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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Skeptical at first, but growing less and less, Drake begins to walk slowly towards the wolf. He notices how it doesn't appear to be in an angry, killing mood. "Head close to the ground, no snarls or howls, nothing like that night," he calmly remembers. Slowly piecing it together in his head, he begins to realize this is obviously not just a wolf. It's a werewolf. "I guess this may be considered normal, seeing as how we're near a school for abnormal creatures," he reassures himself. Under any other circumstance, it's quite possible he'd easily come to the almost blatant conclusion of who this is, however, in his head, he's recalling the event that got him bit three years ago. He stumbles on a small rock, obviously keeping his full attention on the matters at hand. As they cautiously approach a distance of no less than 3 feet, he stops and just stares in a sort of fascination, with his eyes open in wonder.
Kayla hopped up from her seat. "You're right...and I would like to if you don't mind." She then wiped her clothing off, pushing her chair in as the waiter came back around to check and see if they were done.
Brooke glanced down at Seth/Toby (which is it ._. I got confused), her eyebrows raised. She leaned down and extended a hand. "It's not wise to pick fights like that. And especially if you want to kill someone, don't do it so obviously. You're just a human. Mortal. Others here, they have ways of besting you. So many other ways. Even with your hell and heaven guns." she offered a kind smile, and her eyes flickered for a moment, revealing her glass like fae eyes, filled with knowledge.

@Marvelous Chester

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Once she is close enough she lays all the way down and rolls onto her back. She whined a little to show friendship, letting him take the steps. She could tell this was all new to him and she wouldn't push him and freak him out. Because honestly, it was hard to take it in all at once. She had her whole life to get use to it. She looked deep into his eyes as if saying 'It's just me. It's okay.' Aella just watched calmly then.
Rin pays and gives the waiter a 300% tip. Then she gets up and calls her own limo, she waits for it to come then gets in. "You coming Kayla." Rin smiles and pats a seat.

Seth looked at her and smiled (now how do you kill a phoniex. You drown it.) He thought to himself. "I didn't start the fight, and what is rong with the fact I'm human. Seth for some reason didn't feel like killing this girl.
//are you serious. Scattering it's ashes would do probably. It'd keep it from being reborn//

"It's hard to explain, really. Others here have the advantage. You're the first human I've seen here, besides the teachers." She said, biting her thumb as she recalled if she'd seen any. "You can already tell by the number of people actually still on school grounds that humans are at a disadvantage compared to us. You are powerful as compare to other of your kind, but to us, you are weaker. No offense." she added, her hand still outstretched to help him up. {He IS on the ground right}

@Marvelous Chester

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Very noticeably becoming more and more relaxed, Drake puts his arm to the ground to balance himself into a low squat. He smiles a little as the werewolf rolls over on it's back in an almost playful way. He looks at the werewolf, wondering if he should say something. Deciding the only way to find out is to find out, he chuckles a little bit and says, "Umm... You're quite, uh, friendly?" It began as a statement in his mind, but came out sounding like a question because he feels a little strange talking to a wolf. He slowly falls back and sits flat on the ground with his knees bent up a little, resting his arms on top of his knees while keeping his head leaned back. As he does so, he reaches out a hand and touches the wolf's ear a little, still a little curious and kinda' forgetting it's not all animal.
Seth let her help him out he was still hurt as hell from that fight. "Can you help me to my dorm I know it's a lot but I don't have the energy to get there myself." He tried walking forward but he just stumbled and fell again. "Wow he really kicked the shit out of me that rotten flaming bastard."
"I'm rich silly why wouldn't I have a limo." She played her newest song well they rode to her house.

Aella's chest rumbled in happiness. She laid down onto her side and her tail thumped on the ground. She closed her eyes in happiness. 'I have no reason not to be,' a voice echoed in both of their heads. She opened her eyes again to look into Drake's eyes. Aella sat up and shook her head and then shoulders. She nudged his hand with her nose as her deep blue eyes watched him.

(@Lethal at home now so I'll be faster)
Rin sat listening to her own music until they got to her place. "Follow me" Rin walked in with Kayla following her all her servants staff and butlers greeting her and her friends. "Would you like a tour of the place." Rin showed her around the place had hundreds of rooms for the staff all placed in the west wing of the house. The rest of the place was tens teratory. Wich help a spa gym music room her bedroom guest rooms a library a two story kitchen three huge living rooms two big dinning rooms an arcade and so much more.
Kayla trailed behind Run, not showing !much interest in the multiple , enormous amount of things. This, was of course something of which she was already accustomed to. Of course, Rin didn't know this, and Kayla hoped to keep it that way.
"You should go to the infirmary. I'm not healing you, sorry. Don't tell the nurse that you got into a fight if you want to keep your head. Say you tripped and fell in the forest onto a thorn bush or something like that." She said, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him up. "Screw it I'm getting a stretcher." The fae snapped her fingers and a stretcher popped into existence behind her, floating in midair. She heaved Seth onto the stretcher and started walking, the stretcher floating behind her. "By the way, I'm Brooke."

