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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Kato stood in the bushes. (Yep he has a crush.) He thought with a smile on his face. He walked out of the bushes and drew himself a Clone of the girl he used his magic to make the girl move without even knowing it Kato's art clone was shaking Kahn's hand and there was no way to tell because it was a perfect copy of the girl. And Kato was shaking hands with the real one.
Aella rolls her eyes. 'Dogs aren't the only ones who give off pharamones....' She thinks to herself slightly annoyed with Khan's lack of knowledge. She wouldn't have said it if she hasn't scented two different scents. Each person smells different, even if it's just a little bit different. Aella was the best tracker in her pack. No one could fool her nose without something helping them. Aella took note of what page she was on and then took the bottle from Drake. She opened it and took a few sips. "Thank you," she said politely.

//@devon armadues probably present time.//

As soon as she had woken up, Brooke had wandered around the campus, twisting a small flower crown between her elegant fingers. She settled under a tree, putting down the crown gently on the grass to weave her blonde hair into a braid. She pulled the braid onto her shoulder, and continued twisting the flowers together. She summoned a flower of different colour each time, smiling to herself as the crown slowly took shape. Her legs were crossed as she made it, quietly wondering where everyone else was.
Khan blinked as he got a strange headache. Suddenly a small little burst of energy emanated from him. Aella's, Kato's, Drake's, and Keiki's powers suddenly stopping. Khan growled at Kato as the clone vanished. Hell fire crackled around the now furious phoenix. Khan slowly walked towards Kato, the temperature around him getting hotter by the second.

@Marvelous Chester @Wild Born
Kato didn't do anything he was still kinda mad he got shoved away. "Ehh were even now you shove me I trade places with clones." Kato couldn't and didn't want to fight his friend. But he did change to angle form as that was not really a power more as a part of his body. He hovered in the air. "Please don't burn me I'll go and ill see yah later then. Unless you don't want me to go."
Khan shouted in anger as wings burst from his back. Khan's sudden shift into his second form was almost unreal. He flew at Kato with blinding speed as he used light to speed himself up greatly. Khan threw a giant bolt of hell fire. It followed Kato almost as fast a a bullet. Khan was angry beyond all reason for Kato interfering with what he was doing. He didn't like people getting in the way of him trying to meet new people or even watching them. Khan transformed into his final phoenix form within moments of throwing the hell fire bolt.

@Marvelous Chester
Kain stopped as he senced great magice being used. He turned to see a Phoenix blazing in the sky along with a angle. He tilted his head" know that can't be good." He said as he knew a battle like that in school grounds around the students would be dangerous. Kain sprouted his draconian golden wings taking off into the air. He approached the two boys, but not to close. Kain spoke in a calm tone holding his hands out " know guys I don't know what caused this dispute, but don't do anything rash their are students nearby. Your also on school grounds no need to cause trouble. " He said trying to resolve the dispute with ought causing chaos.

@themaster, @ marvelousjester
"You're welcome," he says calmly. Then, turning towards what appeared to be a flash of light followed by fire, he asked, "Was that happening a moment ago?" And, immediately after asking that, he resolved that it was that was the phoenix. "Fire, inability to smell and see over there, flash of light..." he began thinking. Not needing to, but just to confirm he half tells and half asks Aella, "It's him, isn't it. Khan."
Keiki was just standing there watching she had heard everything they said and sensed when the one boy was pushed and that someone had a crush on her then she looked up deep sea blue eyes piercing the very souls of anyone who looked at them thats why she always kept her head down so she would not hypnotiz people but they where so beautiful it was like you could see through them forever and she smirked before watching the boys and she finally said " Im Keiki "
Kain looked at the two boys" let's just calm Down, head to class, and just continue the day." He said before hearing a girl call up to the boys saying hi. Kain landed next to her his draconian wings folding then dissapearing. He looked at her eyes" hello ms. I do apologies if something got out of hand is their anything I can help you with?" He asked keiki.

@Wild Born
Kato doges everything he didn't fight back though. "Man I sorry but you don't have to do this." He flies upwards to the point the air is to this for fire to exist there higher than even this phonic could fly. "Just calm down Kahn."
Brooke glanced up from her crafts, noticing the fight going on nearby. She raised her eyebrows and appeared beside Keiki, her flower crown still in her hand. "Hello. Did you cause this?" she asked the shape-shifter politely, her green eyes watching the fight with mild interest.

@Wild Born

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As her powers stopped, Aella started getting dizzy. She held her head as she felt sick to her stomach. Black dots started to cloud her vision before she collapsed. The complete stopping of her powers was like separating the soul from the body; the wolf from the human form. Her breathing became slow and shallow. Hopefully the two minutes would end soon enough for her.

@The Master @Lethal
(Go fill out a CS in the sign-uo tab )

(We have an issue everyone. I need you all to cooperate. We will be conducting a time skip at promptly 5:00pm and will be ending up in your first period class on your 4th day of school. We have neglected time enough to allow others to join. Thus, we will do so. Please and thank you.)
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Looking to his right, Drake notices Aella struggling. He sits down at the bench and holds the shoulder of hers closest to him. Taking a quick glance back at the battle, he looks right back and asks with a calm serious tone, "Aella? What's wrong, are you feeling alright?" A look of slight worry in his eyes as he looks at her.
(Currently? 2:23pm. If you can't be on that's fine. I'm just saying nobody will be free rping after 5:00pm today. It will all be school related.)
"My... wolf..." she says in a shaky weak voice. "Can't be.... separated.... Can't live with all powers blocked," she finishes slowly as her head gets even heavier. Her body continues to go limp and weak. Her hands are shaky as she covers her face.

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