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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

She listened to JAX as he healed her leg, she was unaware he could do such a thing. She sat up and watched as he worked some kind of magic on her, gratefully she smiled at him as he took her wrist, instinctively placing her own hand on top of his; "the Al'anie have long had trust and relationships with mechs... Your secret is safe with me. I promise." He was about the only character on the ship besides Owain that she seemed to have warmer feelings for.

"Besides, I don't think they're all too interested. They're wrapped up in themselves most of the time."


Owain was busy trying to put everything back in it's place - "we haven't had such a bumpy landing for a few years... we used to keep everything fastened down..."

He felt a little taken aback when Jack got up at him - wanting to know everything. "From what I gather we crossed a field of debris on the way in... Something happened up there. So we need to go and see if the people on the planet are alright.."
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Zero was eating the food he brought with him to snack on in his room, and was also thinking about the day's events. "I probably should start a conversation soon. Seriously, I've been in this room for most of the travel to wherever we are going." Zero walked past the others sleeping areas, and leaned against a wall in the room where Owain and Jack were.
Jack Rosenthal

He was staring at Owain through his helmet and then crossed his arms. He was ready to help with repairs, or cleaning stuff up. Especially his own, then he thought about the rifle. Good thing he hadn't finished it yet. He was slightly annoyed Rai couldn't finish her story. As dark and brooding as it could've been, Jack wanted to know what happened, he smirked on the thought of her finishing it later. Jack looked at Owain, then asked "You need my help with anything?" the voice wasn't curious, rather annoyed actually.

JAX looked down at Reena's hand on top of his and felt a large flow of emotion through him as his color emotion indicator on his head began to change between purple and red. "Thank you." He said. Jax took a knee and began checking and prodding Reena's leg where the metal had been. JAX took his time as it was Reena who seemed to be the one who care or understand. After JAX had thoroughly checked the indecent area he stood back up facing Reena. "T-thank you" JAX said, his hand twitching slightly.
"You don't have to help Jack, you can go back to flirting if you'd like..." Owain smirked as he made his way to the door to put down the gangplank so he could get off the ship to investigate. Something was awry and he'd figure it out... Plus he had a barkeeper to pick up for his crew! He couldn't shake the looming feeling that something terrible was going to happen though. He set off into the streets of Nerys...


Reena smiled at Jax again, before getting to her feet to get back above deck. "We can fix the engine later, for now we need to do some recon, if you're up to it you can come along!" she said to the mech as she climbed the ladder, feeling the odd twinge of pain in her leg, but otherwise nothing serious. As she got back to the main deck, she noticed that Owain had already left.

"Alright, whoever wants to come out to Nerys, feel free to do so, but we're meeting back as soon as we pick up our next members of crew. Don't feel like you have to investigate the debris incident, but I'd appreciate all the extra bodies I can... There could be people hurt or in further danger."
Cooper said:
"You don't have to help Jack, you can go back to flirting if you'd like..." Owain smirked as he made his way to the door to put down the gangplank so he could get off the ship to investigate. Something was awry and he'd figure it out... Plus he had a barkeeper to pick up for his crew! He couldn't shake the looming feeling that something terrible was going to happen though. He set off into the streets of Nerys...

Reena smiled at Jax again, before getting to her feet to get back above deck. "We can fix the engine later, for now we need to do some recon, if you're up to it you can come along!" she said to the mech as she climbed the ladder, feeling the odd twinge of pain in her leg, but otherwise nothing serious. As she got back to the main deck, she noticed that Owain had already left.

"Alright, whoever wants to come out to Nerys, feel free to do so, but we're meeting back as soon as we pick up our next members of crew. Don't feel like you have to investigate the debris incident, but I'd appreciate all the extra bodies I can... There could be people hurt or in further danger."
Raisa scowled slightly and watched the man walk away, losing exactly who he was implying that Jack was flirting with, "I'm going to get my stuff, I'll see you out there." Rai mumbled before woundering off to retrieve her coat and small knife since they didn't know the planet that well.

Jack Rosenthal

"F-Flirting?" He blushed under his mask, then he said "Good luck with not having a grenade in your lunchbox, when you open it, it will pull the pin... don't worry. I'll double-check if it's a flashbang." He joked a little, with a sarcastic tone. Then he went back to his own room and started cleaning up all of the stuff. The room was... a slight mess, but everything can be fixed in a few minutes. He took off his mask, laying it down on a desk near the entrance. He started picking stuff up and making order in general.

