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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Rin grew lonely and bored she went to go look for people to become friends with. She sang her new song as she skipped around. Her song was a happy song of joy and as such it made the people that heard it happy. It made the whole place seem livelyer. (Anyone willing to be Rins friend ?.)

Kato watched tv for a bit longer before stepping out onto his dorms porch and staring down into the beutiful garden. He starts to draw it well sipping on a diet coke, and listening to a girl sing in the distance.
When Rin heard Kuchi say hi she turned around and said hi back. "What's you're name miss." Rin holds out her hand to have her shake it. She gives a warm smile. Then she continued to walk until she came across. (Wherever Kayla is near.) She sat down and began to sing again with not a care in the world.
His eyes just still staring at the same spot, and rather open in a sort of awe about this girl. "She's a...A bit odd," he concludes. Rather quickly he remembers yet again, that is the point of this school. Following a low and quick 'umm,' he asks, "Well uh, Kayla, why have you been just been sitting out here? Unless it hasn't been that long, I kinda' fell asleep and don't know the time."

Trying to tune it out, he hears pop music behind him. "
*sigh* Pop music, damn. Impressive voice though, none-the-less."
She didn't realize who I was...

Kuchi-Teke smiled, and had a thought about murdering the girl. But then she couldn't have a friend, could she? They'd all find out, and rumors would spread, and all of those damned paranormal investigators would show up and begin hunting her down.

What a shame...

Kuchi-Teke shrugged, maybe times would change, and she'd find a way around her curse. She was happy enough that the girl acknowledged her, though, even if she didn't tell the girl her name.
Kaylas lips parted as she began to speak, just before she turned her gaze into the direction of the singing. "I've been waiting..." She took a moment to listen in on the girls singing before finishing her unfinished statement. "...for my brother." She then tilted her head in a counterclockwise manner, observing the girl as she sung.
After sitting through another class halfway dozing in the air conditioned room. Cobalt decided to get some fresh air and stretch her legs... tail.. whatever.

Exiting the main building she was thankful she had the foresight to wear a skirt today. Her hips widened an inch or two as her legs melded together, soft white scales rippling from her skin as her tail extended behind her sliding and turning with it's length, smiling wide as the femme raised up a bit upon her tail.

Slithering down the sidewalk with each movement of her hips she hummed a bit feeling the delightful sunlight upon her scales, eyeing the other creatures as she came up to a tree. Tilting her head as her hand came to the bark with a thought. Shrugging slightly she coiled around the tree raising herself up with each twist around the trunk in a corkscrew motion, reaching the treetop Cobalt settled in the branches letting her tail lazily swing down a few feet.
Rin noticed the people looking at her. She walks over to them. "So you like my music huh. Nice to meet you." She gives a warm smile and shakes there hands. "Bye the way I'm Rin Japan's pop princess who are you guys." She looks at them closer. "And are you a couple." She giggles a bit.
Aella thought about going to the dorms, but she had fallen in love with her little bench. It was quiet and peaceful. So she walked back to the bench. She flipped through a few pictures that were placed in her book as she walked. When she turned the corner, she saw three people already over there; Drake and two other girls she hasn't met yet. She slowly came to a stop, unsure whether to go back to the bench or not. She didn't want to interrupt their conversation and it might be hard to read with them there. Aella looked around trying to find a different spot, mostly not wanting to be rude.
"It's a bit of a stretch to say I like it," he thinks. Staring blankly into her eyes, he blankly says to the upbeat girl, "No. We're not a couple. Name's Drake, this is Kayla."
Kuchi-Teke began sneaking up on Aella, who she had just spotted. Kuchi-Teke silently stood behind Aella, as if she were some kind of statue, silent, still, and rather posed.

"Hi.", she'd mutter behind Aella.

Desperation for friends called for desperate measures, which to Kuchi-Teke meant talking. Talking was always un-enjoyable for Kuchi-Teke, especially since her mouth beneath her surgical mask kind of burned when she talked.

She really regretted leaving behind that ointment for her scar..
"Well nice to meet you both. Sure you're not a couple you two seem so cute together." Rins stomach growls. "How about I take you to out to eat its on me. Who dosent like food right especially when somebody else is paying for it." Rin gave a big smile her energy just seemed that of pure joy. Wich made everone around her like her and feel joyfull, and this wasn't even her power it was just her personality.
Kayla's faces flushed with a lightened shade of redness from pure embarrassment. She feriously shook her head, denying the assumption. "No. Barely friends." She shrugged her shoulders, the exchange of color on her face disappearing as time progressed. Even so, the girls second comment made Kayla freeze. She had never been told such a thing before, so she barely knew what it meant.When Run offered a meal, Rims stomach spoke for her just as her lips parted to answer. Once this happened, she cupped her stomach in her hands, turning her gaze downward.
Just after saying this, he looks sharply to his left and sees Aella. "I thought I... Felt? Sensed? Whatever, I knew she was there," he thinks to himself. Turning back to Rin and Kayla, he quickly says, "Sorry, I need to deal with something right now." With that, he abruptly gets up and walks towards her. As he nears her, he asks what's been on his mind since he before he went to rest, "What do you m--. Umm, hi? I'm sorry, who are you?" he finishes, at the Japanese lady.
Aella had scented something coming up from behind her. She calmly turned around to look at Kuchi-Teke. "Hello," she said softly. She noticed how stiff the girl was in front of her. She seemed to not generally like to speak. When Drake comes up to her she calmly looks at him. It was just then that she had never gotten his name. 'Oh my god, I'm so stupid. I said all those things that probably sounded so strange to him, and I don't even know his name. Way to go, Aella.' She thought to herself.
Kuchi-Teke didn't respond, but just stared at the man. If he knew anything about urban legends, this was extremely on-point with one. She then looked over at Aella, who had suddenly responded.

