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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

"Are you willing to watch?" Khan asked. He saw her staring at the ceiling and stood. Khan wasn't really sure if he should dance for Kayla. He didn't know if she would see it as an attempt for him to hook up with her though. He decided to just do it if she was going to watch. Khan never did get to put all his practice to use so now was as good a time as any.
"Go ahead. Show me what you got." She averted her gaze towards his full figure, awaiting his dance moves to be shown. She was still confused as to what it all meant, but she knew what he said wasn't directed towards her. Knowing this, she relaxed and waited.
Khan took a breath. His tail grew out and his features changed. Fire feathers decorated his body and glowed. Khan spun gently and slowly, brightening up the room. Khan began to dance, swinging an arm and leaving a flame trail with his feathers. He continued his elaborate and beautifully bright dance. Bright lively colors and symmetry patterned his dance perfectly. Then finally Khan finished, panting as he remained in his dancing form. Khan felt rather naked in this form, since it was his true form and only feathers and fire covered him instead of clothes. He stood in front of Kayla and waited with nervousness to see whether or not she approved. If one looked carefully enough at the floor, they could see Khan standing in the middle of a giant decorated fiery heart shape with Kayla.
Kayla blinked in complete awe, parting her lips to speak, only in vain for nothing came out. Staring in complete silence at the floor around her and its newfound fired prints, she slowly averted her gaze back up towards him. She continued to have a blank expression on her face, for only a few moments before her lips upturned into a smile, as well as blush covered her cheeks. Still, she knew it wasn't for her in that way. "That was,beautiful."
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Khan smiled then blushed a deep red and faced the floor. "You know... I wasn't just showing off, right...?" He looked up slowly and smiled at her. Khan bit his lower lip and smiled with embarrassment, the heart glowing with a rhythm as if it were actually beating. "I don't expect you to accept me or anything. But I just wanted you to know. You deserve to at least." Khan looked back at the ground nervously and waited for a response.
Kayla's irises widened once the images of the burning pattern he made became clear. Blinking, she stood up to her feet, glancing about the surface below her, staring at the glowing heart. For a moment,she hadn't the slightest clue what it meant, until it all hit her. "B-But...I..." She couldn't speak clearly, and fumbled with her words. Embarrassment and surprise was all she felt. "You...for me...?"
Khan nodded, "I did dance for you." He smiled. Khan continued to wait and stand in front of her. "We don't really need to 'seal the deal'," Khan laughed softly, "But you know, I would like for you to become mine after dancing for you. I want to stay traditional in some way." He added. "If you don't want to say anything, you can just shake or nod your head. A yes or no kinda thing would be nice." Khan smiled at her. His feathers continued to glow and burn brightly with excitement.
"Become yours...?" She continued to blink, fixating her gaze solely upon the area beneath her feet. "If that's how tradition goes." She slowly allowed her gaze to meet his own, herself still fumbling nervously with her fingers."What exactly do I do....being yours and all..." She mumbled her questions and statements, still nervous.
"Think of this as like a marriage proposal. You becoming mine in the sense I mentioned means that." Khan chuckled. He smiled at her, "I mean I know it is kind of sudden, but I don't really mind." He took a step closer to her slowly. He was staring into her eyes. "And even though we are young, I think we could make it work." Khan reached over and took a hold of her hand with his.
"M-M-M-Marriage?" Kayla's cheeks reddened as he took a step closer towards her. Here she was. Alone. With a boy. In his room. And being proposed to. "I-.." Immediately following her attempt to speak, he took hold of her hand, which made her all the more nervous, thus, she simply nodded her head, speechless.
"I'll let you take a walk if you need. Just to let it sink in. I won't actually wed you until you feel you have gathered your wits." Khan smiled. "I'll have something for you when you get back, if you do in fact want to go through with it." He walked over and opened his door. He was now in his regular form again. "Come back when you're a bit more relaxed."
Kayla blinked, releasing his hand in order to make her way through the door. She then took a deep breath once she was on the other side of the door. Taking a few steps forward, she halted to turn around and look at him. "Can you....come with me?"
Khan nodded and closed the door behind them. He stood beside her and held out his hand towards her so she could take it. Khan wanted to hold her hand while they walked. He made the temperature around them reach 100 degrees in a matter of seconds, knowing she enjoyed the heat.
Kayla looked at Khan, reaching out her own hand to meet his. Turning her gaze elsewhere afterwards, she blinked her irises, attempting to bury her blush. She then Egan to lead him down the halls, readying to go outside, to the place she loved most.
Khan entwined his fingers with hers, holding her hand as they walked down the halls. He knew she was blushing and thought it was a nice thing to see. Khan leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek. He smiled at her after doing so, seeing if it would make her blush even more.
Kayla let out a high pitched squeking sound, forcing her gaze to the ground, allowing her blended hair to fall in front of her face, while heat and a pink shade forced itself upon her cheeks. She had never been kissed before, which made it all the more embarrassing.
Khan laughed and smiled at her more. "So, is your answer still the same?" He asked her, moving his head down and leaning forward so he could try to see her face. Khan was still holding her hand while she was blushing and looking down.
Kayla slowly raised her head, only enough to an angle of which she could meet his gaze. "It is tradition..." She glanced down towards their entertained hands, a heated feeling emulating from her body. "Then...." She couldn't say anymore, and simply nodded her head, mumbling to herself.
"You don't have to if you do not want to. I am just saying, that you need to give me an answer. Whether it be yes or no. I feel like you are just saying yes because you feel you have to." Khan said. He didn't want her thinking that it was tradition for her to say yes or else, because that was not the case. If anything, most of the time the girl would say no. But he didn't let her know that part.
Kayla simply rested her head upon his shoulder, lowering her voice to a small whisper. She !at as well go ahead and accept his proposal, it was the only thing taking place in her life that didn't involve death. Thus, she simply grew a small smile, answering his question. "Yes. I don't see why not."
"Well, congratulations on becoming Mrs. Kayla Schultz." Khan smiled and made his feathers appear on his arm, plucking one then making them vanish. He turned the feather into a ring and put it on her wedding finger. Khan held her as they stood in the middle of a hall. He wondered how others would react learning that they were both a married couple now. Khan tilted Kayla's head upwards and gave her a deep kiss. He learned that it was something people did once they got married, so he might as well make her first kiss the one of their marriage.
(Oh lord. xD I'm hitched)

Kayla blinked, stuttering upon the title of 'Mrs.' She had absolutely no clue what would happen next as she watched him place a ring on her finger. Afterwards , he tilted her head upwards, becoming in contact with his lips against hers. This caused a great sense of heat to engulf her body, just the same as a darkened pink shade took control of her once pale cheeks.
(Maybe you shouldn't talk crap about dancing next time lol)

Khan finished kissing her and looked at her face, seeing how deeply she was blushing. He saw it was getting to be late afternoon and looked at her, "Do you wanna sleep over with me tonight? You don't have to if you don't want to." Khan told her. He was still holding her hand when he made her the offer.


(Well one of my characters is still sitting in the courtyard, feeding wolves. The second one is walking towards Christians room: theirs that)

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