@Cooper @Flaresheild @JustCallMeAimee @Zaire Ananta

(I am GTG too, seeya all)
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"F-Flirting?" He blushed under his mask, then he said "Good luck with not having a grenade in your lunchbox, when you open it, it will pull the pin... don't worry. I'll double-check if it's a flashbang." He joked a little, with a sarcastic tone. Then he went back to his own room and started cleaning up all of the stuff. The room was... a slight mess, but everything can be fixed in a few minutes. He took off his mask, laying it down on a desk near the entrance. He started picking stuff up and making order in general.

@Cooper @Flaresheild @JustCallMeAimee @Zaire Ananta

(I am GTG too, seeya all)
Rai frowned slightly as he stutters then shrugged before leaving. The room was a mess, moving to tidy up it didn't really take her that long to rearrange things in the room.

After hitting the floor, Edgar stumbled into the cockpit. He was a little pissed at Reena for flipping the ship without a warning, but there was nothing he could do.

"Hey, lover boy. You know where I can get something to eat and drink?" Edgar grumbled, as he rubbed his forehead.

Jack Rosenthal

Jack was done cleaning the room. He took off his mask again, laying it on the table. He sat down on the couch and didn't really know what to do...

Then he realized something, how did Owain know about his 'Flirting'? Jack chuckled and looked around the room, if there are any cameras around it. He wanted to know if there are and maybe block them off. Jack liked his privacy.

JAX sat alone in the middle of the cargo bay which was his home next to a massive container of metal scraps, that he had been collecting to modify his body and make weapons out of. JAX began deleting his medical lessons and downloading weapons smith weapons. JAX didn't like guns. He hated them for multiple reasons. First because you could change them to where it doesn't require skill, three it doesn't give someone time to die and have their final thoughts, and three, they made such a mess with all of the splattering and it was difficult to clean up.

After the smithing lessons were downloaded, JAX began smithing weapons with the skill and artistic ability of the best sword smiths in history. JAX first assembled his hammer and anvil and then retrieved his best alloy pieces to make swords with. When jax had his peices he began hammering 40x as fast as a normal human could which caused the metal to super heat and become mold-able. In thirty minutes of fast paced hammering and wrapping two katana's were made. JAX etched his smith signature into the blades from what he learned in the lessons. JAX stood to test his blades. He threw a block of titanium a meter tall and a meter thick into the air and easily cleaved it into three peices with he two swords making an intense ringing sound as they struck through.


Satisfied with his work, JAX adjusted the plates on his back to have two secure sheaths. He sheathed his swords and walked out of the hangar into the halls to get ready to leave the ship.
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Edgar strolled over to Jack's room and knocked on the door.

"Hey, Jack. We've docked at Nerys, and I'm going out to get some food. You wanna come?"

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Jack Rosenthal

He walked out and said "Sure, let's go. I have nothing better to do, having a stroll would be nice." He patted Edgar on the shoulder and walked over to the exit. He walked outside and took a deep breath of the local air. It was a bit different, but nice. He put on his mask and waited for Edgar outside. For him, it was just one of many stops on the way to his real target. He had to stay on the task, he came here for the money, not for friends.

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He walked out and said "Sure, let's go. I have nothing better to do, having a stroll would be nice." He patted Edgar on the shoulder and walked over to the exit. He walked outside and took a deep breath of the local air. It was a bit different, but nice. He put on his mask and waited for Edgar outside. For him, it was just one of many stops on the way to his real target. He had to stay on the task, he came here for the money, not for friends.

@Safety Hammer
Edgar walked back to his room, grabbed his black trench coat from the hook where it was hanging, and slipped it on. As he walked out of the ship, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it with his lighter. As he took a puff from the cigarette, he looked over at Jack, who was waiting outside with his helmet on.

"There should be a store around here. Why do you always wear that damned helmet?"
Jack Rosenthal

He looked back at Edgar and said "A few reasons actually. First, It's useful. I can know your name and a lot of detailed information without even looking at you. This thing hacks and gains access to the Citizen database. As long as someone has a lawful birth act, I can know a lot of stuff about them. Second, it's sentimental. I got it from my C- Father. I wore it ever since I started this whole business. Third, it looks pretty neat with the armor, not to mention the protection it gives." Jack explained. Then he looked back forward and said "Let's take a look around for that store." he walked forward and stopped after a few steps "Lead the way, I guess."

