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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Still blankly staring, he asks with a hint of confusion, "Why have you stalled my abilities?" In his head he comes to a conclusion that this Khan isn't one to get too friendly with. Taking the water bottle out from his deep right pocket, he breaks his line of sight with Khan as he drinks some. Returning it back to his pocket, he resumes his gaze back at Khan's eyes.
"I just do that occasionally. I guess it's just out of habit. I may be a phoenix, but I am also a sphinx and a lot of people forget that about me." Khan gave a small sigh. He was rather hurt that people never really gave much attention to his other side. Khan could see that Drake was now worried since Khan stalled his abilities. "Don't worry, I am not a bad guy. I just like to explore my sphinx powers." Khan gazed back into Drake's eyes. Khan's eyes seemed completely unreadable as if a wall had been put up. The only thing they gave off was a look of pure power and carnal instinct in its purest and fieriest form.

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Aella watched the two boys with wide surprised and stunned eyes. "Uhm...." She had no idea what to do. Their scents were overwhelming with testosterone and other various hormones. Aella looked over the edges of her book. 'What are they even doing? They just started talking and it sounds like the first words they've said to one another is 'Let's Fight!' I don't think I'll ever understand boys...' she thinks to herself. She then wonders if she should do anything, but is hesitant to do so. One of the easiest lessons you learn in the pack is don't get between two fighting dogs, and she was one of the people to learn that lesson the hard way. Aella decided to just slam her book shut, hoping to gain their attention and snap them out of their kill mode.

(Sorry, I just for off work super late. It was busy so I didn't have a break.)

@Lethal @The Master
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"Hmm... Explore? It's seems like abusing it more than anything," he says. Hearing her book slam shut, and keeping his eyes on Khan, he says without missing a beat, "Are you upset, Aella?" As he says so, he reaches for the opened water bottle and drinks some more. As he does this, he looks back at Aella.
"No, I'm confused. You've barely just met and you seem like you wanna beat each other up already," she says calming as her gaze goes back and forth between the two males.
Looking back at Khan for a second and then right back at Aella, a look of confused thought on Drake's face, he says, "Not in the slightest. Where'd you get that idea?"
Aella sighs a little bit as she raises an eyebrow. "Can you not smell the testosterone? You both reck of it." She yawns for a moment and stretches out her muscles. In her opinion, being in human form was exhausting. She really hated it. At night, she would sleep in her wolf form because it was just more comfortable and relaxing to her. She then opened one eye and watched them both again.
"Well, if anything was or is happening, I was and am unaware," he says calmly. "Hmm... Perhaps I should talk to strangers with a more friendly tone?" Then, reassuringly he adds, "I'm not one to start fights Aella. I don't try to provoke them either."
"Alright," she says calming trusting him and just getting the feeling he isn't lying. She looks back down at her book and reopens it to keep reading, but she looks up to see Drake's water. "Can I have a sip?" She asks looking at the water.
"Common courtesy had me buy two," he says, as he hands the other bottle in his left pocket to her. Following that he says right before gulping down the rest, "I'm almost finished with this one anyway."
Khan chuckled "Abusing? Hardly. Besides, no harm done. Also Aella, you are smelling Drake not me. Phoenix are not canine, we do not just start fights as if it is something simple." Khan watched Aella and Drake and came to the conclusion that they were both a little sensitive. Khan shrugged "I can't expect a wolf to understand a sphinx. Think of it what you will, but the last thing I do is abuse my sphinx power." Khan had plenty of opportunity to abuse his power and Drake mentioning it didn't help him resist the urges.
The nurses patched up Toby but tried to get him to stay he killed them all then deleted his records. He walked home the moonlight shining against his blood covered body. When he got home he burnt his clothes and took a shoure then he changed into clean clothes and feel asleep on the couch.