"I...", she'd start, before shutting her mouth, and re-adjusting her surgical mask. If it slipped, she'd be in major trouble.

Kuchi-Teke would stare at Aella, then at Drake. She kept repeating this process, staring between the two, barely moving at all. The girl had then suddenly dropped her scissors, and looked down at them.

That's right. She had a week left.
Tasting the air with soft flicks of her tongue Cobalt sensed warm presences walking close, seeing the femme with book in hand and a few others she coiled tightly about her perch not wishing to be caught in such form. Watching intently at the mammals close to her chosen tree.
Aella noticed the dropped scissors as she had been watching Kuchi-Teke. She bent down and picked them up. "Here you go," she says with a light smile as she holds them out to her. Aella tilted her head to the side a bit. Aella sniffed quietly, and she could tell that the strange girl was distressed. She quietly wondered what it was that upset her, but she didn't pry since she had just met the girl.
Kain crashed into the ground as He was locked in combat with the other. White and red flames were unleashed everywhere. Kain bit the rival behind its neck as it tried to do the same. It clawed his underbelly, and neck trying to get free. Kain's teeth punctured deep as the red dragon kicked Kain off it. He crashed into a bunch of trees, as the other launched at him. Kain swiped him away with his tail sending him flying across the field into more trees. Flames ignited the surrounding forest, as the flames slowly ate at it.

Kain launched into the sky as the other dragon followed. Nearing the clouds Kain reverted to his darker form.


Their in the clear sunny sky was a large storm cloud forming in the eastern sky. from the outside could be seen arcs of purple lightning flashing violently into the clouds. Also flashes of red light appeared as well with images of dragons appearing on the clouds. After a few minutes their appeared a extremely bright flash of purple light, as a beam of purple energy shot from the clouds straight down into the firest. The light lit up the area around the school as a loud thunder was heard lasting about a minute, and a half.

In the field Kain floated back down to the ground, as the red dragon later there in a crater of black fire. The area was dark only lit by white, and purple light emitting from the flames. Kain walked over in all fours towards the dragon. He held his head high seeing the destruction his battle caused to the surrounding nature. His form pulsed with white till he reverted to his white form. Moving his head closer to the dead dragon he spoke in their ancient toung" krivel mintrecus triel celestris rebortium selvetium." He said in a loud deep voice. He blew out a puff of white fire that encompassed the body slowly burning it. Specks of white ash floated in the air, as Kain unleashed a long stream of air around the area extinguishing the flames in the forest. The ashes flowed the the surrounding area healing the dead vegetation back to its original state. After reverting to hus human form the body had fully burnt away the area returned to normal. Kain then turned beginning to head back to the school. He decided to walk slow taking his time.
Beginning to think his self-proclaimed famous thought due to the scissors and overall awkwardness, he remembers the point of the school. "Honestly though, these people are just so different." As Aella bends for the scissors, he looks at the the Japanese lady, then at Aella. Then he slowly looks back at the Japanese lady asking, "I'm sorry I didn't catch that, who are you?"
Kuchi-Teke took the scissors, and sighed in relief. The girl hadn't noticed that there were tiny traces of blood on the scissors.. but now that they had been out in the open, and so close to her...

If anything, Aella could probably smell the blood.

Kuchi-Teke bowed in thanks, and quickly sheathed her scissors within her kimono.

Kuchi-Teke quickly looked over at the boy. With a sigh, she opened her mouth to speak, but didn't. Kuchi-Teke would make hand-motions, such as crawling, pointing at her mask, and making the symbol of a child.

It really just looked like nonsense.

With another sigh, Kuchi-Teke spoke. "My name is Kuchi-Teke...", she'd mutter in a light sing-song voice. It was rather strange seeing her in a surgical mask, all while hearing the ghost of a voice coming from seemingly everywhere.
Aella had smelt the blood, but decided to stay out of her business. For god's sake, she turned into a frickin' wolf. Why should she bug other people about their problems if they didn't want to talk about it? Everyone here was different. The smell, however, filled her nose and she got fidgety. She took her necklace gently into her hand and listened to the girl. "Nice to meet you Kuchi-Teke. I'm Aella Night," she introduced kindly considering the girl had spoken to her first.
"Yes, nice to meet you Kuchi-Teke. I'm Drake." He continues looking back and forth between them for a few moments, just relishing in the strangeness.
Aella slowly turns to Drake, "So um... did you need something?" She looks up into his eyes as if searching for something. Without her knowing, her eyes shimmer yellow for a split second. 'I get that he's like me, but even now he is different from the others I've met. I feel like any moment I might just flip the switch and accidentally shift in front of everyone and I have no idea why,' She thought to herself as she watched him carefully.

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