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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Kayla blinked, rubbing the both of her hands together as they were seated. "Uhm. I could pay too." She examined the menu she was given, listening to Rin's words as she did so. She then took a few moments to collect her thoughts before shrugging her shoulders as she spike again. "Well. Food?"
Khan searched through the chest and took out a small pen "This is suppose to cancel out the song of sirens. I've never clicked it before though.... I put a noise into it so that it would overpower a siren's song. You aim the pen at yourself and click it." Khan titled his head, not really knowing if it worked. Khan aimed the pen at himself and clicked it. A loud bellowing noise erupted from the pen, shooting Khan thirty feet back out of the window, landing on a small bench, breaking it into pieces. The noise was loud enough to be heard throughout the entire academy. Khan was on the ground on his back, groaning softly "So that's what it does....." He said, the wind knocked out of him.
Kato laughed and walked down. "You ok." He said with a smile on his face. "I call the experiment a huge success." He laughs again and helps him up. "Poor bench." Kato took out his art book and drew a much nicer bench that took its place. "If you haven't figured it out yet my book is my main power whatever I draw comes to life and uses my energy to stay manifested. Things like this don't take to much though I could keep this bench sitting here for years."
Khan got up slowly "Yeah, I am fine. Also I am pretty sure this pen could do more than drown out a siren...." Khan sat on the bench Kato drew. "I figured as much. I have power over light, fire, hell fire, and I can stop other people's powers from working for a while. My mother was a sphinx and that was the only power I got from her. want to see a picture of her?" Khan took a photo of a very young looking Egyptian woman. Khan's hand was covering the picture except for her face. "I have a picture of my dad in my room. I get my hair from my mom." Khan put the photo back in his pocket. "Do you have any family that you lost?"
"Hehe food that's a could choice." The waiter came to teak there orders. "I'll get a stake and baked Alaskan salmon please and a diet coke." Rin smiled. "So what are you getting Kayla." Rin pulled back out her phone and typed in some lyrics that came to mind for a song she wanted to right.

"I can't remember one day I just woke up and from then on I had been running. There was a man though that took care of me. Till spirits killed him that is." Kato could feel tears well up in his eyes, but he just wiped them away and forgot about it. "Outher than that I've been pretty much alone my whole life, and on top of that you're my first friend ever.
Kayla tilted her head for a moment. "Steak. !medium rare." She then yawned, crossing her arms over her chest just after placing the menu down on the table. She crossed her legs under the sheet of the table, losing herself in thought.
Khan nodded "I see..." He just sat there in silence for a while. "Lets get something to eat" Khan stood thought about where to go to eat. "Do you know any places around here that might be good?" He didn't get out much. He spent most of his time studying, experimenting, and making things. Khan didn't really know where anything was around the area.
Christian yawned, rubbing his head as he sauntered from the dorms, just finally deciding to get out of bed. He hasn't stepped foot out of his room ever since he first arrived. It seems as his sister had already made friends, which was surprising, even to him.
Drake, patiently staring at the ceiling with wide angry eyes for quite a few minutes, laid on his back in bed thinking to himself. Mostly thoughts like, "Gunshots, explosions, screams...What the hell." Deciding he rested long enough, and it's not like he'll be able to fall asleep anytime soon, he dons his black coat and heads outside, gently nodding his head at passing students. He heads over to a forest of some kind near the school. He starts doing pull-ups on a tree and other generic exercises.
When the food came Rin started to eat well sipping at her coke and asking Kayla questions and getting to know her better. All the while lyrics hit her like bullets allowing her to finish her new song well eating. Usually it was hard for Rin to come up with music but today seemed to be different. She began to hum the tune and right down the notes.

"Sounds good I guess. How about we go get pizza. There is a place not to far from here (unless you want to go see Rin and Kayla.) I guess there is that fancy resturant to." Kato pulled out his wallet 50$ that's enough to buy him and this guy a meal. He hated using his book to make money it made him feel like a criminal he only did it when absolutely nessacary.
"Fancy restaurant time" Khan chuckled. "Lead the way" Khan was a little excited since he had never been to a fancy restaurant. The closest thing he got to one was watching a movie that involved a scene that had a fancy establishment in it. Khan was kind of hoping there would be fire where they were going. He checked his pockets, finding all sorts of things for slaying or repelling all kinds of monster. After a bit longer, he pulled out a handful of money. It was 750$ in total that he had saved up in case of an emergency, and this was definitely that time. "Lets go!" Khan laughed, super pumped.
"Let's get going then." Kato drew a limo. "We're going to a fancy resturant why not arrive in style." He also drew himself a nice suit and a limo driver. He couldn't help but laugh it was all just to funny. Kato was poor and yet he was arriving in a limo like he was famous. He drew Khan a suit to well he was at it. Then he got in the limo, "you coming Khan."
Khan's suit burned and a hell fire designed suit appeared on him. It made itself slowly and with great glamour and style. Khan's suit was designed similarly to his feather design. The outlines glowed and cinder floated around him in a style that was just completely uncanny but still amazing to look at "This is style my friend" He laughed and went into the limo.
Aella shook her head and ran off. She was going over the edge and had to get away. She ran fast. Before she knew it, she leaped forward and transformed into a black wolf with a blur chest and blue face markings. She kept running, getting away from the other students. She made her way to a more green area that had more trees and cover. Her eyes fell on a male form doing pull ups on one of the branchs. She slid to a stop, her heart pounding and panting to catch her breath.

