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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

"Mmhhmmm," she hums in joy. She looks up at him and blushes a tiny bit. "Yes please," she says softly. She gratefully accepted another piece. She felt the sun warm her body and hair to a comfortable temperature. Her heart beat at an excited pace for another piece.

@The Master
Khan began to pet her, scratching behind her ear hitting the sweet spot wolves have. Khan continued gnawing on his piece of beef jerky while watching the girl. She reminded him of someone he knew once. Khan couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt like he knew a girl a while ago that was similar to this one. "My name is Khan Schultz. I'm a Demonic Phoenix Sphinx hybrid." Khan spoke in a soft German accent. He decided he could speak in his real voice around this one, but only her. @Arabella Rosewood
Aella leaned into his hand, completely forgetting her attitude and letting her dog instincts get the better of her. "Aella Night. I'm a werewolf," she responded noticing the change in his voice. It was then that she noticed her open attitude and swiftly jumped back. She didn't say anything as she closed herself off again. She wasn't one to let people in so easily. And this person seemed to know how to get her to open up way too quickly. She guarded herself as she dipped her head, "Thank you for the jerky."

@The Master
Khan raised an eyebrow "What are you doing with your head?" He had never seen anyone bow or dip their head before. Khan was also a little down that she jumped back from him. Khan was worried he did something wrong, and to be honest he enjoyed petting her very much. He thought she was very soft and warm and lovable. @Arabella Rosewood
She took her place in line as she waited impatiently tapping her foot for her food, Cobalt was quite famished from the late start to her day.

Smiling quite wide she took her tray to a seat, setting the bowl of soft boiled eggs upon the table as she sat. Taking an oblong orb in her fingers she slips it into her mouth swallowing it whole. Quite satisfied with her meal she ate fervently.
Brooke sat on the field alone, her bag beside her, before directly falling backwards onto the grass, staring up at the sky. She sighed and bit her thumb subconsciously (it had become a habit when she was thinking hard). How she missed the Fae world. The human world was much worst, and she preferred being closer to nature. Though she would admit that the phones were good. She could bring some back. Brooke dragged a perfectly manicured finger in an upwards motion from the grass, causing a flower to sprout into existence before her. She picked it and inhaled the pretty scent of the fae, making her even more nostalgic.

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Khan blinked "Oh.... How odd...." He turned and began to walk away. The remaining beef jerky in his pocket still giving off it's strong and delicious scent. Khan walked through the halls after entering one of the buildings, looking for his dorm. He had forgotten where it was but knew it was somewhere in the building he was in. Khan sighed in frustration, the temperature around him rising slowly. He thought about meeting some of the other people but remembered that he still had to get to some of his classes soon, so he just continued looking for his dorm room.
After finishing the meat Kain leaned close to the ash , and blew out a small bright white flame. It caught the ash on fire burning it for a while. After a few moments he blew again the flames dissapeared. He then began to eat that till he finished.
Having finished her meal, Cobalt stood from the table quite satisfied as she put away her tray striding from one side of the hall to the other making her exit.

Now with renewed strength cobalt smiled with the sunny day making her way to another class she was undoubtedly late for, not that it mattered as her bright white locks

bounced with every step. Tasting the air with small flicks of her tongue noting the surrounding life with little interest to her full belly.
Kain finished his meal then proceeded to leave. Once in the hall a messenger appeared in front if him. He knelt on one knee" sire news from you mother." He said as he held out a small letter. He opened it reading the letter in his head" to my darling son one of the family rivals has sent a challenger to the throne to your school. Do take care if it swiftly take care I know you'll do splendid tata." It said as he burnt it in his hand. He sighed as the messenger dissapeared in a flash of light. Kain covered his face in annoyance, as he proceeded to head outside. From there he made his way past the field towards the large empty field deep in the woods.
Kayla finally decided to settle upon an opposing bench, not far from her original destination. Surprisingly, she had a lot of patience, usually not being one to obey the orders of her brother. But appearantly she had no choice this time. Supposedly according to their father, her brother knew best, and she was to follow his every instruction in their fathers absence. Remembering this, she scoffed, angrily crossing her arms over her chest as she began to kick her legs.
Brooke opened one eye and stared at the passing boy, calling out, "Hello." Her voice layered with sweetness, like always when she used compulsion.

