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Multiple Settings Serenity academy redo IC thread šŸ¦†

Edward Hart
Science Classroom | "Ah... How very unfortunate."

Initialize anchor point. Rewind axis by three turns. Beginning reconstruction in 3. 2. 1...

Edward stared at his desk with a blank expression as flickering images began to appear, moving as if it were a video being projected unto empty air. Across the table, an image of himself, hunched over, rearranging stacks of Jenga blocks. An incredibly mundane sight to be sure, but the Doctor watched, eyes glued to the 'projection' nonetheless, regardless of how boring the scene appeared to an outside observer.

After approximately three minutes of what appeared to be just watching himself play with blocks, the images began to violently flicker until their shapes became nearly unintelligible. Then, without as much of a sound, whatever magic that had been cast fizzles out into nothing, and the images vanish in its entirety. Edward's lips curve ever so slightly into a frown. "Unfortunate," he mumbles, messily jotting down points onto a notepad. "Mana consumption sub-optimal. Cannot reconstruct scenes past the 11-hour mark. Will adjust formula."

During the break, whereas students and most teachers went off to take their well-deserved rest, Edward had been cooped up in his office for days on end, completely engrossed in his work. If the various empty cans of instant coffee and energy drinks were not enough of a testament to the countless sleepless nights, then the bloodshot eyes and pitch-black bags under them surely would. The Board was becoming increasingly impatient for results - entirely reasonable, given the... 'peculiar circumstances' recently - and Edward was growing ever closer to reaching the 'solution'. He could only hope that it bore answers, not more questions.

The sound of his own inner thoughts was broken by the loud ringing of the school bells that resounded across the entire campus. Instead of showing any kind of anticipation for the new school term, or any kind of enthusiasm to teach new students, Edward lets out a long sigh. Compared to the loud, bustling hallways filled with laughter and idle chatter, he much preferred the silence in which he could focus solely on research. "Time flies by too quickly," he mutters under his breath, as he looks up at his office; a complete mess with all manner of bizarre apparatus and the only thing remotely 'well-organized' was the coat rack in a lonely corner, holding several of the exact same, intricate overcoat. He slides one on as he leaves his office.

As usual, the 'Natural Sciences' classroom was dead empty. Not that he minded. In fact, he preferred it that way. Most students didn't care much for the sciences, anyway. Who needed physicists when the laws of physics were so easily just shattered with any middling application of magic, and who needed chemistry when there was an alchemy class? Perfect. He needed to sleep and reset his body that was screaming at him to rest, anyway. Thus, with a practiced motion, Edward scribbled "SELF-STUDY, TEXTBOOK PAGES 1-12" on the whiteboard, before promptly slamming his head into the desk and taking a well-deserved rest.

Wasn't like anyone took his class out of genuine interest, anyway. They got their free pass, Edward got his sleep. A win-win situation indeed.
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It didn't bother Henry that Dr. Hart was too lazy to actually teach. That suited him just fine. To him, it would just be less time rehashing things he already knew. He already knew physics and chemistry well enough to pass high school exams, after all. The only reason the subject would be of interest to him now was that magic fundamentally changed the rules (or... not quite? It seemed like magic intersected with physics in such a way that in some situations, the normal physical laws applied, and in others the magical ones did. Which didn't make sense from a physical perspective, which is why one of his life's missions was to discover the origin of magic, and that was information he was more likely to discover in History of Magic than Natural Sciences). But of course, he had already finished reading his textbook by the time school had started. So physically showing up to the classroom served no purpose, which was why Henry was now in the Healing Arts & Medicine classroom instead. Not quite as relevant to his overall mission, but still very useful, and one never knows what might come in handy one day.
As the students fluttered into her classroom, Dotta Hummingbird gave a warm smile to them. Not all paid attention nor did they all enter into the same door to her classroom, as there were two. She wore her glasses and cradled her classroom binder in her arms - her books already neatly arranged on her oak table situation front and center facing the now full seats within the classroom.

That same warm smile followed her as she gently closed the classroom door and nodded at the nearest student who waited near the furthest. She was her teacher's aid, her name was Cassandra Darling. A lovely young woman, but a silent one who often followed Dotta around due to her wishing to be just like her.

Dotta set her binder down, adjusting her glasses and flipping open her binder before she cleared her throat and looked up to the now-seated students.

"Good morning, students," her soothing voice echoed as behind her was written in chalk "Healing Arts & Medicine I" with her name, "Mrs. Hummingbird," written below it. "My name is Miss Hummingbird, and I will be your professor for Healing Arts and Medicine, level 1."

She calmly paced around her desk, leaning back on the table behind her.

"Before we begin, I'd like us all to introduce ourselves. Yes, I have a roster for who has registered for this class... but I'd like to hear what you prefer to be called, and if not just a small introduction to your class and what interests you about the healing arts."

She pointed to herself, politely curtseying.

"Once more, I am Miss Hummingbird. I have been part of this lovely Academy for two years now. Not much tenure, but I enjoy the bright young students I've met here through my journey."

She then turned to a student sitting at the front of the class, ( phibglib phibglib ) and cocked her head with a curious smile.

"We shall start with you, young man."
Henry stood up, feeling slightly put on the spot. "Right," he said, looking at his classmates. "So, I'm Henry Shepherd, and I guess, if there's one thing you ought to know about me, it's that I'm a scientist at heart. We, as in scientists, want to know, basically, what reality is, what are the rules under which it operates? And for us, the most effective method of discovering that is by testing it, by looking at clearly verifiable and reproducible results. As for what drew me to the healing arts? Mainly, it's that we live in a world which contains a lot of imperfections. People getting sick, dying, getting into accidents, that whole mess. I think most people shrug and say it's impossible to stop, or maybe they even say it's a good thing. But if there's one thing I believe in other than science, it's that we don't have to accept those things as inevitable. And I think this class can at least start me on the path of fixing it. That is, I don't think practitioners of the Healing Arts have the answers currently. But it's a start, at least. Anyway, that's... me. I look forward to the class."

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