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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Khan's hell fire immediately came back as he let Kato have his powers back and instead stopped Seth's for a while. Khan did a skillful flip as he killed the crows by igniting them. He took Kato's book and threw it at him "Catch!" Khan lunged with great speed, an orb of light forming in his hand. Khan slammed it into Seth's side, the orb simply meant to stun the man for a bit of time.
Kayla nodded her head. "Food...please." As she spoke, her stomach began to rumble once more, causing her nervous system to scramble. She shuddered, just as an enlightened shade of pink covered her naturally paled cheeks.
"There is a nice resturant not to far from here. Let's get going." Rin smiled and walked with Kayla. "So is there anything fun to do here at this school. The place is beutiful, but kinda dull. If you get what I'm saying.

(That just means Seth's guns become normall guns.) Seth flipped in mid air and adds ammo to his guns. Shooting at both of them. He didn't need his powers to kill people. He ignored the pain from the blows as well, just returning them with more shots of his own.

Kato created a sword out of his magic, he flew in at Seth at insane speeds slashing into the guys arm and launching a magic bolt into his chest knocking him to the ground and exploding. But somehow it seemed the guy was still okay.

Khan took the bullets and growled, flames coating his wounds. Khan shot forward using hell fire to jet him at Seth. Khan took every bullet shot at him and slammed his palm into Seth, setting him on fire. The hell fire spread within seconds, it wasn't lethal but it burned twice as hot, leaving Seth to just simply suffer until his powers came back. Khan jumped to the side and coughed, the bullets taking their toll on him.
Kayla nodded and followed in Rin's footsteps. She had not a care in the world for where they went to get food, as long as it was edible. Once she asked a question, Kayla turned her gaze skyward just as she began to collect her thoughts. "I wouldn't know....its my first day."
Toby stood and laughed set on fire. He looked like the devil, his powers came back and he doubled up on the energy he was putting into the guns making the bullets explosive with magic power. Then he put the flames out on him and the outher guy. He kept a few flames though and wiped them at Kato.

(Fuck that hurts) Kato put his wings in front of his body to defend himself from the shots. He was using up to much magic, he wasn't gonna be able to keep this up for much longer. He shoot more magic missles at the Seth.
Khan growled as he lost control. A giant beacon of light erupted from him, blinding Seth, Kato, and anyone else outside that could see it on school grounds. A phoenix large enough to be a small dragon emerged from the light. Khan's power over flames was much stronger than Seth's while he was in this form.


Khan opened his mouth, taking in all the flames even the fire that was Seth's. Khan closed his mouth then let out a shriek, shooting a jet of hell fire at Seth. The black and crimson flames were only able to be manipulated or harmless if the victim was another phoenix.
Seth jumped out of the way having crows take his place and the fire. This fight clearly wasn't in his favor. But this phonic was made of hellfire. A touch from the ivory gun a holy wepon should destroy it. He shot the creature with the ivory. The guns power turned the man back to human form. (If it hit.?)

Kato was out of energy. He turned back to human form and passed out cold on the ground.

Rin walked into the resturant the place was fancy. They were seated and given menus. "So what are you getting. I don't know what I'm getting yet. Oh a don't worry about the price I could by this place if I wanted to." She giggles a bit. Then she pulls out her phone and wants to tell Len she is still alive but some force stops her, and she forgets what she was even doing. She put her phone down and waited for the waitress to come back and take there orders.
Khan turned back into a man slowly, panting and growling in fury. He let out a shout of anger as he entered his second form. Khan moved quickly, appearing behind Seth. Khan moved again and appeared above him, then to his left, then behind again, then to his right. Khan continued to move rapidly, using light power to speed him up. At this point, the fight was heard by all in the academy. Khan was all over the place, waiting for the right moment to strike.


(I like to RP fairly. If you shoot at someone with a gun, the odds of them dodging are VERY slim. Phoenix or not lol. Unless they are moving like at the speed Khan is at the moment. So yeah it did hit. And if anyone says getting shot doesn't hurt, they are LYING haha)
(I like to give people a chance out of anything it keeps the progression of a roleplay going well and fare in my book. And how different charecters feel pain can be different such as having an insane charecter might have a better pain tolerance if even played as a charecter who couldn't feel pain before long story short he bleed to death but whateves)

So the man was using light theis time. Toby pulled out the Ebony but the man was going to fast to shoot. Toby stood and waited for the guy to come in close range then he would shoot and end this fight. For the time being he stood still and tried to keep track of the guy.
Khan appeared behind him, "It's over..." Before Toby could react Khan hit him with a light blast sending him into the air. Khan's light attacks were more of a form of stun than anything else so it hurt but it was meant to make it hard to move once hit. Khan moved again and appeared above him, glaring at him as they were face to face. Khan hit him with another blast in a different direction. Khan repelled Toby back and forth rapidly and at a speed only a vampire could keep up with. After a bit Khan finally hit him one last time but cushioned his fall to the ground so Toby wouldn't get too badly injured from hitting the earth. Khan panted as he stood a couple yards away from Toby. He was now back in his human form.
Toby could hardly move he felt pinned to the ground. "So are you gonna kill me now, I would." Toby lets out a pained laugh. He payed there bleeding waiting for it to end. (Haha I came here to stay safe and now look at what is happining to me.) He thinks to himself.

