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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki was reading and she suddenly was on the floor she picked up her book and sensed Kain then she took his hand and stood up hearing his apology she said " Its ok " and she picked up a small little paper and bookmarked her book

Kain looked at her book" what you reading?" He asked as he put away some more books. After doing that he placed the latter aside looking at keiki.
Keiki looked up through her short black hair yawned and said " Its Divergent " and she watched him put books away and look at her with interest she had never loved someone before and didnt know how so she acted as usual
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki looked up through her short black hair yawned and said " Its Divergent " and she watched him put books away and look at her with interest she had never loved someone before and didnt know how so she acted as usual

Kain laughed" ahh that one an interesting concept, and perspective that book has." He said in a friendly tone. Kain held out his hand" I don't believe I ever introduce my self properly I am prince Kain veilstorm although you can just call me kain. it is a pleasure to meet you." He said in a polite tone that held authority in it.
"Oh, well I was just wondering if you could show me where the office is. I'm Paige, by the way." she greeted brightly, smiling, not knowing what he truly was. "Sorry to impose." she added afterwards. Paige could feel just a slight wave of his mood, though she wondered why it was so faint.


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Wondering whether or not to leave her be, Drake decides she needs to be alone. "Not like there's much I could do," he says to himself as he begins walking to his next class. "Literature, this outta' be a riot," he thinks to himself sarcastically, knowing full well he'll probably get into a grammar argument with the teacher.
In the distance, Aella hears the bell ring, but she doesn't move towards the school. 'All my life, I've been trained to be an Alpha, but I don't want to be one. How did that stupid Phoenix even know? I had only just told Drake. No one else. But what does it matter now? Even after everything, I still can't live up to my parents expectations. This whole school thing was just another bad idea. I should've just stayed at home trying to run off every two minutes. At least then I wouldn't have idiotic birds telling me it's natural to be an Alpha. That it's basically a born talent. While he gets to play the whole, 'I'm unnatural' card. News flash bird brain, we all are. I didn't ask to be Alpha. I don't have magic Alpha powers. I'm born just like any other born werewolf. But I have to learn to be an Alpha. No one gets it. No one will. I might lead a pack, but I will always be alone,' she thought to herself. She sighed. She looked up as a few birds flew over her head. 'I have no where else to go right now. So I might as well go back....' She stands up on for legs and turned towards the school. She looks over her shoulder at the first before running back. It takes a minute, but she gets back. She immediately sees Khan, but decides to leave him alone... for now. Aella transforms back into her human body and makes her way to math class.
"I find no need to. Interaction with others is unnecessary unless you require something from them. Love, money, power." she listed, glancing purposefully at him at the last word. She knew. Like a darn enemy knowing your weaknesses. Brooke crossed her arms, smirking as he took the flower crown. "Prince and princess, eh?" she murmured, looking at the flower crown in his hand. "If you ever need something from a fae, and trust me, I know you will sooner or later (wow okay this is like a book remember if you need a favour you can do this @The Dark Princess ), drop it in water. Clean water, thank you." She strolled off without anymore words, waving her fingers goodbye.
He grit his teeth together. He hated bearing that idealistic title. All it did was cause others to want him to rule over them and himself having so many responsibilities. Rolling his irises, he muttered bluntly. "Don't call me that." He then walked away, shoving the crown he was given into his backpack while he did so.
Keiki shook his hand sensing a friendly aura and she said " Im Keiki Tusama " and she stood there wondering what to do because it would be rude just to walk away so she looked at all the other peoples auras * Not like I can see them * she thought because her eyes where this color because she has no pupils so she is blind but being able to sense and see others auras makes it look like she can see
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki shook his hand sensing a friendly aura and she said " Im Keiki Tusama " and she stood there wondering what to do because it would be rude just to walk away so she looked at all the other peoples auras * Not like I can see them * she thought because her eyes where this color because she has no pupils so she is blind but being able to sense and see others auras makes it look like she can see

Kain smiled" pleasure to meet you keiki" He said taking her hand, and kissing it lightly. Letting it go he looked at her" again I apologies for bumping into you I should of paid more attention. If there's anything I can help you with please let me know my way of apologizing. " He said in a friendly tone.
As Aella walked, she bumped shoulders with some boy. She was still a little on edge so she glared for a second before shaking her head to 'knock it off.' She just watched him for a moment.

@The Dark Princess
Khan stood up, hearing the bell. He walked to his next class, which he was a little fond of. Science was kind of a strong suit for him so he didn't struggle in the slightest. Khan took his seat in the back and just waited for the bell to ring again. He thought about the head aches he got and his little ability halting blast that he somehow just activated a while back. Khan was extremely tempted to throw silver dust into Aella's face when he had the chance, and next time he wouldn't hesitate. He was tired about how she felt like the world was on her shoulders. "What about that dragon guy? He has to deal with stuff and he doesn't complain. What about me? I am a bomb waiting to go off. I could level the academy if I go supernova just once. But I don't complain like her." Khan thought to himself. He shook his head gently, taking out a small note book and taking notes in it before class started.
Attila glanced towards the school...

"Enter over there and take a right, there'll be an office on you're left" He replied softly, then put his headphones back on, and turned on the song he was listening to before, not caring if the girl, 'Paige' left or not.