Kato watched the time go bye as they drove there. When they got there he got out almost everone looked at him and Kahn. Thinking they were rich, he started to laugh a bit. He walked into the restrurant and was directed to a Vip booth. He laughed a bit under his breath. He sat down and took the menu. "Hehe this is all two easy they think I'm rich or something."
Kayla giggled, watching as her newfound friend created beautiful music. She nibbled slowly but surely on her steak all whiles watching Run make her music. She was glad she finally found someone she had a purpose to be nice to. Regardless, she would keep her wall up to all those but Run. Unusually, she felt quite comfortable and safe when around Run. It made her feel relieved but fearful all at the same time. Exciting.
( lol run) Rin looked at her new friend as she finished her food. "How about desert. Cheesecake,pie ice cream. Get whatever you would like.

Rin smiled as she ordered a large slice of cheesecake her favorite dessert. She looked over to the two people who just walked in. She smiled and waved to them.
Kayla's cheeks lit up with a bright pinkish shade at the mention of ice cream. Her favorite treat. Well, besides cake. Even so, she was more so excited about the ice cream. Due to her excitement, she abruptly stood up, celebrating as she ordered her dessert. "ICE CREAM!" Realizing what she had done she froze, sulking downward into her seat.
Rin smiles "no need to be imbaressed you just really like ice cream and so do I." She sings a song that changes everyone's mood to a happy partying one. And before you know it everyone is jumping about doing the random and wacky. "No one can judge you now."
Kayla giggled. She enjoyed having the type of friend that could make her feel better and help her to blend in. "Thank you." She straightened herself up in her chair, tapping her fingers upon the top of the table, causing her nails to create a clinging sound as she awaited the arrival of their deserts.
"12...13...14...Fifte--Huh?" Counting off his repetitions in his head, Drake abruptly stops and listens intently. "...It sounds like a drum almost...Faint, but quick...," he thinks, slowly releasing his grip on the thin branch. The slight thump of his feet hitting the dry ground matched a beat of the sound he was listening to, though a bit louder than it. He turns around calmly and his eyes widen. The sound was the quick beat of a mammals heart. Stressed from something or the other. He just stares at the black and blue beast in front of him, not 30 feet away at least. A moment passes, and he takes a step back...Another...And one more, but then he stops, as he isn't really sure what's going on. He begins to relax a hair, but still quite on alert. He listens for any people nearby, but hears none for the most part. He watches intently, waiting for the time to react.

@Arabella Rosewood (Sorry, after I posted I went out to eat and shop a little)
Rin sat there, then the deserts came. She started to eat enjoying the sweets. "Ohh I love sweets so much I must be a sugerholoc. Cheesecake is just the best though, or in you're case icecream." Rin laughs as outher people make fools of themselves but know one cared as they were doing the same all propelled to do so by Rins powers. She then sang a calm and collected melody and the people ruturned to normall. "So what's you're power I think you can tell mine."
Aella relaxes her body as she sees Drake. She wonders what she could do. He is looking right at her. She decides to do the safest thing to show him she's safe. Aella bends down, her head close to the ground as she looks like she's bowing down. She slowly crawls towards him calmly. She doesn't want him to run off. This was the perfect chance to answer both of their questions.

(@Lethal I'm almost home from shopping lol)
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Kayla thought for a moment, collecting her thoughts, preparing a chance to explain her powers. She didn't quite know exactly what to say or how. So she simply quieted down, nibbling on her ice cream while she continued to think of the proper way to explain her abilities. She then halted, and began to mumble her answer. "Psychological manipulation...and seduction."
Rin was smart. "So you can influence and control people three words. Almost like I can control the moods and feeling of people threw my music. Am I right." Rin gave Kayla a smile and finished her desert. "I out to be heading back to my penthouse now wait you know what do you want to have a sleep over it would be fun."

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