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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

"Oh, just wanted to know where you were." He yawned. Khan walked over and saw Kayla was in the centaurs room. He yawned again, still being rather tired. "So who's your new friend?" He asked sleepily, scratching the back of his head and neck. "Is he nice?" Khan smiled, a drowsy look on his face.
Zaanna slowly opened the box to reveal a red-scarf with bats on the two ends of the scarf. "I knitted it myself, I didn;t know what (he) likes so I made something" said Zaanna in a whisper, trying not to attract Christian back into the room.

Volan grinned. "That's beautiful!" She whispered. "I haven't got him one yet...hmmm....ooh, either I get him something really quick, or I tell him I'm Jewish!" She grinned and clapped her hands a little. "What do you think I should do?" She asked.
"Hmm?" went Zaanna puzzled by the girls reaction. "I don't know, if your Jewish say so, if not than get him something. I don't lie lying" admitted Zaanna, a light blush coloring her face as she closed the box and put it back into her bag.
Volan shook her head. "No, people don't recruit genies who are Jewish to work as wish givers. Then they'd get eight days off instead of just one. So, I'm gonna get him something! Can you come with me? Also, do you like Master? Because knitting a scarf takes a lot of work!" She giggled a little.
[QUOTE="The Master]"Oh, just wanted to know where you were." He yawned. Khan walked over and saw Kayla was in the centaurs room. He yawned again, still being rather tired. "So who's your new friend?" He asked sleepily, scratching the back of his head and neck. "Is he nice?" Khan smiled, a drowsy look on his face.

Kayla simply turned her gaze towards Khan, preparing herself to speak. "His name? I'm not aware of yet. I only just been here a few minutes." She then provided a moment of thought and contemplation before continuing her wording. "He is nice so far."
Zaanna thought about this for a while, Volan talked about a mile per minute so it took a while for her to think. "As a friend yeah, but I don't know about that. (I) like everyone" chuckled Zaanna as she got up from the floor. Zaanna nodded that she would join Volan in gift shopping fro Christian.

Volan grinned widely. "Ok! I can't wait to see what you got me! You got me something, right? Because I got you something!" She giggled and clapped her hands. "Yay! This is so exciting! Let's go!" She said and proofed away. About five seconds later she came back. "I forgot you couldn't teleport." She said and teleported to where Christian was in the bathroom. "Master, what do ya want for Christmas?" She asked, grinning.

@The Dark Princess
"I would love it if you could help me around the school, or at least tell me what my classes are?" He looks as though he's deep in thought, yet still attentive to his surroundings. Most likely, Zero was trying to figure the girl out, since she was feeding wolves.

Zanna looked at the boy, wondering why of all people he would talk to a freak like her, and after letting this thought fester in her mind, she shrugged and replied "Sure." She moved her Gothic boots from the bench and sat up, then preceded to signal Zero to sit down and show her his classes. "You new?" she asked, waiting for the boy to sit down.

Zero sat down, taking the cigarette in her hand and and taking a breath of it, then handing it back. "Yeah, I'm new." He grins, then saying "I'm surprised you'd talk with a freak like me." He laughs, taking out his schedule that was given to him.

Zanna looked at the boy wondering if he could read her mind, and if taking a cigarette from someone was another custom from Earth she had not yet heard of. She took the schedule from the boy and looked at it for a few minutes. "Your next class is to the right and down the hallway" said Zanna, pointing to the right to clarify the direction she meant. A wolf plopped its head on Zanna's lap and she preceded to pet it, revealing claws instead of fingers.

Zero finally laughs. "Hope you don't mind my pets." three different tarantulas burrow out of the ground from in front of him, each about 3 feet wide and 4 feet long, and about a foot tall. They approach Zero, with respect, and he pets them lovingly. "That's a good girl..." He takes the schedule back, then asking "So all I have to do is go to class? What if I want to skip class?"

Zanna responded with a light chuckle "As long as you don't mind my friends" as she feed them some more meat. She then preceded to shrug and say "I don't go to half my classes, and I don't pay attention in the other half. They don't do anything."

UnwantedTruth said:
Volan grinned widely. "Ok! I can't wait to see what you got me! You got me something, right? Because I got you something!" She giggled and clapped her hands. "Yay! This is so exciting! Let's go!" She said and proofed away. About five seconds later she came back. "I forgot you couldn't teleport." She said and teleported to where Christian was in the bathroom. "Master, what do ya want for Christmas?" She asked, grinning.
@The Dark Princess
Christian slowly averted his gaze upward, exchanging a small glance with Volan. "What do I want? Nothing." He simply shrugged his shoulders, utterly and completely careless of the matter at hand.
Zero laughs, "Then let's go somewhere, I'll go to classes tomorrow." He laughs, standing up from the bench, allowing his tarantula friends to burrow underground again. "I believe there is a nice ice cream place nearby, passed it on the way here."

Zero grins, stretching his hand out in front of him towards Zanna. A black mist surrounds his hands, radiating cold. "Take hold of my hand, and off we shall go." his eyes are tainted a slight black, his irises glowing yellow.

Zanna got up and took her cigarette back from Zero and took a puff of it before grabbing his had with her claws. She noted the change in color of his eyes, wondering just what exactly he was. Some sort of Demon perhaps? Zanna thought to herself as she waited for something to happen, her free hand near her side just in case he planned something fishy.

A cold surrounded them, and then they appeared at the front of an ice cream place. "We're here." He reached into his sweatshirt pocket, and pulled out a wallet. "Ice cream's on me."

Volan teleported about an inch away from Christian's face. She grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard. "What do you want?! I need to know what you want!" She yelled.

@The Dark Princess
Zanna blinked and the stranger was right, they were now in front of an ice cream shop. "Just what are you?" asked Zanna as she raised an eyebrow towards him, her other hand still at her side.

Zanna took the ice cream from Zero and stared at for a moment before deciding to take a lick of it. As she did another wolf came up to her with a letter with the words "To:Zanna" She took it, opened it, and started to read it while taking another lick from her Ice cream.


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