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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Keiki felt the soothing water and when it was over she nodded and followed Kain to wherever he was taking her
Kain listen with his ears, and used earth magic to guide himself. He lead her to the large open field he always went to by himself. Once in the center he let her hand go looking at her" Alright this is it!" He said as he slowly took steps away from here. Once a good few feet away his body began to glow a bright white. His form grew, and extended to almost the size of the school.

After a few moments the light faded, as he stood their on all fours in front of her revealing the celestial lights side of his draconian form.


He looked down at her with his golden eyes" come." He said in a deep strong voice, as he extended his hand for her to crawl into.
Keiki looked up at Kain and smiled " Maybe we can race tomorrow when I have my power back " she said and climbed up onto his celestial dragon neck righ behind his head it was furry and soft she liked it than she held onto his horns and asked " Where are we going ? "
Kain laughed" to the sky of course!" He said as his wings began to flap against the air. They instantly began to hover slowly picking up height before Kain took off into the sky. They soared higher till they broke above they clouds. Kain soared slowly as the sun gleaned in the distance. The warmth of the sun fell on them both, as the air flowed around them.
Keiki smiled and laughed looking around saying " This is amazing Kain " and she felt thenwarm air flow around her and she layed forwards into his mane of silken dragon fur she hugged as far as her arms would reach and her aura was bright with a feeling of happiness

(Ops wrong color )
[QUOTE="Wild Born]
Keiki smiled and laughed looking around saying " This is amazing Kain " and she felt thenwarm air flow around her and she layed forwards into his mane of silken dragon fur she hugged as far as her arms would reach and her aura was bright with a feeling of happiness
(Ops wrong color )

Kain soared through the sky a little longer, then decided it was time to head back. He smiled to himself before they instantly plummeted towards the ground. He folded his wings, as they broke though the clouds once more the wind rushing past them. The cold air surrounded them, as they dived towards the ground. Just before they collided with the trees Kain unfolded his wings fighting back till they he came to a hover above the field. He gently landed letting keiki down onto the ground.
Keiki jumped down onto his arm before runningndown and jumping off his hand and flipping landing on her feet smiling looking up at Kain " We can go back whenever but I have to find a dorm soon to put up my stuf " she said snapping her fingers and suit cases appeared around her
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki jumped down onto his arm before runningndown and jumping off his hand and flipping landing on her feet smiling looking up at Kain " We can go back whenever but I have to find a dorm soon to put up my stuf " she said snapping her fingers and suit cases appeared around her

Kain shrunk down to his normal form. He stood before her, as she spoke he nodded" if you would like I can escort you there?" He asked.
Keiki nodded and snapped again the bags disappeared and she asked " Can I have my eyes back now ? " then she walked up to Kain and held his hand
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki nodded and snapped again the bags disappeared and she asked " Can I have my eyes back now ? " then she walked up to Kain and held his hand

He spoke the words again, as the spell was reversed. The same cool water feeling washed over them, as each ones eye sight was returned. Kain held on to her hand" Alright of we go then!" He said leading her to the dorms.
Aella rolled her eyes at Khan before turning to Paige. "Hi, I'm Aella.... This is Isaac, he's just visiting today," she said nicely. Aella then glared at Khan, "I didn't fucking interrupt. We were just walking by and Paige introduced herself. What did you want me to do? Ignore her?" Aella held back a growl. 'Why is it every little thing I do is fucking wrong to him and pisses him off?!' she thought to herself. "Aella... that's no way to talk to someone," Isaac growled a bit. Before Aella knew it, she had fallen onto the ground, landing on her knees and then putting her hands out in front of her to not slam her face into the ground. Isaac had kicked the back of her legs, causing her to fall. Isaac grabbed her hair and pulled her back up off her hands so she was only on her knees. "Now apologize...." Aella shook in fear as she grabbed his arm trying to release some of the tension on her head. Aella looked at Isaac with scared eyes, but then she turned to look at Khan and glared. "Aella, don't you have something to say...?" She bite her tongue. Isaac had forced her to do a lot of things since they were kids, but he had no right to make her apologize to someone who was just making things even harder in her life.

Getting impatient, Isaac's face became dark and he pulled her up to her feet before kneeing her in the chest. Aella squeaked as she tried to get up as fast as she could, her black hair being treated like a ragdoll. She finally let go of Isaac's arm to hold her stomach. She started coughing when the pressure somewhat released. When she was able to get a word out, she looked at Khan's feet, "I'm sorry for being so rude...." Isaac then threw her to the ground again, this time letting go of her hair. She landed on her hands and knees again. Her hair flew forward and the back of her neck was visible. Scars from bites and scratches lined the back of her neck and looked like they continued down onto her back. Isaac had told her never to cut her hair, because if she did people would be able to see the physical scars he gave her. "Good girl..." he said. Aella slowly got back up, wincing a bit. "We should be going, Isaac...." Aella said in hopes he would just leave.

