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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Christian halted his actions simply to stare at her, contemplating the meaning of her statement. Cocking his head to the side, just as the single brow laid above his right eye arose, he stuffed his hands deep into his front pockets. "Meaning?"
Zaanna shrugged her shoulders and said "I don't know, you (just) tall" giggling at the question he had posed. "Do (you) mind if I set down (my) bag?" she asked as she started to take off her bag.
Chuckling, he shrugged his shoulders, before making his way to the kitchen. "I honestly don't care." He then opened the fridge, burying his entire upper body behind the door while searching for food.
"Thanks!" chirped Zaanna as she put her bag down, out of the way. "I have some fish and chips from the cafeteria, (do) you want some?" asked Zaanna as she brought out the plate of food and preceded to take a bite out of a fish.
"Nah. I'm good." He didn't quite care for anything solitary at the moment. He wanted something simple. Something- Ah. He pulled out a bowl of fruit, a small smirk washed upon his facade while doing so. Closing the fridge door, he proceeded to place a strawberry into his mouth while venturing back into his living room.
"Suit yourself" shrugged Zaanna as she took another bite of fish. She hummed to herself, obviously pleased with the fact that she had one of her favorite foods. After finishing her bite of food, she shifted through her bag, looking for something, a wrapped box fell from her bag and rolled over towards Christian.
Volan puffed out of thin air in front of them. "Hey there master and master's friend!" She said, smiling widely. She giggled a little and hugged Christian. "Glad to see you master! Have you decided on your wishes, or are you stil saving them for a special occasion?"
Christian was in the middle of placing a grape upon the tip of his tongue when the said box hit his foot. Tilting his head, he began to kneel down and pick it up, just as Volan suddenly returned, causing him to stand up straight and pull the grape into his mouth with his tongue. "Oh? I haven't thought about it at all."
Volan crossed her arms and smiled at him. "Ok! I bet you have a wish, but you just wanna keep me around, don't you?" She said giggling a little. "I know I'm your favorite genie! Well, besides Robin Williams! He's the best of the best!"
Zaanna greeted Volan before she turned over to Christian and tried to get the box back form him "Don't open it" pleaded Zaanna as she reached for the box.
Feeling pure curiosity, seeing as though she pleaded with him not to open it, he simply rolled his irises, kicking it back over to her before returning his attention to Volan. "What makes you so sure?"
A sigh of relief had escaped her as she put the box back into her bag. "Too close" she muttered to herself as she got up and went back to her food. After taking a bite she remembered that Volan was here and offered her some food. "You want any?" asked Zaanna as she took another bite.
Volan giggled. "I'm sure because you always follow me!" She smiled and looked at Zaanna. "No thanks! But I do want to see the box!" She said, teleporting behind her and reaching her hand in the bag.
"Me? Follow you?" He kept his slick comments to himself, simply gritting his teeth in response. Shaking his head, he left the two girls in the living room and made his way off into his own secluded room.
After Christian left the room she conceded to Volan's request. "ok, but you have to keep quite, its his Christmas gift" whispered Zaanna as she pulled the box out of her bag before Volan could get it.
Volan smiled. "Oh my gosh, awesome! What is it?" She asked, clapping his hands. "Yay!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands.
{ *slowly reads everything* ahhh okay sorry Brisbane shit was happening beaches and theme parks and why do we keep having K ships [emoji23] }

Brooke watched Rezzu walk off with mild interest, wondering who his so-called pet was. She didn't stop him though, she'd find out one way or the other. The girl turned and smiled at Cierce, rushing over to help her with the trays, searching for a empty table. Her green eyes land on one and she strolls over, holding the tray. "So, what've you been doing all the years I haven't seen you?" she asked Cierce curiously as she took a seat, placing the tray down carefully.

@Masks of Ayn


Paige nodded, staring at Aella's tail in bemusement. It was kind of cute, to be honest. Reminded her strangely of those nekos that Lucas was always raving about. She never understood her dear old brother. "Yeah we should, and I think so. Hopefully." Paige muttered the last word, barely audibly. "Can we walk back, though? I've got some calories to burn, these lunches don't look it but they're really fattening." Paige jokes, squeezing her slim arms.

@Arabella Rosewood
Aella shrugs, "Sure but it's going to take a while." Aella giggles. "I ran pretty far from school. Probably a little too far, bit this is one of my favorite places to escape to." Aella looks over the edge of the fall and jumps. While in midair, she turns into her black wolf with blue markings. She dives into the water and swims back to the surface. Unlike regular dogs, she knew how to swim with her head under water. She swings to the edge of the water and climbs out. She shakes her body and water flies off her fur. When she's mostly dry, she looks up at Paige waiting for her to come down, whatever way she wanted to go.

Khan's eyes opened slowly. He sat up and stretched, yawning. Khan looked around and saw he was alone in his dorm. "How long was I asleep....?" He mumbled to himself. He figured that he wasn't asleep for too long. Khan got up out of bed and went to see if the centaur neighbor of his knew where Kayla was. Khan stretched one last time and opened his door, peaking around the corner "Kayla?" He called out. Khan made sure he was loud enough so that she could hear if she was nearby.
Zero approached the school, carrying his school bag over his shoulder. A breeze passed by, rustling through his hair. His bag was a jet black, with a skull symbol on the front of it, ornate with precious looking gems. "Maybe I'll finally find my purpose." He whispers to himself, the voice carrying off in the wind. He then finally finds the school gate, and stops right before the border. "I'm going to be late for class... but I shall not let this pull me down." He touches his black cross charm for good luck, and takes his first step through the gate. Immediately, he looks around. "I can tell there are traces of inhuman activity... Looks like this will be loads of fun." He smirks as he walks into school grounds, looking for someone to ask what he should be doing.
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Not when you can explode into any mythical at any moment so no I dont like the smell " Keiki tryed to say forcing a hungry growl back and her eyes went into dragon sight unconsciously

Kain helped with calls before the bell range after some time. Kain looked to keiki" well lets go eat then shall we." He said calmly.
The girl got up slowly and made her way out the door, the wolf now following her. The moment she got outside, she lit up her cigarette and slowly made her way towards the courtyard, and once she got their, she started to look for a place to sit. When she finally managed to lay down on an empty bench, wolves started to surround her as she threw pieces of meat into the air for them to catch. Her face skywards, boredom written on every inch of her face as she exhaled a puff of smoke, her headphones still blasting her music.
Zero spots a girl feeding wolves pieces of meat, and he smirked. She'll do just fine. Zero approached her, noticing her headphones were blaring music. Once near her, he made a gesture towards his ears representing turning down the music.
Zanna realizing that someone had came up to her, she turned off her music and took off her headsets, and raised an eyebrow in wonderment of why someone had came up to her. "Yes?" asked the girl as she exhaled a puff of smoke skyward.
Kayla blinked her irises, shifting her gaze towards the doorframe. She was familiar with the voice of which was currently calling out to her. With a quick sigh, she removed herself from the boys room, titling her head to the side. "Yes?" She hadn't known he was awake or rather even he was ever asleep.

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