Rin stared up at the stars in her little sleeping bag as she chatted with Kayla. She enjoyed the peace and serenity of it all,she began to sing quietly till the two of them fell asleep. (Is Kayla even still here?)
Following Khan's last sentence, Drake looks at Khan and begins to think to himself about what else this phoenix can do. "Not abusing his power? He must be capable of much more then," he finishes his thought. "I suppose you were just being... Playful, then?" he asks.
(I'm here. Notifications didn't show.) Kayla watched Rin carefully, constantly averting her attention from the stars and back to her newfound friend. She found grave interest in the way Rin's vocals sounded off through her ears. Eventually, she dozed off as Rin sung them both a lullaby, allowing her eyelids to grow heavy and shut in her irises.
Rin awoke to the beutifull sound of the bids chirping. She got up streached and enjoyed the scenery she walked over along the stone path to the center of the lake were the piano was and began to play a song that caused the birds to sing along the water to glisten and the flowers to bloom. She sat there playing happily waiting for Kayla to wake.
Keiki was walking around her short hair flowing behind her and she looked like a boy as usual and she loved the smell of pine needles and sap she sighed as she walked
Kayla awoke from her slumber, her eyelids being the first thing on her body to move as they fluttered open to catch sight of the blinding sun. It took a few moments for her to accustom her eyes to the light, which was once blinding her. It took a few moments for her to sit up and began to part her lips as the air within her lungs blew out from her body.
Khan blinked and thought about it "Um I guess you could say that?" He didn't know how to explain it to Drake how a sphinx practices on others and it isn't hostile or harmful. Khan turned his head, hearing someone walk around behind him. Khan simply stared at Keiki, noticing the person's feminine features. Khan figured it was a girl dressed up similarly to a boy which he didn't care about really, he just found it a bit odd. Khan just continued staring, finding Keiki to be rather interesting to watch.

@Wild Born
Kato flew around the campus in angle form until he spotted Kahn and some outher person he landed not changing back into a human. He looked at Kahn with an intense cutting look that came with his angle form. "Hey what's up." He said with a smile his wings flickered reflecting the sunlight. "That crystal knife you gave me allows me to stay in this form for a long while its amazing. I feel as if I owe you." He plucked of one of his feathers and gave it to him "it brings good luck to the holder and if one dies with one in his possession he is gaurinted to go to heaven or whatever you call it and not hell."

Kato flew around the campus in angle form until he spotted Kahn and some outher person he landed not changing back into a human. He looked at Kahn with an intense cutting look that came with his angle form. "Hey what's up." He said with a smile his wings flickered reflecting the sunlight. "That crystal knife you gave me allows me to stay in this form for a long while its amazing. I feel as if I owe you." He plucked of one of his feathers and gave it to him "it brings good luck to the holder and if one dies with one in his possession he is gaurinted to go to heaven or whatever you call it and not hell."
Kain looked at cobalt" well I'm afraid I must depart know cobalt." He said standing up. He bowed his head" our time together was fun we should do it again!" He said with a smile before turning walking off into the woods. Kain continued his walk down the path to the school. Once in front of the park he looked around. There were others here, but he was not there to socialize. He walked along the side of the school, as he held a ball of white flames in his hand. He flexed his fingers wiggling them as the flame dance in his hand amusing him.
Khan smiled at Kato then laughed softly as he took the feather "Phoenix are immortal. But thank you friend" Khan put the feather in his pocket. He turned his attention back to Keiki and continued watching her. Khan began to walk towards her slowly, finding her extremely attractive for some reason. He was interested in Keiki in a way that he just couldn't really put his finger on. Khan followed Keiki slowly, almost entranced by her.

@Marvelous Chester @Wild Born
Kato still in angle form put up a wall of magic making him and Kahn invisible. "So who are watching you got a crush on someone." Kato nudged him a bit. "Get as close as you want the magic wall will keep you invisible." He smiled and said. "I don't stalk people often, but when I do I use magic walls." In the tone the guy from the commercials uses.
Khan stopped and blinked, shaking his head. "Crush....?" Khan started getting nervous, since he had no idea what that word meant. Khan stopped Kato's angelic powers "I am just curious, I do not need to be invisible." Khan continued to follow Keiki. Khan observed Keiki and kept note of her feminine detail. He had never really seen anyone dressed like the opposite gender before and he guessed that was the reason for his curiosity.

@Marvelous Chester @Wild Born
Kato was back in human form silently watching Kahn silently stalk a girl. He didn't say anything else he just let Kahn stalk he found it a little creepy that Kahn was watching this girl but he also found it creepy that he followed anyway. Once his powers came back he drew himself sunglasses and stopped hiding walking up to the girl and saying. "Hey I'm Kato nice to meet you." He held out his hand to wave hers.
Khan shoved Kato away in the blink of an eye, sending him into bushes. "What might your name be?" Khan smiled at Keiki. He had moved fast enough so that Keiki wouldn't be able to tell that Kato was right there. Khan usually only moved fast enough like that for vampires to keep up with. He had his hand held out towards Keiki.

@Wild Born

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