached out with her arm that was covered in a spiral of stitches, and pulled him up strongly. "Levvy Black. I don't remember you though, ahahaha," she laughed. Levvy traced her stitches that crept down her neck with a needle. She was trying to place just what sort of type of creature this boy was. And what his name was... "Aha! Jasper? Undead?" she said, triumphant. She grinned. "These eyes aren't mine, but they can see into other people's identities!" she said. Levvy played with her stitches as her eyes gleamed with a childish, yet violent, shine.

Nearly pulled straight off the ground, he stood back on the ground and looked at the girl for a moment, watching her with almost child-like curiosity as she laughed. Realizing he was staring, Jasper tried to calm himself, however as his vision had finally gone back to normal, his nervousness was painted on his face as he noticed it was the girl from before. After she correctly got his name, type, and explained how, Jasper tried to turn and run. His body stopped instantly after turning around however, as he, again, was lost.

Turning back, he realized that he was in his magical form, and his stitches were visible. Closing his eyes for a moment, Jasper quickly switched back to his human form. "L-look, to be honest I don't do....I'm not used to other undead. You were right, but even if we are both undead, unlike you I was physically weak before I died..." He paused for a moment, still fighting his body wanting to be relaxed towards the girl. "Since you know my name, mind if I know yours?"

Levvy laughed. "Levvy Black. I was spot on! Like... needle point, huh?" she laughed maniacally. "Yeah, Levvy Black, that's it. Delightful, isn't it?" she said. "I also go by problem child, stitches girl, and Number 98." Number 98. That was her name when she was an experiment for them. No, it was a label. She noticed his stitches before they vanished. He could make his stitches disappear? Levvy was curious about it. Well, she was an artificial zombie, killed by chemicals but them brought to life by them, as one of the undead.

She pushed up right to his face, despite her much shorter height, and stared with red eyes. Her hair was whiter than snow, and her skin was very pale. "You're a zombie, aren't you?" she laughed, her voice tinged with it's always present insanity. "Come on, come on, tell me how you died! Hahaha, I want to know! Don't be shy! Tell! Tell me! Come on!"

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At first he guessed that she was different in that most other undead lingered on the fact Jasper was nervous around them, so Levvy as she called herself, might be a screw loose in a good way for him. She tore this assumption to shreds by instantly getting to his face and asking him questions, which caused his honesty to actually backfire for once. Blushing without knowing why, Jasper quickly stepped back in an attempt to gain some distance. "Y-yes. I was shot by a human with a gun, who mistook me for an animal. My sister killed the guy, but my family couldn't stop the bleeding or get the bullet out. My mom raised me back from the dead instead since I didn't like being the only non-creature in the family anyway." He answered, trying his best to stay on-edge, but to no success. Jasper wasn't scared of Levvy, in fact it was that very reason he couldn't stay calm around her.

"How about we just have some personal space...I'm honest with people, so lying is, and never will be something I'm good at anyway. So I'll answer your questions, and you don't get near me or touch me okay?" Jasper couldn't tell how she would react to his bargaining, but it didn't seem Levvy wasn't stupid enough to fall for it either.

"Hm... okay, then!" Levvy said, voice childish and eccentric. She stepped back and stared at him. "The only one in the family who was normal? That's funny," she said. "Getting shot must be terrible, huh." But not nearly as horrible as what I went through. The chains, the cell, the scientists, the previous experiments' corpses decorating the lab, the knives, the guns, the hammers, the wrenches, the pipes, the rope, the starvation, the blood... Levvy shook out the bad memories out of her head and smiled. It seemed he wasn't very scared of her, this Jasper zombie boy. Why was that? Was it because they were both zombies? But even if he wasn't scared of her, he was still extremely uncomfortable. Well, she did have that effect on people. 'Disturbed child', the nickname didn't create itself, you know. "Anything you want to ask me? Ahahaha, take your chance while it's here. I might end up killing some people at the place later, no guarantee it won't be you. Bring them back for the scientists, I'll be such a good girl, and I'll have a reward! Maybe they'll use the hammer? Ahahaha, so, what do you want to know?"

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Levvy's sudden acceptance caused him to let his body finally relax, although it was with a sigh. "I guess, but I would say having your legs broken is worse on terms of pain. Ask anything? My sister would likely make some kind of perverted comment, but that's just how she is." Jasper replied, choosing to give up on resisting his body not being relaxed then to waste energy on a losing battle. Bringing his right hand to his mouth and lightly placing his finger on his bottom lip, Jasper froze like that while staring at Levvy, observing her as though a painter would on what to draw next. It was a habit that his parents loved, because it was usually when while his body was frozen, his mind was moving extremely fast.