@Safety Hammer
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JAX walked out among the small group analyzing and storing useful data and information on all of the men. He waited for someone who would lead the group to the apparent store that there was. JAX didn't fit in so he would just stay silent and walk afew feet behind everyone else. He turned and stood still. Waiting for someone to take charge.

(yay ten minuet brake)

Rai walked though the ship, weapon concealed under her coat in the waist band of her jeans. Having been left alone to do her own thing she wandered though the town, but didn't stray too far so she could return to the ship on time, after such a bumpy ride it was nice to be on solid ground. But seeing a bustling town center made her regret leaving her work shop, the money that she's be getting paid for helping on this job wasn't nearly worth what she'd create in a day. Rai sighed when her stomach growled grumpily at her and she scowled slightly looking around for somewhere that sold digestible food. She looked grateful after finding some form of take out food and after ordering paid the subsequent amount before walking away from the stall with her food in hand. Climbing up on a nearby wall she poked at the food with the blue plastic fork that had been provided by the vendor.

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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked back at Edgar and said "A few reasons actually. First, It's useful. I can know your name and a lot of detailed information without even looking at you. This thing hacks and gains access to the Citizen database. As long as someone has a lawful birth act, I can know a lot of stuff about them. Second, it's sentimental. I got it from my C- Father. I wore it ever since I started this whole business. Third, it looks pretty neat with the armor, not to mention the protection it gives." Jack explained. Then he looked back forward and said "Let's take a look around for that store." he walked forward and stopped after a few steps "Lead the way, I guess."

@Safety Hammer
As Jack and Edgar walked down the streets, alleyways and paths of Nerys, they eventually made it to a large shopping center.

"Ahh. There we go."

Jack Rosenthal

He looked at Edgar and asked "What you gonna buy?" with curiosity. He looked around the shopping center, it looked fairly big for a planet like this and the prices seemed alright. He took a look around and then looked at Edgar again, waiting for an answer from him. Jack wouldn't buy anything himself, he got hungry, thirsty and tired like once a week, so he didn't need food. For now at least.

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked at Edgar and asked "What you gonna buy?" with curiosity. He looked around the shopping center, it looked fairly big for a planet like this and the prices seemed alright. He took a look around and then looked at Edgar again, waiting for an answer from him. Jack wouldn't buy anything himself, he got hungry, thirsty and tired like once a week, so he didn't need food. For now at least.

@Safety Hammer
"I dunno. I'm suspecting that lover boy doesn't have any actual food, so I'll get some to cook. Then I'll just grab some booze and some Jaffas. You got comms in that helmet of yours? Because if you want to go grab some upgrades for your gun or something, I can keep in touch. Just tune it to channel 1, and I'll hear you." Edgar tapped his ear, meaning that he had the device implanted in his ears. He then walked over and grabbed a basket. "Just call if you need anything." With that, Edgar ran off into the supermarket.
Jack Rosenthal

Jack having nothing better to do, decided to walk around the town. After several minutes he found a bar and decided to look inside, it was only natural that wanted people would hang out in bars, he walked inside, he was heavily armed but didn't look for a fight. He walked up to the counter and sat down.

He kept looking around the bar anxiously.

Zero didn't leave the ship because of the bounty on his head. He made the excuse that he was sick and couldn't leave the ship, but everyone wasn't tricked. He was working on upgrades to his weapons, and asked for something for a snack. He accomplished making Decay bullets, which would decay whole planets in a matter of seconds. Kind of a last resort thing. He kept it in non decayable cases. He had also been working on a new arm for Rai, or rather, an upgrade for it. Zero decided to take a nap because he was done with his work.
Assuming the armed man that walked into her bar was from the reigning faction over Nerys, Saphira gave him a strained smile but was never the less dutiful. "What would you like," she said in a kind, though audibly rough voice. Meanwhile, rest of her patrons weren't so forgiving. They were either giving the strange man the cold shoulder or were making no attempt to hide their spiteful glares. However, all of them knew better to outright challenge him, lest they risk punish of death.

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