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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

// i think the classes are all grades so it doesnt matter. hop in here you want @devon armadues //
Kain got up as well heading outside to join the boys sports. As he passed walkway leading to the soccer field he the girl from before lying on the ground. He stopped hearing her cry in the distance. He grew conflicted about weather to leave her alone to herself or go , and see if he could help. Of course he did what he thought was best.

He slowly jogged over to her trying his best not to scare startle her. He Spoke In a kind tone " Hey are you alright?" He asked. He didn't wanna cause more trouble for her, but felt he needed to help it was the right thing to do.

@Wild Born
she mixes a few chems outside because it is for her science proj ( not in any of your science classes :3) seeing what would happen if she mixed them. of course to her suprise nothing did. so she packed it up after sealing the liquid substance in the vials to keep it from spilling. she thought it was a bad idea to shake the vial but she didn't care. she had to get to her art drawing now that she was done ( she has study hall this hour and they are all outside for the day)
Keiki heard him before he got there and sensed his aura approaching and she whipped her eyes and nose than stood up only to find she still hadn't regain enough energy so she just fell right back down she winced and said " Im fine just mad I had to do that once Khan got riled up but ill be fine in a little bit I see you have class sorry if im a bother "
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki heard him before he got there and sensed his aura approaching and she whipped her eyes and nose than stood up only to find she still hadn't regain enough energy so she just fell right back down she winced and said " Im fine just mad I had to do that once Khan got riled up but ill be fine in a little bit I see you have class sorry if im a bother "

Kain held a hand out to her to help her up" I don't find you to be a bother at all. I'm sorry you had to get into a fight like that people don't really react well to others as you found out." He said trying not to sound rude in his speech.
Khan took a small break, the teacher allowing this particular class to have a break for the remainder of the period. Khan never knew what teachers did when they typed away on their computer but didn't question it now, wanting to relax a little. Khan went to where he saw Kain go, trying to find him. He got onto the soccer field and saw Keiki and Kain from a distance. Khan watched them, waiting to see what would happen.
//mmmm all da boys luv Keiki mmmhmmmm//

Brooke noticed Kain leaving and smiled in relief, finally a genuine smile. Especially after what she had seen, she really didn't have a very good opinion of this school. But it was the only place that would take her. She would have to deal with it. Brooke slammed the ball onto the other side, winning the game before heading back to the locker room, not a bit sweaty. She changed quickly back into her normal outfit, letting her hair down as she walked out of the locker room. As she made her way past a window, she caught sight of Khan watching Keiki and Kain (why so many Ks omg). "Stalker. A bit of a playboy too, considering he's gone and bothered the wolf girl too." she dismissed lightly, strolling away from the window to her next class, chemistry.

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Reminiscing over the past days' and current day's events, Drake stared out the window of his math class, resting his chin on his hand. "So, I suppose I was right. Don't get too close with him and his short temper," he thought to himself about the fight a few days past and the one today he witnessed in the distance out another classroom's window. "Hmm... I wonder what cla--" his thought process abruptly stopped as he hears the teacher call his name, presumably for the third or fourth time considering his tone. He looked at his teacher blankly and asked in quite an annoyed tone, "Yes?" The teacher answered Drake's question with his own. In a condescending tone he asked, "Do you know what the class' homework is today, Mr. Lucien?" Drake simply answered, "No." The teacher, still technically talking to Drake, said out loud to the class that Drake will be doing twice as much work tonight as the rest of the class. Drake sat there, staring blankly at the teacher until class was dismissed a few minutes later. He walked up to the teacher and told him in his serious tone, "I'm not doing it. I understand this crap better than anyone else in the classroom" he said, obviously pointing out that the only other person in the classroom was the teacher. Following this, the teacher and Drake had a debate on the ethics of giving out homework. Roughly ten minutes go by before the teacher gives in and surprisingly agrees with Drake. "Good. Even as a teacher, you can still learn," he says as he walks out of the room.
Brooke walked past the classroom and peered inside, watching the debate silently from the doorway. "It's interesting the teacher agreed with you. So are you doing your homework?" she asked, her eyebrows raised, her arms crossed. She looked at the teacher still in the classroom, shuffling some papers and frowned. "Can't believe she actually agreed." Brooke said incredulously. "Spill it, did you use some sort of magic?"

