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"Yeah... well, at least we got the guy," Felix responds to Ramlethal almost dryly as he passes her. With the smoke cleared and the thugs dispersed, Two-Face is all the clearer, hanging under the light as he is. By the time they begin questioning him, his screaming has rescinded into more of a growl. Upset, very much so that of a beast. Whatever calm side he'd displayed for those few short moments earlier has been snuffed out. He does not attempt to hide his snarl as he glares at them all - though above all else, his eyes remain fixed on Plan B. Without the smoke hiding him, the fear has been replaced with that much more anger.

"You're not The Bat..." he finally snarls through his heavy breaths and disgusted glare. Even with that familiar helping hand, as he guides those cops to safety and they sit against those steps. It's not him. Can't be. It's just someone like him, playing dress-up and sitting through the routine all the same. Maybe a fan? Or from another city? He can't tell. All he knows is that his stomach twists at the sight of him helping those cops.

His gaze snaps over to Tavish as he starts asking the proper questions. The sound of his exposed eye moving amongst the wet muscles of the burnt half comes out in a wet squelch. It's a sound that makes Felix wince, though other than the brief motion and sound of disgust, he says nothing of it out loud. Tavish's question, however, isn't met with an answer. Just a cold glare, and a noticeable tensing of his muscles. If his fists could somehow wound even tighter...

The sound of a bullet ringing out catches Two-Face's attention. His breath noticeably hastens as Quiet approaches, but he still says nothing. It isn't until she closes the distance entirely and raises her knife against his jugular that he finally pushes out a breath from his nostrils, and with said breath comes a pained gasp. He tries to lean back, good eye closing and whole face turning away as he does so. But the blade presses regardless. It only takes him a moment to catch his breath either way and then when he looks back, a smug grin is managed above all else.

"Don't play dumb," he spits through the smile. "I saw that mercy kill. You can have all the blood on y'er knife that you want - but you ain't the one who did all this." He nods his head in the direction of the corpses - particularly the more mutilated ones. The ones who had met the business end of Frank's, Tav's, Demoman's, and Felix's weapons. "Stands to reason I should fear the rest of you, though," he chuckles regardless as he turns back. "But I've gotta say... it's a nice change of pace from the usual."

His eyes flick to the back and momentarily widen as Tav makes his way around, killing what's left of his men. The smile quickly fades at the sight of all that, and his brow furrows heavily. That same fear from earlier, when he thought Plan B was someone else, returns. Through the smoke, the chaos, and his fight, it was hard for him to tell what was going on. In the aftermath of it all, only the bodies remained. He's seen bodies before. But seeing such a callous act in the open... unusual for this city? No. But it reminded him of why he stayed far away from clowns, and why he was thankful the man he fought wasn't the usual sort.

"You people are crazy..." he finally breathes out as the last body falls, his voice no longer a growl, but rather a return of that brief calm from before the battle. "Killing those men in cold blood... they were fleeing!"

He jolts in his restraints, again to no avail. The knife against his throat discourages him from rocking too hard. He's killed his men before - sometimes for this same thing. But this lot? The cop-saving, crime-fighting one? Acting like this? Allowing this? It's unheard of, around here. Even with the knife pressing against his throat, it's that sight that gets to him more. The others, and what they're doing. Even as Plan B puts a stop to it, his ragged breaths only lessen, but they don't end. Surprisingly, though, Felix makes no move through it all. At least, not for a moment. As one of the stray men is hoisted up by Tav, Felix raises his gun. Without even looking, he shoots a fleeing man at the end of the street, who was just about to turn the corner. Like before, the bullet lands between his eyes, ripping through his skull and brain in a second.

When he falls to the ground, dead, Felix makes his way forward.

"So... what's your name?" he asks, just calm enough to disarm a less knowledgeable man, but with enough bite to keep anyone else on their toes. "I'm Felix. I don't really know about the rest of these guys - but, as you can see, they are raring for more blood. Now, me?" Felix chuckles and brings up his gun, just so he can press its side flat against his chest. "You're lucky that I'm a professional. I don't muddy my hands unless I'm getting paid. I mean, I'll kill, sure. But torture? Interrogation? That's not my style for free. However, being here is currently impeding my work, which by virtue..." Felix brings out his gun, just to lazily aim it outward, pressing the barrel against Two-Face's nose. "...puts you at a disadvantage. Because that means you are really pissing me off. And the longer I stay pissed off, the more inclined I am to let my colleagues have their fun. So I'd really think twice before mouthing off again."

With that, Felix withdraws the gun, and his hands fall to his hips. The ragged breaths have since returned, and Two-Face finally lets out another yell.

"Why the hell would I know why you're here!?" he spits, saliva flying out in bursts and landing on Quiet's face, with her being the closest. "Do you think I like gettin' interrupted by you freaks!? This city's got enough of our kind as it is - the last thing it needs is more of it on the other side!"

As Two-Face spills his words, the thug with his hands behind his head spills his.

