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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Deciding that they weren't leaving Cobalt slid from her branch down the other side of the tree hiding her form in a linear fashion as she slid rather than slithered away from the mammals, she never could understand their kinds.

Deciding she was well enough away Cobalt began slithering again as her hips swayed, crawling unto a sizable rock. She smiled up to the sun as she coiled into herself, a circle of white and crimson if seen from above. "Ahhh.. so nice"
Snapping out of his dull trance, he keeps his head turned towards Kuchi-Teke while his eyes lock with Aella's. He replies with a relatively friendly tone, "I did, yes, but I suppose it can wait. I'm not yet sure if it's something I want to just blurt out in front of people." And, to himself he thinks, "I'd also like to know why I think your eyes keep flickering, why you look at me like that, and what the hell you think I am." Calmly still facing her and now with his eyes slowly looking back forward at her, he turns his attention towards Kuchi-Teke. "She's a strange one she is," he thinks to himself.
Kain walked though the forest for some time. Upon nearing the edge of the forest a glider of light caught his eye. Looking in its direction he saw a girl with a snake body for her lower half. He figured she was a student of the acadamy, and decided to approach calmly to introduce himself. Walking up to a nearby rock, then standing on it he spoke in a kind tone" enjoying the warmth of the sun I see. " He said to her.

"Alright..." she says calmly. She didn't like pushing people for answers or anything so she would let him take his time. It's not like she was in a real big rush to blurt out 'I'm a werewolf. Are you?' That just seemed to weird to her. She watched as he looked at her curiously. It was then that Aella remembered that she was staring and that she was getting shivers. 'Oh no, I forgot my eyes!' She quickly looked away, praying that her eyes hadn't turned their golden yellow, which happened when she was about to shift or she was around other werewolves. She was a born werewolf, and an Alpha to boot, and she didn't know if he was a born werewolf or a turned. She just knew that she couldn't let down her guard around him. She knew in her mind that it wasn't safe to open up to others. It had always gotten her into trouble and pain; emotional and sometimes physical.

Kuchi-Teke simply stared back at the other two. She had hoped that the scent of blood wasn't too strong, she didn't want anyone to suspect her in the future. Kuchi-Teke felt like she needed to speak, at least a little, to break the aura of awkwardness.

"Are you two together?", she'd ask with a blush showing above her surgical mask.

As she spoke though, she bended forwards and let out a groan, a few drops of blood staining her mask and the ground below. Kuchi-Teke would quickly put her hand on her surgical mask, and perform a waving motion with her hand, as if nothing was going on.
Her upper half raised in response to the approached male as a small grin graced her lips tasting the air in his direction "yes, it seemed like a good day for sunning"

She gazed at him with slitted eyes wondering about his nature as she was sure he was a reptile same as her

@Lord Anubis
"No!" Aella jumped at the question nervously. She then saw the blood. "Woah, are you alright?" She asked her voice filled with worry. The smell of blood began to fill her nose.
"Second time I've been asked that," he chuckles to himself and eyeing Aella quickly, before saying, "Are you al--" He stops himself. Aella already asked what was on his mind. Now he patiently looks back at Kuchi-Teke.
Kuchi-Teke smiled, and awkwardly eyed the two, her hand still on her mouth. She ignored the questions thrown at her. "That's so cute, you thought the same thing.. Couples do tha-", she'd throw out in her cutesy voice.

More blood fell from her mouth, much more noticeable.

She'd turn around and keep waving her hands, trying to avoid the two's questioning. "I'm okay..", Kuchi-Teke would mutter, no blood dropping from her mouth that time.
Drake just stares with wide eyes as this peculiar lady keeps covering her seemingly bleeding mouth. He looks down and notices a little blood on the ground. He opens his mouth and raises his hand a little at her like he's about to speak, but he just stares in awe.
"You don't look okay," she said lightly placing her hand on her shoulder. Her eyes were filled with kindness as she watched. "Are you hurt?" She questions.

