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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Kayla yawned, tapping repeatedly at her mouth as she did so. She was told earlier by her brother to meet up with him by a bench nearby her original location. So far, she hasn't seen anyone around campus. Perhaps it was because not many wanted to come? Or maybe it was her own fault. She shook her head at the ridiculous thought, readying herself to settle down upon the bench she was told of. Unfortunately, it seemed to her as though the seat had already been taken. Seeing this, she halted within a few feet of her original destination, contemplating her next move.
After a couple minutes, Drake makes it back to where he was with Aella last. "Well, she went off that way, back to the bench?" A few more minutes of walking and, his suspicions confirmed, there she was. Oddly enough, he noticed another young lady, most likely another student, standing nearby. She seemed to have just abruptly stopped. "I hadn't noticed that there was no one really outside again." Attributing this to being lost in thought, he dismisses the thought and, in mid day sun, he walks along a shadow of the building to the two girls.

Deciding to not bother Aella with a barrage of his own questions just yet, he walks near the other girl, eyeing her up and down quickly. He locks eyes with her and asks, "
Are you alright, you look puzzled?"
Kayla's darkened crimson hues slowly trailed up the body of the boy whom approached her. Staring from his feet, slowly crawling upward towards his waist, then further along up to his face. She refused to look up any further, avoiding eye contact at all costs. She heard his question, but remained silent for a short while before answering in a lowly , soft tone. "I'm...fine."

(Gtg. Going Black Friday in a few hours )
Aella sits on the bench with her attention fully in her book. Her eyes ran over the page quickly as she read. The book was a history book she had brought with her. She had read the book a million other times. This was her favorite book of all the ones her family had in their personal library. She ran a hand through her hair and pulled it back out of her face to get a better look at the book.
//sorry about that message o-o a mistype//

Brooke plastered a sweet smile on her face and murmured, "you will let me off." The professor's eyes glazed over and he knit his eyebrows together. "I will?"

"Yeah. And forget about it."

"Hello, Brooke." The professor said cooly, as if nothing had happened. Brooke laughed and strolled off, her boots clicking on the marble.

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Feeling just strange in this girl's presence, he gives a weak, confused sounding, "Okay." He turns and walks back to his dorm feeling a little off, as if he was almost sleepwalking. As he arrives, he 'wakes' up and is a little baffled that he made it back perfectly, and in less than a few hours. "I guess... I guess I know my way around after all," he thinks, trying, but failing, to reassure himself. He walks to his room, undresses, and sleeps before it even hits 8:00 p.m.
Kain wondered the halls of the acadamy. His first class had finished, and he decided to venture to the library. Once there he made his way to the back of the room sitting on a long bench placing his arm along its back. Holding a book in the other on biology. He read it thoroughly.
"Augh... missed first classes..." her breath came in rasps as she slid from the sheets lazily to the cool floor, stretching her arms out as her jaw extended in a wide yawn sliding her hooked fangs out. Flicking her tongue slightly she tasted the air of this first morning with a disinterest.

Upon shedding her tail to exchange for legs she grudgingly dressed for school, tying her silver locks back as she exited her dorm mostly ready for the day
Kain finished the book then stood up. He proceeded to place the book in its correct spot. He figured he might as well make use of the free time. He proceeded to leave the library and headed towards the forest. After a while he arrived standing in front of the large forest surrounding them. He slowly proceeded in walking along the dirt path.
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Kuchi-Teke was rather tired, the girl weakly picking herself up on her bed. She looked around, but this wasn't the Japanese home she was used too. Kuchi-Teke then realized her dilemma.

She was at the Academy.

With a quick gasp, Kuchi-Teke put on her usual clothes, a rather traditional kimono, and quickly grabbed her scissors that rested on her desk. She concealed the scissors within her kimono, and collected all of her things.

And thus, Kuchi-Teke was off towards the school building.
Aella didn't care too much for class, so she didn't really care about missing classes. It's not like she wanted to be here. She continued to sit on her bench in the shade and enjoy her book. She was almost finished when her stomach grumbled in hunger. She sighed as she closed her book and stood up making her way around campus looking for something to eat. She hadn't really eaten all day due to her all day nap. She yawned again. She told herself almost everyday that she was going to go to bed before the sun rose again, but it seemed she never did. The pull of the glowing moon was always too much for her. It was her instincts after all.
Khan was walking around the school simply observing people. He saw many situations and many things going on which he found rather funny or interesting. What caught Khan's attention was Aella, simply because he had always had a fascination with wolves. Khan followed Aella around for a bit, he made sure she couldn't smell him by altering her sense of smell a little. Khan sped up in his walking a little to catch up with her. Khan tapped her shoulder, matching her walking speed now.

