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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

(( OMG sorry im kind of a rebel got grounded again so I need an idea on how to reply ))
Kayla stared at him blankly considering his offer. Shaking her head, she leaned her figure carefully against the doorframe, resting her head almost at the top. "I'm Kayla. Yourself?"
[QUOTE="Wild Born](( OMG sorry im kind of a rebel got grounded again so I need an idea on how to reply ))

(We last left off in reading/writing class your second period.)
[QUOTE="Wild Born]( so can you send me the last message please )

<font color="#0000ff">" Yes its much easier to understand school with tou aw my tutor " Keiki said and placed her hands on her desk </font>
<br />He smiled " thats good i enjoy helping you keiki." He said in a friendly voice. Kain shiwed her some more on old Anglo-Saxon literature, and literature pieces from the great awakening.<br/>
Keiki nodded and followed along while he tutored her until the bell rang and she smiled and said " Shall we go to next period "
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki nodded and followed along while he tutored her until the bell rang and she smiled and said " Shall we go to next period "

Kain nodded his head"indeed we shall!"he said returning the smile. He helped her up gathering bith their things. Once done he took her hand firmly, as he lead her out of the clas room making sure she was not bumbed around by anyone. Turning to keiki he looked in her eyes" so what is your next class my lady?" He asked in a kind tone.
" I think its Math " Keiki said and walked with him and she sensed everyone's aura whizing by except theres
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" I think its Math " Keiki said and walked with him and she sensed everyone's aura whizing by except theres

Kain nodded" alright then to math we go!" He said leading her through the halls bypassing the students, as they made their way there. The students after some time being at the school knew how popular he was, and moved out the way of their path. With very little obsticals keiki, and kain quickly arrived at the math class. He lead her into the room finding them a seat. He helped her to her chair before sitting next to her. When class began he took out the right material for the class. Placing the book infront of them he began to help her with the days lecture.
" Ive got a nack for math " Keiki said " I can see the numbers in my head with a little help "
Across the room sat a girl with headphones on playing obnoxious loud music, her face up towards the ceiling with a look of boredom on her face. On her desk sat nothing but a single box of perfectly sliced cubes of meat and a open pack of cigarettes, one sticking out and half-used. This girl was humming to herself as her hands were stuck in her jacket pockets.

Zaanna finally came to the door of Christian, humming to herself with glee as now she can hang out with her friends. *Knock Knock* "Any one home?" asked Zaanna in her normal cheery tone as she stared at the door, hoping for an answer.
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Ive got a nack for math " Keiki said " I can see the numbers in my head with a little help "

Kain smiled" thats good math is a very necessary material to know." He said kindly before hearingbthe loud music comeing from across the room. He looked up seeing a girl with headphones hardly paying attention, and had meat on the desk. He sighed before looking back to keiki" looks as though we have a non enthusiastic student amongst us." He said calmly to her.
" Not a problem " Keiki said and smelled the meat " Smells messy " and she went back to her work
Christian slowly averted his gaze over towards the feont door, a look of pure laziness covering his facade. With a loud blow of his breath in an irritated manner, he forced himself up from the couch and opened the door. "Yes?"
The girl with the headphones preceded to blow an air stream upwards, causing a sliver of her purple hair out of her eye, hoping that this class would end soon so she could go to the courtyard.

Zaanna hearing the voice caused her ears to shot up Yes, I have a friend to hang out with now thought Zaanna as she started to take a breath. "Its me, Zaanna, I was wondering if you would like to hang out?" asked Zaanna with hope in her voice. @The Dark Princess
Christian leaned his figure against the small doorframe, simply staring at the girl before him."Again? Will you be sleeping on me this time?"
Zaanna let out a chuckle as she put her hand to her head and scratched it. "(I) fall asleep anywhere that's comfortable" admitted Zaanna as she brought her hand down from her head, still chuckling in a half embarrassed tone.

@The Dark Princess

(Night, be sleeping with dragons tonight)


(Hello? xD )
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Not a problem " Keiki said and smelled the meat " Smells messy " and she went back to her work

Kain laughed alittle"indeed it does to a extent." He said in a friendly tone. Kain watched keiki work seeing if she ever needed help.
The girl finally moved her hand from her jacket, revealing claws instead of fingers, to grab a cube of meat. She tossed it into the air and it landed perfectly in her mouth, the smell of meat filled the air around her even more as she silently chewed the cube.
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Keiki turned towards the strong smell and let out a quidk rush of breath from her nose so one of her "sides" would not take over and she worked easily
Kain looked to keiki" i take you you dont find her meat to be pleasent?" He said studying her reaction to the girls consumption of meat.
" Not when you can explode into any mythical at any moment so no I dont like the smell " Keiki tryed to say forcing a hungry growl back and her eyes went into dragon sight unconsciously
A wolf came into the class through the open door and went up to the girl. The girl took out a few cubes and held her hand low to the wolf's head. The wolf started to feed from the girls hand as she just sat there and let it, a smile was on her face.

(You on? @The Dark Princess )
Federoff said:
Zaanna let out a chuckle as she put her hand to her head and scratched it. "(I) fall asleep anywhere that's comfortable" admitted Zaanna as she brought her hand down from her head, still chuckling in a half embarrassed tone.
@The Dark Princess

(Night, be sleeping with dragons tonight)


(Hello? xD )
Christian stood there blankly for a few moments. Eventually, he simply shrugged his shoulders, moving his body to the side, allowing her just enough room to get through the doorway. But even so, she would still come in contact with his bare chest, whether she liked it or not. Once she was inside, he closed the door behind her, before stretching his arms skyward.

( xD My bad. Been busy all day.)
(NP, Christmas is tomorrow after all lol)

Zaanna came inside looking happy that she had a friend to hang out with, all her classes bored her to death. She caught sight of him strecthing and just stared. "You tall" she said in her happy-go-lucky way.

@The Dark Princess

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