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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Khan chuckled and took the girl's key "Your dorm is right next to mine. I'm dorm room six. Come on I'll show you" He began to walk to the dorms. He walked beside Paige, "So, what brings you here?" Khan asked, seeming to stroll a bit as he speaks with her. He found her to be a rather nice person to be around even though he just met her.

"Thanks. I'm Paige, and truthfully, I'd rather not say why I'm here." Paige looked away. He was upset about something, she could tell, but he enjoyed being around her, as far as his emotions said. "Is there... something on your mind?" she asked as she followed him, her luggage rolling behind her.

@The Master

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Keiki soon became bored of reading for now and she fot up before walking inside and roaming the halls she was looking for her next class but it seemed to be nowhere she had walled around searching but it was hopeless she was new and blind having to stop at every door sense for anyone around thannshe quickly would rud the engravings for a room number rinse and repeat
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki soon became bored of reading for now and she fot up before walking inside and roaming the halls she was looking for her next class but it seemed to be nowhere she had walled around searching but it was hopeless she was new and blind having to stop at every door sense for anyone around thannshe quickly would rud the engravings for a room number rinse and repeat

Kain was doing one more sweep of the school when he saw keiki walking in the halls. He was going to say hi when he noticed she was scanning the walls very untently. Then he saw her eyes a brilliant blue like the deep abyss of the sea. It almost drew him in, but his eyes quickly flashed white as the spell broke it's hold on him. He walked up to her calmly trying not to startle her" hello again keiki is there something I can help with." He asked politly.
"Just thinking, why?" Khan had a feeling she could tell he was upset. He stopped in front of her dorm "Here we are." Khan gestured to Paige's dorm. "If you want, I can give you a tour of the academy. Show you where everything is" He offered. Khan wondered if she would turn out to be like Aella or the others. His paranoia was getting a little flared up, not sure if he could trust Paige just yet.

Keiki was about to touch a engraving when Kain spoke she jolted and tilted her hat down before turning to him and saying " I cant find my next class " she held out the paper so he could see
Kain looked at the paper examining it. He looked at her" if you would like I can take you there keiki?" He asked in a friendly tone. He wondered why she never directly looked at him. Perhaps it had something to do with her eyes. Then he recalled something his magical arts teacher taught him lounge ago. He waited for her reply.
" Yes please " Keiki said politely and followed him with her aura sight not losing him she didnt want people to know she could not see even though its what saved her life when she was little
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Yes please " Keiki said politely and followed him with her aura sight not losing him she didnt want people to know she could not see even though its what saved her life when she was little

As Kain walked with her he spoke in a calm tone" it has bin a long time sence iv seen the draconian eyes of the divine. " He said as they turned a corner leading down another hall way.
Keiki didnt respond and she was now exhausted because of hacing to use her powers for so long and she had to stop using aura sight and she ran into a wall she fell to the ground saying " Ow " and then looking around trying to listen for Kain
Kain stopped in his tracks turning to look at keiki when he heard her say ow. He immediately walked over to her taking her hand. He gently helped her up" are you alright keiki Here let me help you walk." He said as he held her hand.
" Im ok it was just a little bump " Keiki said trying to hid her face and she followed Kain holding his hand she blushed in embarrassment from running into the wall ane she stayed close to Kain untill they got to the Music room
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Im ok it was just a little bump " Keiki said trying to hid her face and she followed Kain holding his hand she blushed in embarrassment from running into the wall ane she stayed close to Kain untill they got to the Music room

Kain lead her into the music room closing the door behind them. Kain lead her to a seat, and helped her sit down. Thankfully no one else was there for the time being, as Kain could tell she was embarrassed. He let go of her hand, and sat next to her" so what do you play?" He asked curious about her musical talent.
Keiki turned towarda his voice and said " I sing " than she pulled a small case out of her backpack and opened it taking out a portable microphone headset and she handed it to him saying " This is my personal microphone "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-12-05-19-25-11--108842680.jpeg.2283824f0ba07d47b811dcf9f8cbf7d4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-12-05-19-25-11--108842680.jpeg.2283824f0ba07d47b811dcf9f8cbf7d4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> she put them on and pushed a button to turn them on then she asked " Any requests ? "



  • 2014-12-05-19-25-11--108842680.jpeg
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Kain smiled " that's wonderful why don't you pick I'd like to hear you sing." He said as he held his hands in his lap crossing his leg over the other. He found this interesting for it had bin a while sence he found someone interested in singing.
Keiki thought for a moment and began to sing a song 4hat she knewmhe moght be interested in [media]

[/media] when she finished she folded up the microphone and pulled the headset around her neck
[QUOTE="Wild Born]
Keiki thought for a moment and began to sing a song 4hat she knewmhe moght be interested in [media]

[/media] when she finished she folded up the microphone and pulled the headset around her neck
Kain clapped as she began to put her headset away. He smiled" bravo my dear bravo you have one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard." He said complimenting her talent.
Keiki smiled and looked up by accident and wanting to see his face then her smile fadded and she looked back down putting the case back in her backpack before placing it on the ground next to her
Kain looked at her " why do you look away from me like that you have nothing to worry about keiki." He said in a friendly tone. He did not fully understand what predicament she was in.
Keiki didnt reply she only sat her face looking at the ground and she hesitated before saying " My eyes " and she put her hands tohether before sighing and than having a slight tone of saddness she said " Its .... " she stopped and a tear rolled down jer cheek and onto her hands
Kain reached over wiping the tear away. Ha placed his hand on her shoulder gently not wanting to seem, as if forcing himself on her " it's alright keiki you don't haft to talk about it if you don't want to. I'd like to help if I could." He said in trying give a friendly atmosphere around them.
" No one can help my eyes " Keiki said and thought about her past " Kain ive never told anyone this but....." she paused and turned to him and looking up " Im Blind " she confessed and kept on with " When I was a baby I was born with a condition that I would die from so my parents called a witch doctor and they said that whatever it takes to bring me back they would pay it and it made me blind and I always will have these eyes the eyes of Divine Beauty bjt with no pupils I cant see "
Kain held his hand on her shoulder still" there are many ways to see with ought eyes my dear. You can use your other sences. If you would like I can train you I'd like to help." He said with sincerity.
" But I still cant see faces only auras and I get tiered easy " Keiki said and looked nack down before sensing other people coming and than she said " Class will start soon " and she heard the bell ring " But I will meet you after school in the garden "
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" But I still cant see faces only auras and I get tiered easy " Keiki said and looked nack down before sensing other people coming and than she said " Class will start soon " and she heard the bell ring " But I will meet you after school in the garden "

Kain stood up" very well I will meet you there. Hope you enjoy the class music is a good way to express one self." He said before leaving the room. He walked to his next class science. Once there he sat down in the back preparing for the days lecture.

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