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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Christian facial expression was now filled with both annoyance and amusement. "And...you yourself. Do you talk to others much?" He rolled his irises, taking hold of the said flower crown in his hand.Examining it, he mumbled to himself. "Might as well give it to Kayla. She loves nature."
I walk around some more and see a girl with a pink ponytail looking up into a tree. I shrug and walk over to her "excuse me I'm new here where might I find the principal?" I ask my hat covering my eyes
Drake looks at her and, with a soft tone, says, "It's quite alright if you don't want to. It just sounded like you stopped abruptly." Taking a glance at Khan in the distance, he looks back at Aella and adds, "The phoenix, he's here."
Aella stood up not facing Drake. "I'm not just any ordinary werewolf. I'm an Alpha. You decide what you want to do with that information." She calmly looks at Khan. "I'm going to go find what that guy's problem is" she says in a serious tone before glancing back at Drake with flashing yellow eyes with a hidden emotion behind it. She then looks away and walks outside. She stops under the tree and looks up at the Phoenix. "Khan," she calls in a strong voice.

@The Master
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"Alpha?" he thinks to himself. Remembering that she was raised by werewolves, he deducts she was supposed to be a leader of some kind. And before he could answer back, she went off towards Khan. "Shit... I hope you know what you're doing," he thinks to himself. Drake stays at the bench watching the two by the tree. And, although he's not sure how much help he'll be, he's ready to do something if things go south.
Khan looked down at Aella, "What?" He asked. Khan jumped down and landed in front of her, still in his monster hunter looking outfit. Khan looked at her with a normal expression on his face. "What do you want Aella?" He wasn't putting on that happy and kind front anymore, he was just being his regular self at this point.

@Arabella Rosewood
"Why did you block all of our powers that day?" Her eyes still flashed yellow and she was taking even breaths to stay calm. She was still upset with him unknowingly almost killing her. And after had been ignoring him so she didn't get the chance to tell him.

@The Master
"It wasn't intentional.... Wait are you upset at me?" Khan was getting angry himself at Aella's stupidity and pressumptiousness. "Are you seriously upset at me for something that wasn't my fault?!" He took a step towards her. "You are an alpha right? Well instead of starting crap, maybe you should have a little more composure when you confront someone, and act like an alpha!" Khan shouted at her. He wasn't going to lose his cool, but he wasn't going to let some wolf begin to even think she could step up to him like this without consequences.
Luna sat crosslegged in a field not far from the strange three. One seemed to be settled on a bench, watchin as the other two began to argue. Trailing her gaze over to the noise making group, she raised her brow, watching as the male that was once in the tree, jumped down, and began to shout angrily at the female...wolf? Luna found this fact to interesting, causing the ears above her head to twitch once more.
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"Wow this school is weird" I say looking at all of the people. I start to walk away from the tree and slide on my coat as the wind blows at me. "I wonder of there's any normal people here?" I ask myself aloud
"First off, I thought you had your powers under control, but apparently not. Second, that little slip nearly killed me. And yeah I'm an Alpha. I have an entire pack relying on me. If I die there will be no heir. So yes if I get upset because I almost died because of you not controlling your powers it's perfectly normal," she growls. "I came over here to understand and then you just assume I'm here to point fingers!" Her eyes are complete yellow and her chest rumbled in a deep growl. "You'd rather pick fights than make friends. At first I thought we could be friends, but this person," she gestures to him, "isn't who I thought you were." Her temper was starting to get the better of her the more she spoke.

@The Master
Drake's heart starts beating a little faster with the anticipation of Khan's next move. He's standing now with his hands resting on the table, but he still stays back, not wanting to escalate the situation. "Breathe," he tells himself, "you need to stay calm in case something does happen." He collects himself and resumes watching them.
"No one here knows anything about me nor have they taken the time to try to learn. All you fools do is assume, so stay out of my face until you get your head from your ***." Khan glared at Aella. He turned and began to walk away but stopped himself after a couple steps and turned back, "And you know what? If you had actually cared, you would have taken the time to approach me in a calm manner. I know plenty about packs, and I can see that you are a HORRIBLE alpha and you will fail if you keep pulling this kind of stuff." Khan began to walk back to his dorm.

@Arabella Rosewood
Luna couldn't help but grit her teeth together and shake her head. Klet her have been in the girl seeming to be 'Aella' place. She wouldn't have tolerates such disrespect. As a royal, Luna knew what if was like to be treated in such a way by those of which didn't get their way. Mumbling under her breath, she watched the petty boy walk back to his dorm.
Khan stopped in his tracks at her last comment. He turned back and looked at her before laughing loudly at her. "Shut everyone out?!" Khan laughed more. "I haven't shut ANYONE out. You have. So don't even try pulling that card you hypocrite." He knew very well she was the one shutting people out, as well as almost everyone else in the academy. Khan didn't reject or push away anyone so far during his time at the academy. "And you don't know real pressure. It's in your blood to be an alpha, you are SUPPOSE to be one. It is unnatural for a phoenix and a sphinx to make a child. I am the only hybrid of my kind probably so I have no idea what will happen at any moment with me when it comes to my powers." Khan stood there and waited for Aella to say one more thing to irritate him.

(The original post you made was actually good)
Aella growled loudly, "Supposed to?!?!" She took a deep breath and looked down, her hair covering her face. She was trembling, hand clenched into fists. When she looked back up, tears ran down her face. "Don't assume you know what I'm supposed to do." She watched him for a second before transforming and running off at full speed. Once she was far enough, she slide to a stop and howled before running more. Faster and faster. She just wanted everything to go away.
Khan sprinted forward, using light to make him fast enough to appear next to Aella. "Wolves have alphas. You cannot assume that fact. You are an alpha and that is NATURAL. I'm not natural, you are. So don't assume that I am assuming anything." He turned and sped off again. Khan was in the courtyard of the academy again. He slumped against a tree and slid down slowly. Khan groaned then sighed "Dammit that hurts every time..." He wasn't suppose to use his light power to move that fast. Khan just sat there and waited, knowing his legs wouldn't be working too well for the time being.
Aella growled after Khan left. 'It's not natural, it's given; whether you want it or not,' she thinks to herself. Aella his of a little more before she drops to the ground breathing heavily. She tilts her head to the sky and let's out a slow howl. When she fades off, she lays her head down and watches the things around her from atop the hill.
Attil sighed as he sunk into a tree, a girl walked towards him, directly towards him. 'Can she see me?' He wondered, his question was answered as she stopped directly in front of him a asked him something, he had his headphones in and couldn't hear her.

"Pardon" Attil asked as he takes off his headphones... He guessed she was new, like him.

Keiki was reading and she suddenly was on the floor she picked up her book and sensed Kain then she took his hand and stood up hearing his apology she said " Its ok " and she picked up a small little paper and bookmarked her book

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