After a few minutes, Jasper unknowingly gave Levvy the curious look of a child. "Why are you letting me ask you any question I want? Also, I haven't really been stupid enough to ask this, but do female undead put make-up on or not? Not saying you should, it's just that I just now wondered since your either wearing some right now or just look good without it....well besides the stitches. Do you not know how to control it?" He was referencing towards her feeling of pain, which Jasper had heard that many undead lost quickly after dying once, causing some to stitch themselves unknowingly. He still felt nervous around Levvy, but since she chose to not get close to him, it was slightly easier for Jasper to stay calm. @kurol
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Levvy broke out into insane laughter and clutched her stomach with pale hands. She looked at him with crimson eyes, wild and crazed. No sense of morality or understanding of the other people around her. No morals. No balance. "What, the stitches?" she said. She pulled out a needle with a thread and stithes her skin, then took it out. "I'm not like you, you see..! I'm... haha, how do I put it... artificial. These stitches weren't made to keep my limbs together. I did it to myself. It proves that pain is oblivious to my body. I can't feel the needle. Or the knife. Or the hammer, or the chainsaw, or the wrench, or the rope!" she laughed. On the inside of her white shirt, many knives were lined, over fifty. She pulled one out and stabbed herself in the arm. It sent a mild shock of a strange feeling up her arm. But no pain. A river of black blood gushed out, and then it soon disappeared as the wound closed. Levvy laughed. "I don't feel, pain, or emotion! Funny, isn't it? Ahaha... You see, I wasn't killed and then brought to life by somebody else. I was tortured to death. I liked the hammers the best. You should have seen the blood! My blood turned black. It was poisoned. Because of the chemicals they put in my body to keep me alive a little longer. Eventually I died. But the chemicals they put in my body brought me back. As a zombie. So what happened then? Ah, I love this part! An unlimited life of torture! I don't feel pain anymore, and it is a gift! Ahahaha," she said. It didn't make her feel strange, telling people her life story. What was special about it? It was quite fun. And it shaped her. Into a violent, blood thirsty, childish girl with no morals or mercy.

Jasper was slightly shocked, but it quickly shifted into boredom. "So?" Was his response, which mirrored his shrug towards her story of a horrid way of life. It wasn't that he was heartless, it was that Jasper knew that she wasn't asking for sympathy. Before he would let Levvy react however, Jasper flicked her forehead. "First, your life is pretty tragic, but tragedy never really bothered me, as I taunt what scares whatever is still human about me for fun. Second, I was talking about your sense of pain, not stitches. Since your not a real zombie, I'll let you know, most stitches on real ones aren't for keeping limbs, those will just heal back in time." Jasper paused to allow a small window of time for her to listen. "And finally, you only answered one of my questions. Silly."

It wasn't until too late, that Jasper realized he not only touched Levvy, but also just taunted her. Instant nervousness and regret showed on his face, as Jasper took a step back. "S-sorry...I, uh, have a habit of..correcting people....could you just ignore that and answer my other questions?" Jasper quickly added, trying to change the subject as fast as possible. He really didn't want to make this girl mad now, not because she could kill him, but because she knew first hand some things were worse then death. Also, he still couldn't quite predict her reactions yet, so Jasper was worried she might do something before he could react.

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Levvy laughed. "You have a temper! Ahaha, that's no good. Maybe I'll have to stitch your mouth shut.. But that would be painful, wouldn't it? Oh well," she said, her voice sounding like a drunk child, wavering, childish, and up and down. "Let's see... I'm letting you ask anything because it's better than being bored... I don't wear make up, and I'm the first female zombie I've seen, because the 98 experiments before me died... and the stitches are fashionable, and I like my skin the way it is. And I can't control the stitches because they aren't part of my zombification. They're just... decorations! Hehehe," she said, answering all the questions. She smiled, creepily. Even if it looked like she wasn't purely insane on the outside, she really wouldn't be able to help herself if she had the urge to kill this boy. But that urge wasn't usual, thankfully. She had a humane mask on, at least. How else would she have been let into this school?

