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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Jasper started to reply back at her crazed logic, but instantly froze when Levvy suddenly touched him. Realizing he had lost control of himself and switched to his magical form, Jasper flinched slightly when she pricked at his stitches. He tried to switch back to his human form, however felt that he oddly couldn't. Jasper backed up away from Levvy again, slightly worried, despite trying not to reveal it. "A-ah. My favorite is bears. Did those...your family teach you anything?" Jasper asked, deciding it was better to just not mention his problem.

He was genuinely surprised at that Levvy hadn't ever seen an animal before, as Jasper hadn't met anyone like so. "If those scientists ask you to kill anyone here, I'd suggest at least doing some research. I know a bit about different creatures, but quite many are animal-like or are animals, and I'm no expert. You are strong, but certainly not the most powerful person at this place." Jasper suggested, thinking back to the other people he had met today, but also to the many people that had tried to kill him after getting upset because of him. If it were not for his near immortality and his family, Jasper would have permanently dead a long time ago. "I am in no way saying your cocky, but it doesn't seem you care if you die or not." He added, although his actions often made it seem as though that was true for him as well. @kurol
Edgar, who had left the hall and was walking around the school, heard a cry and ran towards it, only to see someone convulsing on the ground and a girl standing over him.

"What's happening!? Why is he screaming?!"
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" God---AAAHHH....DAMMIT!!!" he yelled in pure excruciating pain as he placed his hand over his chest hoping the pain would go away but he was foolidh to think it would.
Amelia was practically in panic mode when someone approached her. "I-I don't know! H-He just kinda fell and started screaming! G-go get help!"
"Uhhh ok! Ok!" he bolted as fast as he could to the nurse's office, thankfully it was close. A bunch of fairies came and gently put him on a stretcher, carrying him to the nurse's office.

"Jeez what the heck!??! What happened to HIM?"
Amelia, still in shock, shrugged. "I-I have n-no idea..." she said with a frown before following the fairy nurses to wherever they were taking him.
Lips parted in surprise that Minzhe would go along with his demand so easily, Danny was just about to reply when the screaming started. His green eyes widened in surprise as his head snapped towards the source, the screams sounding pained, panicked. It made a chill go down his spine, and for a moment, he thought of running in the opposite direction, but a strong sense of absolute curiosity mixed with concern forced him to change his mind.

"No, I don't think so," He muttered hurriedly to his newly gained friend, sending him a worried look, "And if it is, I'm quite seriously going to reconsider attending this academy."

With that, Danny turned in the direction of the screams, his eyes searching the crowds before finally spotting the scene just in time to see the teenage boy being carried away. Backing up to make room for the stretcher as it came closer, the troll glanced down at the pale boy, his brows drawing together in a concerned frown.
He winced, "Yikes. I hope he's ok."

The fairies brought him into another room. The lead nurse walked up to them.

"Please wait out here..." she turned and walked into the room.
Amelia gave a small nod and leaned against the wall outside the room. She had eventually returned from her panicked self back to her withdrawn, silent self.
She let a few seconds go by before answering. "...Amelia." she practically whispered. He was not the type of girl to really talk much.
"It was," Danny agreed, looking over his shoulder at the blonde, biting his lip in confused worry. He wished he could help in some way, and even if he didn't know the guy, the short glance he had gotten as he passed had made it all to clear just what was the matter. The shortness of breath, the hand pressed stubbornly to his chest and his sweaty complexion all lead the troll to believe the poor teen had suffered a heart attack. It was really the only logical point in which his mind could arrive.

"They should give him woods ear soup to eat," Danny murmured softly, more to himself than to Minzhe, his mind going over everything he knew about the fungi and its uses in an effort to calm down, "T-thins the blood, that does, and reduces the chances of clotting. It reduces fever too, sometimes..." Danny looked up at Minzhe, his fingers tightening around the strap of his book bag, "Woods ear, when mixed with hawthorn makes for a rather powerful blood replenisher too, did you know?"
The fairies rushed him to the health nurse, once they arrived there the female nurse saw Hitsugya's condition "Good gosh, he's just had a heart attack! Get him into the emergency center, I'll be right there!" said the nurse as the fairies nodded and immediately took him on the stretcher to the emergency room. Hitsugya's vision faded as he still felt as though someone was stabbing his heart but he couldn't speak, there was only pain.
One of the nurses came out into the waiting room a couple minutes later "Umm excuse me, are you all friends of the man who was taken in? If you are then I'd like to inform you that he's just had a heart attack and will be in the emergency room for 20 mins. I will notify you when he is ready" said the nurse walking away.
Reaching into his bag, Danny let his fingers brush over the many different objects and miscellaneous items it contained, not really paying attention to what he was doing as his mind kept running through the various uses of different plants and their effects on the heart. His middle finger hooked around the strap of a small leather pouch, pulling it out in on swift movement, before holding it up to his face, his nose wrinkling slightly at the smell. "No, that's human flesh..." He mumbled, dropping it back down into the bag again, his hand soon emerging with another.

"That's woods ear," Danny reached out and grabbed Minzhe's hand, dropping the pouch of dried mushrooms into his palm. "Useful to know what to look for, should an emergency like that ever arise again," He explained quietly, his eyes rising to stare at the fox spirit, gauging him for a reaction. "Don't eat it, though, it's poisonous uncooked."

@Marlow (M'sorry, I dozed off. :o )
"Oh man this is a crazy first day...first I get lost then I fall on my face in the meeting hall and now a man has a heart attack...." Edgar said, nervously.
Amelia gave a small nod to the nurse and took out her iPod. She unwound the earplugs and shoved them into her ears, pressing play. She wasn't exactly sure why she was waiting for the boy. She didn't even catch his name. But she had the feeling that he was a lot like her, and that's not a feeling she gets often.
He sighed and leaned back in his chair, humming the song Miss Jackson, quietly to himself. After all that's happened he was happy to get some time to relax.

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