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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Paige smiled politely as she unlocked the door and pushed it open. "That would be great, but just give me a moment, I'll put down all my crap." She wheeled the luggage in carefully, taking in the others that had already been sent into the room. She didn't pack all her clothes, but enough that she required 2 suitcases and a slight smaller one in comparison for her cosmetics, books and electronics. "God, this will take forever to unpack..." she groaned, pushing all her baggage to one side of the room. The dorm was quite large, but paled in comparison to her rooms in the other houses that the family owned, and resembled a pea to the one in the family home. She lived a luxurious life, but Paige wasn't some petty girl that was afraid to get her hands dirty. She would adjust.

Paige locked the door behind her as she stepped out of her new room, smiling at her new friend (so much new wow okay). "Where to, first?"

@The Master

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Khan watched Paige put her stuff away, peeking into her dorm as she did. He then realized that the stuff in his room took up almost all of the space the academy gives you. Khan found it a little funny. As Paige stepped out and spoke he smiled at her in a slightly mischievous way. He began to walk rather quickly outside of the building and into the courtyard. "Want an aerial tour or a boring ground tour?" He smirked, waiting for a response. Khan was hoping she would let him fly above the academy with her, it was terrible boring to do it alone after so long.

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//*coughs* dude remember she won't believe this shit and she still thinks it's a perfectly normal school and don't forget to introduce yourself (people forget to do that a lot)//

"A-an aerial tour?" she asked in disbelief as she tried to keep up with him, jogging slightly. "But, how? Does this place have like hot air balloons or something?" Paige looked up to the sky in confusion, then back at Khan. Could he possibly be like Lucas, having the ability to manipulate air to fly?

@The Master

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He took a moment to halt in his tracks, slowly and angrily turning his gaze over to the girl of which dared bump shoulders with him. Regardless if intentional or not, it truly bothered him. Meeting her meaningless gaze, he remained silent.

@Arabella Rosewood
While Aella was reading outside, she scented someone and her eyes widened in fear. She dropped her book and ran to the front of the school. "Hello... Aella," a male her age said. He smiled at her, but it was cruel and sadistic. "Isaac..." Aella breathed out, paralyzed in fear. "I thought I told you. Do I have to remind you again?" He asks her tilting his head to the side. "No... I remember...." She shrunk back, her attitude of submission. "Good. Now show me around your lovely school," he said as he walked up close to her and pet the side of her face gently. She flinched and moved her face away from him. The fake kindness in his eyes disappeared and he grabbed her hair pulling upwards. Aella squeaked as she grabbed his arm. "Now then, let's look around," he dropped her hair and she let go of his arm. She then slowly proceeded forward.

Aella was thankful they hadn't passed anyone in the halls yet. She prayed it would stay that way. "What is it, sweetie?" Isaac asked in fake concern. "It's nothing," she said trying her hardest not to shake. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked. She looked at him, and the back of his hand met her face. Aella looked up at him, tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry... my Alpha...." She looked down as they began to walk again. Aella looked up and cursed under her breath. Khan and another girl stood just down the hall. She looked down as Isaac turned to look at her. "What? Are you ashamed to be with me, Aella?" He asked grabbing her hair again forcing her to look up at them. The way he said her name sent shivers down her spine in fear. He then pushed her forward, walking closer to the two students. 'Oh god, please no. Why does it have to be Khan?' she thought to herself as she was unwillingly pushed forward, like always.

@The Dark Princess didn't see your's while I was typing)
Kain left his last class after finishing all the school work assigned to him. He asked the teacher for permission to leave, as he needed to tend to a plant in the schools garden. The teacher happily allowed one of his best students to leave for another classes project. Kain thanked him before grabbing his stuff leaving the class room.

Once in the halls he made his way towards the botany classroom. From there he greeted the older teacher. She smiled giving him a small speech on how kind he was to the garden. Excusing himself Kain left the room where he ended up in the large school garden. It was filled with earthly smells of all kinds. He made his way to the willow tree where right next to it was a dragons fire plant. It glowed with blue light, as a very small white flame emitted from flowers core. It was surrounded by ice colored peddles. The flower was shaped like a rose in full bloom. Kain kneeled next to it the plant seeming to glow brighter by his touch.
Keiki was listening to the teacher talking but her mind wandered about what she was to do when class was over how would she get around with all the kids buzzing voices then the bell rang and she jolted before getting up and grabbing her stuff and feeling her way to the door then she waited outside the door for anyone who would notice her * Please dont let Khan find out * she thought she couldn't imagine what he would do
Kain heard the bell ring then waited for a few minutes. Then he realized keiki was blind she would need someone to guide her. Leaving the plant alone Kain got up leaving the garden heading towards the music room. After a few minutes had past Kain turned the corner to the music room heading towers keiki, as he could see her just outside the room. She was feeling the wall again like last time. Kain approached her" I'm very sorry keiki I failed to realize you would require aid after class had ended." He said taking her hand gently incase she withdrew it from him.

