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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

"Yeah, I knew he was lying when we talked the other day at the bench," he says. Entering the cafe of sorts, he sits at a table right outside the building and starts eating the sandwich he had prepared earlier today. Looking around at the rest of the students both inside and the few outside, he wonders to himself what kind of things they've done or can do.
"Guess so...." Aella opens her bag and pulls out a BLT. Her eyes brighten up a bit. She pulls it out of the plastic bag and happily takes a bite. After she chews and swallow, she looks up at Drake. "What do you have?" she asks sniffing a bit. Her long black hair is tied up in a high ponytail that ends at about her waist. Her deep blue eyes shine in the daylight as she sits in the warmth of the sun.

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Soto's Earth science class and math class went by fast. Back in her previous school, they learned most of the stuff being currently taught at the academy a month before. 'Well for an academy for the supernatural I was expecting it to be more of a challenge' she thought, she didn't like learning a thing at one school to learn it again at another school. Right then, she currently had time for lunch. She sat went into the cafeteria and got some food and then went back outside to sit on a ledge. There she started to have a small sandwich with some chips. She somewhat liked the school so far, but she wasn't certain since she has only been there for only one day.
Khan huffed and rushed to his dorm. He was just about done with all of the other students. Khan slammed his door open and walked over to a small chest under his bed. He opened it and began to take things needed. Khan fitted everything throughout his clothing. Khan wore an outfit that would help him hold onto all of the things. He looked almost like a monster hunter now. He locked the door behind himself as he left his room. Khan was in no mood to get into disputes with anyone anymore. If they gave him crap he'd use whatever he needed to, and simply go on with his day. He went to the cafeteria and got his lunch, after doing so he went outside and ate alone on a bench.
Christian roamed the halls aimlessly for quite awhile now. Honestly, he had grown quite tired of doing the same thing with each passing day. He hasn't seen anybody for as long as he'd been there, confused as to how such a thing could happen.

With an increasingly volumed grumbling stomach, he let out an agitated sigh, before changing his direction to head for the cafeteria to catch himself some lunch.

Kayla, being the type she was, intended to keep her distance from everyone. Even though she felt this way, she didn't truly enjoy being completely and utterly left alone.

That was a reason why she chose to attend this schools once her mother completed it. Rardless of this fact, she hasn't made a single friend. That was quite the disappointment for her, even if she wasn't the sociable flower her mother wanted her to be.

Sighing, she headed to the cafeteria, seeing it was time for lunch. Hopefully, she could at least find and hang with her brother.
Kain walked into the cafateria it being that wonderful part of the day for lunch. He went into the lunch line after waiting a few moments before getting his lunch of cooked meat, and raw mineral rich stone.. Taking it to a table he sat down casually. He leaned in breathing a small puff of white flame onto the stone. It burned brightly before Kain blew again cutting out the flame. Their remained white sparkling ash which Kain began to eat with a spoon.
Keiki walked into the cafeteria hood on her head with her black and white hat and she had her hands in her pockets till she fot her lunch then she walked over and sat in a dark corner by the big window the sun and everyone else in front of her she always has to see her entire surroundings to feel safe and she ate alone
Brooke walked quietly, flowers somehow making her way into her hands again, twisting them lightly together, making flower crowns was one of the memories she had when she was still with the fae. Her head was down, the faerie was simply making her way to her dorm by memory. Suddenly she slammed into a boy (Christian) and dropped her flower crown. She tsked irritatedly and picked it up, her slender fingers still twisting.

@The Dark Princess

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Christian halted in his tracks, just as another grumble emitted from his craving stomach. It too him a moment, but he grit his teeth together, averting his crimson gaze towards the girl of which bumped into him. Clearly, he was aggravated, and not in the mood for clumsiness with strangers. "Can you walk properly?"

Khan had finished his food and walked around, reading a small note book with a flame design on the cover. He passed by Brooke and Christian, still reading as they bumped into each other. He simply turned his head back to get a glance then returned to walking and reading. Khan had seen plenty of people as he walked around, and as he entered the cafeteria he caught sight of Keiki and Kain. He was a little tempted to test some of his things on them, glancing at his pocket then back at them. Khan shook his head slowly as he went back to reading, heading towards the courtyard of the academy.
Drake hears her question as he continues chewing and looking down at the table. Still chewing, he blinks, looking at her when he opens his eyes. He just stares for another three seconds as he swallows his bite. "Ham, cheese, lettuce, and tomato," he says plainly. He looks back down at his sandwich and continues eating.
Aella breathed in and she turned her head to see Khan walk out into the courtyard. "I'm curious. Khan seemed as if he was under control of his powers and then all the sudden they go wonky. Do you think something went wrong or that his mood got the better of him?" Aella turned her deep blue eyes to Drake's.
Kain finished his meal getting up calmly, and placing the trash in the garbage bin. He walked out slowly in no rush. Once in the hall he proceeded to the library where he would be a aid to the librarians. Once there Kain headed to the main desk getting his aid Id from the head librarian. Once instructed Kain went about placing books back where they belonged.
Yawning, Attila somehow made it off his couch, 'I wonder how much school a missed?' He checked his phone, 'Only lunch. No matter' he thought while walking back to school, he also managed to make coffee, which suprised him as he tried it. He had always slept walked, he didn't know when it started, but he had been doing it since he could remember.

