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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

He took this question seriously. And, being the deep thinker he was, he assumed the stereotypical pose of a deep thinker as he rested his furry neck on his front paws and stared into the water. "I've wondered this quite often myself really, and it always comes down to two ways of seeing it. If I hadn't gotten bit, I'd still be with my family and experiencing a normal life with a loving crowd. The other way is, I'd never have gotten to be who I am. I'd have never had the same experiences that made me good moral having person I tell myself I am. Depending on my mood, I spend the rest of the day thinking one way or the other. However, now that you ask me, I have a third thought, one I think I'll stick with." Now, looking back into Aella's eyes and changing back into his human form, he says, "Had I not been bit, I'd have never experienced this wonderful day." Smiling just a little bit and looking back into the water, he whispers almost to himself, "So, to answer your question. Yes."
Aella watches him with round blue eyes. She's quiet for the time being. Slowly, she transforms back into her human form and stands next to him as she watches the water ripple from a few ducks off in the distance. "What could have been and what has been..." Aella murmurs to herself. She sighs as she looks at Drake for a moment. Everything her parents taught her to be, made her be, and all of her running away, made her who she was and brought her here. Today was the first time in a long time that she actually had fun. A day where she wasn't forced to practice fighting or forced to learn more trigonometry or something. No one stopped her from just being herself and running free.
"So what's your story?" he asks lightly, still looking at the water, trying to enjoy the calm breeze and soft sounds.
"My story? Well, I was born into a pack, a group of werewolves all related to one another by blood, no matter how little it may be. I grew up in the pack, and they taught me and guided me. Or at least that's the nice way to put it. It all felt like torture. I wanted to run. They wanted me to sit. It was literally training a pup. All I've ever wanted to do was be free. I was constantly smothered by expectations; not just from my parents but the entire pack. It didn't seem fair that the other kids my age were allowed to run around and have fun while I had to take extra classes after school and eat a specific diet, thanks to my mother's constant "care." Whenever I got the chance, I would run off only to be dragged back again. Thankfully, the majority of the pack didn't know I liked to run off all the time or else there'd be unrest. All eyes are on me, and any mistake may disrupt the ranks. I have no idea how to live up to their expectations. I love my parents, but I wish more than anything that I wasn't in line to be Alpha. I don't want to lead a pack. I want to run free....." Aella brought herself back after she had basically just spilled everything. She looked away so Drake couldn't see her face. She kept her head tilted to the ground as she remembered home, and all the chains it entailed.
Looking at the grass in front of him, he softly, almost sadly, says, "I guess we've all had some hard times. Makes me wonder if anyone came here with a good story," he says, hoping it would come out happier than it sounded, but quickly realizing it was just a sad a tone. Then, turning his head towards hers. he says, "It's almost nice to get it off of your chest though. I haven't really told anyone how I feel, you know? It just... It just feels good. Thanks." Then, getting a little ticked at their mysterious watcher, he whispers, "Damn, I forgot he was here," obviously implying he hoped the conversation wasn't overheard.
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"I'm glad you feel better. I feel better," she sighs and then looks towards their "guest." Aella just decides to fall back onto the grass and looks up at the sky. She closes her eyes, listening, as the sun shines on her face.

(It's super late here omg lol off to bed! I'll reply when I get on tomorrow morning!)
Khan awoke, being in a tree near a lake somewhere. He remembered his awesome time with Kato and smiled, thinking Kato was a pretty cool friend. He heard Aella's voice from a distance and turned his head. Khan saw Aella with Drake and simply blinked. He jumped down and decided to give them their privacy. Khan turned and opened up a small pack of his beef jerky. His eyes widened as he realized that Aella would smell him in mere seconds. Khan mumbled "Crap...." As he turned slowly to look back and check if Aella was looking at him.
Kayla took mere moments to think before hopping up from her seat, just as she grabbed Rin's arm and tugged her out of the room."Where's the sleeping bags?"
Toby laughed under his breath. (She thinks like I do.) He laid there till they got to the infermeri.

He had the girl help him in. "Heh I never got you're name." He said in with a pained smile on his face. Then the nurses came to take him.