"I don't know what you're talkin' about, man!" he grunts, wincing from the pain. It's clearly too hard for him to speak, given the state he's in. He can barely even hold his hands up behind his head - or even hold himself upright at all. "It's a riot! What else do you expect us to do when we're set free!?"

megar megar Cephrys Cephrys FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Jeremiah Jeremiah DapperDogman DapperDogman BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

Were circumstances more lenient, Ramlethal would have acted against the bloodshed sooner. But she is not in an advantageous position on that front, with those doing the killing so powerful, so she couldn't risk intervening.

It sends a pang of guilt through her. But too much is yet uncertain. There is, at least, one thing she *can* do... so she floats herself further forward. It's obvious he has no answers for why this group has appeared -- but all the same that does not make it a useless effort to question him.

"I will accept you don't have any knowledge of that. I wouldn't expect you to. What I want to know is where we are and who you are."

She takes a breath.

"If you cooperate, I will ensure your safety. That's... a promise."

If she can keep even one person from harm, that is something she will do.
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Two-Face's eyes settle on Ramlethal as she makes her way forward, floating ahead as she does. For a moment, his teeth grit. His eyes dart over her, unsure of what to even make of the floating woman, or her offered words. His jaw tightens, his fists wound, his voice growls... and then all at once, it's released. His eye closes, even as the exposed one remains open, disgustingly twitching within its socket. His fingers flex against their binds, more in contemplation than anything else.

"...Harvey Dent," he eventually says, with a sigh. "My name is Harvey Dent."

"But everyone else calls us Two-Face," the other voice growls, not a moment later. "And you've found yourself in Gotham City - biggest shithole this side of Jersey."

megar megar

  • When Two-Face called Quiet's bluff, she couldn't help but let out a soft hah, as if the thought amused her. She didn't expect his attention to shift away from Plan B so quickly and towards her, and he was right- she wouldn't kill him as quickly as the others might. But that didn't mean she was a pacifist at heart. She was about to demonstrate that right before sounds of gunfire filled the streets once more and visibly distracted her.

    As Tav began executing the henchmen she'd strived so hard to neutralize nonlethally, she could only look on and continue hiding her own frustrations. At least, not while she was trying to maintain her facade. Thankfully, the other mute got the trigger-happy soldier to stand down, allowing her to shift her attention back to the interrogation.

    This time, Felix took over and began interrogating the boss. While the armored man began a winding speech, she used her free hand to activate her iDroid, cycling through all radio frequencies just to make sure the GCPD hadn't switched channels on her. Regardless of the result, she put her handheld back away just as Felix finished monologuing and Two-Face lashed out.

    Though both her scowl and black markings had dissipated moments after her prisoner had seen through her facade, the brunette didn't bat an eye as he lashed back out as best as he could. Her blade didn't move an inch as she wiped the spit off her face with the palm of her hand... then, in the blink of an eye, her same hand lunged upwards to snatch his own. The butterfly-esque splotches returned to her sharp gaze pointed directly at Two-Face as she gradually began squeezing his palm. Within moments, her vice grip would feel like it was about to crush his hand- and then, right before that could happen, she let go- allowing him to look at her cold expression as her markings faded again. He could judge whether or not she was bluffing about breaking his bones.

    She might have shed her Cipher-honed bloodlust for killing, but that didn't mean she wasn't willing to get her hands dirty for the greater good. The others might have been keen on killing Two-Face if he wasted their time, but Quiet had no qualms waiting and snapping everything non-essential if it meant they got answers- and if she was lucky, such a show of force might be enough to stop the actual killers from having it their way.

    When Ramlethal took over the questioning, the vanguard slightly released the pressure her blade applied to Two-Face's throat, allowing him to speak more freely for the time being and tell them his name and where they were. Two-Face seemed like a pretty obvious name, considering the criminal's appearance, but Gotham City was supposedly in Jersey... why were they in New Jersey? That was as far away from Afghanistan as one could get. She pushed this concerning thought out of her mind, as she needed to focus on the present.

    Once more, Quiet prodded her knife a tad bit more- just enough to remind Harvey that his life was still at stake, yet not enough to draw blood just yet- before shifting her gaze back to the girl with the swords, as if allowing her to continue. Plan B and Tav were busy dealing with the officers and henchmen respectively, and Tavish probably wasn't going to had already squandered his first question on Harvey's suit of all things. Though Felix's attempt at questioning was certainly appreciated, Ramlethal was the only one who was successful so far- that is, unless the final loner wished to chime in. It'd certainly help having more people getting proper answers out of their quarry, after all.

"Jersey... how did we end up in America?"

It's a question she knows no one here will have the answer to, least of all herself. Last she remembers, she was continents away. It would take a lot to get her across the seas without her even knowing for such a long time.

"...That doesn't matter right now," she says, shaking the thought away -- right now what's right in front of her is more important. "Did you organise this riot? Or did you just make the most of it? That man over there said you were set free. Do you know who's responsible for that?"

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