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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

(Only any mythical creature and she can have any mythical power)

(And I kind of edited my post last minute)

Keiki growled and transformed into a dragon <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-127.jpeg.fde660c00c1cb1b18f62e7424b975c79.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images-127.jpeg.fde660c00c1cb1b18f62e7424b975c79.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> pinning him to the ground under her giant claws till he clamed down she hated having to hurt people and that made her mlre angry she stared into his eyes to make him stop



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Khan shrieked, spewing flames into her face. His aura was too unstable to be charmed or relaxed right now. He thrashed around, clawing at Keiki as the flames continued to jet out at her. Khan was having flashbacks of when he was a kid and he turned into a phoenix after a kid hit him in the head with a rock. His mom would sing an Egyptian lullaby to him which would make him fall asleep.
Kain looked at one of the Phoenix turn into a dragon pinning the other to the ground. He grew irritated with the situation expecially one impersonating a dragon. He quickly ran over to them shouting" CUT IT OUT BOTH OF YOU STOP FIGHTING KNOW." He said as he stood their. He could sence one of the Phoenix had a very violent aura. He tried something quickly. Chanting a few words he glowed white as light magice was being cast on the more dangerous one. It was a calming spell designed to make the target relive the most bliss moment in their life as a method to sooth them.
Khan began to pant, not being as violent anymore. Suddenly at the memory of his mom he became even more volatile and unstable, shrieking "NOOOO!!" Khan was getting angry as he tried to shove Keiki off of him. Khan began to glow as he began the process of a super nova. He continued shooting fire at Keiki, wanting her to burn for what she called him.
//@Wild Born idk really for Brooke. a really pale something. maybe this? o-o And @The Dark Princess what subjects are there ;;

so um can we not like uh not get into fights so much. //

Brooke glanced up at the two creatures in the sky and rolled her eyes. She popped onto the roof of the building nearest to them and shot a freezing (not ice. literally suspending them in motion ^^) spell at both of them, crossing her legs. "So, do you mind calming yourself down and getting to class?" she called up, raising her eyebrows.

(so how does hellfire work. can magic put it out or does it spread endlessly until there's no more oxygen?)
Kain sighed this getting out of hand. He chanted another time glowing white as he used a powerful dream spell. He quickly caused it draining a good amount of his mana. The spell puts the target into a deep sleep causing them to be stuck in a dream. After that he quickly ran to the locker room where their was a drawer he knew had tranquilizing darts for extreme cases. He was sure this was one of them. Running back with it he quickly used what mana he had left to revert the boy back into human form forcefully. He injected the tranquilizing into his arm as it then began to take affect. Exhausted his own human form began to deteriorate his draconian golden wings pooing out as well as longe golden horns glowing with a white aura. He looked at the other dragon" please get off him know." He said as he caught his breath.
Khan got up, shoving Keiki off of him with a mean punch to her face, the tranquilizer simply making his headache gone again. He growled at them all, his aura still violently fluctuation and swirling around him. Khan pent up all his anger again as he walked off to second period as the bell rang. He changed quickly in the locker room and waited for everyone else. Khan's power not coming from mana, he just let them all believe he was calmed so he could slug Keiki for that snap she made about him being a baby bird.

(Hell fire can't actually be extinguished unless the user allows it to or if they can't focus on keeping it up. It does not burn forever but it does burn for a VERY VERY long time if left alone. It does not kill also, it can just burn the person for eternity without being lethal. Or it can kill instantly.
Kain got up heading back to the track. As 2 period started he relaxed on the bleachers inside the gym where class was held. He sat at the very top corner close to the ceiling. From there he simply watched everyone from above regaining his strength quickly.
(It can kill instantly or just make you suffer forever. I choose the suffering forever part because that would be a lot more fair in a RP than insta kill. That's just a bit too much)

Khan went through second period, doing all the gym teacher told him and the class to do. At this point he saw just about everyone as a hostile. Khan would attack any of them on sight after classes at the end of the day. He was upset with himself a little that he didn't bring his anti-monster stuff with him. He wouldn't make the same mistake again, they could all be sure of that.

(Btw, off to bed, night!)
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'Bored bored bored bored bored' Attila thought with a sigh as he watched the fight inbetween the two students. 'School' he thought 'Is useless.'

He lazily unmasked his presence and headed towards the huge gym, his second period.

Kain pulled out a book from the gym bleachers that was acting as a medium for teleportation. It was a bestiary of sorts. He quickly found the section on hell fire. He read in great detail, but knew it would require further study.
( @The Dark Princess soo uhm what subjects are there)

Brooke headed towards the gym, pulling her hair into a ponytail as she went. She glanced once at Attila as she passed, frowning slightly at his ignorance of everything around him, but said nothing. She headed into the locker room and changed, slipping into her sports shoes and entered the gym, sitting immediately onto the wooden floor, waiting for the teacher, whipping out her phone to check her twitter while she waited.
Kain finished the book , and sent it back into the bleachers. Standing up he headed down to the gym floor. Kain saw the fairy girl from before sitting on the floor on her phone. He walked over to her, as he remembered her name" hello again brook." Kain said in a friendly tone.

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//Faeries are not fairies, contrary to popular belief, faeries are in actual fact in folklore and known to be cunning, selfish and vain. Fairies in the fairytales (not folklore) are small little creatures that are kind and caring and use pixie dust. Fae are human-size but with elfish ears and glass-like eyes. And her name's Brooke. like with an e ^^//

Brooke looked up at him and plastered a fake smile on her face, but deceptive enough he couldn't notice. "Hello." she replied politely, returning her attention back to her phone, her thumbs flying over the keys as she typed. "What's up, dragon boy? I never caught your name." Her eyes were on her phone screen, seemingly ignoring the boy, but she was listening.
(Ahh sorry about that I did mean fairy as in folklore. I'll make sure to spell her name right.) Kain sat down as well. Not to close as to invade her privacy" ahh how rude of me my name is kain veilstorm pleasure to meet you again brooke." He said with a smile. He knew about fae nature, but didn't pay any mind to it. If she had chosen to act a scertain way it was all in her right too. He looked at her phone" your really handy with that cellular device." He said more as a compliment if anything.

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Brooke raised an eyebrow. "Aren't most?" she asked quietly, poison in her voice masked by faked curiosity (wow she's really bitchy today) and smiled. She closed her twitter and moved onto her Instagram. People followed her on social platforms, they waited for her to post. She took a selfie and posted it, then glanced at Kain. He's still here? Okay then... She looked at him and frowned slightly as he sat down beside her.
Kain laughed" that in most cases would be true, however in that particular field of expertise Bim a bit lacking. " He said as he scanned the room. Everyone was doing their various team sports acrivities. Kain looked at the side of Brooke ' s face" so I take it school life is treating you fair?" He asked.
Brooke laughed sarcastically. "It's only been 3 days. But yes, you could say that." she replied, glancing up and looking at the people around them. "I should be participating, but..." The faerie shrugged and stood up, dropping her phone into her pocket, going to join the team activities. She went for volleyball, mingling into the blue team, the other students completely unaware that she was a new addition.
Keiki had stopped when Kain told her to and she transformed back getting punched in the face and then she knew she was going to colapse anyway she used way to much ofher strength for that and she now woke up on the grass and she had no idea what time it was or what period to go to so she sat up and stayed on the grass than thinking of all that happened she curled up into a little ball and cried * I HATE HAVING TO DO THAT ! * she yelled at herself in her mind

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