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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Copperkirin21 said:
Edgar passed her in the hall and almost stopped when he saw the jar of Nutella, one of his favorite spreads EVER. He forcefully tore his gaze away from the jar.
As she walked, Daggora noticed a boy looking at her Nutella. She stopped walking for a second debating. "Why not?" she said to herself, before she smiled and walked over to the boy. "Hey...I couldn't help but notice you looking at my Nutella." She pulled another spoon out of her bag. "Want some?"
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]As she walked, Daggora noticed a boy looking at her Nutella. She stopped walking for a second debating. "Why not?" she said to herself, before she smiled and walked over to the boy. "Hey...I couldn't help but notice you looking at my Nutella." She pulled another spoon out of her bag. "Want some?"

"HECK YES I'D LIKE SO- I mean...yes please," he happily took the spoon. "Thank you!"
Copperkirin21 said:
"HECK YES I'D LIKE SO- I mean...yes please," he happily took the spoon. "Thank you!"
Daggora laughed at the boys answer, before taking a bite of the Nutella. "I'm Daggora, by the way. But most people call me Dag. I'm kinda new here." She smiled sheepishly.
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora laughed at the boys answer, before taking a bite of the Nutella. "I'm Daggora, by the way. But most people call me Dag. I'm kinda new here." She smiled sheepishly.

He also took a bite, "Edgar's the name. Don't worry I'm new too. Just got here today. It's been...eventful."
Willow sat down on a nearby bench and sighed. She never noticed that this was a co-ed school and that she will be sharing her dorm with a boy. Sighing she lies down on the bench and lets the cold winter air swallow her whole. She looks up into the sky and blows her locks out of her face. Willow continues to gaze up at the sky.
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora tilts her head, confused. "Eventful? How?"

"Weeelllll I guy kind of had a heart attack in front of me then my 'room mate' says that I can only say a few things to her a day or she'll 'make my life a living hell'."
Copperkirin21 said:
"Weeelllll I guy kind of had a heart attack in front of me then my 'room mate' says that I can only say a few things to her a day or she'll 'make my life a living hell'."
Daggora raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Thats.....not what I was expecting. Is the guy ok? And whats wrong with your roommate? She sounds horrible."
Jasper shrugged at her question, but her joke calmed him before she touched the stitches, which the feeling instantly caused him to tense up. Although it wasn't end entirely bad feeling, he didn't trust it, as though if he did something would be lost. Seeing her pull away, Jasper got his chips back out and ate quietly until his body relaxed a little. Glancing back at Mia for a moment, he wondered what her family was actually like. Shaking his head to rid himself of the curiosity, Jasper decided to get ready for bed.

"Oh yeah, if you see other undead, tell me so I can get away...I don't do well with them." He said, before getting under his bed covers, taking his shirt off but using the covers to hide himself. Jasper knew the reason he wanted to be relaxed with them, tell them everything or anything, but the human child hiding deep down inside him still denied the fact he had even died. As if when it didn't, Jasper would lose all the control he had wished for.

@Stamper ((It's okay owo))
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Thats.....not what I was expecting. Is the guy ok? And whats wrong with your roommate? She sounds horrible."

"The guy is fine. As for her...I dunno...but I feel better now. I went to the music room and played the piano, as well as sing some of my favorite songs. And now someone's given me Nutella so I'm EXTRA happy now," he said taking another bite.
Copperkirin21 said:
"The guy is fine. As for her...I dunno...but I feel better now. I went to the music room and played the piano, as well as sing some of my favorite songs. And now someone's given me Nutella so I'm EXTRA happy now," he said taking another bite.
Daggora giggled. Well your welcome for the Nutella. Did you say that you play the Piano?
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora giggled. Well your welcome for the Nutella. Did you say that you play the Piano?

"Yup. And guitar. Currently learning violin."
Copperkirin21 said:
"Yup. And guitar. Currently learning violin."
Daggora jumped up and down in excitement. "That's so cool! I play the Viola!"

