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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

[QUOTE="devon armadues](( can it be at 3:00 instead please i will have 40 minutes at that time))

That's fine. As long as you post as being in your class on your fourth day of school. Okay?)
"Hmm... I wonder how far Khan's powers extend?" he thinks to himself. Curious if moving farther away will help, and this really being the only option, Drake tells Aella he's going to move her. First putting her arm around his neck, then lifting as he catchers the bottom of her knees with the crook of his elbow so that her calves are dangling over his arm, he starts walking down the path going away from the battle, hoping that when the range of his powers is found she'll be better.
Aella looks up at Drake as he moves her. She can see that he is walking away from the others and she finishes counting in her head. Her powers slowly start to come back. As she gets more strength, the first thing she does is take in a big breath of air. With the much needed air, the black spots start to fade from her vision and for a bit her head feels like everything is going to fast before it calms down and she can collect her head. As the oxygen flows and her natural healing abilities come back, she gains her strength again. She flexes and relaxes her muscles one by one testing out their strength. She then looks up at Drake, "Thank you.... I feel better now." Her voice is calm and holds strength behind the words. Her voice was calm, yes, but her emotions were not. Anger was building up in her, and she felt like she had the right to be angry. Disconnecting a born werewolf's power was dangerous and could be deadly. It was never a matter to take lightly. She kept her calm demeanor though, for the moment. "You can put me down now...." she said slowly.

Khan used light to launch himself right behind Kato. Khan was in his human form now. He slammed a light blast into Kato's back, sending him back down to the academy. Khan resorted to his photokinesis since Kato was fast enough to avoid fire. Khan charged a blast and aimed his hand at Kato. Khan unleashed dozens of light bombs at Kato.
Khan was sitting in his Reading class. He despised the essays, book reports, and reading they had to do. Khan wasn't really the best at writing things, and he wasn't fond of reading. Khan sat in the middle of the class as always, feeling like all eyes were on him. He was angry with just about everyone and everything ever since his fight with Kato. Khan had spent some time since then focusing on his sphinx powers and how fast they have grown. He had also decided to stop holding back how he really felt, letting himself be the phoenix that he was.

(Khan's aura color is Orange but with black outline like hell fire. So I will just type in Orange )
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Keiki walked towards the school she was now enrolled to the day before and she walked through the doors and to the front desk to pick up her paperwork with dorm number and classes " Hello ? " she said " I need my paper work for class " she called and waited for the front desk lady or man to come

(Hey guys since she has aura sight I need aura colors her is the color I write in)
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Kain was in botany class learning about the various plant types, as well as their effect on magical creatures. He excelled in the class greatly. While the class was almost over he enjoyed the nature that surrounded him. Kain noticed some girls looking at him, but he paid no mind. Still he would experiment later with various herbs.
Christian sauntered into his first period class. Apparently, he had to sit in reading class first thing in the morning. Although he didn't really mind, he didn't appreciate the fact he was being forced to do so. He'd rather do whatever it is he had to on his own time. At the time he felt like doing it. Regrettably, the world didn't work like that. Due to this fact, he grit his teeth together, blowing an agityayed breath through his nose as he did so, settling down in his regular seat at the back of the room, aligned with the middle of the classroom.
Aella sat in her History class fuming in anger. From early childhood, she studied almost any subject you could imagine. Being the daughter of the Alpha pair meant she had to know anything and everything. She found it annoying that others' lack of knowledge almost killed her. Aella ignored the History lesson, having already learned the material and without her knowing her wolf tail and ears appeared, eyes swirling yellow. She quickly snapped herself back before she fully transformed into her wolf and went on a full rampage in the classroom. Aella wasn't usually one to get angry, but her life was on the line and she couldn't, wouldn't, abandon her pack, no matter how much they annoyed her as she grew up.

(Red and yellow aura that swirl and don't mix)
(( I guess I will do it ))

The front desk lady rolled up in a rollychair and pointed to some papers before rolling off

Keiki grabbed her papers and waited for the bell to ring because it was almost time she had English next and that was her most hatted subject * Man my first class period since I got here and its English * Keiki thought and sat in a chair waiting
Attila sighed before stepping into the large school, he was late getting to the school due to a incident with a nature dryad and some Dr. Pepper, he again sighed, before heading down to the large office and speaking with the lady at the desk.

"Attila Mao" She asked "This is your schedule, you currently have writing" He again sighed for the third time, quickly snatching the paper, 'Writing' he thought 'it's always writing.'

He quietly slipped into class, though no one noticed him, it was mostly due to his natural evasiveness and that fact of him being a Spirit.

Though one person noticed him, he could tell by the scent of uncertainty in the air and the slight twitch they made.

The Teacher suddenly noticed him, standing up suddenly.

"Ah, Attila, your here, yes, class, this is our new student Attila... Attila, there's a empty chair in the back, mind taking it?'

Attila quickly made his way to the back of the class, sitting down silently and taking out a book, and the class simply went back to normal, simply reading or writing, most bored.

(Hai, so I need to know who I'm sitting next to, and who's the one who noticed me first, OCC or PM)
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Keiki saw the boy from under her hair and she watched as he got his papers as well and she smiled * Least im now the only new kid * she thought and looked back at her papers and thought * Maybe I can go to first period anyway * she looked down and saw it also said Writing then she stood up and began to walk there
Soto walked to the front desk of the academy to get her schedule and the number of her dorm. It was her first day here and it was only two days since she was told by her dad to go there to be away from people trying to find her. She was in her human form since she didn't trusted anyone there yet and she didn't want people to know what she really was yet.

When she got there, the person at the desk asked for her name and why she was there. Soto said," I'm Soto. This is my first day here and I am here to get my schedule along with the number of my dorm."

"Alright," said the person there. She then got out a folder and picked out some papers that she handed to Soto. "You'll be going to Earth Science first and you're in dorm #15."

"Thank you," Soto said as she took the papers and started walking to the Earth science class.
Keiki arrived and took a seat at the back of the class by the window as usual and she tried not to look at anyone strait in the eyes or they would be in a charm spell she sighed and saw the boy from earlier she looked over through her hair she saw his grey aura * So he has a grey aura how interesting * she thought * Must be a spirit * she thought and whispered to him " Hi Im Keiki "
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( You told me what aura color you have and plus everything has an aura )
(You wrote 'So he has a spirit') (Spirit Auras aren't a thing, it's just a Aura, or Soul Aura)

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