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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Paige glances down as Aella jumps into the water, wincing slightly, her vision swimming. A fear of heights, the only thing besides her powers she kept from others. She opts for the other route, navigating her way down to the wolf. "Didn't want to get my clothes wet." she mutters as an excuse and looked back in the general direction of the school and suddenly didn't feel so keen to burn all those calories. She glanced at Aella and smiled hesitantly. "You know, I'd prefer riding a wolf back, also because I have no sense of direction whatsoever."

@Arabella Rosewood
Zero sighed, not seeming surprised. "All the people I meet these days seem to belong to some form of royalty... I am not royalty, I get my power from my own will." He finishes his ice cream, tossing it over his shoulder, then landing in the trash can. "Whadya' want to do? Need help with anything?"

"Its nothing major, just my father says he will be coming for a visit tomorrow" states Zanna as she finishes her Ice cream. She then preceded to bring a claw to her mouth and think. She shrugs after a few moments of thinking and replied with "I don't know, I don't know much about this planet"

"Your dad huh?" Zero scratches his chin, then saying "Yeah... Haven't seen dad in a while." He stands up, and holds his hand out to her again, black smoke radiating around his palm, and a coldness blowing lightly through the breeze. "I'll take you back."
The air becomes cold, as they appear in front of the school gates again, his eyes fading from there black shade. "We're back." He sighs, and sits against a tree, closing his eyes. "When is your dad gonna be here?"
Zanna exhaled some more smoke before slowly laying down on the ground. She preceded to look up skyward and finally responded. "He didn't say, but when the wolves howl, you'll know" said Zanna.

"Oh? A wolf guy from nordic tales? Interesting." He thought for a moment, and added "I don't even remember my dad... and what he was. But he must have had some hellish genes... since I'm.... me." He sighed, fiddling with his hands.
Zanna gave Zero a quizzical look as she exhaled once more. "Don't look so hellish to me" she chuckled as she put her hand to her side. She quickly whipped out her gun and shot towards the sky, and a few moments later a bird fell right next to her. She preceded to skin it and cut it up into pieces, while asking Zero "So why you here?"

Zero's image flashes for just a mere second, revealing his reaper form. His skeleton seeping black mist, and his cloak loosely hanging around his skeletal frame. He holds his scythe in one hand, resting it on the ground. He looked a lot taller, and looked statue still. His image then returned to his normal teenage form, him resting against the tree. "I'm here to find purpose... killed to many people, and need to find a way in life... apart from taking odd jobs from people wanting others dead." He sighs, remembering all of this, his eyes turning an ocean blue.
Once Zanna finished skinning/cutting the bird, she stuffed the cubes into her box from earlier and chuckled. "Sounds like the speech mother gave to me while I was at Bilskirnir" she said, now laying down on the ground again, her face skyward once more.


(Going to bed, night)
The black wolf with strange blue markings rumbles with laughter before kneeling down onto the ground. Aella lets Paige get onto her back before she stands again. Aella walks forward and slowly speeds up into a jog, and then full blown run so Paige doesn't just fly off and can adjust her body and grip as needed. Aella still doesn't go too fast knowing that if she were to go her full speed, Paige wouldn't be able to keep a grip on her for a second. Aella leaps over fallen trees and dodges branches that might hit either of them. After a few minutes of running, Aella bursts out of the woods and onto the field leading to the school. She glances back as they pass the treeline but quickly turns her attention back to the school as she slows down to a walk.

Paige clambers onto Aella's back, and yells with laughter when the wolf speeds up. The wind was amazing, and it was so much fun to be going this fast. She honestly couldn't remember why she'd hated motorcycles in the first place. When Aella slowed, Paige hopped off, dusting off her clothes. "Fun." She says as she smiles at the wolf. She turns and notices a little bunny lurking behind a tree and walks over, picking it up. 'You're warm, human.' The bunny comments, it's ears wiggling. Paige laughs quietly and pets it before setting it down and watching it scamper off.

{ so I roleplay bunnies and cats and animals. Don't judge. }

@Arabella Rosewood
(I love bunnies OwO)

Khan nodded, leaning over and kissing Kayla on the head. "That's nice..." He yawned, turning around and heading back into his dorm to rest. Khan lied down on the bed and sighed. He fell asleep really fast, still exhausted from the days before.

@The Dark Princess
(I loved rping wolves and cats when I first started so I can't judge xD )

Aella shifts back into her human body and shakes just like a dog would. Her long black hair blowing in the light wind. She ruffles her hair as she watches Paige. Aella watches the bunny as it goes to hop away. 'Don't even think about it wolf,' the bunny tells her and Aella lets out a short growl with her eyes shimmering yellow, scaring the fuzzball away. "Stupid rabbits thinking they own everything...." The werewolf mutters to herself.

[QUOTE="The Master](I love bunnies OwO)
Khan nodded, leaning over and kissing Kayla on the head. "That's nice..." He yawned, turning around and heading back into his dorm to rest. Khan lied down on the bed and sighed. He fell asleep really fast, still exhausted from the days before.

@The Dark Princess

Kayla couldn't help but blink and whimper once his lips contacted with her head. Obviously she still wasn't used to being in such a relationship, but surprisingly she didn't mind it at all. The fact that he shared so much with her, well , half of her, was quite comforting. The only shadow of doubt she held was why exactly Khan didn't mind what she was. Shaking her head, she peered to watch Khan return to his dorm, while she turned in the opposite direction, exiting the area of the dorms to get some fresh air.
{ so... Who you do you wanna go bother now [emoji23] }

Paige smiles in bemusement, watching the little bunny hop faster at Aella's growl. She walks slowly towards the school, taking in a deep breath. She could do this.

{ aye sorry for the short reply but idk where to go next :< }

@Arabella Rosewood
(You should go bother Khan! Paige and him ARE neighbors so it would make sense. He also is the one who revealed it all to Paige. :3 So yeah. Yeah?)
((Hey sorry I was gone was sick and power went out as soon as phone died))

Kandy smiled and softly grabbed the sides of the tray and took it, sitting down and started to eat slowly though his stomach was growling like a hungry beast echoing off into the distance, and Kandy just looked at his stomach and lightly sighed and looked at rezz and smiled swallowing the fish in his mouth and started to open a milk carton "thank ya, huh I owe ya one don't I¿?" Lightly chuckled and continued to eat.
{ I feel like Paige would either: 1. Cringe and run off if she sees Khan

or 2. Kick him in the crotch and attempt to stab him with a stapler

Probably one, knowing my own character, besides, I don't want to interrupt ktp2 }

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