(If you don't know what that is, it's like a Violin but slightly bigger and with different strings. Not many people know about it and they often mistake it for a violin. It's pronounced Vee-O-La)
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora jumped up and down in excitement. "That's so cool! I play the Viola!"
(If you don't know what that is, it's like a Violin but slightly bigger and with different strings. Not many people know about it and they often mistake it for a violin. It's pronounced Vee-O-La)

(Yup I know of the viola)

"Really!? That's awesome! Maybe we could play together sometime!"
Copperkirin21 said:
(Yup I know of the viola)
"Really!? That's awesome! Maybe we could play together sometime!"
"Great! I look forward to it. Soooo...is there anything else you like to do??"
Ale13 said:
Willow sat down on a nearby bench and sighed. She never noticed that this was a co-ed school and that she will be sharing her dorm with a boy. Sighing she lies down on the bench and lets the cold winter air swallow her whole. She looks up into the sky and blows her locks out of her face. Willow continues to gaze up at the sky.
Hitsugya woke up feeling even more pain in his chest as he got out of bed throwing on his black jacket and putting his wings through the holes in the back of it. He unlocked the dorm door and slammed it behind him as he walked to the cafeteria wondering if Willow would be there.
Yukari snapped her fingers. "Oh right sorry I'm Yukari sorry to just barge in like this I got lost and walked in here by mistake." He kept her left hand in her pocket to hid it she didn't want to show she was shaking something about the girl with white hair was strange her instincts were telling her this girl was dangerous not to mention smelly. "My bad my bad."


Copperkirin21 said:
"Hmmm...I LOVE singing. I'm a casual DJ, flying, and I guess I'm kind of a nerd....ok a really big nerd."
"Nice to meet a fellow singer. And a fellow nerd. So what are you? You said you could fly, so I'm guessing its something with wings." Daggora's eyes sparkled with excitement.
Honeywing smiled as he got his suitcase out. He started to get all of his stuff out and pack it in the drawer. His dollhouse should be here soon, he hoped. "I would never be rude to someone! I'm also glad you aren't rude either."

Willow sat up and stretched. She yawned and jumped onto her feet. Her tummy grumbled and she thought it would be best if she got some food. At a calm pace, willow strolled over to the school's cafeteria and spotted Hitsugya. She smiled brightly and waved.
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]"Nice to meet a fellow singer. And a fellow nerd. So what are you? You said you could fly, so I'm guessing its something with wings." Daggora's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Weeeelll....I'm a dragon."
Once Jasper withdrew, Mia returned to her bed and began to unpack her things. It had to be done sometime, might as well get it done and over with. When she heard the blankets move, her eyes flickered over to Jasper who was apparently going to bed. It wasn't all that late but now that she thought of it, most of her nights were late and her days short. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out."

Thinking of that, Mia was tempted to go out exploring if Jasper decided to sleep. It wasn't as if she had any friends to go meet, the only other student she'd spoken to was Jasper but Mia always thought of herself as a free spirit that wish not be contained. Or at least maybe that was what she wished she was. While unpacking, she did her best to be quiet so as not to disturb him. When she was done, she returned to her bed and curled up on her side, thinking silently. She might have gotten more comfortable, since most of what she wore was leather, lace, and silk (what? That was just her style.) and that wasn't exactly comfy clothing, but she still hadn't decided if she wanted to stay or go.

Ale13 said:
Willow sat up and stretched. She yawned and jumped onto her feet. Her tummy grumbled and she thought it would be best if she got some food. At a calm pace, willow strolled over to the school's cafeteria and spotted Hitsugya. She smiled brightly and waved.
It took him a moment to notice her but he finally saw her, slowly walking over to her with his hands in his pockets and his wings folded up to his back "Hey. . .so you want to. . .grab something to eat?" he asked scratching the back of his head. He had never spent time with someone else like this, he usually trained or talked to friends or something mostly he kept to himself but her. . .he didn't know what to say or do.
She giggled lightly to herself and looked up at him, "Yes, I would love to..." Willow was very nervous and she could feel the palm of her hands moisten. She kept looking in other directions praying that her cheeks won't blush.

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