Jasper flinched when she talked about stitching his mouth, as his oldest sister had actually done that. "Trust me, from experience, it doesn't feel good. Not to mention it's really hard to eat like that..." He said, sulking for a moment as he remembered how hard it was. His train of thought of derailed for a moment as out of the corner of his eye, some random boy had walked towards them for a moment, but quickly ran off like a scared kid. Turning back to Levvy, Jasper could see her creepy smile. "You know, it's kind of hard for people to be friends to you if you'll scare them off first. Even if you might to kill them anyway." He stood straight up for a moment, noticing the considerable height difference. Jasper was about to ask something, however his phone rang in his pocket. The ringtone was the sound of a commercial for one of his favorite snack foods.

Quickly taking it out, Jasper realized is was his other sister. The pervert. Declining the call, almost instantly it rang again, from the same person. Opening a nearby window, Jasper chucked the phone out before returning to Levvy. "Sorry, it was one of my sisters. I doubt you care, but its the pervert. She has a weird way of being able to tell when I'm talking to a girl, and quite frankly I would rather not risk you getting along with her." Jasper glanced up with his hand on his chin this time, another habit, but this time gave much less thought before speaking again. "I guess what your family is like? I don't know. I'm starting to get hungry, so its hard to think without putting effort into it." He asked, before getting out a small bag of vanilla-covered raisins, and began eating them while slowly walking. Gesturing for her to come along, Jasper completely gave up on not being friendly for now. Although he was still nervous, Jasper chose to not dwell on it as long as she didn't get too close.

"Haha, I don't really need friends! My family?" she repeated as he started to chew on a little vanilla raisin snack he'd pulled out. A flash of emotion darted across her face. Well, not exactly 'emotion'. But different to her usual creepy stare.


But then she flicked back to her usual insane smile.
"My family are the scientists. They're really nice. They use knives and guns and poison. And sometimes, if I'm a good girl, they use hammers and rope and nails. I.. love my family!" she exclaimed insanely. Her family consisted of the few scientists, as well as ninety eight dead experiments who were scattered in the cells nearby.

Jasper noticed something else, though he guessed it was just his imagination. Continuing to eat, he chose to keep up the conversation rather then eat in silence, but made sure to not eat and talk at the same time. That just seemed too rude for even Jasper. "So you don't care about friends, you love your family, and you have a tragic past. Reminds me of Batman." Jasper instantly flinched, as he was getting too relaxed which caused the honest, yet smart remark. Glancing over at Levvy however, he guessed she didn't even know who Batman was. "Batman is a fictional superhero who has all of those, but he isn't perfectly like you. Your female, his male; Your a zombie albeit a fake one, he's human, I could go on but it might be a waste of time." He paused to eat more, and swallow before speaking.

"If your really curious, I know an elf who has a bunch of human comics on his collection. Hmm..." Jasper tried to think of something to ask, but couldn't think of anything. Holding out the bag, he wondered if she might be hungry as well. "I can probably think of something if I try, but I don't feel like it. How about you ask something? Not if you want me to try anyway, I still can't figure out what your thinking right now."

@kurol ((have to go for the night, sorry ^^''))
(( It's okay ^^ ))

"Batman?" she repeated, clueless. Jasper explained the fictional human comic character, and the similarities between Levvy and the hero. Levvy laughed a little. "Alright. And I don't really eat food.." she said. The torture had rid her of the need for food. Plus, the only thing she could eat was human flesh. But now might not be a good time for it, because what would the school say? Haha.

"Ask you something..? Good, good! Fun! Let's see... what's not boring? Hm.. oh, what's your life like? Well, not exactly life, but death, huh? Ahahaha! What's it like , as a zombie?"
"Hmm..." Jasper thought about the things that changed in his life, after he had became a zombie. "Compared to other zombies, I guess you could say I'm like a newborn. I only died almost two years ago, on my 15th birthday. The only thing that's really changed for me is that my family got really protective afterwards, and creatures hate me slightly less then before." Pausing to eat again, he actually tried to think about it, rather then just give a bland answer. "At first I was depressed, because even though I hate humans, I still would have wanted to know what my human parents had thought of me as a human. It didn't last very long though, since when I found out who they were, the idea of seeing them pissed me off." Jasper continued, realizing he was running out of raisins fast. Silently berating himself for thinking he was lost, Jasper got a school map out of his other pocket and looked to where they were as the bell rang for class.