Keiki blushed when he kissed her hand and it went away as quick as it came when he stopped she than said " I will if I need to " and she went to check out her book up at the front desk in the library
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki blushed when he kissed her hand and it went away as quick as it came when he stopped she than said " I will if I need to " and she went to check out her book up at the front desk in the library

Kain watched her leave thinking to himself' what a charming girl' he then proceeded to continue putting up books for the librarian.
Keiki walked outside and to the garden they used for class and sat down and read her book but since she was nlind she tweaked her aura sight a little and she could see the words and she read in peace in a beautiful willow tree
Once done Kain attended to the front desk for a bit. The head librarian came by letting him know it was ok to leave. Kain smiled telling her to take care before heading out of the library. Once in the hall he slowly made his way to the otchestra room where he was allowed to practice the violin. Inside he found a seat in the center of the empty room taking out his personal violin. From there he proceeded to play notes filled with sorrow.

Paige thanked him and followed his instructions, reaching the office and pushing the door open. "Paige Ross?" The assistant asked from her desk. The younger girl nodded, got her schedule and dorm key and turned around to leave, but after a few minutes of trying to find the dorms, she glanced around helplessly, finding herself outside the science lab.

"Why is this school so friggin big?" she muttered irritably, looking around for a sign or something, her dorm key in her hand like it would magically guide her to her room.

@The Master

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(Sorry guys, I just watched Itachi and Sasuke's entire fight with Kabuto up until the ending of 'I Will Always Love You,' so I'm in a meaningful kind of mood. Luckily it fits Drake's character quite well I think)

As expected, the teacher tried to correct a student's speech. However, in Drake's mind, he went too far. The teacher started cracking jokes at the boy, using the boy's incorrect remark against him. The majority of the class was snickering and insulting the boy behind his back. The young man began to cry a little, trying to conceal it. No one noticed but Drake. Drake stood up with his eyes closed, facing his desk below him. He looked up with blinding speed directly at the teacher and told him in an angry, but quiet, tone, "Shut up." The teacher, rightfully baffled, replied back in an authoritative tone, "What did you just say to me? Sit down, we'll talk after class." To this, Drake replied with a louder, more authoritative tone, "We're talking right now. And in this conversation, you will not continue ridiculing the boy." Then, with a softer, remorseful tone, "You don't know shit about this boy, yet you stand there and talk down upon him? You don't see the damage your causing, but I do, and you'll stop now." Angered at the remarks by him, the teacher replies, "Go. Go to the principal's office right now. Take your stuff, you won't make it back to class in time." And with that, Drake takes a parting look at the young boy. The boy did too, and they locked eyes for a second. He mouthed the words thank you as a tear fell from his eye. At that moment, Drake takes one more glare into the teacher's eyes before he leaves with a look of malice, ensuring the teacher would resume the class today respectfully. Making his way to the office, he whispers to himself while looking down at the floor, "Was that... Was that right of me?"
(@Lethal omg it's okay. It's kay. It's the Uchihas. That's completely okay, better than okay. You're good brah.)

Aella sits in the hallway, her head resting against the wall. She had fallen asleep in class yet again, but this teacher wouldn't have it. When the teacher woke her up, and asked her a question, which she answered correctly, she started an argument. She had snapped, basically yelling for the teacher to "get out of her face." The teacher kicked her out of class and told her to go to the principals office. She decided to calm down first before going. She let out a big breath; still feeling the urge to punch a wall. Everything was just coming at her at once. Khan was basically spitting in her face. Her parents were calling her everyday making sure she was still there and still doing her "pack duties." She just wanted one day. One day where she didn't have to be the Alpha. One day not to have her failures shoved into her face. A day of escape to just be a normal girl, or at least for as normal as she was.
Attila quietly walked the hallways, lightly stepping past classroom, headphones in his ears and hood over his head, he had woke up five minutes ago, probably missed all his classes, and wanted coffee. Sullenly he passed a girl sitting in the hallways, sighing he continued, he assumed she didn't see him, since she didn't make any movements, besides, at the level of visibility he was at, only another Spirit, or Animal could spot him, to any simple human, he was invisible.

@Arabella Rosewood
Khan saw Paige outside the science class. He got the teacher's permission to assist the lost girl. He opened the door and stepped out, "You lost?" Khan asked her. He hadn't seen the girl before, so he was a little worried his monster hunter looking outfit would worry or irritate her. "If you want I can show you around. What dorm number are you?" He asked her, seeming calm but a little upset still at everyone.

Aella saw the slight shimmer and she looked up. Her eyes flashed yellow and she saw someone, a guy. "I didn't know your kind went here," she said out of nowhere. She watched him calmly. "What's you're name?"

Paige turned to look at Khan, mumbling, "Very." She blinked at his outfit, but said nothing. Too polite, her siblings would say, but she just believed she wasn't in the position to question someone's sense of style, though definitely unusual. She held up her dorm key for him to see, biting her lip. "I'm new." she explained rather sheepishly, though she was already bad with directions in the first place.

@The Master

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After playing for a bit Kain set back out into the school. He calmly walked around patrolling the halls till his next period. He didn't really have anything to do so he told anyone he saw skipping class or doing something they weren't supposed to to head back to class or he personally took them to the principles office. He was well liked among the teachers, and they respected what he was trying to do. After all was said, and done Kain once again roamed the halls once passing the botany ' s class garden peeking in to check there were no people there who shouldn't be. He saw keiki under the willow tree reading. He knew she was a good girl so he left her alone to her privacy. Kain stepped out continuing his roaming of the halls.

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