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As Kain made his way to the woods a large red dragon flew over the school towards Kain. He stopped when a girl said hi to him. He turned giving a smile to her" hi" He said back kindly as he attempted to head towards her. Kain then senced it coming he looked at the girl" I do apologies, but I would like to continue this greeting after I deal with this personal matter. If hate for you to get hurt in the ensuing conflict so until I return please stay safe." He said kindly before jumping 15 feet into the air immediately transforming into his dragon form.


Hus skin glistened in the light as he took off quickly flying towards the inner parts of the forest. The red dragon followed soon after a roar challenging kain emerged from it.
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Seth walked onto the campus looking over every area he could to see if he could hide wepons cameras or himself there. Once he finished with that he headed to the school office and walked in, he took his class schedule and dorm key from one of the desk attendants then headed to his dorm. He got there and unlocked the door the room consisted of a open area a small kitchen area a bathroom and an area for his bed and desk. He began to unpack, after a while he carved a small chunk of wall out and made a hidden compartment for he's wepons he kept his ebony and ivory with him at all times though. Once he was finished he put on some nice clothes and walked outside. He called down his pet raven ticks who landed on his shoulder. Then he walked around the entire campus once more.

Kato stood at the entrance to the school. "So this is my new life." He mumbled to himself before walking in. He went straight to the office and took his class schedule and dorm key. He walked to his dorm and drew himself some furniture. He sat down on the comfy couch he made. Then started to watch tv. He didn't bring anything to unpack outher then his book.
Khan had found his room, got what he needed, then left. He passed by Brooke as she basically got ignored by the dragon. Khan stopped and turned to look back at her. He walked over "I just wanted to say hi, since you know that man didn't respond to you." He smiled. "I'm Khan Schultz, what is your name?" Khan asked, he wasn't revealing his German accent this time while he spoke. @Mayfly
(Well seeing as she posted her correction at the exact same time I posted I did not see it. As for the paying attention part please don't be rude things like this happen expecially when using your phone, and you don't have a alert that pops up on screen.)
Rin walked into the penthouse she had built near the school. It was almost as big as the school building. Filled with rooms for her workers butlers and Chiefs. It was filled to the brim with the newest tech and instruments. She walks to the school garden sits and sings a song she just wrote. It seems to cause the water to sparkle and flowers to bloom.

Half waking up, half wanting to sleep some more, Drake lays in his bead staring at the ceiling. "What the hell is that sound?" He begins to wonder. He lays there listening to it, as it was a repeated sound and not consistent. A full five minutes later, he realizes he's hungry and the sound was his stomach. "....Wow," he says out loud to himself, realizing how dumb that last five minutes was. He gets up, puts his black coat on, quickly brushes his teeth and leaves. "I wonder if I was out for that long, or for that short," he wonders, due to the fact that the sun hasn't really moved much since he started resting. Curious to find out, he decides to go to the bench he met Aella and..."Huh, I never got her name, did I? Strange that whole encounter was," he remembers, getting lost in thought and forgetting his hunger. He starts walking and quickly finds out that the reason he thought it took so long before was that he was snooping around the school as well, and not dead set on a destination. The walk took him a short ten minutes.

Turing the corner he apparently has turned five times today, he sees her on a nearby bench. "
Ahh, so the day is yet young," he concludes. He sits down on the opposite side of the bench and says, "Ya' know, it was rude of me to just leave like that earlier today. "Minutes, hours, I still don't know," he realizes. "I don't know why, but I just felt strange being there. Name's Drake by the way," he says, looking at the side of her head.
Kuchi-Teke sighed as she finished two more pictures, and then she heard singing, looking down on some kind of girl. She was from Japan too, and Kuchi-Teke recognized her as a singer. The girl shrugged, and wondered if they could be friends.

Serial killer, singer, no difference, right? (If you're Justin Bieber, at least.)

Kuchi-Teke finally found the courage to jump down, and she landed rather perfectly, much to her surprise. The demon then began walking slowly over, peering at Rin silently from behind the cover of a bush.

"Hi..", Kuchi-Teke would mutter silently. If Rin really lived in Japan, she'd know who Kuchi-Teke was, which Kuchi-Teke hoped wouldn't happen.

Her reputation got in the way, sometimes. It wasn't her fault she tended to stalk children.
Kayla turned her attention to the male she saw before. "Drake...?" She took a moment to recollect her thoughts about him from before. It took her a few moments to think of what exactly she should say to him. Her name? Oh yeah, right. "My names...Kayla." She fumbled with her fingers for a few moments before averring her gaze to a nearby butterfly.

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