(Sorry my posts are short, I'm on my phone and the Tapatalk app kinda sucks)
Ayase said:
Her upper half raised in response to the approached male as a small grin graced her lips tasting the air in his direction "yes, it seemed like a good day for sunning"
She gazed at him with slitted eyes wondering about his nature as she was sure he was a reptile same as her

@Lord Anubis
Kain smiled" indeed the sun does bring me great joy in its warmth. I do apologies if I disturbed you." He said politely. It seemed he know found someone who enjoyed the sun the way he did.
Kuchi-Teke would sigh, she would probably pass out from blood loss at this rate. With a quick look behind her, she made sure no one else could see, but the other two. Kuchi-Teke would take off her mask, and her scar would be revealed. Her finger-nails would grow long, sort of like claws, and her teeth were much more sharp and devious.

Blood was running down from the scar, one that mimicked a mouth, going from ear to ear, branching from either side of her actual mouth. Kuchi-Teke would begin wiping her scar off, flinching as her hand touched it.

"Don't tell...", she'd say in a low tone, flinching again as she spoke. Speaking hurt her, that much was clear.
Her coils wound tighter as she sat upward gazing to the other softly with what would be called kinship.

" Ah, no I'm fine. I'm called Cobalt, or Cobi your preference. And your name?"

Her tail slid lazily over the stone as she spoke in her raspy tone
His eyes showing his horror, Drake's body just froze. He coughed a little, and it broke his trance. He just stared at her and said sheepishly, "I-- I don't know what to say." He looks at the ground and then back up again, just staring off into nothing. He hasn't seen such a wound since his bite a few years ago, and bringing back memories he didn't like, he just didn't know what to do.
Ayase said:
Her coils wound tighter as she sat upward gazing to the other softly with what would be called kinship.
" Ah, no I'm fine. I'm called Cobalt, or Cobi your preference. And your name?"

Her tail slid lazily over the stone as she spoke in her raspy tone
Kain bowed his head in respect" my name is kain veilstorm price to the royal throne, but you may call me Kain it is a pleasure to meet you cobalt!" He said in his normal empowered voice with a kind note to it.
Aella instinctually stepped back, stiffened, and growled. After a moment, she snapped out of it. "Oh I'm sorry!" She relaxed her body. She curled back a bit towards herself. She was trying not to be rude seeing as the wolf had just jumped out like that. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Aella's rather beastly reaction startled him, and he collected himself once again. Still visibly a little shaken, he waits for Kuchi-Teke's response to Aella's question. If she needed help, well he'd be here as well.
"Ah the pleasure is mine Lord Kain. Would you wish to join me?"

Even one such as her understood royalty, and the respect it demanded. Shifting her form slightly to the edge of the rock as she bowed slightly at the waist
Kuchi-Teke was seemingly whispering to herself, and her body began to shake. Her eyes were large, but her pupils were small, giving the beautiful girl a rather insane appearance. The scar only increased how insane she looked, until her eyes met Aella's.

With a gasp, she returned to normal, and sighed.

"C...Could you help me find an orphanage?", Kuchi-Teke would ask.
Kain smiled " I would be delighted to" He said happily. He moved alittle closer onto a nearby rock, but careful not to invade her personal space. There ha sat as the water rippled causing the Suns light to ripple across their forms. Kain looked at cobalt" how do you like this place if I may ask?" He said politly awaiting a response.
His hunger hitting him (that alliteration though) like a brick wall, he quickly, but respectfully said, "I'm sorry, but I do need to get going." He would've stayed, but regarding Kuchi-Teke's response, he couldn't help. He barely knew the school grounds himself! Taking a few steps away, he begins a light jog back to his dorm. There, he will eat and sleep. (Gotta' get off good night!)
Aella was going to call out to Drake but thought better of it. She looked back to the girl. "I can try, but I have no idea where one would be. Why do you need one?" She asked curiously. Shivers ran all over her body, and she has to fight back the urge to shift. Get instincts told her to kill, or at least run away. But Aella want one to abandoned a person in need of help.

"There's no real reason..", Kuchi-Teke would mutter, looking all around her. She felt terrible for such a thing, she didn't want to kill, but she had no choice. Children were the easiest targets, children were her prey.

"I might know someone from here...", she'd mutter as she put on her surgical mask.

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