Kato sat in his dorm playing with the crystal knife he was given, whenever he could he put energy into it hopeing that this thing would work and he could use that energy later. He eventually drifted of into sleep.

Rin had her butlers grab sleeping bags. Then Rin walked with Kayla out into her private garden. The place was beutifull it was a lake surrounded with flowers, and in the center of the lake there was a gazebo with a piano in it with a stone walkway leading to it. She rolled out her sleeping bag in one of the open areas and laid there.
The scent of beef jerky hit Aella's nose and she disappeared from Drake's side, appearing next to Khan. Her eyes were wide and yellow as she stood alert. Her eyes were locked onto the jerky and she growled wanting it. She then snapped out of it, eyes turning back to their natural deep blue, and looked at Khan. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" She said. If she hadn't been running around letting her instincts drive her, she wouldn't have done that so easily.

@The Master @Lethal
"Brooke." she said quietly, before walking, slowly disappearing as she went, her bag dissolving into thin air with her. She reappeared back in her dorm room, falling onto the bed and finally, submitting to exhaustion from the use of magic and letting the sleep take hold of her.

//ooh stalling her for a bit cause sleeping~//

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Khan laughed and handed it to her "It's completely OK. You can be as wolf around me as you want okay?" Khan gave her a big piece of beef jerky and then began to pet her like he did before. Khan rubbed and scratched her head and behind her ear as if she were actually in her wolf form. He raised an eyebrow "You don't have to hide from me. If anything I have more reason to hide than anyone else. But if you wanted I would show you my phoenix form right now if you asked." Khan didn't stop petting her the entire time.

@Arabella Rosewood
Drake, still just laying there resting his chin on his forearms, looked over at Khan and Aella. "Quite a weak spot for meat," he thinks to himself, laughing a small bit. Taking one last look out at the water, he stands up, turns around, and starts walking back to the forest. Not before giving an angry stare towards Kain. In the forest know, he starts running back to the school, transforming into his wolf to make it there faster. Right before coming out into the open, he reverts back to his normal self in his black coat and starts walking back to his room.
Aella suddenly transforms and devours the meat messily before turning back and seeing Drake gone. She pouted like a pup. Her personality was completely different in wolf form than her human one. Her ears folded back in sadness having wanted to share some jerky with Drake. Good was he not drawn to meat? Her family and pack barely ever ate anything that wasn't meat. She whined a bit but looked back at Khan not wanting to be rude after he had given her food. @The Master @Lethal
Khan patted her head and kissed it gently "Go after him, he needs you" Khan patted her side and gave her one last piece of beef jerky before turning and running. He turned into a phoenix and flew off, giving a loud fire bird call as he turned and made his way back to the academy. Khan enjoyed being a phoenix and was kind of vain due to the beauty of his feathers. He has only tried once to pick up a girl using his "pretty feathers" but it didn't work out too well. So he doesn't brag or gloat about his beauty anymore. @Arabella Rosewood
Aella tilted her head as she watched Khan fly off before turning and running to the academy with the piece of jerky in her mouth. When she got to the edge of the forest she looked around and sniffed the air. She found Drake's scent quickly and chased after it. After turning a corner, she saw him and turned back into a human. She took a bite of the jerky that had been her mouth and ran over to him. "Drake!" She called and slowed down next to him. "Why did you leave? Khan brought his beef jerky. It's so good and you didn't get to try it." Her eyes watched him curiously as she didn't understand his actions. She held back to urge to eat the rest of the beef jerky in her hand.