"Hm. We are not very far from the cafeteria, but the library is closer and those tend to have snack machines nearby..." Jasper thought out loud, ignoring that he would get in trouble for skipping class, before memorizing the route to the cafeteria. Turning towards Levvy, he wondered how much she actually knew about creatures. "Question, are these 'scientists' humans or creatures?" Jasper asked, slightly curious about her now. Putting the map away, he ate the rest of the raisins, before making a slow left at a corner. Jasper wasn't worried in the slightest about his grades, as the only class he had ever not had perfect or near perfects scores in was Physical Education.

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Levvy stared back. "I wanna go to the cafeteria. I've never been to one before! Hahah," she replied. She watched as he slowly finished his raisins, taking precious care of each one. She wondered if real zombies could eat like that. She can't, she was engineered to devour the people around her. "Question, are these 'scientists' humans or creatures?" Jasper asked as they began to walk. Well, Levvy skipped, eccentric and energetic. She paused to think about this. They were humans, yes, but they were definitely insane, and not humane. She laughed. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. "Yes, they are human. Hahaha, what did you think they were? Vegetables? Vampires? Dolls? The rest of my family are asleep all the time," she answered, thinking about the dead corpses scattered across the old, rusty cells. "The scientists don't feed them, or look after them. I don't really care, though. They were bad children. I was a good girl! That's.. that's why I get the hammers and the knives! Hahahaha!" Levvy felt a rush of insane adrenaline shoot through her dead body. She calmed down, her eyes still wide and wild, and traced her stitches on her neck. It was something she usually did when thinking or trying to calm down.

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Jasper watched her as she answered him, noticing that she was starting to get excited, but saw Levvy was trying to calm herself rather quickly by touching the stitches on her neck. Seeing her trace her fingers with it made a chill down his spine, so he tried to look away. "I don't see how you like stitches. I don't dislike them myself, but that is mostly because I just got used to seeing them on me." Jasper said, giving Levvy a slightly confused look, before taking a right towards two wide doors. "Maybe if they see me with you they'll think we are friends, get scared, and give me free snacks. You should try some chocolate-covered pretzels, those are really good." Jasper said, before opening one of the doors.

It was a large open space, without tables, he guessed which were not ready by the staff and still in storage. "Well this means either you scared them so bad they ran away and quit, or they don't give anyone breakfast on the first day. Both mean nobody is here but us, so now what?" Jasper asked, looking towards Levvy, and again he noticed the difference in height. "Again, don't get mad, but....your kind of short."

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Venus glided up to the guided doors of the school. She stopped and took a look up at the big school. She took a deep breath and let it escape in a big puff of cold air. She pushed open the door and was quite shocked that she wouldn't have to bend over in the halls due to her height. Venus smiled and looked down at her schedule. First period is XXXXX. Okay then. She thought. She continued walking looking down at the paper, until the accidentally walked straight into someone. " Oh sorry."
"Well I really, really, really like them! Hahaha," Levvy laughed madly in reply. She took a small bite out of a pretzel, and continued until it had disappeared between her nimble pale fingers, lined with stitches. She smiled widely, and put her thumbs up, then choked it down. Already, she was having problems digesting it. The chemicals in her body refused to digest normal food, otherwise she'd become seriously ill. And that'd be too risky, wouldn't it? "I'll just go find something else to eat!" he quickly said as she got up and skipped into the kitchen, out of sight. She bent over one of the sinks and began to throw up, the food draining down the sink into the sewers. Where it belonged, rather than in her chemical infested body. She went back out, acting as if nothing happened, though she felt a bit light headed.

Levvy repeated when he said she was a bit short. She went over to Jasper and pulled him up with brute strength, not caring if the way she handled his collar choked him a little. She compared her height to his, and sure enough, she was quite small. She laughed and sat back down at her seat. "You're right, you're right! Ahahaha, I think you're just tall, mister!" she laughed.

(You could be the person @Moonflight walks into, maybe? That would give you a good starting point - just write your character coming into the school, and bumping into her and see her the reaction would be.)
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Crystal had been excited since she woke up, to be able to come to a school for monsters

..she could hardly contain her excitement. With her hair pulled back by a headband with her horn pokng through the middle, she wore a simple school outfit that had enough room for her tail to poke out. She strolled down the hallway and when she turned a corner bang! She crashed face first into someone, stumbling back she fell onto her rear with a grunt and a small puff of fire escaped her lips shooting out three inches from her face

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