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Experiencing a faint sense of embarrassment at how little he actually knew about werewolves, and his cheeks showing it a little with a slight blush, he welcomes the voice coming obviously from the werewolf. Much more relaxed, he begins to have his normal intelligent train of thought. Almost immediately he begins to realize, his eyes and facial expressions showing it more and more as he hits each point. It started in his mind, but he gradually found himself saying it out loud, "Obviously a female wolf...Not wolf, werewolf, because we're near the school..." And now, out loud, a little above a whisper and while he looks slowly up and stands slowly up, "The flashes of yellow in her eyes... Wondering how I didn't see it... The way she thought I should know... I'm one, she's one..." And finally, looking back down at her, he calmly says with a barely noticeable smile and a small chuckle, "Aella. We're both werewolves, aren't we."
Aella gave Drake a wolfy grin. 'Yes,' her voice echoed. She pushed herself up so she stands on her four paws. Her black tail swished back and forth slowly in content. Aella felt freedom in her wolf form, a freedom no one could take away. The way she connected with nature filled her heart and soul. She was a completely different person when she was a wolf. Aella jumped and pranced in a circle. She sat back down and lifted her head to the sky and let out a loud howl lasted only lasted for a few seconds. Her ears flicked a bit as she just tilted her head to the side and watched the sky.

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Toby laughed as he laid on the streatcher. "Magic bag cool power." He coughed up a little blood as he spoke. "You're to nice for you're own good you know." Toby passes out on the stretcher.

"So what do you wanna do first. Ohh wait I know a dress that would look really cute on you." She had one of her butlers grab a pink dress covered in red roses."try it on."
Kayla was shoved into another room to try on the dress. Sighing, she removed her own clothing, replacing it with the dress of which she was given. Once putting it on, she returned to Rin, an odd expression filling her face.
"Quite lively she is. Much less tense than she was when we met," he notices. He felt a small urge to howl as she did, but he suppressed it. Returning to his regular, blank, toneless voice as is his nature and staring into the sky, he says, "I'm sorry I didn't realize earlier. You see, I haven't a lot of experience with our kind." Then he says while slowly looking in her direction, "In fact, You're the first one of seen since I first realized what I was." Now looking directly at her with a slightly more serious tone. "Needless to say, I do have a few questions."
"Gosh that looks amazing on you. So what do you wanna do now. I don't know what to do due to the fact I have never had a sleepover before." Rin smiled
Aella tilts her head towards him as she listens, looking at him from the corner of her eye. 'I'll answer your questions as best I can. Because if you had grown up a werewolf, your parents should have taught you. I'm guessing you either grew up away from your real parents or you were bitten...' she says the last sentence slower, hoping it was alright to talk about. She calmed down her wolfy need to run and play so she could listen and help Drake the best she could. She had never been alone, so she could only imagine how hard it was for him. She had the exact opposite problem, she was never alone growing up. There was always someone to tell her what to do, how to do it, when to do it, or how to act. Aella accepted the offer of this school just so she could get away and meet other people her age.
Kayla's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink just as she commented her. She thought for a moment once she was asked what she herself wanted to do. She had never been asked this question before in her life. She had always been raised to act and be a certain way due to her title. She shook her head, cutting off her thoughts before parting her lips to speak. "Movie?"
Glancing to the bottom left of his field of vision for a moment, he says with a half annoyed and half sulking tone of voice, "Yeah, I was bit a few years ago." Looking back at her, he continues, "My parents, *small breath* well I thought they loved me. The moment they saw me turn for the first time, however, they wanted me dead and tried to kill me the next day. Obviously, I ran away safely." While staring at the ground now, he pauses for a couple seconds, then continues with a more normal tone of voice, "After a few more instances of turning during a full moon, I quickly learned how to suppress that, although, I never really figured out how to just shift at will," he finished, with a lighthearted tone. He let that last part hang in the air as he looked at her almost joyfully.
"Sounds cool Rin walks with her to the movie room it was huge and had rumble chairs that also produced the feel and smell of the movie. " Just say the name of what you want to watch. And it will play it."

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