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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Khan growled, unable to keep himself contained. He quickly stood and left the class while the teacherwasn't looking. Khan rushed over to his dorm. #6 was the number he was looking for as he walked around. Khan opened his door and walked in, leaving the door open as he lied down on his bed. Khan groaned in frustration as he rested. His next class was P.E. which he sort of enjoyed, so he would definitely go to that.
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Attila yawned, the girl next to him asked him something "What" he asked quietly, he hadn't heard what she had said to him.

@Wild Born
" Im Keiki " She said again and her face was still down but you could see some lf her eyes the color was the most beautiful deep sea blue and she smiled before waiting to hear his name
Khan walked out of his room and closed the door behind him. Khan waited nearby the gym, just leaning against the wall as a flame danced around his open palm. He waited for first period to be over so he could do something he found a little fun. Khan's anger continued to get the better of him as he just kept it all pent up inside.
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Keiki sighed and rolled her eyes before she looked back out the window
Khan looked up and around, scanning the windows and buildings around. Khan caught Keiki's eyes, his gaze locked into hers. Khan didn't blink the entire time he stared into her eyes. Khan felt something inside him change as his eyes became a lapis lazuli color. He felt like he was almost having a psychological show down with Keiki.
Keiki saw Khan and she saw his eyes change she smirked and her eyes seemed to become more like and empty void of deep sea blue that when you looked you would get lost in the swirling soul of her charm spell that she was born with
Khan felt Keiki's powers begin to slowly over take him. His muscles tensed and he began to sweat as if fighting it. Khan gritted his teeth and raised his leg before stamping hard onto the ground. At that moment his aura became blue and began to surge around as if writhing in pain. He cried out in great pain as he resisted her. Khan took a step forward and closed his eyes tightly, sending back Keiki's power altogether having it hit her. The energy was almost physical enough to knock her back out of her seat as it hit her. Khan panted heavily and slumped to the floor, resting against the wall. He had a head ache that was just horrible, and he felt like a horse kicked him in the head then stomach. "Damn.... P.E. is going to suck heh...." Khan thought to himself.
Attila was bored, so bored 'There better be a forest near here' he thought, not seeing one on the way in... He carefully masked his presence, wiping the thought of him from everyone's mind, then slipped on his headphones and laid back in his chair, in the corner of his eye, he saw Keiki, and some other boy have a staring contest.

'No matter' he sighed, and began to fall asleep.
Keiki had already had one resist and she jolted back in her chair almost onto the floor and she giggled the surge of energy refreshed her and her eyes went into her dragon sight <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-97.jpeg.e1b818600106567350d568a446b41b28.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35839" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-97.jpeg.e1b818600106567350d568a446b41b28.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The power Khan had sent into Keiki suddenly went out of her as fast as it went it. It went back to Khan and his headache was gone. He was still exhausted but for some reason he wasn't in pain anymore. His eyes went back to their regular fiery orange color after a moment.

Khan blinked and stood up slowly, a little shaken up. He was starting to get a little scared, not knowing if what was happening was normal. He wished someone around here was a sphinx or someone who knew about them. Khan was too young to be getting his powers just yet, he assumed.
Keiki went back to normal and saw Khan and she asked to leave then walked up to him " Im sorry I shouldn't have done that " she said
Kain finished class early. The Teacher Allowed Him To roam the halls till 2 period being physical education or p.e. for short. As he wondered the halls he passed several rooms. One room however caught his attention, as a surge of energy was felt inside. Kain quickly glanced inside the room from afar as to not draw attention of the teacher inside. He noticed a girl jolt from her chair as energy flowed into her in great quantity before being pulled back out. 'Strange' he thought to himself as he looked. It almost felt like the energy of a phoenix. Quickly he stepped away as the girl came out. He did not need to stick around longer so he proceeded to p.e. There he got dressed then proceeded to the track where the gym teacher allowed him to practice running before 2 period.
"I didn't know I could do that.... Usually I can just stop your powers from working, which is what I was trying to do." Khan took a breath. His anger flared up again, like any Phoenix's would. He snapped at her "What the hell is wrong with you?! Don't you know better than to mess with a Phoenix?!" Khan was being extremely emotional which was rather normal for a Phoenix.

(Also, Anubis, he was using Sphinx power not Phoenix power ^_^ )
Keiki had emotions of all mythical creatures and she snapped back " Dont mess with me im warning you fledgling (a baby bird ) " and her aura went red
Hell fire erupted around them, trapping Keiki and Khan in. The flames reached so high that any attempt to jump or fly out would only get you burned to death. Khan shouted in frustration "DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" Khan's aura began changing. It shifted and morphed, becoming demonic and unstable. Hell fire was crackling on and around him as he growled at her. The flames around them were getting bigger and hotter by the second.
Keiki was unaffected by the hellfire and she yelled in reply " WHY NOT ! " and she light on fire of her own and when it died down she was looking down at himnas a 6'0 phoenix <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-120.jpeg.742815d709a048630f78c29b9358de4d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-120.jpeg.742815d709a048630f78c29b9358de4d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Just a small side note. Hell fire is nothing like regular fire so it CAN hurt and burn and kill angels, phoenix, fire elementals, dragons, and it cannot be normally controlled by pyromancers.)


Khan became a much larger phoenix, shrieking at Keiki before grabbing onto her and flying up into the air. He flew high above the academy and let go of her, moving back and breathing hell fire at her. Khan continued to shoot his flames at Keiki, completely enraged now. Khan's anger only got bigger and bigger as he fought with Keiki.
Keiki screeched and transformed into a creature as him before the fire hit and she flew up above him and shrieked wings out making a small eclipse of her shape and she dove down ramming them both to the ground and she pierced him with her sharpe talons

(Thats a little OP)
Kain had ran the track e times before noticing the two Phoenix ' s in the sky fighting. He stood their as he caught his breath wiping the sweat from his brow. He sighed as this was the second fight in 4 days that included the same phoenix. It amazed him how the security here allowed such fights to continue. He walked over to a coach asking him why there was no security cracking down on them. The teacher simply said" it's the schools problem not mine." Then continued on with his duties. Kain looked up at the two. If things got anymore out of hand he would need to intervene if no one else did.
(I thought a phoenix couldn't die only it's ashes could be sealed keeping it from being reborn. )
Khan kicked her off then flew at her with great speed, slashing at her with his talons as he flew by her as fast as a bullet. Khan infused himself with light magic, which is something he knew Keiki couldn't mimic since it was only unique to actual Phoenix. The only advantage Khan had at this point was his photokinesis and still limited Sphinx powers. It wasn't much to go off of since she could morph on command so Khan had to get his act together or he would lose this fight. (@Wild Born So is your ability to become any creature and have their powers. @Lord Anubis Hell fire can burn forever so it could keep a phoenix dead as long as it kept burning. Wild don't complain since you can BECOME Khan basically. Everyone has their powers so lets just RP and not talk about it anymore)

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