Khan turned back into a human and flipped forward, landing on the grass in the courtyard of the academy. He stood and stretched, looking around. Khan was starting to get bored but knew it would be a bad idea to burn things down. He wondered if the academy had a training center for people like him. Khan wondered around, looking for someone he might talk to about it. He searched the entire academy in hopes of finding whoever it was he was looking for.
He was walking slower than usual, his mind drifting off thinking about his life. He was set on going to his room, when he hears his name quite loudly. He would've turned, but a quick analysis of the situation showed it was Aella, and she was coming up to him anyway. He kept walking at his slow pace as she came to his side. And, after hearing her question, he answers back while looking straight ahead, "Honestly, as I was laying by the water, I more or less wanted to just leave and be alone with my thoughts. When I saw you run over, I saw it as a kind opportunity to do just that. As for beef jerky, I'm not too hungry right now, and I don't have that much enthusiasm for any type of food." Then, looking at her for a moment, he says in a both funny and snide sort of way, "It smells like you want to share it," he ends with a little laugh resembling more of a quick exhale than anything.
Aella blushes a little bit before shaking her head, still disappointed like a pup. "Anyways... I guess if you want to be alone I can respect that," she says calming bringing back her composure. "If you need me, I'll be reading on that bench where we met," Aella then turned and walked away. Even though her chest felt heavy, her face was calm and emotionless once again. She walked to her dorm and picked out a book before heading to the calmness of the bench.
As she turns away, he looks down a little and lets out a soft grunt as his reply. Making it to his room in the next three minutes, he sits on his bed with his legs hanging over the mattress from his knees down and stares out the window to his left. "How much more different would I have turned out had I been born a werewolf?" he wonders. "I assume I'd know much more than I do now about it, obviously, but would I have come to this school, stayed with my parents, met other creatures?" His thoughts continue this way for a few more minutes. Then he begins to think about his self-proclaimed rudeness with Aella not too long ago. "I wonder if I disappointed her or not saying I wanted to be alone," he contemplates for a minute. He continues contemplating this while he grabs a plastic water bottle from his mini fridge. "Should I go back out?" he asks himself. And, after another minute of thinking, he whispers to himself, "Well, I've had my alone time, and I'm not planning on doing anything else. If anything, it'd make her happy. If not, *jokingly exhaling* it'll make me happy."

With that, he decides to go back outside and head towards the infamous bench. A little more parched than he expected, he grabs a couple more water bottles on the way from a vending machine, as he finished the one from his room. He sees her sitting and reading. He approaches her and asks, "
Watcha' reading?"

Khan overheard their conversation as he wondered around. He thought to himself "Damn that was so cliche" When Aella said /If you need me, I'll be reading on that bench where we met/. Khan watched Aella then Drake as he approached her. Khan slowly and quietly creeped up on him from behind. Khan was smiling like a child then took a breath, ready to shout loudly to scare Drake. Khan forgot to stop Drake's powers from working, not taking into mind that Drake would be able to smell him.
Looking down at the bench's seat, Drake smells a familiar scent fairly close by, and getting closer. "...Umm, do you need something?" he asks, still looking down at the bench with a blank expression. Not at his best with discerning between similar scents, he expects to see the guy that was watching from the rock. Now, turning around slowly and raising his line of sight to his eyes, he says, "Hmmm, you're not whom I expected."
Khan giggles, failing to scare Drake but still finding it funny. "Heheheh, yeah...." Khan smiled "I am Khan, I assume you are Drake." He held out his hand. Khan gave Aella a small wink, still in a very playful mood. Khan turned his eyes back to Drake and simply stared at him. Khan stopped Drake's powers from working now. Not allowing him to use his any of them for about two minutes. Khan still had the beef jerky in his pocket though, so there was a slight chance Drake would be able to hold onto some of his powers simply out of instinct.
"Yeah, I am," he says in his serious, albeit normal tone. Staring at the offered handshake for a couple seconds, he shakes it as he returns his gaze back into Khan's eyes."I can't help but notice," he begins to think to himself, "I can't see as well as I...Well, just was, or hear as distinctly for that matter." Still staring blankly into his eyes and pausing for a moment with his mouth open a little, he asks bluntly, "What are you doing?"
Khan smirked "My mother was a sphinx. I inherited her ability to shut down people's powers and abilities. I can basically make anyone a simple human for a minute or two." He shook Drake's hand. Khan put his hands in his pockets "My mom told me that most sphinx don't get their full powers until they are in their early twenties." No one knew this, but Khan was still technically a baby. He didn't tell anyone though because he didn't want people treating him like, well, a baby.


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