Kato struggles to stay up, having lost so much energy. He lets down the barrier and stumbles to the ground. Far to tired to even move, this is why he didn't like using angle form. He didn't want to but he asked the outher guy for help.
Khan was barely keeping his anger in check. "First things first..." Khan walked over to the dead teacher, leaning over the corpse. Khan cried gently, letting tears fall on the body as the wounds healed, bringing the teacher back to life. Khan stood and wiped his tears, putting them on Kato and Toby. After Khan finished healing them he simply looked at Toby "Having guns doesn't make you top dog here...." Khan left, the teacher leaving as well.

Khan made it to the other side of the academy before collapsing. He lied on the floor and bled, the bullet wounds becoming too much for him. Khan's breathing was strained, almost like his wind pipe was partially crushed. Khan just remained on the floor as he bled to death slowly.
Kato got up and walked away. He wanted to meet the guy that helped him. But he barely got a look at his face, plus he didn't know his name. He drew a couple a birds and outher animals. "Find him please." One of his birds eventually did bleeding to death. Kato ran to his home and grabbed medical supplies and ran to were the guy was.

(Why didn't he kill me) Seth thought to himself. He walked away. (I hope that guy dies.) He smiled at the thought tucking his guns into his inside jacket pockets. Then he walked back to his dorm laid in bed and rested. Thinking about how to kill those guys, and smiling at every single death scenario he could think of.
Khan turned his head over to Kato and shook his head gently. Khan's body caught fire and slowly burned to ash. The pile of ash just set there for a couple minutes. The ash glowed and Khan emerged slowly, having come back to life. He stood without any clothes of course and stretched, cracking numerous bones and joints into place. "Better...." He sighed in relief. "Thanks for trying to help. If you really want to help, get me some pants?" Khan chuckled, using his hands to cover himself.
Kato turned around quickly and opened the guys dressed he tossed him a pair of jeans. "So that's youre power huh. It seems helpful." Kato wished that guy that died for him could have had a power like that. "Thanks for uhh helping me back there." Kato smiled "I never got you're name though, oh and I'm Kato"
Khan put on the jeans "I am Khan. And that power is something all phoenix have." Khan began to make his way to his dorm, gesturing for Kato to follow him "I want to show you something. Come on" Khan looked around by the time he got to his room. He opened the door and walked in with Kato. The room had plants of all sorts growing and chemicals on desks. The room looked like a monster hunter's hang out. Angels, demons, witches, sirens, harpies, vampires, werewolves, and any other creature's worst nightmare was in this room. "Make yourself at home" Khan said as he got a shirt on with a coat.
Kato sat down silently. This was the closest he had ever gotten to making a friend. "This place is cool." He looked around at all the strange decore. "So how long have you uhh been attending here." Kato looks at his art book and draws a hat for no real reason.
"A couple months now. I keep to myself mostly but lately I have been trying to make friends. Also thank you, I have studied up on all the students here and what creatures they are. I always have something on me to keep them at bay or repel them." Khan walked over to some dried wormwood and picked it up, showing Kato "This stuff for example, will repel that viper chick who sun bathes a lot. One smell of this and she will high tail it away from you. I also make my own beef jerky for the werewolves and canine like creatures, I have a small taser for the siren, my hell fire can beat angels, my light power can take out vampires and demons. I also keep around salt, four leaf clovers, and water for the fairy." Khan literally had everything anyone needed for an academy full of monsters. "I don't plan on terrorizing people, but if they upset me, I will use this stuff."
"That's cool. What do you have to deal with raw spirits. I tend to have trouble with those things hunting me." Kato looks at him. "You wanna go do something. Go to a movie out to eat paintball." Kato was very bored and looking for something to do anyway.
"Raw spirits? Dragon fire will take care of them. Not many people know this, but it has properties that actually fight back anything spirit like. It forces them to go back to their realm and if they don't, they burn to death." Khan opened a chest and rummaged through all the stuff, taking out a small metal cartridge. "This has two dragon stones in it, you just aim and spark them. It never runs out and is great for making s'mores." Khan chuckled, the container worked similarly to a lighter. "Also you can help me test some new things I am trying out. What creature are you?" Khan looked through the chest.
"Half human half angle. The correct term is Fallen or courupted Angle." Kato was afraid he was gonna be used as a test subject for some of these things. "And I never knew about dragon fire." He plays with the stone in his hands it had a strange heat to it. He put it in his pocket. "You don't know how helpful this will be my blood mix is like a delicacy for ghosts and spirits. They come after me all the time." Kato wishes he had this before that man died. With this he could have saved him.
"Put the stones back in the cartridge or they will burn through your clothes and anything they touch...." Khan warned, his voice extremely serious. He took out a small dagger that was made of crystal "I want you to take this real quick" He handed it to Kato. "That is something I made, it is suppose to give your angelic powers a bit of a boost. Also if you focus you can store energy into it for later use. It doesn't really have a max capacity for angelic energy. At least I don't think it does..." Khan scratched his head. He had no idea what half of his inventions did actually.
Kato quickly did as asked and then put the cartrege back in his pocket. Ok thanks for the warning I wouldn't want that. Kato looked at the dagger it was dull but felt powerfull. He stated to pour his extra energy into it watching it glow. When he got tired he stoped and drew a case for it, he put in in his case and put the case in the outher pocket. "Thanks again man these will be very helpful."

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