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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

//Shit my mum won't lemme go for AFA ;;//

Paige looked sympathetically at Aella, then glared after where Isaac had gone. "That guy's an asshole, no offense if you're dating or anything." she muttered to Aella, noticing her clutching her arm. "You're hurt," she observed, grabbing the other girl's shoulders to support her.

@The Master @Arabella Rosewood

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Keiki walked in smelling a fancy clothed room and when he let go she stayed in one place waiting since she was blind she could not see the room and fake sight took to much power she waited silent

@Lord Anubis
@Lord Anubis[/URL]
Kain put things away then went back to keiki. He took her hand again" Alright we can go know." He said in a calm manner. He lead her out re sealing the door. Them they walked back to the first floor he turned to her" so anywhere you want go next the only other class I have is a extra curricular class so I can skip a day." He said.
" Well I dont mind where we go " Keiki said * not like I can see anything * she thought and stayed close to Kain " Ive never had a guide before " she told him and smiled wondering if this was love

@Lord Anubis
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Well I dont mind where we go " Keiki said * not like I can see anything * she thought and stayed close to Kain " Ive never had a guide before " she told him and smiled wondering if this was love

Kain smiled" well im happy to help those in need your a good person keiki." He said in a friendly tone. He lead her outside to the court hard. He gently set her on a bench then sat next to her. He spoke in a calm tone" so what brought you here keiki if I may ask?" He said.
" Well its a school for Supernatural beings and the wind lead me hear " Keiki said and turned to Kain with a smile " Im glad I came its been nice "she said and held his hand
Kain smiled" indeed it has although their has bin some mishaps lately, but given all the supernatural ' s here I'm not surprised theirs bin a few scuffles." He said calmly.
" If you mean Khan then I was going easy on him I can only see when I transform or make fake sight " Keiki said and giggled " Khan looks funny when hes mad "
Kain gave a slight laugh" that may be true I didn't see it unfortunately. However we should not make fun of him I senced a tragic history when I casted that spell on his mind. Everyone has their reasons for being how they are. I don't think however that cause of those circumstances we should be aggressive to others. Forgive me if I sound rude, but I was taught never to judge someone till iv know them long enough to be able to." He said not trying to seem as though he was lecturing her.
Keikis smiled fadded and she looked away " I dont fight for fun I fight because they make me " she said and thought about her horrible past and she clenched her free fist her muscles tensing
Kain looked at her placing his hand on her shoulder" I am not judging you keiki nor am I blaming you for things you had no control over. I know you don't fight for fun keiki I know people who do." He said. He squeezed her shoulder gently for reassurance.
Keiki chuckled and whispered " You have no idea " and she put her hand on his that was on her shoulder
@Arabella Rosewood @Mayfly

Khan growled "If he shows his face in front of me again I will eat him...." He scoffed. "As irritating and stupid as you are... I still think kindly about you. If that jerk hits you in front of me ever again, he will wish war was the only problem in his life." Khan took out some beef jerky and handed a piece to Aella. He moved beside her, trying to comfort her to the best of his ability.
Paige frowned at his choice of words and cleared her throat. "Hey, let's ditch the tour for a bit, I'm kinda worried about her." she said, looking at Aella in concern. The she-wolf radiated pain, causing Paige to cringe a bit herself. But one thing still didn't make sense to her. "Why'd you tell Khan not to throw silver powder at Isaac?"

@Arabella Rosewood @The Master

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[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki chuckled and whispered " You have no idea " and she put her hand on his that was on her shoulder

Kain sat there arm splayed along the benches edge behind her. He looked at her" perhaps tommorow if you have the time I can train you to use your other sences. If anything they will help you be more aware of your surroundings, and you could fight better." He said. Meanwhile a royal messenger came beside them. He kneeled before kain. He looked at him" ahh Fredrick what news do you bare this time?" He asked as the messenger looked up at him" sire her highness queen Elora wishes to remind you of the upcoming summer royal ball. She said you may bring anyone you choose." He hesitated " ...she also said lady serinad will be there, and to be kind to her." He said before rising, and dissapearing quickly. Kain's expression remained normal, but his emotions inside showed he was disturbed by this news.

Kain looked at keiki" I do apologies for that interruption politics does become tiring." He said calmly.
" So your a prince or something ? " Keiki asked and turned to him she wondered if he really was royalty or not
Khan turned Paige towards him, "Let me explain" Khan put both hands on the side of Paige's head. His eye's glowed blue as he entered her mind. Khan was able to give Paige the knowledge of the academy and what it was for. He revealed that everyone here was a creature and that his temper was because of his phoenix physiology. After giving Paige all the information of everything that has gone on, he pulled away.

Khan held his head as his eyes went back to normal. He groaned in pain, "Owwww.... What the hell?" Khan's eyes were closed tightly. His head felt like it was going to explode. "What did I just do?" Khan was panting a little, the pain being extreme. He looked at Aella, "You doing OK?" Khan remembered she was hurting.

@Mayfly @Arabella Rosewood
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" So your a prince or something ? " Keiki asked and turned to him she wondered if he really was royalty or not

Kain looked in her eyes" indeed I am my mother is the queen of the new kingdom. Both my mother, and father were rulers one of light the other darkness." He said. He looked up at the sky" I am the first born of both worlds, and as such I have a lot of responsibility. " He said calmly.
" Who are you bringing ? " Keiki said and quickly remarked after " if you want to tell mevof coarse "
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Who are you bringing ? " Keiki said and quickly remarked after " if you want to tell mevof coarse "

Kain looked at keiki" well your more then welcome to come along keiki if be happy to take you. As for anyone else I don't really know anyone to well yet I guess we will haft to see on that matter. " He said.
Keiki though for a moment and said " Want to go eat ? " and she giggled before looking at Kain with a smile
Kain smiled" I would be delighted to." He said in a friendly tone. He then realized he actually was quite famished. Kain then lead her to the cafeteria. Once there he set her in a round booth. Kain sat with her" so what would you like to eat?" He asked her.

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