Reaching the school, he saw he had another little bit of lunch left... Lazily he climbed into a huge tree and put in his headphones. Slipping into the world of music.

((Sorry this is all I have, I'll talk to someone next post... Maybe O.o ))
"His mood," he says a little quiet while nodding his head. "He gets angry easily from what it looks like," he says looking back at Aella. "If you're every with him, be mindful of what you say," he says seriously. Finishing his sandwich, Drake crumples up the plastic wrap he ate upon and stores it in his pocket to throw out later.
Aella shrugs. "If he's ever around me, he should watch what he says. You never want to piss off a wolf, especially not an Alp-" she cut herself off mid-word. She had decided to not mention being an Alpha to anyone. The other pack kids her age either completely ignored her, tried to pick on her, or tried to get on her "good side." She had enough of others treating her different from everyone else.

"Sincere apologies, vampire." she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She raised an eyebrow, "But as I have a flower crown. You could take it as an apology, dear." she said, poison leaking from her voice, glaring at the the boy. Brooke held up the flower crown, her expression defiant, seeing if he would take it.

@The Dark Princess (sorry its real sucky ; ;)
Waiting to see if she'd finish the sentence, Drake stared blankly at her. Staring into her blue eyes with his usual look, he asks in an understanding, but straight forward tone, "Is there something you don't want to share?" He awaits her answer with a few sips of his water.
"I um...." As she tried to say something, anything, she thought to herself, 'how is it he seems to just read my mind?' Knowing that she can't tell a lie very easily, she sighs lightly and just shakes her head no, trying to keep her heart rate down so he doesn't see how nervous she is. Of course, Drake was a werewolf too, so he might understand and he didn't seem like the person who would change after learning about it, but she just want sure yet.
Mayfly said:
"Sincere apologies, vampire." she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She raised an eyebrow, "But as I have a flower crown. You could take it as an apology, dear." she said, poison leaking from her voice, glaring at the the boy. Brooke held up the flower crown, her expression defiant, seeing if he would take it.
@The Dark Princess (sorry its real sucky ; ;)
He rolled his now relaxed irises, a slight shade of blue swirling at the middle of the crimson red. "What would I possibly want with that?" He obviously didn't like the fact he was being mocked. As is, he didn't appreciate his mother forcing him to attend the school she owned. It was simply pathetic to him to have to attend just because of his bloodline. He growled at this thought, slightly loud enough for her to here.
Keiki finished lunch and went head down hood still on quietly into the library she had no idea thats exactly where Kain went but she had not seen him yet andnshe was browsing the fiction section at a book called " Divergent "
"Vampires don't get out much, do they? Thought you might like to try on one of nature's accessories." she replied, still holding out the crown lazily. "Well, do you want it or not?" Brooke was starting to get irritated. This guy was kind of rude. (Speak for yourself fae)

@The Dark Princess


Lucas looked at his sister and frowned. "You're serious? You're actually letting Dad and Mom send you here?" He ran a hand through his spikey blonde hair as they stood at the gates. Claire glanced up at her siblings, her hands in her pockets. She never said much, but truthfully she knew more then her appearances showed. "Be safe, sister." Claire said, patting her sister on the arm. Lucas still seemed wary though. He scowled and crossed his arms. "Paige-"

"I'll be fine, Luc. I'm sure it's not that bad." Paige assured brightly, always the optimist. Lucas shook his head in defeat, walking off with the warning that he'd come check on her randomly and that she would have to call if anything was up.

Paige agreed with a laugh and watched as her siblings climbed into the car and drove away. She was on her own. The girl dragged her luggage across the pavement, making her way into the school. Paige had her pink hair in a ponytail, and past the gates, she was lost. She looked around blankly and bit her lip. Just then she caught sight of a guy sitting on a tree. "Uhm... Hi, do you mind showing me where the office is?" she called up, not noticing his headphones. She couldn't feel his emotions for some reason. Weird.


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[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki finished lunch and went head down hood still on quietly into the library she had no idea thats exactly where Kain went but she had not seen him yet andnshe was browsing the fiction section at a book called " Divergent "

Kain was placing a few books away on a high shelf. He climbed down from the latter. He grabbed 2 more books belonging to the fiction Ile when he quickly turned to proceed down to the end. What he failed to realize was that keiki was there, as he ended up bumping into her. The books fell to the floor as he had bumped her with quite some force. Shocked at first Kain quickly regained his composer looking at her" Oh I am terribly sorry keiki!" He said with sincerity. He reached out his hand to her" here let me help you."He said.
As Khan walked around, looking up from his book occasionally, he saw Aella and Drake looking at him. He simply looked back then away, finish a paragraph in his book before putting it in his pocket. Khan climbed a small tree right next to him. He began to shave off the bark slowly and carefully. Khan was mumbling something while doing so. He would glance at the two wolves from time to time before continuing.
I slowly walk around the halls studying the building for the first time wondering where some of the other students are.

My long coat hangs on my shoulder which I thought was okay to bring. I stop under a tree not noticing him in the tree "where is my classes?" I say to myself

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