@Arabella Rosewood
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Kuchi-Teke suddenly stopped, and looked down at her hands, then all around her. She had noticed a few demons going to this school, but she hadn't realized there were so many more. Ghouls, Daemoncanis, Reapers, Succubi, all kinds of demons were finding the academy a haven.

She smirked, that would mean that if the Witch Hunters were to come, they'd been in for a serious surprise.

Feeling rather safer, Kuchi-Teke began to smile underneath her surgical mask, one she was rather known for. Oh, how the Japanese had worshiped her, it made her feel like this, safe and protected.
Kain arrived at a open field. The wind blew in the morning air. He set hus stuff on the ground then slowly lifted his head to the sky. He was suddenly surrounded by brilliant white light as his form changed. Within a few seconds he grew to half the size of the eiffle tower.


Hus wings outstretched as he stretched his body. It was good to be in his true form.
Kayla remained still, having no absolute destination. She knew not what to do regardless of her situation. Its as nif she had no current flowing train of thought. Oh well. Not like she had an accurate destination anyway.
Staggering much like the undead Cobalt drug herself down the sidewalk, waving absently to passing students as she drove forward to her class. "I forgot my books.. huh." Shrugging the femme entered the building
Aella jumped as someone tapped her shoulder. She swiftly turned, her raven hair spinning around her. How did she not scent him? It should have been easy. But why could she still not smell him very well? "Um.... Hello?" she said gently as she watched him.

@The Master
Khan's effect on her wore off, allowing her to smell him now. Khan smiled "You seem hungry, may I offer you something?" Khan took out a small bag of beef jerky. Khan handed a piece to Aella "I made it myself. It's the best you'll ever have. And I am not just saying that" Khan spoke in a friendly voice, his smile still bright and alive. Khan spoke in an extremely welcoming voice when he talked to Aella.

((Hey Imma be gone for a while. I'm heading out with my family. I'll be back in like 7 hours?))
Kain wings flapped hard as he lifted off from the ground. The wind blew through the trees , and traveled far. Kain soared high up into the air till he was above the clouds. The sun glistened off his scales as he roamed the sky.
Aella inhaled deeply as she could smell again. As she smelt the jerky her eyes flashed yellow just for a split second. "Thank you...." She slowly took the jerky and took a bite. Her eyes lite up as she chewed on the meat. She closed her eyes and smiled. If she was in her wolf form, her tail would definitely be wagging. She quickly devoured the meat happily. Meat was her favorite by nature of course.

(Kay @The Master)
After being chastised by the teacher for her forgotten books Cobalt attended the class on geography and topography with as much interest as she could muster.

Leaving the room with a groan Cobalt decided to grab some lunch. Flipping the tail of the silver length of hair over her shoulder, strode to where she sensed easy prey, the mess hall.
Kuchi-Teke stretched, and had found refuge on top of a statue of sorts. She looked down to see a girl eating jerky, and a guy, who gave her the jerky. She would have done something by now, if it weren't for her dilemma.

She had gotten up the statue, and now she couldn't get down.

Kuchi-Teke knew that the only way out of this problem was to wait until someone else got her down. With a sigh, she pulled out her journal and began drawing in it. A mountain, with a child on it, a dead one, tumbling down it's slope.

Very mountain, much child.
After a while of flying through the sky he landed in the same clearing as before. Once landed he reverted back to his human form clothes, and all. Grabbing his stuff he made his way back to the school. Entering through the back entrance he made his way to the cafateria for the flight had conjured up a grave hunger inside him. He followed the smell of food making hus way to the cafeteria entrance. Opening the doors he made his way to the lunch line where he grabbed some meat along with some mineral rich ash. He walked over to a table sitting down, and beginning to eat his lunch.
(Okay I am back, sooner than expected :D )

Khan smirked "Tastes pretty good right?" He asked Aella. Khan saw how her eyes flashed and had a tiny internal party, excited that his jerky could almost bring out the wolf in a werewolf. He held out another piece towards her, already chewing on a piece himself "Want another?". Khan had plenty beef jerky on him at all times, as well as a few other "unique" things. @Arabella Rosewood

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