(@Mayfly Okay so Aella and Isaac are both Alphas from different packs. Their parents are making a treaty, but Isaac's parents want it completely sealed by marriage. So if Aella doesn't do or say what Isaac wants, he can basically go to his parents and tell them some lie or what not or that he just doesn't want to marry her, and it would mean war. Isaac's been abusive and bullying her since they were young, because he knows she can't do anything about it. It's one of the reasons she came to the school; to escape him and try to find another way for peace. Isaac's pack gains loyalty from dominance while Aella's pack gains loyalty from friendship. @The Master)
Keiki smiled as she let Kain lead her to the dorms and she said " I havent picked a dorm yet " and she turned to Kain
Kain looked at her as they walked" well there should be a number I think on your schedule. I haven't bin to mine yer, but it's a personal one being royalty parents had to have oh just the best for little oh me." He said with humour.
" When I got my papers and I had my fake sight I think it said dorm 12 " Keiki said pulling out her paper and showing him
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" When I got my papers and I had my fake sight I think it said dorm 12 " Keiki said pulling out her paper and showing him

Kain smiled" Alright then dorm 12 we go!" He said a he led her there. He roamed the halls to the got to the dorms. From there he led her to dorm 12. Opening it he led her inside" Alright do you need help setting up?" He asked.
" That ok its easy all I have to do is " * SNAP * and her stuff unpacked " Its magic all I have to do it tell my stuff where to go " she said and felt her way to her bed she sat down and felt her soft blankets
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" That ok its easy all I have to do is " * SNAP * and her stuff unpacked " Its magic all I have to do it tell my stuff where to go " she said and felt her way to her bed she sat down and felt her soft blankets

Kain bowed" Alright well if you ever need anything just call." He said as he exited the room. Closing the door behind him he proceeded to walk down the hall. He made his way towards the science class where he had a alchemical mixture brewing.
Keiki changed into black and blue pajamas and decided to take a nap to save energy so she layed down on her bed and fell asleep cuddling a soft fuzzy dragon stuffed animal that looked just like Kain she also had one of all the other people she met
Kain walked down the hall towards the science room. He proceeded inside where he greeted the teacher allowing him to go into the back room. Inside were a sorted test tubes, etc. Kain walked until he found a bright beaker glowing a ruby red. He took it out of its protective campers holding it in place.

Kain held it in his hand, as he blew a small dark purple, and blue flame. It ignited the liquid flame consumed, as the liquid turned a dark purple with a faint blue glow. Kain gripped it tightly, as he exited the room heading into the hall way. From there he proceeded down a corridor into a conjoined center of four hallways.
Keiki woke up a while later with full power and she stood up felt her way to the door and she felt back to school and she roamed hallways feeling around helpless since she did not know where Kain was
Khan chuckled "That is no way to treat a lady" He suddenly flung his hand at the man. Silver dust got all over his face and in a flash Khan shoved him back away from Aella. Khan was in a foul mood, but he didn't really hate Aella so he didn't like that guy hurting her. Khan looked at Aella "Watch yourself next time... If not for him, that silver would have gone in your face..." He then turned his attention towards the man. "If you mistreat her one more time, I am bathing you in molten silver. Okay puppy?" Khan smiled kindly.

@Arabella Rosewood
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki woke up a while later with full power and she stood up felt her way to the door and she felt back to school and she roamed hallways feeling around helpless since she did not know where Kain was

Kain was making his way back towards the dorms when he saw keiki roaming the halls. He walked over to her, and took her hand" you sure are determined I'll give you that." He said as he looked at her the bottle of the dark purple liquid in his hand.
Keiki took his hand and sensed an object in his other hand " Whats that ? " she asked curious about the vile
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki took his hand and sensed an object in his other hand " Whats that ? " she asked curious about the vile

Kain spoke as they walked" it's a experiment iv been working on sence day 2 of coming here. I had to use some rare material's in this little vile here." He said as they walked down the halls. Kain turned a corner then lead here up a flight of stairs to the second floor.

Again he spoke in a kind tone" sorry were making a small detour I gotta head to my room to drop this off." He said leading her to the south east tower where his dorm room was. As stood in front of a large golden door intertwined with a depiction of a light, and darkness dragon. Kain placed his hand on the door, as it flashed green indicating the magical barrier sealing the door had bin unlocked. Kain opened it letting keiki head in. He let go of her hand, as he placed the vile on a large rack with other vines just like that one. His room was decorated as expected of royalty although it had more features of a mad scientist lab. It had a small garden with various alchemical plants along with a rune table, etc.
Isaac kept his balance as he stepped back. Isaac wiped his face off of the silver dust. Aella jumped in front of Isaac. "No! What are you doing?! You'll ruin everything!" Aella said. Her tone wasn't rude or mean, it's was filled with sadness, fear, and desperation. "Please... just don't, Khan.... please," she said her voice getting weak as she looked down. This isn't how she wanted her day to go at all. Aella's usual vibrant blue eyes became a dull blue and her smile was gone. This day was another reminder of her chains. Isaac grabbed Aella's upper arm and pulled her to his chest. "That's a good girl.... Our parents will be so pleased to hear that you haven't caused war, at least not today." Isaac smirked and let go of her arm. Isaac turned his back, "Good bye, sweetie. And "Khan," she's mine, I can do what I want with her." Isaac walked around a corner and was gone.

After scenting that he was really gone, Aella fell to her knees, shaking. She wrapped her arms around herself. "Why him...?" she asks herself. She takes a deep breath before slowly standing up. She looks at her upper arm and sees it starting to bruise. She holds her arm to cover it. Her ribs ached, still in pain. She glanced at Khan and Paige. "Sorry about him.... He doesn't usually 'visit' me when I'm not at home." All confidence in Aella's attitude and body language, all of it was gone; destroyed by Isaac's appearance.

@Mayfly @The Master

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