Aella groaned mentally as she left class. "I'd rather be sleeping than have to relearn all this stuff I already know," she thought to herself. Of course, Aella had already fallen asleep in most of her classes. And without fail, whenever a teacher woke her up and asked her a question about the lesson, she gave them the correct answer. She yawned and stretched our her arms above her head as she walked. Ahead of her, she caught Drake's scent and another girl's scent next to him. She focused and listened to what they were saying for a moment. When she heard Brooke's question, she stopped listening. Aella wondered if she should take a different path to her next class or not, but just decided to walk towards them; in her head telling herself just to walk by.

@Lethal @Mayfly
Brooke noticed Aella walking towards them, and she smirked. She beckoned the werewolf girl over knowingly, extending her hand. "Brooke Morgan." she nodded her head slightly in greeting.

@Arabella Rosewood

//should we wait for @Lethal?//
(lol It's nice that you asked, but I don't want anyone to think they have to wait on me.)

Mayfly said:
"Can't believe she actually agreed." Brooke said incredulously.
(Just a heads up lol, the teacher was male.) ^^
Drake stops and just blankly stares at this girl. He started thinking back to remember if he's met this girl before. Luckily, right after coming to the realization he didn't, she introduced herself to Aella who happened to be nearby. He looks at Aella and then to Brooke as he says, "Hello Aella. Hello Brooke. To answer your questions; no, I'm not going to be doing math homework tonight or, if all goes well, for the rest of the year. Also, no, I did not use magic. I don't have any powers so to speak. Just common sense."
"Hello," she said slightly formal to Brooke. "And it's only natural to have a higher intellect than these teachers...." She glances at Drake, than Brooke, and then down the hall, trying to decide what to do. Her parents had called yesterday... and her mood had been completely ruined because of it.
// okei ^^//

Brooke scoffed. "You'd think they'd hire better teachers for students like us. Well, what's your name, wolfgirl?" she asked, looking between Aella and Drake with mild interest. There was something between them, but Brooke wouldn't ask. She was much too polite to do that. The fae could already tell that something was wrong with Aella, that she was trying to find a way to escape from the conversation.

@Arabella Rosewood @Lethal
//omg sorry guys I have to go to sleep I'll just make Brooke walk off I'll find you guys tomorrow okay bye g'night //

Brooke raised her eyebrows and smirked. "Well, Aella (let's pretend you told her your name), I'll just leave you with your boyfie, you guys look adorable together." She mused as she walked off, her bag swining on her shoulder.

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"Boyfie...?" Aella said confused as her cheeks started to heat up. "We aren't dating," she said mostly to herself with Brooke already gone. She stood there a little awkwardly for a moment. She sighed a bit and looked at Drake, "So what class do you have next?"
"Fourth... " he thinks to himself, regarding the amount of times that's been said. Looking to Aella, he replies, "I don't. I have lunch right now." Then, looking down the hallway of his destination, he asks, "You?"
Aella runs her schedule through her head. "Lunch," she shrugs, "or a nap...." She thinks about which sounds good when her stomach growls. "Guess it's lunch. Want to walk with me?" Aella wondered why people thought that any girl Drake was with was dating him. There is such a thing as being friends first. This was only the fourth day of school.
"It only makes sense, going to the same place and all," he lazily says as he begins walking. As they're walking, still looking ahead he asks out of the blue, "Did you happen to notice there was another fight today? It's that phoenix."
"Again?" she groans. "That guy needs to get a grip. We are here to learn, not hit everyone who so much as gives you a funny look." She sighs and her mind wanders back to her parents and again is reminded of how much of a disappointment she is in their eyes.

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