@ wild born
" Only when im tiered " Keiki said and took his hand before looking up without eyes7ght she could not see all the kids hut she liked Kains voice it was nice and had a good tone to it she smiled and followed him to her next class
Kain walked right next to keiki, as he led her to her next class. He helped her dodge the students moving about clustered in the halls. Kain even had to eye a few boys who he knew all to well had vulgar intentions. They arrived at the large garden where Kain set keiki against the willow tree gently. He looked at the flower beside it, then to keiki" I don't say this to make fun of you keiki, but I was wondering if you would like to see something?" He asked hoping she would say yes.
Paige glanced at the girl that had walked up to them curiously, then glanced at the male standing beside her. The girl was distressed, and the male seemed mildly amused and mischievous. "Well, hello there." she greeted with a hint of wariness, unusual for her, but she didn't like the male's expression very much. "I'm Paige, and who are you, if I might ask?"

@The Master @Arabella Rosewood

//merp wait, Arabella, so is Aella or Isaac the alpha because ;0 or was Isaac a huge bully and made Aella a sort of puppet alpha until he went poof for a bit and then she ended up stepping up to become a true alpha (woops I read too much books hahaha ignore that last part.//

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" I have a little power for my aura sight I can tweak it to see for a while but with little power right now it will only be for a minute or two " Keiki said and turned to Kains voice and she tweaked her aura sight and saw Kain she smiled and she could see the flower she saw it was one of the few of its kind " Its a Dragons Beauty Fire Rose " (just tell me if it haw another name )
(It's a dragon fire rose, but we can keep the beauty part in it.)

Kain smiled " indeed it is one of the few remaining." He said as he gently picked the flower along with its stem. To kains touch the flower glowed vibrantly giving a strong wave of magical energy. He placed it in her hand as he blew a small puff of white flame onto the flower making its own flame grow into full bloom. Kain closed her hand around it, as the flower seemed to allow keiki to draw from it. Kain spoke in a calm tone" one of the rare properties of this flower is that it replenishes the magic of any being it touches. Although dragons flame is in it for a reason." He laughed as he sat next to her. He touched a Petal it glowing a bright blew" only the flame of a dragon can keep the plant alive with its ancient magic." He said.
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Keiki smiled and then her temporary sight was gone and she no longer saw the flower she was a little sad but she knows what it looks like now and she asked " Your giving it to me ? "
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki smiled and then her temporary sight was gone and she no longer saw the flower she was a little sad but she knows what it looks like now and she asked " Your giving it to me ? "

Kain smiled " indeed I am I feel you will take good care of it. " He said in a happy tone. The flower had closed till it was planted again. Kain patted her head ruffling it up a little" thongs will get better keiki." Kain said with enthusiasm.
Keiki smiled and laughed before saying " Ya I guess your right I shouldnt feel so bad for myself " and she pulled out a cloth wrapping the rose and gently putting it in a box before putting back in her backpack
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki smiled and laughed before saying " Ya I guess your right I shouldnt feel so bad for myself " and she pulled out a cloth wrapping the rose and gently putting it in a box before putting back in her backpack

Kain smiled" it is finally good to see a smile on your face keiki you look alot prettier with a smile." He said as he stood up. He helped her up taking her hand.
Keiki stood up and said " Its sure been awhile since ive smiled had a good time " and she walked with him wherever he took her she didn't care anymore as long as he was right beside her always as her guide
Christian, having nothing to do, yawned, stretching his arms skyward. Lately he hasn't caught much sight of his sister nor anyone else for that matter. It wasn't the fact that he was alone , but the fact he didn't know exactly who or what he was going to encounter that angered him to a certain degree.
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki stood up and said " Its sure been awhile since ive smiled had a good time " and she walked with him wherever he took her she didn't care anymore as long as he was right beside her always as her guide

Kain lead her outside into the court yard. He turned to her" I wanna show you something, and in order to do so I will haft to use a spell on the both of us. I want you to see how I do so l...I'm ganna give you my eyes." He said standing there in front of her. He could tell know how sad her life must have bin. That made Kain remember the dark part of his life as well even though it did not compare to hers.
Keiki was scared and she said " Is it temporary because....because I have my mothers eyes and she died there all I have of her I look much like my father and I dont want to lose them even if they make me blind "
Khan turned, standing beside Paige as Aella and some guy walked up to them. "What do you want?" He growled at them, the temperature around them all increasing. "I am trying to give the new girl a tour of the academy, so may I ask why you and this thing feel like interrupting?" Khan gestured to the man with Aella when he said thing. His right hand was gripping his sleeve as he spoke, seeming to be waiting for something to happen as he glared at Aella and the man.

@Arabella Rosewood @Mayfly
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki was scared and she said " Is it temporary because....because I have my mothers eyes and she died there all I have of her I look much like my father and I dont want to lose them even if they make me blind "

Kain put a hand on her shoulder" no it is not permanent the spell will fade when I remove it, which will be after what I show you if you allow it." He said hoping she would say yes. He had a feeling this might make her feel better.
Keiki hesitated before nodding and saying " Only for a little bit " and she slightly squeezed his hand with hers and she waited
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki hesitated before nodding and saying " Only for a little bit " and she slightly squeezed his hand with hers and she waited

Kain nodded as he placed his other hand on her four head only touching with his fingers. He spoke in the ancient draconian language a spell that would transfer the sight of one person to another. In a matter of moments the spell had completed it work. A wave of cool water flowed onto keiki's eyes, as sight began to return to her. Kain's eyes were pitch black. He smiled" are you ready to go see it know?" He asked in a friendly tone.

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