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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

'Oh, I'm so sorry,' Aella says, her eyes filled with sadness. 'Buut.... if you've shifted more than one full moon than you should be able to at will. I don't know much about turned werewolves, but I'm sure I can teach you.' She stands and takes a few steps away from him. She then turns and faces him as she sits down again. 'Are you willing to learn? Or are you afraid of your wolf? Your parents were scared, but you don't have to be. You can learn about the wolf and how to live with it harmoniously. But you cannot be afraid to embrace the wolf, or the wolf will take over you every full moon.' She spoke in a serious tone. She could only tell him how it was done. He had to figure out the rest for himself.
Kayla blinked, having no clue as to what to do or what movie to watch. "Would you have one you want me to see?" She hoped she could get away with having no idea of what to do and just blurting out options.
"Well, I'm not sure if I'm afraid, but more so curious. I want to embrace it, it's just, I was always living around people and I didn't know what to do. I'm definitely willing to learn," he says. Ever confident in his intelligence and ability to learn, Drake imagined what his wolf looked like, as he was never really conscious of his actions while being his wolf before. "Is it black and blue like hers, green and white, or something else?" he curiously wonders, the suspense weighing heavy in his mind.
'Well then,' she gives him a wolfy smile as her tail wags lightly. 'Stand up.' Aella closes her eyes and slowly she stands up, and as she does her body shifts back into her human form, fully clothed. Blue streaks disappear from her hair as the wind blows it out of her face. She usually doesn't do it right in front of someone, but they were both werewolves and it would be easier to explain if she was physically talking so she didn't interrupt his thoughts.
(lol Drake was standing the whole time, no biggie though)

"Quite elegant, the transformation," he thinks to himself. Standing up and allowing the faint pieces of grass to fall from his slick coat, he continues watching. Thinking over a little bit on transforming, he asks, "I wonder. Do you just, well...Just kind of do it? I may have just been over thinking it all these years." He welcomes a soft breeze to blow his hair to the right as he starts getting ready to try and transform.
Aella giggled. "Yeah, you kinda do. But the way I do it is I remember how it feels to be in my wolf form. How I can feel the earth under my paws and smell the wind. You just let your instincts take over. It sounds kind of hard, but after you do it, it becomes natural and easy." She runs her fingers through her hair a bit as she watches him. "Unless you want me to just piss you off or threaten you enough that your wolf forcefully comes out, I can always do that too," she smirks jokingly. "But you'll learn faster if you do it yourself."

(I read that he was laying down/sitting on the ground earlier lol oh well they both standing now xD )
He replies with a simple nod and a serious look. He shuts his eyes and breathes, thinking back to when he was bitten, and putting his perspective in that of the wolf's that bit him. He feels the cool breeze, the moonlight shining and the visibility excellent. The soft leaves and mud beneath his feet. The sight of prey carelessly walking. The rumble in his throat that resulted in a howl followed by low growling. The intensity just before the moment you strike, the way the hair on your head, body, just bristles up. The coldness of that night followed by the warmth of blood trickling down one's neck. The pitiful scream of an adolescent and the smell of bigger, better prey further in the forest. The inner peace of knowing your free, but never having to acknowledge it. "....Is it-- is it happening?" he wonders, as he begins to feel rightfully different. He feels his body grow lower to the ground, and his stance becoming more sturdy. His muscles feeling stronger, his senses becoming keener. "Yes. It's done," he thinks as he breathes slowly. Opening his eyes, revealing red piercing eyes. He looks towards Aella.

(lol sorry for the kinda' longer paragraph, I got a little into it ^^)

Wondering if he can kill two birds with one stone, he decides to try speaking through his thoughts, "
Aella. Thanks."
Aella smiles down at him and closes her eyes as she shifts back into her wolf form once again. 'You're welcome,' she says to him as she bows her head. Her body is filled with energy, more so than before. She feels the rush and her heart beats fast. She takes a few steps forward and bumps her head against his. 'Would you like to see what you look like?' she asks as she starts to take steps toward a building. There are some low windows and she jogs up to them. She jumps up so her paws are on the windowsill and she looks at her reflection. She loved her blue markings that ran over her face and under her deep dark blue eyes. She looked back at Drake and again the energy filled her and sent shivers down her spine. Someone like her. Someone she felt like she could talk to and share things with. Someone who wouldn't expect everything and more from her. Her ears perked up and her tail wagged as she looked back at her reflection.

(That's okay lol)
Rin brought up a spy comedy and they watched her butlers bringing them popcorn and candy. "You like this movie I can always change it if you want." Rin smiled and bit of the end of a chocolate bar." I know I do its like the funniest thing ever." Rin sat and happily watched the movie well sipping and her soda and eating chocolate.
As she jogs past him, he just stares for a moment, still a little excited. He shakes is head and looks behind him. Then, looking back forward he lets a little breath out to sound like a small chuckle. Turning around fully now, he jogs a little slower towards the windows. He mimics her movement onto the windowsill and is quite underwhelmed. His train of thought being, "Black sharp fur, red piercing eyes...Ha, why did I expect anything else. It's still me after all. I dare say, I do look quite menacing. Even if I'm still pissed at them, I can kind of understand why my parents reacted that way." He looks at Aella and admires the differences in her form for a moment before looking back at his reflection and asking, "Is there anything special we can do as a wolf besides the obvious?"
Kayla nommed on a gummy worm, staring at the screen settled before the two as the pictures flickered continuously across and throughout the screen. She found interest in this movie, although she had never heard of it before.
'Hm... I don't know if you'd be able to do it yet but yes. There are a few simple things, and then there are a few not so simple things.' Aella hops down and turns towards the forest. Her ears twitch as she listens to the sounds carried by the wind. She can hear people in the distance, and she can smell for miles. She can feel her body begging for movement, for running. She decides to let her instincts take over and in a burst of energy, she runs. Faster than any wolf, she reaches the treeline and slides to a stop. She turns back to look at Drake. 'Let go, and let your wolf body do the work for you and you can run faster than any regular wolf.' Aella's tail swishes back and forth. 'Your instincts will guide you, just like they did for your transformation.'
Using the very recent euphoria in his head to continue the momentum of his instincts, he just lets go and runs towards Aella, and, taking note of his speed, slows down at a decent rate to stop along side her. He looks around and accepts the enjoyment he feels in this new form. He sneezes, shaking his head as well. Rubbing his snout with his nose, he looks towards Aella. "This is really quite amazing. I'm a little upset it took me this long to figure out how to just let go."
As the movie finishes Rin becomes tired. "Wow I am tired you can pick any room you want. Or you can get a sleeping bag and we can sleep outside under the stars. That sounds fun dosent in." Rin giggles a bit its all up to what you want to do.
Aella smiles and shakes out her fur before she starts to run again, slowly at first and then speeds up. She goes into the little forest and evades the trees with ease. This was her freedom. She was always running from something, but right now she was running to something for a change. She was running to something new and she was excited about it for once. She smelled the air and changed directions as she ran towards a small pound. She got to the edge of the treeline and didn't notice the waters' edge was right there and dived in nose first by accident. She quickly got back up and stood there drenched in water. She sneezed and just sat there feeling a bit stupid. She sighed before looking back to see if Drake had followed her or not. 'Let's see if he can use his nose to find me now,' she thinks to herself as she gets out of the water.
As she started running, he followed. But, as her speed increased, he had a little trouble keeping up. And as the terrain became more dense with trees and underbrush, he fell behind even farther. He stopped and decided to collect himself. "It's obvious this is a test of some kind, but what?" he begins to wonder. Half-heartedly, he remembers when they met and she mentioned how he smelled. "Ha, I honestly bet that's it. Can I smell her well enough to find her?... Hmmm... I'm sure I just need to let my... Instincts... Take... Over." He shuts his eyes, looks into the sky, and allows the myriad of smells to come to him. He picks one out that seems familiar. "This must be it," he thinks to himself. Running at his best ability, and getting better very quickly at manuevering around the various obstacles, he comes to a clearing and hears water. Slowing down just in time, he glances for a few moments at the beauty of the day and what's happened. Then, nonchalantly peering down at her, he thinks, "Transforming at will, running quickly, discerning smells , what else can we do?"
Kain looked at the wolf that had fell into the water. He slightly laughed a little as she got out. He sat crossed legged watching from a large rock by the water. Then he noticed the other wolf a male from what he could tell. The other was female. Kain smelled the air alittle then smiled" ahh werewolves how lovely." He said in a polite tone.
Aella smirks and shakes out her fur getting Drake wet as well and chuckles. 'I can see through nature,' she says bluntly. She turns around like she's going to get out of the water, but kicks up some water up at Drake playfully. She looks over her shoulder and her eyes are gleaming with playfulness. 'I can see the school from here even though the trees block my view. And I can tell that there is someone up in a tree watching us.' Aella turns her head and looks straight at the direction Kain is. She looks back at Drake, 'You have to connect with the nature, let it show itself to you and you can see miles more than you can now.'
"You don't even know." she murmured, making her way closer to the infirmary. She dropped the stretcher on the ground in front of the door and strolled off back to the dorm room, contemplating what he said. Faes were supposed to be sly, only helping if there was something to gain from it. And in a way, there was. If she ever needed to get rid of someone... she smirked. It's not called being nice, human one, it's called planning for the future. she thought, her eyes flickering again.
Not reacting to the water hitting his face at all, he comprehends what she tells him. Still staring blankly at her, he thinks, "Connecting with nature... I don't know. It's something I'll try to figure out, but it's just not me," finishing the thought with his eyes looking at the ground, and then lying down. He takes a quick glance at the person she was referring to, then stares blankly into the water with a small sigh like that of a tuckered out dog.
Kain watched intently as the two wolves went about their activities. He wasn't one to pry into others activities, but he felt this could be fun to watch. The stone felt warm underneath him relaxing his body. Kain then later on his back head dangling over the edge of the stone. His longe black hair dangled as well along the stone.
Aella's features soften, 'It's okay if you don't want to try. I don't even know if you would be able to do it. I don't know what all the differences are between a born and a turned wolf. But if you ever want to try, I'm always willing to help.' She shakes out the last of her fur and then goes and lays down next to him at a comfortable distance. She sits there quickly as she watches the sun shine off of the water. 'Can I ask you a question?' she inquires. She'd never met another wolf outside of the pack, much less a bitten one. And after hearing his story, she grew curious.
"As long as it doesn't waste my time, ask away," he responds, instantly regretting that it came out a little rude. He looks at her with as much of a nice look as he can muster, hoping it atones for his choice of words.
Her ears flattened a bit by his tone and by her question. 'If you could go back, would you still let yourself be bitten?' She asked curiously. Her head was bent down a bit and she only looked at him from the corner of her eye. She didn't know if it was something she should have asked or not. She wanted to take it back right after she said it, but obviously it was too late.
(By the time I am done reading the posts, there will be like three more pages lol. What did I miss? I have been gone since the 19th page. Someone bring me up to speed please xD )

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